Portland, Oregon PO R TL ERVER VOLUME XIX NUMBER 18 25C MAY 11, 1989 Embattled Urban League struggles for fiscal integrity A Mother’s Day Salute Landlord of Walnut Park facility still negotiating with prospective buyers. One offer could convert present site into a mini-mail with mutiple entrepreneurs. * Vestie Mannings "Everyday is Mother's Day, you should honor your mother always." Saluting: Some of the Beautiful People of Our Community BEAUTIFUL BLACK WOMAN by Stephen E. McPherson, Special Correspondent by Jimi Johnson I love you for being such a wonderful person, the heavens must have lost a star. I love you fo r the patience you gave when mine was all gone, when 1 was feeling weak, you made me feel strong. Jessie Varner "Mothers need to possess unconditional Love." iw jj/ I love your olive skin and your beautiful brown eyes, you’ re my inspiration, you make me happy to be alive. I love the way you forgave me when I look you fo r granted. I ’ ll never take you for granted again, because I love you. When I wanted to lie down and quit, you made me stand up and fight. You stood like a mountain when my whole world was crumbling down. Y our love flo w in g like the great N ile, and ju st as deep. I love you for the courage you have, thank you fo r sharing it w ith me. You took years o f abuse from those who didn’ t understand, you were a mother and a father when there was no man. Joyce Harris BEC "The African woman is the mother of civillization. As African-Americans we should be proud of this lagacy." Extraordinary women; when you’re tired and want to rest your soul, rest for the universe w ill rest w ith you, “ you have a heart o f gold.” You deserve the best, because you are the best. Beautiful Black Woman, I love you!!! Even during the day the big red and white neon sign facing out over Martin Luther K ing Avenue atop the former Fred Meyer fa cility at Walnut Park can be seen many blocks away. Now that it is darkened at night the history o f its landmark status is now seriously compromised. For many years it was a beacon not only for customers who sought bargains w ithin the store, itself, but it was also the guiding light for another type o f client who sought sanctuary and ,<>lace within the state facility just across the street. It won’ t be long now before the sign itself w ill be relegated to an ignominious fate. Already the fam iliar corporate logo o f the store has been painted over exactly as it has been done in the past when a w ell-known airline suffered a fatal crash and no longer wanted to be identified w ith its victims. A t the beginning o f the year spokespersons for the corporation claimed that the W alnut park fa cility was a loser and a fiscal dilemma to an otherwise profitable organization. This is an argument that many knowledgeable people on the street do not buy. As proof o f their contention they assert that the Fred Meyer organization is only a name that its eastern parents have applied for local identity. They also own the Safeway chain. The store located at M artin Luther King Avenue and Ainsworth which is only several blocks away from W alnut Park was only recently refurbished and expanded at a cost in excess o f $1 m illio n . It just doesn’ t make any sense in terms o f profitability to maintain both sites where they would be competing for the same consumer dollar. Such a consideration certainly must have played an important role in the decision to close the older Fred Meyer Store. The immediate deleterious effect was not only to proscribe those elderly persons who reside ju st across the street in the W alnut Park senior citizens complex Housing Authority Enforces New ’’Get Tough” Policy for Illegal Activity Patti Coxeff "Mothers are the fiber that holds families togather." Lynn Ervins Sonja Johnson "Being a mother is a blessing,^ "Patience, endurance and a and a flowing fountain of whole lot of love, is mother." endless love" r In an effort to curb illegal a ctivity at its forty H AP locations, the Portland Housing A uthority has announced a “ Get Tough” policy which could lead to the eviction o f tenants charged with “ Outrageous Conduct” . The policy, first announced last Oc­ tober, enables H AP to evict a tenant w ithin twenty four hours once notice is served.’ ’Outrageous Conduct” is de­ scribed by HAP spokesperson Carol Jelinek, as illegal drugs, Prostitution, Arson, Assault discharging a firearm, or any activity that would endanger the life o f tenants. For more information call HAP 249-5514. but also to contribute to the further degradation o f the neighborhood. When the store was functional it maintained an excellent securitv force which w m an adequate deterrent to auto burglaries and parking lot muggings. In less than two weeks their absence is striking. The covered parking lo t has now been re-inhabited with a resident population o f a different sort. A t first it appeared that Como Foods would acquire the W alnut Park fa cility without an interruption in service. James Baker, a spokesperson fo r the Como group, described in elaborate detail how John Como intended to turn the site into a m ini-m all with numerous adjunctive small shops run by independent entrepreneurs. He had nothing but praise for the unbridled cooperation extended to the Como effort by the Fred Meyer group. But, then in a cryptically worded statement he indicated that the arrangement floundered at the eleventh hour because certain things had not been done in a tim ely manner. Again the word is being passed along the street that the Comos were unable to establish a $100,000 line o f credit in order to improve the cash flo w o f their new venture. I f that rumor has any credence then the sale o f the fa cility under those circum stance was compromised at the very outset. The local daily newspaper reported on Friday that representatives from the Urban League and Com o Foods w ill continue to negotiate the sale. This is quite curious in that John Como indicated at the very outset that the success o f his plan depended upon the immediate acquisition o f the property without an interruption in service. The building has been emptied and service has been interrupted for more than ten days. A ny new acquisition would be faced w ith a complete startup rather than a simple transfer o f ownership. Again, James Baker has indicated that he is unaware o f any new conversations that were undertaken with a view to acquiring the property. He further stated that it would be unlikely if any such discussions could take place w ithout his knowledge. W ith so much attention centered on who w ill purchase the Walnut Park fa cility another kind o f argument has emerged. A number o f persons in the African American community have expressed serious concerns over the fact that the property involved represents one the the largest pieces o f real estate held by any A frican American unit in Portland. The fact that this sale would eliminate the ownership o f this piece o f property as one o f the proud examples o f African American success here in the Northwest would send a distressingly negative message to the young people who aspire to gain a share in the wealth o f the community. Indeed, given the kind o f financial support both the Mayor and the Port land D evelopm ent C om m ission have extended to ensure the success o f this effort, it is appalling to observe that no African American entrepreneurs have availed themselves ofsuch a singularly • unique opportunity. A t least two African American groups have entertained the notion o f purehasing Walnut Park but neither o f these offers has been taken very seriously by the screening committee. To be sure, another proposal was presented last week whic h represented a substantial departure from previous overtures. A t press time it was still under consideration. Even now, some members o f the league a- e expressing their displeasure w ith the fact that much o f what has transpired was done in secrecy. They suggest that even the board o f directors has not always been kept completely informed. The Urban League certainly needs to resolve its fiscal incumberanccs with all due speed, but in so doing its social responsibility should dictate that it act in the best interest o f the African American community as a whole, the Urban League should insure that no short term gain w ill inevitably jeopardize the long term goals and aspirationsof the community it is sworn to support. Jefferson High Grad Night Party Needs Funds o f the needed funds through various fund raisers and individual donations. However, May 22nd is almost here, and their budgetary goal hits not been reached. For this reason, the financial support o f the community is being solicited. Please help sponsor this worthwhile event. No donation is too small. Con­ tributions can be sent to Anna DcLorme, c/o Jefferson M om 's and Dad’ s Club, 2125 North W illamette Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97217. Make checks payable to 1989 Grad Night Party. Jefferson High School’ s third an­ nual Alcohol and Drug Free Grad A ll- N ight Party is planned for Monday, May 22nd. The purpose o f this event is to provide a safe, sane, exciting cele­ bration for Jefferson’s graduating sen­ iors. The Jefferson M on’sand Dad’sClub and school faculty arc working d ili­ gently to make this evening a fun-filled affair. Approximately $6,000 is needed to ensure the success o f the party. The planning committee has raised $3,000