> ★ ★ * ★★★ it Page 4 Portland Observer May 4, 1989 ENTERTAINMENT ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ** .’BEHIND THE >Y SCENES * * * * * * / ? . • ■* . ' V ■’V-' V- A 't ; ( 'y : L -« £ £ -< indian gun-fighters,” has a “ long line of two books! But wait, she’s a best­ selling “ authoress” (“ Metropolitan Spike’s W ords Spark Bitter Feud: Eddie Murphy was both nutted * NORTHW EST AFRICAN A M ERI­ * Life” ), as she “ backhand slams” the CAN W RITERS GUILD R EC EIV ­ and dismayed about recent comments made by fellow f i Immaker Spike Lee, poor male questioner, who used that * ES 1ST GRANT who while stating that he was 100% behind Murphy. said’Tf I ever get one sexist term, while asking from “ the The newly formed Northwest African iota of the power he has, I’m gonna raise holy hell. 1 have miniscule juice * trapped audience non-smoking section” American Writers Guild has received compared to Eddie...Eddie has economic clout...Eddie needs to flex his * (she declared the stage as ‘ ‘ the smoking muscles in ways that can help black people get into this indust^ With its first support grant, according to llseni * E. Perkins, Executive Director of the section” ) about her “ favorite feminist that, the angry superstar retorted, “ it’s real easy to be on the outside looking * Portland Urban League and the founder authoress?” With “ Lenny Bruce-type in telling people what they should be doing. I’ve done a lot tor my retorts (the late “ sick comic of the * o f the pilot group o f poets, people .I’ve opened the door for Spike and now he’s throwing rocks at playwrights/iction writers and novelists. sixties” ), she asked: “ you mean, like me.Clout comes and goes around here. I’m just the brother of the moment * “ jewess or negress?” She said she had The new grant has been approved by •• Meanwhile, Murphy earlier this month began work on his latest film, * the Metropolitan Arts Commission for none. Harlem Nights which will also star Richard Pryor and Arsemo Hall, and * an starter recognition award to assist in Like Jean Genet’s Black Black while Paramount is being hush-hush about releasing the names of the female * the publication o f the Writers Guild’s comedy farce, “ The Black,” Portland leads, word is that Berlinda Tolbert (formerly of ‘ ‘The Jeffersons will play Arts & Lectures, in good fate, probably * first anthology of new works by the Pryor’s love interest. should have declared, at least one person founding members of the organization. Jasmine Guv Inks Recording Contract: A Different World s * in the all-curopean (as far as 1 could The proposal was written by Mr. Jasmine Guy is singing a new tune these days, now that she’s signed with * see) audience of 500 or so giggling Perkins, a published and produced Warner Brothers Records and will concentrate on here debut LP dunng her * persons in the Intermediate Theatre (of playwright, originally from Chicago, hiatus. The actress had been shopping a record deal for quite awhile But * whose extensive background in the arts the Portland Center for the Performing don’t get the idea that Guy is abandoning her acting career or the role ol and management has given him ample Arts), as “ the designated person of * “ W hitney” on the top-rated series. She plans to do both, and is hoping to knowledge to create a soundly written color!” 1 guess that is probably what I break into film, as well. And while, she’s been doing alot of auditioning (for * request proposal application to the City was. Yes, thanks to producer, Phil Ottum, * film), nothing has materialized thus far. who invited me to this bizarre evening Grace Jones-Fram ed? 37-year old singer-actress Grace Jones say the * of Portland’s leading literary agency,the Literature Panel of the Metropolitan of an hour and a half of “ standup cocaine police found stuffed inside her purse while at her Jamaica retreat * tragedy.” This poor “ yuppie-darling” Arts Commission. was planted. Stating that the truth is sure to come out in court, the singer, of the “ New York Market,” with its * AFRICAN AMERICAN W RITERS who was in Jamaica to scout video locations, plans to return to the jail in NEED TO DEVELOP AND PUBLISH “ chief cash crop,” besides crime, being which she was held to film videos for two tunes on her next album. 1 he LP, * The new MAC support grant will books was quite naturally or arcadely, tentatively titled “ on My W ay” is due to be released in June. Jones said she * assist in the first direct funding support sponsored by Portland’s famed Powell’s was able to write about six tunes during her short incarceration , and is * in history for writers of African American Books, whose people must have cringed quoted in an LA Times interview as saying “ something strange always * with her line about being “ surprised descent in the State of Oregon, to gain happens to me when I come to Jamaica.” Ironically, enough, Jones is a * the first step in the extremely difficult that Portland had arts!” native of Jamaica, who says she doesn’t even smoke pot. Ironically, a song Indeed, Lcbowitz, “ the literary lip- field of literary publication and on her upcoming LP is titled “ Crack Attack” and warns of the perils of * with” ), like a female Don Rickies documentation of their written work. It drugs She blames ‘ ‘definite third party involvement’ ’ for her recent run-in * (remember his funny “ grenade humor” ), is always a “ Catch-22” situation for with the law, claiming the identity of the third party will come to light at her * “ trashed” nearly every tiling from, pets, new writers of any color to gain trial, which is scheduled for June 6 in Kingston. * publication of their first work and “ a outdoors, camping (even though she’s Faith Pays Off For Francesca: Former Frank’s Place regular * must” for them to qualify for any pretty “ campy,” herself), airlines (write Francesca Roberts (who portrayed waitress Anna Mae) hopes to have found on!D), New York’s uptown (I guess * fellowship grant funding from numerous a new home on ABC’s “ Have Faith.” Roberts is excited about the series Harlem), outside of New York, inside * other fund sources, such as the National centering around life in a contemporary Catholic church on Chicago s Soul of New York, New York landlords (I Endowment for the Arts, Rockefeller, Side, but is still disappointed about the cancellation of Prank s Place. * Jerome Foundation, etc. Like the saying agree), the french ( j c nc sais Pas)> However, said Roberts, ‘ ‘it gave me a lot of heart to see that people who are * goes: “ you got to be to it to win it!” Minneapolis, Ed Koch (mayor of New watching are not just writing in about what’s wrong with a show but what s * A PUBLICATION OF NEW BLACK York and I agree on that one also), rich right, and what they want to sec. So, If nothing else 1 think that CBS got the actor Robert Redford, stewardesses, non- * W ORKS IN FICTIO N , POETRY & chance to see that the audience is not as parochial in its view as they think. smokeis( when smoke gets in your eyes, * PLAYS So I think it was ground-breaking in that sense. she suggests closing them),children, In speaking to Perkins, his concept is Short Takes: Paula Abdul is talking with director Oliver Stone about * to publish a new anthology of new m otherhood (she prefers “ god- choreographing the new film version of the long-running Broadway hit * works in fiction, poetry, excerpts of m otherhood” perhaps like “ the “ Evita...Lou Gossett is excited about getting the rights to a property based * plays and essays by Portland’s African godfather” ), the lonely (they should on the life of Harlem band leader Cab Calloway for a possible mini­ * American writers who arc members of lead the blind, not dags, which she hates series Al B.Sure is not talking about the alleged rape incident that also, as she pointed out in her “ Pointer * the newly formed Writers Guild. For recently capped national headlines, commenting “ let’s talk about the for pets” ), and of course, Exxon (she many in the group, this will be the first * , time their work will have a public got my vote too). positive things” , while in Los Angeles for the Soul Train Awards...Stephanie As I left the theatre to go home and exposure or debut of any kind. The next Mills shows her versatility with some hip-hep tunes on her latest LP, hug my dog, I heard somebody say to a step is to raise matching funds to develop “ Home” , which is slated for a May release...Next week: A look a t Virgin the additional monies needed to complete young woman, “ I see you came anyway recording artists’ ,- E u , a super band th at seems to have caught the Ar the graphic and printing expense cost of , and she replied, “ someone gave her record industry off-guard. «1. .. r i n i i f r v r t H iK p the ____ anthology project ♦/-» to k bring forth the the ticket,” as I was wondering why * copies to the public’s eye and reading anyone would pay to see the author read * taste. W e’ 11 be watching for this Oregon un-interestly, the two passages from * literary premiere in Black works with her books, as oppose to saving “ the showfare,” to just buy her books, and * great interest. Write on, Uscni and the Guild members. stay home, out of the stormy weather BET CELEBRATES OPEN HOUSE: Black Entertainment * PORTLAND ARTS & LECTURES director read her in the quiet of one’s Televison(BET) recently celebrated the opening of a brand-new $ 10 million * P R E SE N T S T H E “ SLU T OF home, like Lcbowitz, said she does, and studio complex in the northeast section of Washington, D.C. The studio is * LITERA TU RE” smoke what every you want? one of the largest in the metropolitan Washington area, and will be used tor * Portland Arts & Lectures’ Executive It was a queer evening and queerer in-house productions. Among those on hand for the celebration,.(which Director, Julie Mancini, and engaging, still was “ the non-reception” afterward, * centered around a live taping of its “ Video Soul” TV program featuring sad, dark-eyed person of regal beauty, that I “ crashed” as “ the only person of host Donnie Simpson), were Patti Austin, Freddie Jackson, and recording * with some natural style, Tuesday night, color” at the Portland Arts Museum. I newcomer. Tone Loc. The network has also just released a lineup of seven * April 25th, 1989, took the fateful risk of followed her umbrella carrier and new shows for the upcoming fall season. Among those programs scheduled * introducing, “ the Slut ol Literature entourage at a distance. Oh, well..., as for release are “ Personal Diary” -featuring interviews with the likes of * (as she called herself), Fran Lebowita, she said onstage, she refers “ her kind of Stevie Wonder and Bill Cosby .’’Night- T alk” - a late night talk show (five the Jersey “ chain-saw smoking’ drop people, or her class. That’s the kind of * days a week), “ Budweiser Sports R eport” - a live sports program, and out, who’s “ hidingout” in New York’s girl I am !” “ I can dig it!” I did over “ Teen Sum m itt” - a portion of which would showcase music videos pro­ * "hard under belly” (somewhere mid- hear someone say, “ she offended duced by teens. The company is presently generating enthusiasm with its * town, of course), searching for, no everyone, but nicely! ” 1 enjoyed a native reissue of the Jackson Five cartoon series...Mean while BET ow ner, Robert * doubt,” intclligcnt life” in “ the Oregon strawberry or two and since the Johnson, has Filed a $2 million lawsuit against the New York G rand * universalis! non-church” of “ Mad- rain had stopped, I rendered myself H yatt. Johnson took the action when he failed to receive an apology from hattan” (New York City). invisible, like the shadow and left. Write top hotel brass after a mishap where hotel personnel forcibly detained * T H E “ LENNY B R U C E ’’ OF * on. Johnson upon a reporter that a black man had mugged a hotel patron LIT E R A R Y LAZY LO U N G E Black Radio Responds To FCC Ruling On Distress Sales To * LIZARDS Minorities: in a recent decision, the us Court of Appeals ruled that the * Leobowitz, who confesses, “ I’m Commission’s s “ distress rules (created in * Federal Communications commission u i . i u v m sales m . v j ...»»> ---------- lazy!” Indeed, she, like lists ol “ j e w i s h ----------------- 1978), which allow quick sales at reduced rates of defunct or disenfran- chised stations to minorities, violated the equal protection provisions of the * Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. What impact could such a ruling have on the growth of black radio: Jim Winston, executive director and general Business Briefs: On thcheclsofR & B singerG ladysK night sentry into counsel of the National Association of Black-Owned Broadcasters (NA­ the cosmetics industry comes news of yet ano th er cosmetics venture. I his BOB), says very little.’’The distress sales policy had been fairly inactive in one called Egyptian Goddess, is being launched out of Los Angeles, and is the last few years because of other policy changes made at the FCC during billing itself as a skin-care system.Initial plans arc that the line will be the Reagan administration years. The clause had reduced the asking price ol marketed within the next couple of months, over syndicated cable and 1 V a station by 25%.WDAS-FM in Philadelphia, one of the nation’s top black net works and initially sold through an 8(X) number.... In other business radio stations, was purchased through the distress sales process. However, news, representatives of the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federa­ according to Winston, “ the typical black radio station is not purchased tion of of Television and Radio Artists recently began meetings with through the distress sales process” . Black radio is, in fact, big business. The industry executives with the mandate of increasing employment for minor­ largest black-owned station in the US would be WBLS in New York, which Winston estimated could command between $60-70 million. Just last ity performers. Next week: A look at fash io n F air ( osmeties,--the fastest December, one of Washington’s top stations, W YKS, was sold to a black- growing arm of the em pire built by John H. Johnson. owned radio stations. But Winston says this is mostly due to another FCC policy allowing a huge cut in capital gains tax to those broadcasters selling by Garland Lee Thom pson TRANE, recorded live in Japan in , ? . ™ . ru honor of the 20th anniversary o f the saxophonist s death and starring Wayne Shorter and Dave Liebman, is r n u .T c . I L set for May 9th US release on Columbia u Records. . Originally presented in front of 20,000 fans as part of the 10th annual * Select “Live Under the Sky” summer jazz concert series (sponsored by Japan Tobacco Inc.), the all-star tribute was ^ L CuCOrdedc a l t h e i Y1° n^iUr‘ Open * Theater East on July 26, 1987. In add.- Jtio n to S h o rteran d L ieb m an o n so p ra n o £ saxophones, the rhythm section con- £ I T , °n P‘aniSt J" ' ”7 * ? ■< Eddie Gomez, and drummer Jack . . .. phomsts is well known, wrote [ , cbman jn bjs no(es lQ lhc ongina, Lp R Rccords. Padd,e .... . . , , . . Wheel label in Japan, “John William Coltrane, bom in Hamlet, North Carolina on September 23,1926, died in New York City on July , 1967. He is represented on this album with “Mr. P. C.,” “ After the Rain/ Naima,” and “India/Impressions.” “John Coltrane Live!” affirm fa Bums. unef noles , Khcphra Bums’ liner notes for the Amcrican LP releasc. .••<2 . x»/ « • v i5 sera t * ‘TRIBUTE TO JOHN COLTRANE' * LP RECORDED LIVE IN JAPAN T T R IB U T E . TO . , JO H N , C O L- Dc^ John h!'Cl1^ . . . , * T D , VI? Coltrane s legacy for saxo- IBCHJME) EEIPCOT * * jflRRf * í I M I -t . : to minorities. Government Steps in: Black-operated Founders Savings & Loan in PORTLAND OBSERVER Los Angeles was among 38 ailing savings and loan institutions the federal government took control of earlier this month under its program to stabilize 288-0033 "The E yes and Ears of th e C om m unity the thrift industry... «<*>• ¿ « k*J 7 ; >%n • 1 B¡eu¡ •. - i I1»** SV* . .« ; ' ‘ [ .D H I'A lN Ii IIANSBEKHY L ^ c iia k l l g f u i . l l b U DOUGLAS TURNER VIA RD i,( N H L l i . l r i . R I I I CORDONE ^ k c ilA K L U S L L A IN E JACKSON KATHLEEN C O L L IN S ^ | ’ . . l . G IB S O N ^ K J T O / . A K I . SU ANGE ^ A N ü i UENUE KENNEDY 4 ( roh h i e n i . R r ^ T E D S U IN E DODSON p i l l i l i C A LD W LL I. MARCUS IIE M I’ II l L L f ^ J . E . F R A N K L IN B IL L Y GRAHAM LE E THOMPSON ^ G AREANI) ^ T a r c i i i i : s iie p p ^ M A X W E L L G L A N V IL L E l . I F IO R D MATON ^ O L I V E R P IT C IIE R À j l ’ I l I L L I P HAYES DEAN M * josepii * WALKER AUGUST WI LSON EORGE C . WOLFE * * DARE TO BE DIFFERENT “ the only salon” < Dare to be different Portland’s most unique, innovative Hair Salon will spotlight their creative staff in “ THE L (X )K " A Hair & Fashion Presentation - - A celebration of Hair & Fashion’s Perpetual state of transformation. Salon owner & Design Group Brenda Sammodurov - inspired by their recent advanced training in San Francisco arc gearing up for excitement options - “ THE L(X)K & M (X)D" featuring, classic contemporary and the renaissance trends. This is not another pretentious overrated style show.“ TH E LOOK OF HAIR EXTENSIONS” Hairpieces, color, & hair design will dominate. The atmosphere “ TH E L O O K ” will present, clothes, entertainment, cocktails, food - plus an exciting evening. PLACE; The Starry Night DATE: May 6, 1989 TIME: 8:00 pm - Cocktails & Hors D’oeuvrcs 9:00 pm - Showtime COST: S10. per ticket TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED AT: “ DARE TO BE DIFFERENT: 1123 SW WASHINGTON CALL - 227-1660