Page 8 Portland Observer A pril 27,1989 SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN For 66 years Shriners Hospitals for Crippled children have been dedicated to providing expert m edical care to crippled and burned children totally without charge. Each child helped a^a Shriners Hospital or Shriners Bum Institute is special, and today, more than 380,000 o f these special children have received free, expert m edical care at a Shriners Hospital. W hile statistics alone can ’t tell the whole story o f these children who have benefited from specialized care at Shriners H ospital, the record of impressive patients statistics com piled over the years show s the extent of the Shriners commitment to helping children. In the 66 years from the opening of the first Shriners Hospital in 1922 through D ecem ber 31, 1988 there have been approxim ately: 4,641,576 X-rays 3,443.169 O ut patient clinic visits 415,878 operations performed 436,074 braces and protheses applied th erap y 7,803,815 p h y sic a l treatm ents given During 1988, 22,166 applications w ere a p p ro v e d by S h rin ers H ospitals.Currently, there are approx­ im ately 107,756 active patients at the 22 units. JONES CALLS FOR MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE News Around Town I NEW BLACK Oregon Commission on Black Affairs B O U T IQ U E — in cosponsorship with — Donnie Jam es Fashions is proud to announce the opening o f a new M ens’ & W om ens’ Boutique in Northeast Portland. We are located at 517 NE Killingsworth in the Portland Observer complex. Donnie James is a black owned and operated business dedicated to providing the Albina Com m unity with a quality store and fashionable m erchandise at affordable prices. We believe that as consumers w ho spend thousands o f dollars in retail stores, we deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and a commitment to serve our special needs. A t Donnie Jam es we are committed to providing the com m unity with the lastest designs in Men and W omen fashions. Our store hours are 1 lam to 6pm Monday thru Saturday. This Saturday April 29th, we invite you to join us for dem onstrations of African Head Ties presented by Deborah. The Head Ties will be accented with a line o f Hcrtiage Jewelry exclusively d e sig n e d by D eborah. T he dem onstrations will begin at 1pm and continue until 3pm. Sclf-Enhanccmcnt Youth Gang Taskforce Portland Public »Schools Minority Youth Concerns Action Program — Present — Straight Talk & Frightening Realities 'Latch Key Program9 YOUTH ANTI-GANG FORUMS FORMAT: Children 6 wks. « S k its • E x -g a n g m e m b e r fo ru m /p a n e lis t to 11 yrs. • A n ti-g a n g ra p (perform ed by panelist) D A TE April 26 May 3 May 10 PLACE T IM E Whitaker Middle School 5700 NE 39th 1:30 - 2:45 pm • Breakfast • Hot Lunches • Snacb (School Assembly) Self-Enhancement Spring Rally Whitaker Middle School ' 5700 NE 39th 7:00 - 9:00 pm Tubman Middle School 2231 N. Flint 9:30 - 10:45 am Call 281-6930 (School Assembly) 128 N.E. Russell St. 4 Year O lds - M aking Cookies F o r m ore inform ation, call: O C B A 378-2969, SEI 249-1721 'A lccna B oozer 280-5783, Jim i Jo h nson 28 0 -2 6 0 0 L onnie Jackson 981-9531 Grace Collins M em orial Center. ★ Best Cash Prices + Speedy children, “ Cam pbell said. “ A single illness or accident will wipe them o u t It is especially im portant to encourage coverage o f children and expectant m others.” Representative Jones added that the M inim um W age W ith Health Care Option would be a m ajor step forw ard in providing affordable health insurance for the uninsured without placing an undue burden on employers or taxpayers. According to Jones, the w ork of the R e p u b lic a n P o lic y D e v elo p m en t Committee was significant in developing die plan, which would give the employer a choice o f either offering medical coverage o f up to $60 per month for a full tim e em ployee or paying all the increase in wages. “ This program, when com bined with existing incentives and tax credits for small businesses would mean that may em ployers could afford coverage that is now beyond their reach,’’Jones added. “ In addition, the w orker w ouldn’t have to pay income taxes on the am ount used for health insurance. It is a way to encourage small businesses to provide important benefits for minimum wage w orkers.” A C H I E V E R O O S K — Day Care 5 Year Olds - Reading First G rade Books I DAD’S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils PORTLAND OBSERVER TIED TO HEALTH CARE S a le m -O re g o n ’s minimum wage would be increased and em ployers who do not presently have health insurance program s would be allow ed to use a portion of the increase to pay for basic m edical coverage under legislation introduced by Representative Delna Jones (R-Aloha). “ Oregons minimum wage has not been raised since 1981 and People who are struggling to survive on $3.35 per hour find that it buys 37% less than it did eight years ago. We should increase the minimum wage to $4.00 on O ct 1 this year and then raise it to $4.25 next July. Repulican Leader Larry Campbell, who is strongly supporting the bill, said that an important feature o f the bill is its provision that will allow employers, w ho don ’ t presently provide health care insurance to em ployees, to use up to $.40 o f the first increase for purchase of a health care policy. “ People trying to live on the m inim um wage need a great deal more than a rise in the wage floor. There are presently 400,000 working Oregonians who d on’t have any kind of m edical insurance. Many of them are heads o f households with dependent Mon-Fri 6:30 am ■ 6:00 pm “ The Eyes and Ears of the Community” 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay SAFEWAY We spent $1.5 million remodeling the Union & Ainsworth Safeway Store because we strive to make your shopping fun & easy while keeping with our long-standing commitment to bring you “ The Best” in quality, selection, value and service. Your newly remodeled Safeway is designed around specialty departments, each offering you quality services managed by trained professionals for all of your needs. Stop by today, we are very anxious to serve you. If you have any questions, please ask. We’ re here to serve you better because we know you Expect the Best! For Our Appreciation Of You, As One Of Our Most Valued Customers Here’ s Your... SAFEWAY COUPON pHftiynncy OFF! ANY TRANSFERRED PRESCRIPTION First Prescription With Coupon L im it One Coupon Per Fam liy Portland Division Cash Value t/20th of one cent Portland tíivis¡on...Cash Value 1/20th of K / o> Ö S (O CM LU a,