Page 8 Portland Observer May 4,1989 \ P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 - PORTLAND OBSERVER M Rales: 5 Lines - 1 Week - The Eyes and Ears ol the Community" 288-0033 To Piace Your A d $7.50 DONNIE JAMES “ If you dare to be fashionable” 517 NE K illingsw orth Portland, O regon 97211 Donnie Lewis (503)288-1721 Jam es W illiam s 4 Weeks - $25.00(add $2.50 Per Line) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) B E A U T Y /B A R B E R SUPPLIES Men & W omen;s Fashion * P R IT C H E T T 'S ELECTRICAL M AINTENANCE CO. Specializing In: Installation, Trouble Shooting and Repair of Electrical Appliances, Equipment & Light Fixtures Licensed Bonded Insured Corey Pritchett 3525 N.E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, OR 97212 ja’bell’s Beautv • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Mon. thru Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. BEAUTY SUPPLIES FLO RA L - SILKS P & J’s Beauty Salon & Supply Eartha’s Floral Connection 231 N. Lom bard • Suite 200 Portland, OR 97217 • 2890205 517-1/2 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Styles b y E.J. Bates Low Prices Qualty Servee Oetvenei CONSTRUCTION Donald M. Drake Construction 226-3991 RENT WASHERS & DRYERS 282-3675 e This Coupon Good For ' : H e D o Weddings • Funerals PRINTING Kinko’s 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 *15 off : • D ELIVERY & • INSTALLATION FEE • M ade-To-Order • Custom -M ade Open 7 D ays A Week □ *30 De/Jvery A Im la lla llo n Portland 231*7413 v..c..v. •. •.-.<• <; 5 <<•: Y .! - ¿ j£ 2 • > r \v ii Metropolitan Public Defender, a private, not-for-profit law firm, is seeking ap p lican ts for T rial A ssistan t positions. Trial Assistants work as part o f a team with attorneys and investigators in providing legal defense services for indigent, court- appointed clients in M ultnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties. Special education and training are not required; however, legal or social se rv ic e s b a c k g ro u n d th ro u g h education, work or life experience , or volunteer service are beneficial. A pplicants should have: the ability to express them selves effectively in w ritten and verbal form; analytical sk ills related to research and processing of large quantities of information; a pre-disposition to seeking alternatives and educating clients about them; ability to prepare com prehensive reports and to testify in court; a com m itm ent to the philosophy o f indigent defense, and the ability to w ork w ith a widely divergent group o f people. Duties include;: serving as liaison betw een client, attorney, clien t’s family and all elements of the criminal justice and alternatives systems; interviewing clients in correctional facilities; assessing client needs and developing appropriate program; assistin g atto rn ey during trial including comprehensive note taking; preparation o f detailed reports; m aintaining an organized and timely case filing system ; assisting team m em bers in preparing cases for trial. W ork hours vary and may include evenings, w eekends or holidays. Fluency in one or more foreign languages if desirable. M etropolitan Public Defender offers a starting salary o f $ 1.200 per month, and a generous flexible benefits package. T o obtain an application and position description, w rite or call: M E T R O P O L IT A N P U B L IC DEFENDER 630 SW Fifth Avenue Suite 500 Portland, O regon 97204 225-9100 D ead lin e for com p letio n o f the application and testing process is May 24, 1989. RESUM ES W ILL N O T BE ACCEPTED IN LIEU O F TH E APPLICATION. BUILDING SAFETY AND PERMIT SERVICES MANAGER Salary Range: $3506 - 4360/mon. plus C ity-paid retirement ,.v ./>' ’ VÇr.* í ¡4 ¡ í <^>¿í " •• tí ’ • • £ < V 'V - 'J s vr« ' í< & 3 f e i r ’K •>'.« ’£•1 <~*:r « . ■ V ^ 4 •♦' . ><ï* • T. - r * . . • - -2V z tí» , ' B» » * 1.4 Plans, directs, and review s the activities and operations o f th eC ily ’s Building Safety and Perm it Services Division including plan checking and perm it approval, field inspections, land use management, administrative support and operation o f the C ity ’s Perm it and Inform ation Center. Requires five years of increaseingly responsible experience in design, construction, and inspection of public, commercial, industrial buildings; five years experience in economic development and dealing with the public; and equivalent to B achelor’s degree in architecture, civil engineering, public/ business adm inistration, or related field. CLOSING DATE: June 2,1989 O btain application and supplem ental q u e s tio n n a ire at C ity of Eugene.H um an Resource & Risk Services, 777 Pearl Street, Room 101, Eugene OR 97401. (503) 6 8 7 - 5061. AA/EOE APPRENTICESHIP SHEET METAL WORKER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AREA 1 NW SHEET M ETAL JAC (Non-union) of non-profit, neighborhood coalition supporting citizen participation and crim e prevention in SE Portland. Director Administers overall program including resource developm ent, budgeting contract m anagement and board/voluntecr support. Seeking creative, motivated individual w ith stro n g co m m u n ic a tio n an d neighborhood organizing skills. Salary $13 - $15/hour & benefits. Applications available at SE Uplift, 3534 SE Main Deadline, May 15, 5pm An Equal Opportunity Em ployer OPENING DATE FOR ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS: M ay 22,1989 CLOSING DATE FOR ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS: Septem ber 15, 1989 (Applications will not be accepted after the closing date) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS OCCUPATION ARE: 1. Minimum of 18 years old 2. Take the GATB (General Aptitude T est Battery) and score 50% or better in Job Family IV (JFIV). Information and testing referral will be available at time o f application. Note: A valid driver’s license may be required upon obtaining employment GEOG RA PH ICA L AREA: M ultnom ah, Clackm as, Colum bia, W ashington, Yam hill, Clatsop, and Marion Counties in Oregon; and Clark County in W ashington. For more inform ation about this trade, or to apply, applications;applicants must appear IN PERSON at: Bureau of Labor and Industries Apprenticeship and Training Division 1400 SW Fifth Avenue, Room 407 Portland, Oregon 97201 Bureau of Labor and Industries Apprenticeship and Training Division 3865 W olverine St NE, Bldg E, #1 Salem ,O regon 97310 VETERANS who have G.I. BENEFITS may use them in this program. (Benefits expire 10 years after discharge.) Date of this notice: April 21, 1989 MULTNOMAH COUNTY Loss Control Specialist - $24,471 - 31,800 annually; responsibilities include loss control coordination, training for County em ployees; developing and evaluating loss control and safety program s, policies and procedures; and enduring com pliance with occupational safety and health code; requires three years o f related experience; a related B achelor’s degree is desirable; apply by May 12, 1989. Equipm ent M echanic - $ 12.87 per hour; repairs, overhauls and m aintains a variety o f light and heavy gasoline and diesel equipment; repairs and maintains brakes, complex electrical system s, autom atic transmissions, hydraulic system s,engines and drive trains; requires gasoline and diesel repair experience and a driver’s license; training may partially substitute for experience; apply by May 12, 1989. W HERE TO APPLY M ultnomah County Em ployee Services, Room 1430, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204. ‘‘An Equal Opportunity Em ployer” ACCOUNTANT ACCO U N TA N T, part-tim e, to prepare financials for non-profit Community D evelopm ent Corp, in Portland. M inimum 3 yrs. experience. A f­ firm ative Action Encouraged. Sal­ ary negotiable. Subm it resum e to: ACCOUNTANT PO BOX 11871 PORTLAND, OR 97211 LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE - INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT 4 hours day - 190 days School Year and Sum m er school RECRUITMENT & SELECTION MANAGER Salary: S2060 - 2941 /mon. Position manages affirmative action, recruitm ent and selection programs. The successful applicant will have w ell-developed analytical and communication skills and experience in program management. Requires a four year college degree with preference for graduate study in human resource management related field and 3-5 years o f professional personnel administration experience. CLOSING DATE: May 26,1989. Obtain application between 8 am - 5 pm at City o f Eugene, Human Resource & Risk Services, 777 Pearl St., Rm 101, Eugene, O r 97401. (503)687- 5061. AA/EOE AMAV INDUSTRIES LTD. To Assist in activities as planned and scheduled by the classroom teacher and to assist in the provisions of school health services under the supervision of the Registered Nurse Salary: 59.02/hr Call Jeanccn 255-1841, Ext. 207 for Multnomah Education Service District application form or come to Personnel Services 220 SE 102nd, Portland, Oregon. Open until filled. Earn $10.00 a month per store for approximately 40 minutes of work. We arc a toy manufacturer looking for an inventory representative to arrange, count and restock our toys in your local Toys R Us store. Interested people write to Dorothy Currie, Amav Industries Ltd., 2345 Lapierrc St., LaSalle, Quebec H8N 1B7. TEACHER, SPEECH & LANGUAGE MINORITY OUTREACH SPECIALIST 1 Regular Position 190 days .4FTE (76 days Sept-June) 1 Tem p Position 8/hr days (40 days-Scpt/O cl 1989 To assess, to provide services direct instruction and to provide to language impaired students. Appl Deadline: 06/01/89 by 2pm Call Jeanccn 255-1841, Ext 207 for M ultnom ah E ducation Service D istrict, application form and additional information. An Equal Opportunity Em ployer OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST To assess fine m otor/functional skills; to develop prescriptive program; to provide instruction and/or therapy as indicated. Starting Date: Fall 1989 Appl Deadline: 05/26/89 by 2pm Call Jeanccn 255-1841, Ext 207 for M ultnom ah E ducation Service D istrict, application form and additional information. MINORITY OUTREACH SPECIALIST Full-time position to prom ote and coordinate red Cross program s and special events for youth and the A frican A m erican com m unity. Q ualified applicants will have experience in program planning, volunteer m anagem ent, health prom otion, and have their own transportation. Starting salary $ 1508 - $2134/mo. plus full benefits. Apply by 5/19/89 at: American Red Cross 3131 N V ancouver Ave. Portland. OR. 97208 An Equal Opportunity Employer Full-tim e position to promote and coordinate Red Cross programs and special events for youth and the African American community. Qualifiai applicants will have experience in program planning, v o lu n te e r m a n a g e m e n t, h ealth prom otion, and have their own benefits. Apply by 5/19/89 at: American Red Cross 3131 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR. 97208 An Equal Opportunity Employer BUILDING SAFETY AND PERMIT SERVICES MANAGER Salary Range: $3506 - 4360/mon. plus City-paid retirement Plans, directs, and reviews the activities and operations of the C ity ’s Building Safety and Permit Services Division including plan checking and perm it approval, field inspections, land use management, administrative support and operation o f the C ity’s Perm it and Information Center. Requires five years o f increasingly responsible experience in design, construction, and inspection of public, commercial, industrial buildings; five years experience in econom ic developm ent and dealing with the public; and equivalent to Bachelor’s d e g re e in a rc h ite c tu re , c iv il e n g in e e rin g , p u b lic /b u sin c ss adm inistration, or related field. CLOSING DATE: June 2, 1989 Obtain application and supplemental questionnaire at City of Eugene, Human Resource & Risk Services, 777 Pearl Street. Room 101, Eugene OR 97401. (503)687-5061. AA/EOE HUNGRY: NEED MONEY? O U T OF W ORK, NEED A JOB? CALL AMERICAN HANDICAP WORKERS 235-3536 PERSONNEL NURSING Employment Representative Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon, a m ajor health insurance company with a work force o f 1700+ em ­ ployee is currently accepting appli­ cations for a temporary Em ploym ent Representative in their Human R e­ sources D epartm ent Incum bant will be responsible for re­ cruiting, screening & interviewing job candidates for both non-exempt positions to ensure the staffing needs of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon are met. Q ualified candidates m ust have a m ini­ mum o f 2 years progressively re­ sponsible work experience in the Human Resources field affording exposure to em ploym ent recruiting, interview ing, and em ployee selec­ tion. Demonstrated know ledge of EEO and A ffirmative Action laws & regula­ tions as they pertain to employment is required. Deadline for accepting applications is 5-10-89. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers and excellent em ployee bene­ fits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Please apply or send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir. 100 SW Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer Medical Review Analyst Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for a Medical Review Analyst in their M edicare Claim s Department. M ajor responsibilities o f this position will be to evaluate claims, im ple­ ment M edicare regulations, deter­ mine liability, and facilitate pay­ ment. Q ualified candidates will have previ­ ous nursing experience, preferably in the following areas: *■ Orthopedics Rehabilitation, with em phasis on physical, occupational, and speech therapy *■ Renal Dialysis * -E E N T *" Quality Assurance/Hospital Re view This position requires an RN license; with a preferred BSN Excel oral and written communication skills a must. Candidate must also be flexible in an ever changing envi­ ronment. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee bene­ fits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 SW Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING Data Processing Professionals CICS System Specialist Due to new developm ent efforts and expansion, Blue Cross & Blue Shield o f O regon, a major health insurance com pany is currently accepting ap­ plications for a Lead A nalyst, Senior Program m er Analyst and Program ­ mer Analyst for their Systems & Program m ing Department. LEA D A N A LY ST - candidates must have strong experience in system specifications, design and project control in aC IC S on-line and VS AM based environm ent as well as pos­ sess above average interpersonal skills. SENIOR PROGRAM M ER A NA­ LYST - candidates m ust have a heavy CICS background, project lead­ ership and structured methodology. PRO G RA M M ER ANALYST - a mini mum o f 2 years experience coding from specifications in a CICS/VS AM environm ent with COBOL N ATU­ RAL experience preferred. ALL POSITIONS REQUIRE: strong com m unication, interpersonal and user skills. Qualified applicants must also have experience with VSAM, CO BO L, TSO/ISPF and OS/JCL. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent em ployee bene­ fits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Please ap­ ply or send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 1 (X) SW Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Employer. PORTLAND OBSERVER The Eyes and Ears ol the Com m unity" 288-0033 Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for a CICS System Specialist Q ualified applicants must have a C om ­ puter Science degree or equivalent on the job training and be fully com petent in all aspects o f CICS software internals, organization and ” operations including MRO, ISC, RDO, and auto install facilities. A minimum o f 4 years system pro* gramming experience including at least 2 years with CICS is required, as well as knowledge and experi­ ence in VTAM and SMP/E. Skill with SAS and Assembler is highly desirable. Knowledge of DISOSS products would be a plus. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent em ployee bene­ fits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 SW Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer DEVELOPER Developer, Housing Project for C om ­ munity Development Corp, in Port­ land. Minimum 4 yrs. experience in financing & packaging loans, m an­ aging Construction & general con­ tracting for single and multi-family projects. Affirmative Action En­ couraged. Salary negotiable. Sub- m it resume to: DEVELOPER PO BOX 11871 PORTLAND, OR 97211