• » » ***** Page 9 Portland Observer May 4,1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BANKING MENTAL HEALTH RESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR II CODA Inc seeks qualified applicants for entry level counselor position at ALPHA House. Primary responsi­ bilities include cofacilitation of vari­ ous client groups, management of a small client caseload, and monitor­ ing of residential activities. Preferred applicant will be proficient in devel­ oping and maintaining positive rela­ tionships with drug dependant clients and possess oral and written com­ munication skills. Associate degree in health services or related field, or certification as a Chemical Depend­ ency Counselor (CCDC) and one year supervised human service ex­ perience. Salary range $1109-51577 per month plus excellent benefits. Applications materials available at CODA, Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave, Port­ land, OR 97232 Equal Opportunity Employer TELESERVICING REPRESENTATIVE Security Pacific Bank Oregon has an opportunity for individuals inter­ ested in working in the Teleservicing Department. Responsibilities in­ clude opening new accounts over the phone and cross-selling bank prod­ ucts and services.. Position requires self-motivation, discipline, and strong communication and sales skills. Knowledge of bank products and services is helpful. Hours of work would be 11:00 pm to 8:00 am , four days a week. Interested indi­ viduals should apply in person at Security Pacific Bank Oregon, Per­ sonnel Department, 1001 SW 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Portland, Ore­ gon 97208. COUNSELOR V CODA Inc seeks qualified applicants for clinical counselor supervisor for outpatient drug and alcohol treat- ' ment services, Primary responsibili- • ties include assisting the program manager in all aspects of the opera­ tions of the outpatient treatment pro­ gram. Clinical supervision of con- seling staff, individual group & family counseling to adults and youth with chemical dependency problems, Coordination of client services with area agencies. To qualify applicant must possess masters • degree in human services, 5 years supervise experience in chemical dependency field and thorough knowl­ edge and experience in the clinical supervision staff & treatment issues related to this field. Salary range $1644-52222 month plus excellent benefits. Application materials available at CODA, Inc 210 NE 20th Ave, Port­ land, OR 97232. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS INVITATION TO BID CITY OF FOREST GROVE WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON NW MILLER AVENUE/NW FIFTH STREET WATERLINE Project No. 4107 Sealed proposals will be received by Dale Anderson, Water Engineer, at the City Hall, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon 97030, until Thursday, May 11,1989, atK):00 am. Pacific Daylight Time, at which time they will be opened, for the construction of the NW MILLER AVENUE/ Sealed proposals for the construction of the Cedar Street (23rd Avenue to 24th Avenue) IMprovemcnls, WO #3018, will be received at the office of the City Recorder of the City of Forest Grove, 1924 Council Street, PO Box 326, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116, until 2:00 pm local time the 18th of May, 1989, and then publicly opened and read. The work consists of: Schedule 1 Excavation 2,080 CY 516 LF Concrete Storm Drainage Pipe (12"-15" dia.) 670 LF Concrete Storm Drainage Pipe (18"-24" dia.j' 6 Bach Manholes (48" dia. standard & shallow 6 Each Miscellaneous Inlets 1,140 LF Concrete Curb & Gutter 4,800 Sq Ft Concrete Sidewalks 2,950 Sq Ft Concrete Driveways 700 Tons AC Pavement Schedule 11 Planting 2" Caliper Trees Furnishing & Placing Top soil Seeded Lawn Construction NW FIFTH STREET WATERLINE The major quantities involved are as follows: 10" Ductile Iron Pipe 1,723 LF 8" Ductile Iron Pipe 75 LF Ductile Iron Pipe 88 LF 18 LF 4" Ductile Iron Pipe 3 Each Hydrant Assemblies Contractor for this work shall furnish all labor at current State of Oregon A v a ilin g wage raws, materials and equipment and services of all kinds to complete the work in accordance with the plans and specifications theretor. Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the Gresham City Engineer, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon.Copies of said plans and specifications may be obtained upon application to the City Engineer and by posting a non-refundable fee of$25.00 with the City Engineer for each set of plans and specifications requested. Contractors must prequalify for waterline construction with the City of Gresham, addressed and mailed or delivered to the engineering Division, City of Gresham, as required by laws of the State of Oregon, before the date of a bid opening. Otherwize, their proposal may not be given consideration. All proposals must be submitted on regular forms furnished by the City of Gresham, in a sealed envelope plainly marked, “ SEALED BID ON NW MILLER AVENUE/NW FIFTH STREET WATERLINE PROJECT NO. 4107” and bearing the name and address of bidder. Each must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond in the amount not less than ten (10%) of the total bid. A performance and payment corporate surety bond in the full amount of the contract at the time of 26 Each 70 CY 2,800 Sq Ft Equal Opportunity Employer WASHINGTON COUNTY Sanitarian I $1771 to $2154/ mo. Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms req. Apply by May 5,1989 to Washington County Personnel. An EOE Psychiatric Inpatient Unit Director accepting applications for full time ad­ ministrative positions at Dammasch State Hospital in Wilsonville, Ore­ gon, only 20 minutes from down­ town Portland. Primary responsi­ bilities include managing the treat­ ment unit, coordinating interdisci­ plinary treatment activities, im- plimenting QA program, monitor­ ing JCAHO and HCFA standards. Salary range up to $3097 a month : and comprehensive benefits. Re­ spond now. May close at anytime. For an application write Dammasch State Hospital: Personnel Department, P.O. Box 38, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070. r Equal Opportunity Employer. MENTAL HEALTH Resident Manager HUD Housing Project Community mental health center is accepting resumes for a Resident Mgr for it’s newly constructed semi­ independent living apt complex. Will be responsible for day-to-day opera­ tions of these apts. Duties include: carrying out program services di­ rected to chronic mentally ill tenants to acquire skills to live independ­ ently. Must live on premises, pro­ vide 40 hrs direct services/wk & program mgmt. Min Quals: Bache­ lor deg. in Mental Health or related field or a combination of at least 1 yr work exp & 2 yrs education training or work exp in mental health. Must be able to maintain extensive record keeping related to HUD. Resumes to: James H. Edmondson, HUD Project Coordinator, c/o Rodney R. H any, Personnel Officer, N/NE Community Mental Health Center, 5019 N Williams, Portland 97217. Phone 249-0066. Minorities encour­ aged to apply. Equal Opp’ty Employer. PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the C om m unity” 288-0033 Plans and specifications may be exam ined at the office of the Department of Community Development, City of Forest Grove, Administrative Build­ ing, 1924 Council Street, PO Box 326, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116. A copy of said document may be obtained at the office of the Department of Community Development upon payment of a $15.00 non-refundable fee. This project is financed through the Community Development Block Grant Program with funds obtained from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. The contract will be subject to regulations of the Department of Labor and Housing and Urban Development. Attention is called to Federal provisions for Equal Employment Oppor­ tunity, HUD Section 3 requirements, and the minimum wages as set forth in the contract documents. Each proposal must be submitted on the prescribed form and accompa­ nied by a certified check or bid bond, payable to the City of Forest Grove, in am amount no less than ten percent (10%) of the amount bid. No bids will be received or considered unless the proposal is properly completed and signed. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Payment Bond for faithful performance of the Contract in the full amount of the Contract price. The project contains two schedules, 1 and 11. The City reserves the right to award the Bid for the total of Schedules 1 and 11 or delete Schedule 11 and award Schedule 1. The City of Forest Grove reserves the right in its sole discretion to reject any and all proposals or to accept any proposal which appears to serve best interest of the City. will not be mailed within the Tri-Couat area. PREBID CONFERENCE: NONE PREQUALIFICATION O F BIDDERS Pursuant to the Multnomah County Public Contract Review Board Administrative Rules (AR 40.030)Pre- ™ ' ^unification shaft be required for this project for the following class(es) of work: Miscellaneous Highway Appurtenances (Guardrail, etc,) Prequalification applications or statements must be prepared during the period of one year prior to the bid date. Prequalification application and proof of prequalification by the Oregon Department of Transportation must be actually received or postmarked to Multnomah County Purchasing Section by not later than 10 days prior to bid opening. All bidders must comply with the requirements of the prevailing wage law in ORS 279.350. Details of compliance are available from the Purchasing Section, Depart­ ment of General Services, 2505 SE 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202, (503) 248-5111. . , L Contractors and sub contractors must be licensed for asbestos abatement work if the project involves working with asbestos. NONDISCRIMINATION Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions of Federal Executive Order 11246. The require­ ments for Bidders and Contractors are explained in the Specifications. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a surety bond for an amount equal to ten percent(10%) of the aggregate The Portland Development Commission is soliciting proposals for the development of a plan for the improvement and expansion of the secondary and service road system in the Columbia South Shore Area, Between 1-205 and NE 185th Avenue, north of Sandy Blvd. The Portland Development Commission encourages participation ot Mi- nority/Women Business Enterprise contractors in its projects. The estab­ lished Commission goals for participation arc nine percent (9%) for Women Business participation. The successful contractor must be certified by the City Of Portland as an proposal. The successful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the Board in the full amount of the contract. Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Connie Lively Portland Development Commission 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1102 Portland, OR 97204 (503) 796-5271 INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION CALL FOR BIDS UNIVERSITY O F OREGON UNIVERSITY INN DOM ESTIC HO T W ATER PREHEATING SYSTEM ADVERTISEM ENT FOR BIDS DIVISION A - -PAGE 1 Division A ircu. analvsis interpretation and communication of research findings. r out analysis, inicIP considered for these positions SUPPLEMENTAL SAIF CORPORATION An equal opportunity employer TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inc. Calbevision currently has an opening for the following position: Direct Sales Representative for full time QUALIFICATIONS: Valid Drivers License,Experience working on a commission basis,and previous cable television experience. Must have dependable Transportation. SALARY: Commission only TRAINING PROVIDED APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED UNTIL three(3) positions are filled. Equal Opportunity Employer EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR OF PHYSICS, ENGINEERING AND ASTRONOMY Full-time position starting 9/99. Mas­ ter’s Degree in Engineering with Physics or Astronomy minor or Mas­ ters’ in Physics or Astronomy with Engineering minor requ ired. For more information call N. Hood Community College 667-7645 A.A./E.O.E. 1’ » *• A' * 41« P fc? J® & $ pn F.- & &• Sealed bids will be received until 9 am on May 11,1989, for the project COUNTY Klamath ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the Domestic Hot Water Pre-heat System, University Inn, University of Oregon, Eugene Oregon will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education at the University of Oregon, Physical Plant De­ partment, Conference Room 2, 1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403 until 1:00 pm PDT, Thursday, June 1,1989, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Briefly, the work is described as providing three 120 gallon domestic hot water storage tanks, a heal exchanger, circulation pump, and piping to recover heal from condensate for pre heating domestic hot water. For further information, please contact Systems West Engineers Inc., 1600 Valley River Drive, Suite 310, Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 342-7210. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Scaled bids for the Wiegand Hall Rcroofing - Area A project will be received by thcOrcgon State Boardof Higher Education until 2:00 pm. PDT, May 23, 1989. - . c u d u i Additional information may be obtained by contacting the O S l Physical Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone (503) 754- + ' * * * " -*•-1 fi ti jmTjdbA 'T- 5 1 Hackett Drive-Gilchrist Sec.beginning at MP 177.0 of The Dalles-Califomia Hwy Cold planing & paving Plans, specifications, and bid documents may be obtained in Rm. 1, Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. Prime contractors must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day. For additional informa­ tion, please contact Commission Services at 378-6526. If your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) or a Women Business Enterprise (WBE), please contact the Office of Women and Minority Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone (503) 378-5651. Notice of Intent The Oregon Department of Transportation, Highway Division, is seek­ ing proposals from consulting engineering firms with demonstrated experi­ ence in locating and designing underwater tunnels. The Highway Division proposes to engage a consultant to perform a feasibility study to construct a tunnel under Coos River Channel. Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 pm on May 19,1989. If you arc interested in being considered. Requests for Proposals can be obtained by calling or writing: Ed Marges, Manager, Local Programs and Contract Unit, Program Section, 309 Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310; Telephone (503) 378-6563 4921. ► A » listed below: , nut ret. No resumes please. ; >»» . p: $968 ired. Minimum lyping skills and the ability to operate a CRT >< & able from: „m Office skills and procedures and/or general office experience is Vv •X* Bids Due May 16,1989 at 2:00 pm Bid No. B 61-700-3485 , , u Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchasing, Multnomah County Purchasing Section, 2505 SE 11th Ave. Portland, OR 97202 for: Guardrail Installation Johnson Creek Bridge & Others Plans and Specifications afe filed with the Purchasing Director and copies may be obtained from the above address for a $5.00 non-refundable fee. CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS ONLY. Plans and Specifications REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECONDARY ROADS SYSTEM PLAN COLUMBIA SOUTH SHORE SAIF is seeking several temporary General Office Clerks for its Portland Office. The people in these positions will provide clerical suppor for Office. The people ' • »•*—.:— — include sorting, distributing, sorting, branch personnel, i well as other related tasks as assigned. routing mail and photocopying as VZ k »*' A" M * • MULTNOMAH COUNTY The City of Portland is requesting local contractors to submit proposals for collecting and recycling paper from major city facilities. Copies ol requests for proposals are available from Sue Anderson, Bureau of General Services, 796-6825 and are due May 19, 1989. GENERAL OFFICE CLERKS ¿’■fc*-«. of the City. The City of Gresham is an equal opportunity employer. RECYCLING UF Corporation, Oregon’s leading workers’ compensation insurance carrier seeks individuals for the following positions: S'. •- contract execution. The City of Gresham reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, waive informalities or to accept any bid which appears to serve the best interests Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. . . Proposal submission requirements and additional information is aval - SAIF i *5 Cedar Street Improvements - wo #3018 $** ^ * ^ * > 1 ♦ » u s **“»*>»