Vi Page 12 Portland Observer May 11, I 9#9 !( ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * * * ÉÑTÉRTfliÑM EÑT * ★ ★ ★ ★ BEHIND TH E: SCENES JL Â * * * * Pebbles To W ed: W ell, after all the rumors and innuendos about the romance between M C A recording artist Pebbles and The Deele’s Antonio “ L A ” Reid, also o f one o f the record industry's hottest producing teams,-- L A & Babyface, Reid was quoted in a Radiuscope exclusive as saying that the couple w ill be wed. W hile no firm date was announced, Reid indicated the nuptials could take place sometime in June. The couple expects their first-bom sometime in November Reid is placing odds on a boy. Il w ill be the second child for Pebbles, who is currently putting together material for her next LP. H appy B irth d a y , E lla: On hand for the tribute to 71 -year old jazz superstar Ella Fitzgerald recently in Los Angeles were Quincy Jones, Barbara Streisand, Dionne W arwick, the Manhattan Transfer, M arilyn McCoo, Mayor Tom Bradley, and jazz great Joe W illiam s. B ill Cosby (who said she was "responsible for more hits than the M afia), emceed the black tie affair, while C lint Eastwood presented her with an award. Nervously, she ac­ cepted, saying “ all o f you singers can understand how you can be nervous at such an occasion.” As is her custom, Fitzgerald relumed the honor with another, the privilege o f letting all hear her rendition o f “ Honeysuckle Rose.” I t ’ s Alw ays Been A D iffe re n t W o rld F or Cree Summers: She was raised on an Indian reservation in Canada, has a 9-year old brother called “ Rainbow Sun” , and attended school for the first time at 10, in braids, a second-hand dress, and mocassins.” today at 19, Cree Summers is secure in who she is, and finds most other kids her age to be “ far more curl-activator than vocabulary.” But “ A D ifferent W o rld ’ s youngest cast member says her first reality check after moving to Hollywood a little more than a year ago, was “ to walk into a room stuffed fu ll o f little tragic mulattoes and saying I ’ m just another one.” Brought on the show for the sole purpose o f chasing Dcwayne Wayne, “ Freddie” has perhaps become the show’ s most endearing character. However, Summers says she has little in common with the character that is making a name for her. “ I ’ ve got alot more scratches. I'm a lot more aware. She’ s a baby.” She paused. ‘ T w ill admit I can run o ff at the mouth like “ Freddie.” In fact, she loves the drama. ‘ 1 m so dramatic, i t ’ s gross. Acting is ju s ta way for me to get away with how I act anyway.” Porscha M a rtin Debuts In A tla n tic S ta rr: Atlantic S u n 's newly released LP, “ W e’ re M o vin ’ U p” marks the debut o f 23-year old Porscha Martin. Martin replaces Barbara Weathers who left the group nearly two years ago. She came out from A tla n u and someone heard that Atlantic Starr was looking for a new vocalist, burst into their management offices, put her Upe machine on and started singing, and got the gig. Meanwhile the Lewis Brothcrsflhe force being Atlantic Starr) have thrown their hats into the producing arena with tracks on upcoming LP ’ s for George Benson and The Mac Band...In other recording news, Paula A b d u l is suffering w ith a pinched nerve and is trying to get some minor surgery scheduled to relieve the discomfort...Jody Watley is slated to begin a national tour next month. Short Takes: Jasmine Guy has snagged a starring role in Eddie M urphy’ s “ Harlem Nights . Bobby Brow n has a cameo in “ Ghostbusters I I ’ ’ due out June 13...B ill Cosby was named to the T V H a ll O f Fame, formed by T V Guide to honor broadcast and entertainment stars on the occasion o f the 50th anniversary o f television. Among those receiving honorable mentions were Dr. Martin Luther King...Next week: Joyce “ Fenderella” Irb y , fo rm e r lead singer fo r K lym axx, now accepts th a t being voted out o f the group could have been a blessing in disguise. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ON THE MONEY Emerge Sets New Launch Date: Emerge, the much-talked about magazine targeting buppies, which was originally slated to debut last September, has set September 18 as their new launch date. A lack o f promised financing was the reason for the delay, but this time W ilm er Ames, the man behind the magazine, says he has signed documents and th a t: the money is in the bank.,: W hat’ s more, on top o f the original investors, Ames inked a deal with D istrict Cablevision, Inc, (out o f Washington D.C.) for additional financing. Meanwhile, advertisers have remained interested in the magazine that w ill be published ten times a year, and w ill cost $1.95 per newsstand copy (or $ 14.95 for a year’ s subscription). Fact is, Ames is so sure o f his magazine that he is guaranteeing a circulation o f 150,000 to prospec­ tive advertisers. These Shoes W e re n 't Made F o r W a lk in g : Prince has joined Talking Heads and Phil C ollins in putting his best shoe forward in an effort to raise funds for Leukemia, Cancer and AIDS research. More than 50 pairs ol Reebok high tops, handpainted by those stars and other lops in music, w ill make the rounds o f eight US Hard Rock Cafe’ s A t each stop, sneakers w ill be auctioned o ff to the highest bidder. Transportation is being provided by Brink;s, while Lloyd;s o f London has extended over S1 m illion in insurance coverage. t Reach O u t & * Touch Someone F o r F ree? A t least for one hour. It s all part o f an attempt on the part o f M CI to expand its marketshare by offering one hour o f free calling for new customers who sign up before June 30. W hat’ s more,MCI has launched two new plans to attract callers. The first, M C I s “ PrimeTime: plan, customers w ill pay as little as S8 a month for an hour ot out-of-state calls anywhere in the US. Additional calls w ill be billed at $6.80 an hour. In M C I’ s second plan, customers may make an hour o f out-of-state calls on Saturdays for $5 a month. M CI claims the services could save callers 25% to 38%, compared w ith A T & T . Executive T u rn ta b le : M alt W illiam s, the creator and former executive producer o f “ Roseanne” , has signed an exclusive agreement w ith W alt Disney Television, as well as theatrical film s for the studio. W illiam s left the hit T V show in January in a creative r ift with the show’ s star. In short: Superstar-recording artist Lionel Richie and his wife, Brenda have pledged $500,000 to Tuskegee Institute to endow a chair in the school of business. Both are graduates o f the university. Surveying The N a tio n 's Top-R ated, Black-O w ned Restaurants: More and more blacks are dishing up fine cuisine around the country from Oprah W infrey’ s newly opened “ The Eccentric” in Chicago, to Joplin’ s in Washington, D.C. to Chez Helene in New Orleans. (Chez Helene, inciden­ tally, was the inspiration fo r “ :Franks’ s Place '). In New Y ork C ity, B. Smith’ s and Jezebel’ s rate among the citys’ top-rated black-owned restau­ rants Jezabel’ s was recently the scene for a colorful party in honor o f Alice W alker’ s latest novel, ‘ ‘Temple O f M y Fam iliar” . And while, most o f these top-rated black-owned restaurants are fo r the most part, undercapitalized. That’s according to Adolph and Mary Dulan, a husband and w ife team who own one o f L A ’ s top-rated, black-owned restaurant in L A ’ s prestigious Marina area, which caters to upscale Buppies and whites. “ If you want to compete in the mainstream, the rents are extremely high and so much money has to go into it, before you start to get anything out o f it. Then too, you have to have an extremely good marketing, advertising and PR program. The food becomes secondary .” R & B vocalists Ashford & Simpson tried to cash in on New Y o rk’ s restaurant scene, but chucked their efforts just last year. According to industry experts, start-up costs for the average mainstream restaurant can run anywhere from $300,000 to $500,000. Next week: M ore on the state o f d in in g w ith A m e ric a ’ s black restauranteurs. -i "¿py? ■ ’ Bv Garland Lee Thompson * * * * * * * * * * California Cooler Introduces Cranberry Mist To Portland IBCUME) IRIEIPCICT A SPECIAL BROAD­ WAY BOUND REPORT: THE NEW WASHING­ TON ELLIPSE IS A GREAT PLACE TO ROLLERSKATE The Oregon Historical Society cele­ brated its grand opening o f the new George Washington Ellipse o f the Ore­ gon Historical Center, Sunday, A p ril 30lh, 1 9 8 9 ,3:00PM at 1230 SW Park Avenue, in downtown Portland. Tho­ mas Vaughan, executive director o f the Society, Oregon’ s recognized, first o ffic ia l Historian Laureate, kicked o ff the mementos, well attended occasion, as the master o f ceremonies. ’ ‘The guns o f Oregon,’ ’ members o f the First Oregon Volunteer Infantry Fife & Drum Corps, dressed in their little period uniform costumes, “ blew o ff three loud rounds and sounded the drums. Bells rang and a seven-trumpet fanfare by the David Douglas Trumpeters, blew the salute to announce the beginning o f the dedication (by Vaughan & Donald H. Mcgraw, pres, o f the Society). The spectacular, Washington Ellipse, with its imposing metal gates, encloses the clean design o f a large red brick and cement wheel (circle), with twelve parts, focusing toward its center, that turns out to be a great place to rollerskate! A great wheel to “ wheel” around in! “ Oh, I ’ ve got a brand-new pair o f rollerskates,” so the song on the com­ mercial goes, and I feel just like a kid again! I only spilled once, Losing my sense o f balance, while circling fairly slo w ly, counter-clock-wise (I wonder i f that has any mystical, arcade meaning toward “ the times?” Washington was a Freemason mystic. I ’ ve heard), while I am getting “ my skating legs” back, after a long winter and la y o ff from skating, since Venice Beach, C a lifo r­ nia, during the “ 84 L.A. Olympics period ( I ’ ll be ready after a few more workouts and some good weather). I recall that, a good friend o f mine, M ic k i Grant and Director Vinnette C arroll, once wrote a musical, several years ago in New York, entitled, “ When H ell Freezes over. I ’ ll Skate!” W ell, long since that fateful time, when George Washington first took the oath o f office as President o f the United States, 200 years ago on A p ril 30th, 1789, when at that point in the history o f this new young country ot the Am eri- . cas, there was just some 4 million people, not counting the m illions o f Native Americans (because who bother to, could or cared), o f which 700,000 or more, were slaves! It was truly a “ hell” that was indeed a time o f “ frozen over as- sets” fo r the new forced Black “ cm i- ★ "F Xj " -ft F grants” form “ the darkest o f A frica ,” whose “ skate,” and escape out o f that silly, psychodelic, but painfully hor- rific period, had not been invented yet! x. It was too “ s c i-fi” for “ the New Y ork . Times” affair, that was busy installing £ “ the king/prez-clect, George, the First,” in his white w ig, stockings, wooden -ft teeth and” d o !” A C O S TU M E P A R T Y M A R K S T H E x- W A S H IN G T O N L E G A C Y A N D £ "F "F T R IB U T E £ Therefore, in honor o f that series o f facts, I showed up, this sunny, Sunday afternoon, follow ing “ C.P. and Indian lim e,” after all “ the gun play, smoke, ru urin hoopla hnnnla and and circumstance’ circumstance” was pomp, over, wearing leather chaps, Eagle Spirit beaded necklace, red bandana, cowboy hat, beaver-skin backpack and carrying my newly overhauled rollerskates! “ Get dow n!” ★ Everybody was in somebody’ s ^ “ period costume,” period! (Whether £ it was eighteen, nineteen or twentieth ★ x^ "F * * * in the arts circles in this region o f the country. A reward w ill been offered for its return or information (call 288-0033) o f it whereabouts that w ill lead to its re- drive product sales growth.” C alifornia Cooler w ill offer Cranberry M ist in 4-pack cartons o f 12-ouncc bottles and 2-liter PET plastic bottles. C alifornia Cooler is also available in five other premium fru it flavors: citrus, orange splash, tropical berries, peach and w ild cherry splash. C urrently,CaliforniaC oolerranks as the third largest-selling cooler in the country. It is distributed by the California A FILM BY CLAIRE DENIS X F F m ilk» Me RlnnV h 1 il H x F there in the shiny new “ G. W. E llip s e ,^ until the building custodian started t o F lock up the new gates to the space. Yes, it is Portland’ s newest m ini- outdoor, , open air rollerskate rink and x^ historical landmark, that I can tell my : children and grandchildren that I was the first person in history, of “ any color” to ever skate a few turns there! Thanks, George, and the O. H. C. W rite on, roller and skateboard fans! Have a v great, safe summer on the wheels! And don’ t forget your crash helmet a n d ^ F kneepads, you hear! * A1 Goldsby, Portland metal Sculp­ tor; who has achieved national fame, numerous commissions and recogni­ * tion for his b rillia n t work in bronze, * aluminum and brass, discovered M on­ * day, May 1st, that a bronze turtle out­ * doors piece o f his, is missing from the * backyard o f his house in Northeast Portland. A planned eight foot security * fence had not been completed and in­ * stalled at the artist, who plans to replace * the missing art piece. * The police have been called in to in­ * vestigate the backyard theft, that re­ vealed it had been ripped from its base * and damaged. The artist stated that ‘ ‘ he * was glad the burglars like the piece so * much, but said that it would be very ★ d iffic u lt to sell the works,’ ’ since it was ★ * damaged and his work is so well known ’ is less sweet than other popular cooler flavors. “ Cranberry is an original for the cooler industry, and since it was previously unavailable, we expect consumer curiosity w ill spark Cranberry M ist sampling, “ said Brand Director Jovan Jovanovski. “ New television ads and point-of-sale display items should peak consumer curiosity and V Metal Sculpture Artist Loses Piece In Yard Burglary * Cranberry Mist. C alifornia Cooler is the first wine cooler available in refreshing, zesty cranberry. The ‘ ‘adult’ ’ fru it drink carries a more sophisticated image and CHOCOLAT F F A Special Broad- way Bound Report * Portland, May 2 - A captivating new taste w ill emergeon the wine cooler scene in Portland this month w ith the introduction o f California Cooler Cooler Company. century) “ Martha Washington” was (played by Valerie Ball, thegreat-great- great-grandniece o f Mary Ball Wash- ington, George’ s mother) as was the x- man in “ the role o f “ George him self,” r Paul Bragdon, the former president o f Reed College (why not), who is now the assistant to the governor for education. I G O T T H O S E B IC E N T E N N IA L V B L U E S !” “ Yes, 1 got those bicentennial blues!” So, after a quick tour o f the new O. H. C. wing (where I ran into a few old friends, Tommy Unthank, the Black Portland artist, Bema Plummer, Donna M A ixey ..«/I and Cora Smith, Ms. B la c k h ig h ^ , “ i fashion), I went outside and rollerskated’ * * ★★★ i t covery, in the concern that the piece may have been taken, unknowingly for metal scrap. In the Lloyd Shopping Center, one o f the large sculptures o f this artist is in the main M all, that he calls, “ Free Form.” This, a working water fountain, por­ trays Oregon’ s beloved salmon clim b­ ing the fish ladders o f the great Colum­ bia River. He has exhibited in several one-man and group shows in galleries through­ out the Northwest, and his work can be seen in numerous private and corporate collections. A cightecn-foot bronze sculpture o f Goldsby, is scheduled to highlight the new Central Oregon Welcome Center in Bend, Oregon in ihe summer o f 1989. An exhibit o f the artist’ s work is on currently on view, through May 24, 1989, at the Randall Associates, 7460 s.w. Hunziker Road, Suite H, (503) 620-2026, in Southwest Portland. * - . ( ' A’ A- ’ * F “ In French slang, ’ chocolat’ means both to be dark-skinned and to ‘ get caught.’ Director Clair Denis’ s subtle, shimmering movie about the waning years o f French colonialism in A frica during the ’ 50s deals with both senses o f the word. Everyone is caught - the blacks are trapped in a decayed political system, the whites cling to the paternalism o f a ‘superior’ race. But C H O C O LA T is not about the politics o f imperialism, it ’s about the texture o f human lives under a system where injustice has become mere routine.” Now playing at The M ovie House (1220 SW T a ylo r T hursday, M ay 11th 7:00 pm KMHD's Annual Fundraiser begins May 1, 1989 - 10 a.m. A ll donations «ire tax-deductible Listener supported non-cornm erclal public radio H D Full Spectrum Jazz O r e g o n 's O n ly A ll S te r e o J a z z 6 a .m . - 2 a .m . Studio (503) 661-8900 APARTHEID! KMHD 0 9 .1 FM 26000 S.E. Stark Gresham, OR 97030 Jazz Events Line 667-7689 PORTLAND OBSERVER FAX # (503) 288-0015