Page 3 Portland Observer May 4,1989 -Ä JS Ä 3 *Ä 5 " ■ Z Ä -Z Ä SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: RELIGION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS For Social Security or Supplemental Security Income . Assistance Q U E S T IO N : I recently read about q u a lify in g fo r benefits on an ex-hus­ band’ s Social S ecurity record. D oesn’ t he have to be deceased before I q u a lify ? A N S W E R : N o. Y o u can q u a lify on a fo rm e r husband’ s (o r W ife ’ s) Social S ecurity record i f you w ere m arried fo r at least 10 years. A ls o , i f you have been d ivo rce d at least 2 years, you can re­ ceive benefits at age 62 w hether o r not yo u r fo rm e r spouse receives them, as am ount to the Internal Revenue Serv­ ice. A s k fo r copies o f the reporting fo rm (F orm 91 - E m ployers Q uarterly T ax R eturn fo r H ousehold Em ployees) and P u b lic a tio n 15, C irc u la r E , “ E m p lo y e r’ s T ax G u id e ” , and P u b li­ plem ental health insurance p o lic y , lo o k the p o lic y o ver c a re fu lly and com pare it w ith the coverage p rovided by M e d i­ care. M ake sure it re a lly is a supple­ m ental p o lic y and docs not s im p ly able. Q U E STIO N : M y son has ju st beendi- agnosed as having kid n e y disease and is preparing to go on d ia lysis. I heard that M edicare som etim es pays fo r k id ­ ney and transplant services. W ill it also help pay m ay son’ s m edical e x­ penses? A N S W E R : Yes. I f you, y o u r spouse ered b y Social S ecurity. Y o u must deduct Social S ecurity taxes fro m the do I go about selecting the rig h t co ve r­ pay, add an equal am ount as yo u r e m p lo ye r share and send the com bined age? A N S W E R : W hen considering a sup­ 'Latch Key Program ’ Children 6 wks. to 11 yrs. • Breakfast • Hot Lunches • Snacb dialysis treatm ents:----------------------------- appeal. Q U E S T IO N : I have ju s t enrolled in M edicare, since I w ill be age 65 in 3 months. H ow ever, I feel that I should consider purchasing a supplem ental Mattie Anne Callier-Spears, religious editor for the Observer is ill. Her colum will resume upon her recovery. Please join us in praying for her speedy return. to apply. I f he is fou n d to be e lig ib le , protection w ill begin w ith the third month after the m onth he a ctu a lly begins the T hey w ill also pro vid e you details as to how this new le g isla tio n affects your service in o r about yo u r hom e is c o v ­ • Pre-School w ill be e lig ib le fo r M edicare i f he has perm anent kid n e y fa ilu re . Y o u should c a ll Social S ecurity at 1-800-234-5772 no longer considered disabled, you m ay appeal b y contacting Social S ecurity. S ocial S ecurity. A N S W E R : Cash pay am o u n tin g to $50 o r m ore in a quarter fo r dom estic • Kindergarten o r yo u r son have earned the necessary Social S ecurity credits to be insured, he tio n . T h is le g is la tio n applies to deter­ minations made prior to January 1,1990. Benefits w ill continue to be paid through June 1990. If , when y o u r case is re ­ vie w e d , a decision is made that you are pay? I understand it is covered under “Since 1952” types o f supplem ental insurance a v a il­ A N S W E R : Recent le g is la tio n ex­ tends fo r 1 year the p ro visio n that tem ­ p o ra rily continues up to an a d m in istra ­ tive law ju dge decision the paym ent o f d isa b ility benefits (in clu d in g M edicare) to Social S ecurity beneficiaries w h o appeal a m edical cessation determ ina­ Q U E S T IO N : W e have hired a lady to help care fo r m y a ilin g m o th e r-in - la w in o u r home. H o w do we report th is Day Care T h is pu b lica tio n describes the d iffe re n t appeal. 1-800-234-5772 and ask fo r “ R etire­ m e n t” and “ S u rv iv o r” S ocial S ecurity p u b lica tio n s fo r m ore in fo rm a tio n . Memorial Center should ask S ocial S ecurity fo r a free copy o f the pam phlet, “ G uide to H ealth Insurance fo r People w ith M e d ic a re ” . soon and, i f it is not favorable, I plan to also payable in certain situations. C a ll Grace Collins duplicate your Medicare protection. You ca tio n 539, " W ith h o ld in g Taxes and R eporting R equirem ents” . Q U E S T IO N : I am certain that I have read that M edicare benefits w ill continue to be paid fo r an ad d itio n a l 12 m onths d u rin g a c o n tin u in g d is a b ility re vie w . Please g ive m ore details since I expect that m y case w ill be review ed lo n g as they are e lig ib le to receive them. A s you in d ica te, a s u rv iv o r b e n e fit is NOTICE health insurance p o lic y as w e ll. H ow Moo-rri 6:30 am ■ 6:00 pm Call SICKLE CELL 281-6930 SEEKS POSTER CHILD 128 N.E. Russell St. A n im p a rtia l panel o f judges w ill se­ le c t a poster c h ild fo r 1989-90 . N o m i­ nations has been extended in our o ffic e u n til M a y 11th. W e need three (3 ) b la ck and w h ite glossy 8x 10 photographs o f yo u r ch ild . The c rite ria is as fo llo w s : Hebrews Chapter 3 & 4 4 Y ear O lds - M a k in g C ookies J e su s L o v e s You! Allen Temple Grace Collins CME Church Memorial Center 1. The c h ild m ust be between the YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT Tueaby: 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 7 30pm Bible Band "A warm spirit of fellowship always” “To the Glory o f God” « FOUNDER The Holiness Prarhei Bishop U.V Peterson D D Builder Pastor <#■ D o you w ant to meet new people and be a part o f W ashington C o u n ty ’ s to u rism a ctivities? The W ashington C ounty V isito rs A ssociation needs y o u !! V o lu n te e r to help w ith special events, m a ilin g s, answ ering phones Phillip S. Nelson. Pastor and general o ffic e duties. H elp greet visito rs, g ive d ire ctio n s and suggest places to go and things to do. F rie n d ly people interested in donating some tim e to the tourism e ffo rt are encouraged to contact C hristiane D avis at the W C V A o ffic e , 684-5555. V O L U N T E E R T O D A Y !! 6 30pm YPW W Evangelistic Form s m ust be signed by the c h ild ’ s 8 00pm Worship Friday 'The ftistor Speaks I f yo u are interested o r k n o w some­ one w ho m ay be interested in a c h ild 7 30pm SaUday Morning Prayer Psalm 34:3 parent(s) o r guardians (s) and the P o rt­ land S ickle C e ll A n e m ia Foundation. Noon Day Prayer 9 00 a m w ith S ickle C e ll A n e m ia representing the Portland A rea, please con ta ct the Portland S ickle C e ll A n e m ia F ounda­ Lord tio n at 249-1366. Please Brother Man and Sister Lady How much longer before you show up HEBREWS 1214 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSi FAMED BAPTIST PREACHER PRESENTS $100,000 TO HOWARD D r. Joseph H arrison Jackson, w ho was president o f the N a tio n a l B aptist C o n ve ntio n , U S A , In c., fo rm 1953 to 1982, presented the H o w a rd U n ive rsity School o f D iv in ity w ith a g ift o f $ 100,000 to establish the Joseph H Jackson Schol­ arship Fund. The proceeds generated b y this en­ do w m e n t w ill be awarded to a d iv in ity student “ w h o has dem onstrated supe­ rio r leadership s k ills and w h o has per­ fo rm e d at a high le ve l o f academic excellence in his o r her p e rio d o f m a­ tric u la tio n in the s ch o o l.” Students chosen fo r the scholarship w ill be called Joseph H. Jackson schol­ ars. Jackson, w ho has served as pastor o f O liv e t B aptist C hurch in C hicago fo r and Get your m ind togather No Fuss about who the Pastor is. No Argument over the salary. Healing, Peace and Prosperity They have found the Place and the Place is M t Sinai Temple Services Each Sunday 12 Noon and 8 PM the last 48 years, expressed his concern about the struggle fo r first-cla ss c iti­ zenship and stated that in o rd e r “ to The Philadelphia Community Missionary Baptist Church 238 NE Mason Street Portland, OR 97211 PRESENTS: achieve the fu ll blessings and bounties o f th is precious prom ise [m ade] by American democracy... we must go from M rs G cnevia Jones in fu ll gospel concert on Sunday, M a y 21st a t 3:30 nm Mrs Jones in a J & B Gospel R ecording A rtis t fro m V icksb u rg , M ississip p i T h is is her (firs t) 1 st W est Coast gospel concert to prom ote her newest album (her 2nd). She has rendered concerts in C hicago Illin o is D e tro it M ic h ig a n , N ew Y o rk C ity and several other states. M rs. Jones has also appeared w ith such great gospel recording artists as the M ig h ty C lo u d o f Jov The Sensational W illia m s B rothers, The Jackson S outhem aires and m any m ore She is w e ll kn o w n th roughout the southern states, M ls ^ s*PP* and Louisiana. M rs. Jones brings to P ortland a rich sound in tra d itio n a l N O A d m issio n C harge....... F R E E W IL L O F F E R IN G protest to p ro d u c tio n .” He said he * ‘ advocated this approach in the c iv il rig h ts struggle and also o r­ ganized a co rp o ra tion n o t o n ly to reach this po sitive step, but also to help f i ­ nance the struggle o f education through the granting o f scholarships and en­ d o w in g in stitu tio n s o f le arning in their ventures and re s p o n s ib ilitie s ? ” D r. Law rence N. Jones, dean o f the H ow ard School o f D iv in ity , said that the g ift “ is the firs t endow m ent o f this COM EONE COME ALL F o r in fo rm a tio n c a ll M ary O. M cS w ain - 281-4777 m agnitude that the School o f D iv in ity has received from an individual or group high in the leadership echelons o f the G. W illia m s -2 8 8 -1 8 1 4 C om e and e n jo y an evening o f great gospel sounds. Come see what every one’s talking about Mt. Sinai Temple 936 N.E. Beech Portland, OR 284-0854 The Peoples Church BISHOP W. G. HARDY LITTLE KING Thank you for your Sweet Letter Send Some More black re lig io u s c o m m u n ity .” J-5SS. 5 / ! “KT Day Care TOURISM BUREAU NEEDS VOLUNTEERS (503) 287-0261 the Parent C onsent Form . 11 1 5 a m Morning Worship 5 Year Olds - Reading First Grade Books (comer of 8th & Skidmore) graphical In fo rm a tio n Sheet and Tuesday Friday follow peace with all men & holiness without which no man shall see the Portland, Oregon 97211 9 15am Sunday School the Bible says... glossy b lack and w h ite photo­ 3. C om plcte a C ontestant B io ­ 7 00 p.m Sunday The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue graphs. TTusby Choir Rehearsal ages o f 5 and 10 and m ust have S ickle C e ll A nem ia. 2. Send three (3 ) copies o f 8x10