» ♦ » »'4 *■ Page 11 Portland Observer April 27. 1989 ---------------------1 Management Personnel SUB BIDS REQUESTED M cD onald’s is opening a new restaurant on Union ave. & Colum bia Blvd. Entry level & experienced m anagement positions are now available You have an excellent opportunity to establish yourself with a new managem ent team for personal growth increased responsibilities, exciting challenges & career advancements. If you are interested in what we have to offer, please call: (503) 253-9376 or send your resume in Confidence to: O H SU S W IM M IN G P O O L ADDN/RENOV BID DATE: M A Y 4,1989 - 3:00P.M. Sealed bids for the University o f Oregon W aste Heat Chillers, ECO #2 will be received by the Oregon S u te Board o f Higher Education in Conference Rom 2, University o f Oregon Physical Plan Department, 1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403-1276, until 3:00 PM „ May 16 1989,, and then publicly opened and read aloud by the Undersigned or a designated represenutive. This is a rebid o f a project advertised March 16,1989 and bid April 6,1989. One Addendum was issued as p a n o f that contract and is p a n o f this contract. Further addendum s issued as pat of the contract will begin with Addendum #2. This rebid is a formality to conform with the Departm ent o f Higher Education’s requirement for “ Affirmative Action Compliance” . No changes have been made to the contract docum ents except the Bid Form which will be reissued by Addendum. Briefly, te work consists o f installing tw o prepurchased used Carrier steam absorption chillers (379 ton and 432 ton) on a site adjacent to the west of the University Boiler Plant. Steam,condensate, chilled water, condenser water and drain piping will be interconnected with the existing systems in the Boiler/Chiller p la n t Space for routing and supporting piping in the chiller plant and new building is confined. W ork is to progress w hile the existing chilled water system remains in operation with m inimal downtim e for shutdowns. Coordination with the owner on the shutdown o f existing utilities will be extremely im portant Alternate N o.l - An Alternate forms part o f this w ork and can be described as follows: T O D D C O N S T R U C T IO N IN C . 18407 S.W. Boones Ferry Rd. Tualatin, OR. 97062 (503) 620-7652 Fax (503) 620-6825 We arc an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small businesses and small disadvantaged businesses, sub-contractors and women and minority business enterprise. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID McDonald's I McDonag 1989. A dditional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physical Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone (503) 754- P ow ered By P eop le W ith Pride An equal opportunity affirmative action employers CARING THE MENTOR by Joelle Sherman A, ___rt Oliver, H.O. Worker’s Com­ pensation Claims Manager, is an accom­ plished employee, husband, and father. As if that weren’t enough, he is also a Mentor; a wise and trusted counselor and teacher, who actively participates in The Jefferson Academy Program. Deposits will be refunded for documents returned in good condition by actual bidders within two weeks after opening o f bids, but to non-bidders only if returned no later than one week prior to bid opening. Contract documents may be examined at the University o f Oregon Physical Plant Department; Builders Exchange Cooperative; Construction Data Plan Center, Portland; Dodge/Scan Seattle W ashington; Eugene Builders Exchanger, Eugene; and Northwest Plan Center, Portland. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 AM , M ay 4,1989, in the Physical Plant Conference Room, Eugene, Oregon. No bid will be considered unless fully com pleted in the m anner provided in the “ Instruction to Bidders” upon the Bid Form provided by the Ow ner and accom panied by bid security executed in favor o f the State of Oregon and the Oregon State board of Higher Education in an am ount equal to ten (10) percent of the total amount of the bid, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a contract and provide suitable bond for the faithful performance o f the work The Academy Program, designed about five years ago, is the first of its k in d in the nation, and considered highly successful. The program addresses the needs of troubled high school students in their last three years of high school. About 100 students emerge themselves in skill-related subjects geared to help their transition from the nurturing womb of high school to a productive existence in the real world after their graduation. Classes range from computer train­ ing to basic skills on making change and writing checks. But a major key to the program’s success is the Mentor as­ signed to each student. 1 ms cat ing per son, a volunteer from the business com munity, reaches out to listen watch, ad­ vise, guide, and encourage The ultimate goal, to witness the bloom and lull growth of each student to a mature, pro­ ductive member of society. Licensed teachers from J efferson High School refer students to a panel of advisors who determine candidates for the program. Funding for the Academy is provided through donations and monies from the school budget. Q. How did you learn about the Acad­ emy, Art, and why did you decide to be­ come a Mentor? A. I met Julie Crosley, the Academy’s Program Director, while lecturing a class at Jefferson High School on the virtues of a career in the insurance business. Having worked with Boys Club and the Big Brother’s program for 14 years, I be­ gan asking questions. Before I knew it, I had committed to the program for two years and was assigned a student. Q. Tell us about your student and your goals for him. A. Christopher Lowery came into my life during his Junior year of high school. He was shy in the beginning, but is gra­ dually getting more self-confident. He likes football and wrestling. A bright young man, I believe he can achieve whatever he decides to do. Wc arc good friends now, and spend about 6-8 houis a week together. I enjoy watching his games or meets, we talk together, and he sometimes helps me coach my filth grade basketball team I want to see Chris achieve graduation from high school and prepare for a career by going on to college, perhaps starting with a 2-year college. I’d also like to see a college scholarship tund es­ in the event the contract is awarded to the bidder. The Oregon State Board of Higher Education reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive all informalities. No bidder may withdraw a bid after the hour set for the opening thereof until after the elapse of 30 days from the bid opening. All bidders must comply with the requirem ents o f the prevailing wage law in ORS 279.350 and enclose an envelope of materials marked “ Affirmative Action Com pliance’ ’ as described in Supplementary Instructions to Bidders, SB-1. , , No bid will be considered unless fully com pleted in the manner provided in the “ Instructions to Bidders” upon the Bid Form provided and accompanied by Bid Security. OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION By: G eorge Pem steiner, Associate Vice-Chancellor Eugene, Oregon SUB BIDS REQUESTED OHSU SWIMMING POOL ADDN/RENON Bid Date: May 4,1989 3:00 pm O.T.K.M. CONSTRUCTION 1224 S.W. 17th Portland, Oregon 97205 (503) 241-2875 FAX 274-9691 I We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small businesses, small disadvantage businesses, sub-conlraclors, and women’s m.nonty business enterprises SUB BIDS REQUESTED LOW INCOME FAMILY HOUSING Ridgefield, W ashington V ancouver H ousing A uthority Bid Date: May 4,1989 3:00 pm BRABEC CONSTRUCTION 6500 N .E. St. Johns Rd. Vancouver WA 98661 (2 0 6 )6 9 3 -7 1 1 2 I We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids front sm all I 1 business and sm all disadvantaged business sub-contractors and w om en f & m inority business enterprises. SUB BIDS REQUESTED LIBRARY FACILITY Gresham, Oregon Tuesday, May 2,1988 5:00 pm TODD CONSTRUCTION INC. 18407 S.W. Boones Ferry Rd. Tualatin, OR 97062 (503) 620-7652 FAX (503) 620-6825 in equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and! enterprises. ZV\ Sealed bids for the Moreland Hall Reroofing project will be received by the O regon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM, PDT, May 25, 4921. Replace the above floor 12" chilled w ater return header shown connected to the existing two valved 8" chilled w ater return lines with a 12" valved riser routed from under floor. Bids will be received on a lump-sum basis for all o f the work. One set o f Contract Documents may be obtained by prime bidders only from Balzhiser & Hubbard Engineers, 860 M cKinley Street, Eugene, O regon 97402 upon deposit o f $50.00. I disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women & minority business McDonald’s 8011 N.E. Union Ave. Portland, Oregon 97211-0266 | tablished to help Chris and his class­ mates reach their goals. (?. Does your involvement in the Acad­ emy affect your family and work? A. My wife is very supportive, likes Chris, and often joins me at ringside or on the bleachers to watch Chris play I work at balancing time with my family and feel we all benefit from the exper- Cn In III I) Portl.iiul < H im