Page 10 Portland Observer May 11, 1989 i B ’ RELIGION V - S1= *- ~ —2 —í 2——2 2” Z 2 ^ Z 2 ^ - 2 2 " Z 2——2 2 T Z K Z 2 ^ Z 2 ” Z 2 T Z 2 ” Z Ten thousand delegates to convene in the City of Roses "Beetlejuice": A t press tim e it was expected that at least 10,000 delegates from a ll over the w o rld w ill descend upon the C ity o f Roses. A pre-musical which w ill feature artists from throughout the country w ill hell. Satan is beguiling. He is wicked. He is a lia ra n d h e is proud. H e’sadeceiver and he uses tricks to get you. But more than any o f the aforem entioned, Satan been in vite d to participate in a special civic program on the night o f Wednesday, M ay 17th. The keynote speaker fo r that session w ill be Dr. W elton L. Lawrence, asso cia te p ro fe s s o r o f A v ia tio n M aintenance and Technology at the U n iversity o f Alaska Gertrude Young, supervisor o f W ashington State w ill present a special program on Thursday evening w hich w ill feature the exceptional attributes o f the great Pacific northwest. It is expected that a num ber o f delegates w ill take advantage o f the ir jo urn ey to Portland to extend their v is it to the wonders o f Alaska. The Reverend J. O. Patterson, presiding is very pow erful. I f you thin k that you can get yourself together, all by yourself then think again. There is no way on G o d ’ s green earth that anyone can pull themselves up alone. bishop o f the Church o f God in Christ, Once Satan has you in his clutches you cannot free yourself without G od’s help. Are you one o f those people w ho has made the statement that, “ As soon as I get m yself straight, I ’ ll go to church?” W rong, wrong, wrong! W hy do you thin k it has taken you sooo-o-o-o long to get yourself straight? It is because you have not perm itted God to take over the total control o f y ou r life. Satan is alive and doing quite w e ll, thank you. R ight now he is in a b it o f a w ill address the entire body o f the convention in its final session on Friday. quandry because he knows that the return o f C hrist is fast approaching. I f his As usual, the C ity o f Roses stands ready w ith its unique propensity fo r ho spita lity to greet our visitin g guests and to ensure that they experience a maximal exposure to the majestic beauty and splendid cuisine o f our beloved city. bidding is to be done he must move as q u ickly as possible. He has to feather his proverbial cap w ith as many unsaved, unchurched and unclean ‘ I ’ ll do it m yself souls as he possibly can. B elieve it or not,but Satan has a deep respect fo r his great opponent, Jesus C hrist. Satan has enjoyed a p rivile ge that none o f us has ever had. He has been in the presence o f the H oliest o f the H o ly , The great Being, the C h ie f Cornerstone, The Rose o f Sharon, The Prince o f Peace, The A lm ig h ty Father. So the curious ask, “ W hat shall I do?” The scripture says, “ Y ie ld not to tem ptation” , “ ...abhor that w hich is e v il and cleave to that w h ich is good.' ’ I f you are tryin g to get your life ready YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT “A warm spirit of fellowship always" “To the Glory o f G o d ” The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ FOUNDER The Holiness Prather Bishop U.V. Peterson D.D Builder-Pastor Juatoy BitteBand X’ 700pm Sunday Sunday School 9 15a m Morning Worship 11 1 5a m Y PW W 6 30pm Ev.ingehshc Worship 8 00pm Tuesday the Bible s a y s ... Follow peace with all men & holiness without which no man shall see the 7 30pm Thursday Chow Rehearsal for the kingdom o f God A lm ig h ty , then seek out the saints o f the Christian church. Stay away from the bars and the “ Crack” houses. . Stay our o f the whore houses. Keep drugs., alcohol, ly in g , cussing, cheating, jealousy, hatred, permissive sex, gam bling and a ll o f Satan’s vices Fnday Noon Day Payer Fnday The Pastor Speaks 7 30pm SaUday Morning Payer f Satan is not funny!! 9 00am 1 f 2 * ^ 2 2 “a ¿ - ^ g ^ Z ^ Z » -~ ^ Z g T Z < REASON FOR BEING AND OTHER MESSAGES OF FAITH as far away as possible. In the m ovie “ B eetlejuice” , Satan is represented in a humorous manner. Oh, it is a lrigh t to laugh and it is a lrig h t to have fun but Satan is never laughable. There is nothing funny about going to precede the main event o f M ay 16th. C iv ic and religious leaders from the states o f Oregon and W ashington have 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 a by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Women of the Church of God in Christ to Covene their thirty-ninth annual convention in the Memorial Coliseum Dr. M attie M cG lothen, general supervisor and president o f the W om en’s International Convention o f the Church o f God in C h rist w ill preside over the convocation w hich w ill convene in the Portland, Oregon M em orial Coliseum M ay 16-21. D r. M cG lothe n’s keynote address scheduled to be delivered on that Thursday w ill emphasize the theme, “ W e Cannot A ffo rd T o Be Silent A n ym o re .” The Portland convention w ill be the 39th annual gathering o f church women fro m all over the w orld. The purpose o f the gathering is to strengthen and to re a ffirm the com m itm ent o f the Church o f God in C hrist to better homes, better churches, better communities and a better w o rld . The meetings also provide the opportunities fo r its members to unite in a renewed fe llo w sh ip out o f which they m ight realize further spiritual growth. Training in the various endeavors o f the church w ill be offered through workshops designed for the participation o f both men and women. g ‘ B ut, remember you cannot do From an AFRO-AMERICAN MINISTER Satan’s fun ction on this earth is to k ill, to m aim and to destroy. C h rist came in to the w o rld so that we m ig ht be saved and that we m ig ht live a more abundant life . It is C h rist w ho heals the wounded, mends the broken and cures the sin- sick-soul. It is he w ho removes the sting and the fear o f death.In his presence there can be no e v il in the eyes. Y ou see Satan uses the weaknesses o f the flesh to entrap us. E v il knocks at the doors o f our fra il temples, but i f C hrist is there, the “ e v il one” w ill certainly flee. The longue, a most v ita l part o f the body, can also destroy the temple. A wagging tongue that lies, bears false witness, gossips, hurts another person’ s feelings, breaks up a home, destroys the congregation o f the church,alienates a friendship can also through its e v il tails prostitute each and every one o f us. That is, i f we let i t The e v il sp irit knows that G od is om nipotent. W hen w ill you recognize that you cannot conquer Satan w ithout the pow er o f the H o ly Spirit? ( II Cor. 4:3-4). You cannot stop drinking without the H o ly S pirit. You cannot stop using coke and other drugs no matter how badly you w ant to w ith ou t the H o ly S pirit. Y o u cannot stop any o f the e v il w o rld ly desires w ith o u t accepting the H o ly S pirit. The H o ly S p irit is the big stick that you need to use in your battle w ith e vil. C hristian believers i f you w a lk in the S p irit you w ill not lust to f u lf ill the desires o f the flesh. Yes, you know that G od is the light. W e ll, don’ t be surprised because Satan, him self can be transformed into an angel o f light. D o n ’ t be deceived. W hen Satan fe ll from grace in the presence o f G od he did not fa ll by him self. The scriptures tell us that Satan was thrown from heaven onto the earth along w ith his ow n type o f angel. He acts in concert w ith them in com petition fo r you r soul. It is o n ly you w ho can subm it you rself either to the w ill o f God o r to that o f Satan. 6/ W ILLIA M WEBSTER EASLEY. JR. PASTOR Historic ST. JOSEPH’S African Methodist Episcopal Church Durham, North Carolina (A participant in the struggles tor human dignity during the M)'s, now speaks at age 42 through messages delivered in pulpits across the nation alter 25 years o f experience as an ordained clergyman). Only $4.95 Please Add 13% Postage & Handling Stale Cl«» N o . __________ _ R E A SO N K IR Zip II I IN C A M E C P U H I .I S III N G H O U S E , SMI Eighth Avenue, South, N ashville, T N 37203 w to g q g o oiagBBE aoiooioaiooiPoiomoDiaoigc Hope Of Glory Radio Ministries And One Stop Records Presents “Mother Past And Present On Radio 800 AM KPDQ Sunday 10:00 PM To 11:00 PM” MOTTO “There Is Hope” Christ In You The Hope Of Glory” Col 1:27 Dial A Prayer.....(503) 286-Hope P.O. Box 11628, Portland, Oregon 97211 Lord HEBREWS 1214 St Andrews Adds New Attorney * - í I i Jeffrey T. M urd ock has jo in e d S. Andrew Legal C lin ic as a staff attorney. He earned a B.S. degree form Lew is and C lark College and a J.D. degree form tje U n iversity o f Oregon Law School. Jeff has worked with the Umpqua V alle y Defense Services Inc. Douglas C ounty’ s Public Defender’ s O ffice . The other St. Andrew Legal C lin ic Attorneys are: Keith Raines, co-founder and director; Kathie Osborn; and B ill Stegemeyer, Jr. St. Legal C lin ic , in Northeast Port­ land is a com m unity-based, charitable, n o n p ro fit corporation ce rtifie d by the Oregon Slate Bar Association as O re­ gon’s only public interest law firm . The Legal C lin ic accepts no state or federal funding. St. A ndrew Legal C linic,established in 1979, provides sliding-scale fee legal assistance fo r low -incom e people and the w o rkin g poor, in the tri-cou nty area, w ho w o uld otherwise be excluded from the legal system. IT SAY RIGHT HERE TOO Much Junk, Swirling and Squirreling! Do you want Peace and FIappiness?Mt. Sinai Temple is the place to come. Preacher mans on the job. Associated in sponsoring The International Womens Convention for the Church of God N Christ May 16th thru 21st Colliseum. i : The Philadelphia Community Missionary Baptist Church 238 NE Mason Street Portland, OR 97211 PRESENTS: You hurry to: Jesus L o ve s Y ou ! 1 Mrs. G cncvia Jones in fu ll gospel concert on Sunday, M ay 21st at 3:30 s pm M rs. Jones in a J & B Gospel Recording A rtis t from V icksburg, M ississippi. T h is is her (firs t) 1 si West Coast gospel concert to prom ote her newest album (her 2nd). She has rendered concerts in C hicago, Illin o is , D etroit, M ich ig a n , New Y o rk C ity and several other states. M rs. Jones has also appeared w ith such great gospel recording artists as the M ig h ty C loud o f Joy, The Sensational W illia m s Brothers, The Jackson Southemaircs and many more. She is w e ll know n throughout the southern slates, M ississippi and Louisiana. M rs. Jones brings to Portland a rich sound in traditional 1 gospel music. NO A dm ission Charge....... FREE W IL L O F F E R IN G COM E ONE COM E A LL For in fo rm a tio n call M ary O. M cSw ain - 281-4777 G. W illia m s - 288-1814 Come and enjoy an evening o f great gospel sounds. i Allen Temple MT. Sinai Temple 936 NE Beech 12 Noon Sun. 8:00 P.M. Sun. CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 P h illip S. Nelson. Pastor Psalm 34:3 Evangelist Gaye Houstin Texas- May 18th- 284-0854 Bishop W.G. Hardy Little King