Page 3 Portland Observer April 27,1989 COMPELLED TO SAVE SOULS STEPPING STONES PRESCHOOL worked with 20th Century Fox Studios for one and one half years. He owns The YWCA of Portland is currently accepting registrations for its two publishing companies, TRAY- by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Stepping Stones offers a daily three hour morning class for children 3-5 TIACO and CLATAM. years of age. It also accepts drop-ins for temporary care. In 1981, he was recognized in the ......Belter known as Clay Drayton, Stepping Stones offers a daily three hour morning class for children 3-5 “ Outstanding Young Men in Amercia” the minister with a heart for the years of age. The program provides a fun and supportive learning environment publication, 1981 edition. community. Each time you may see a in order to enhance the children’s preparation for entry into public schools. After all the “ HOOPLA” and rather tall, slender form of a man with a It also encourages parental participation in the classroom and in monthly glamour. Clay Dratyon made a choice. companion, talking with some of the support meetings. Yes, he still wants people to be excited;, Union Avenue ‘usuals.’ His heart is as The program is one of several being offered at the YWCA’s NE Center but this time about the knowledge of large as his smile. He is so generous and funded in part by the Fred Meyer Chantable Trust. Fees are on a sliding Jesus Christ. He was licensed and with the love for his Lord and Savior, he scale based on income. For more information call Tina Fingar, Youth ordained by the illustrious Dr. E. V. has to share it with others. He feels Program Director or Gena Sloan, Center Manager at 282-0003. To register Hill, pastor of the Mt. Zion Missionary compelled to do so. your child stop by the Northeast YWCA located at 5630 NE Union Avenue Baptist Church in Los Angeles, Rev. Drayton has only been here, in between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. California. He pastored, his own church, this city, for such a short time to have “ Tree of Life Baptist Church” in Watts, accomplished so much and have touched Califomia,was the assistant to the pastor so may with his presence and with the at “ Divinity Baptist Church” in Lord’s Holy Word. Pasadena, California, served as board Rev. Drayton is one of seven children member of the Fellowship which is a bom to Clarence R. Drayton, Sr. and Christian conference group in Los Faytha Sykes Drayton. Although he Angeles whose purpose was to establish Days Inn at the Portland Airport moved here (Portland) from Altadena, a network of Christians on a national Hosts National Job Fair for Older California with his wife Tami Smith Workers basis; a board member of the Amercian Drayton and their three lovely children: Gospel Arts Fund in Los Angeles Tamia,7; Tamar,5; Thomas, 2; and PORTLAND - Portland’s citizens (through his efforts, they were able to another one on the way, in a matter of a over 50 years old are invited to attend get a star placed on the “ WALK OF few weeks, Rev. Drayton was bom in SENIOR POWER 1989, a national job FAME’ ’ for the late Mahalia Jackson) Jacksonwille.Flordia. His brood totals fair sponsored by Days Inns of America, Rev. Drayton was able to, after much 5, in all. The two older children are still Inc. Senior Power 1989 will be held on hard labor, get the President of the in California. (Tia, 21; and Troy, 20) Saturday May 6,1989 from 9:00am to United States to sign “ Juneteenth” asa Rev. Drayton received his education 1:00pm at the Days Inn at the Portland national holiday . It shall become known from the Arts Senior High School in airport, 11550 N £ . Airport Way. Over as the American Gospel Arts Day. It Newark, New Jersey. His parents moved 20 Portland businesses with a strong was signed into law on June 1987 by the family to New Jersey when he was desire to hire older workers will be President Ronald Regan. about eight years old. He continued his accepting applications for part to full­ Rev. Drayton and his family came to education by attending the Newark time positions in various industries. School of Fine Arts. He received a Portland, Oregon in the middle of Honored attendees include Congressman December 1988. WHY? “ Well it wasn’t scholarship in Advertising Design from Ron Wyden. Mayor Bud Clark’s office my idea” , said Rev Drayton. “ I was this institution;but, he only attended will issue a proclamation in honor of two years, after which he entered the just answering God’s call” . What Senior Power 1989. happened when he arrived: “ 1 just prayed field of music...’’because it payed better” ‘ ‘Our goal is to match older workers and said, “ Well Lord, let’s get it on” . he stated. who wish to re-enter the work force “ The Mount Olivet Baptist Church” Rev. Drayton’s entertainment and with Portland companies who are became the grateful recipients of the musical experiences are vast. Even proactive in hiring the older worker,” Drayton Family. though he may have had a scholarship said Anne Kinkaid, Director of Sales of He has been ‘street witnessing’ on in Advertising Design, he surrendered the Days Inn at the Portland airport, Union Avenue since he arrived. He it to his music, which he says he acquired host of Portland’s job fair. Industries speaks to the drug users, pushers, pimps, through the school of ‘‘hard knocks” . represented at Senior Power 1989 include prostitutes, and winos. Since he began Motown Records beckoned and got a retail, hospitality, temporary agencies, his crusade for Christ, he has led 30 good catch. He plays piano, bass guitar, food services, and others. people to Christ. Not people out of and drums. He’s a song writer and I another church, here in Portland, but, composer. He has had hit record after Senior Power 1989 in Portland is one of the unchurched, the unsaved, and the hit record to hit the charts with such big more than 120 job fairs being held at spiritually needy. name vocalists, like: ‘‘The Jacksons , Days Inn hotels in 35 states throughout Rev. Drayton has been active with “ The Supremes,” (gold single and an every region of the country, all on May the Albina Ministerial Alliance. He ablum), ‘Diana Ross’ (“ Love Hangover” 6, 1989. Days Inns of America, Inc., presented a program to them called gold album and single),’Tata Vega’, whose corporate offices are located in “ Crossroads” . This program will require ‘Rev. James Cleveland’, ‘Billy Davis Atlanta, began recruiting older workers that a team of Christians go door-to- Jr.’,’High Energy’, (gold album) and as reservations agents in 1985 and door seeking out those who are in need ‘Lenny W illiams’, (gold album)...just actively encourages its franchisees to of spiritual counseling, spiritual help, to name a few. He worked with Motown hire older workers, recognizing skills prayer, a shoulder to cry on, a warm, a Records for five years. In those five valuable to service-oriented listening ear, or just a friend. years, he experienced a lot. He also organizations. The Days Inn corporate office is coordinating the national job S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S ftS S S S i » « fair, assisting its hotels with recruiting other employers and interested older workers through various community agencies and organizations. YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 Bible Sana 7:30pm i "A warm spirit of fellowship always" “To the Glory o f G o d ” Tknfcr Choir Rehearsal • The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ FOUNDER The Holiness Preacher Bishop U.V Peterson D D_BuilOe< Pastor 7 00pm Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. YPW W 6 30 pm. Evangelistic Worship 8.00p.m f Tuesday HMsy the Bible s a y s ... fo llo w peace with all men & holiness w ithout which no man shall see the Noon Day Prayer HMey The Pastor Speaks 7:30 p m. Sekeday Morning Prayer 9 00am Lord HEBREWS 1214 SENIOR POWER You are invited to join Rev. Sis. Lenotra Cooke with ONE HOUR OF POWER Hope of Glory Radio Broadcast KPDQ 8:00 am Sunday Evenings 10:00 pm until 11:00 pm Moto: There is Hope “ Christ in you the Hope of Glory...Col 1:27 Dial A Prayer......... (503) 286-HOPE (4673) 24 Hour Prayer Request Line PO Box 11628, Portland, Oregon 97211 Please Brother Man and Sister Lady How much longer before you show up and Get your mind togather YOUNG ADULT CHOIR BANQUET The New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Young Adult Choir will sponsor their Second Annual Pre-Mothers’ Day Banquet on S aturday, May 13 at 6:30 p. m. The Banquet will be held at the Inn at the Coliseum, 10 N. Weidler. Guest Speaker will be the Rev, Joyce Smith, Associate Minister at the Community AME Zion Church in Vancouver, Washington. For Ticket information, contact Darlene Warren At 286-9805, Calvin Lowery at 284-6611, or by contacting New Hope at 281-0163. , Philadelphia Community Missionary Baptist Church / 238 NE Mason Street Portland, OR 97211 PRESENTS: I ts Genevia Jones in full gospel concert on Sunday, May 21st at 3:30 I L Jones in a J & B Gospel Recording Artist from Vtcksburg, issippJi This is her (first) 1st West Coast gospel concert to promote her ’St album (her 2nd). She has rendered concerts in Chicago Illinois, t M i r h i can New York City and several other states. Mrs. Jones has appeared t i t h such great gospel recording artists as die Mighty Cloud ,VP The Sensational Williams Brothers, The Jackson Southernaires and y m « She 's well known Ihioughoiri the » h e n , stales. Mississippi Louisiana. Mrs. Jones brings lo Portland a neb sound in traditional Jesus Loves You! CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Psalm 34:3 ___- as S S S S js S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S ® ^ Bishop W.G. Hardy Little King Mt. Sinai Temple Services Each Sunday 12 Noon and 8 PM Come see what every one’s talking about Mt. Sinai Temple 936 N.E. Beech Portland, OR 284-0854 The Peoples Church (corner of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 FREE WILL OFFERING COM EONE COME ALL For information call Mary O. McSwain ■ 281-4777 G. Williams - 288-1814 Come and enjoy an evening of great gospel sounds. ______ They have found the Place and the Place is Allen Temple (503) A dm teion Charge No Fuss about who the Pastor is. No Argument over the salary. Healing, Peace and Prosperity BISHOP W. G. HARDY LITTLE KING Thank you for your Sweet Letter Send Some More J