Page 10 Portland Observer April 27, 1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED SAIF SAIF Corporation, O regon’s leading w orkers’ com pensation insurance earner seeks individuals for the follow ing positions: EXAMINER TRAINEE $1503 M INIM UM Salem Office The starting date will be approxim ately 7-10-89. The individuals selected for these positions will be in a trainee status for a minimum of six months During this time, the trainees will be provided with on-the job training and formal classroom training. Training will consist o f learning the examiner duties and responsibilities which include the m anagement and processing o f assigned num ber of disability and non-disability claim s insuring that com pensation and m edical benefits are paid timely. A pplicantsm ust have tw oyearscollege and one year'scollege or com pletion o f the three part 11A "Certificate in Ceneral Insurance. A com bination of education and/or experience which has provided problem solving, analytical and m athem atical skills in a position with decision making authority may be substituted for the educational requirem ent. A pplicants must have demonstrated oral and written communication skills and ability to analyze, use logic and evaluate adverse facts. Candidates m ust also be willing to continue their education through insurance training program s. VOCATIONAL EVALUATOR $1298 MINIM UM Salem O ffice The individual in this position supports claim s file case management; provides assessm ent of vocational goals and services to return the injured w orker to work; assist in the assessm ent of PPD awards and an equitable resolution o f assigned cases. Applicants must have current workers; compensation eligibility certification a Bachelor’s degree in rehabilitation or a related field with experience that dem onstrates a know ledge o f vocational assistance issues, vocational assessm ents and/or workers; com pensation insurance procedures and five years o f w orkers’ com pensation experience. RESEARCH AND STATISTICS SPECIALIST $2330-2885/HIRING RANGE The individual in this position identifies and monitors trends in workers com pensation issues, analyzes econom ic developm ents, carries out dem ographic studies, and provides statistics to respond to corporate and legislative needs. Functions include: preparing formal written reports, statistical studies, graphs and charts outlining changes in trends, and appropriate recom m endations for alternatives based upon study analysis; developing statistics to identify and target high cost and high/low profitability areas; carrying out dem ographic studies and developing data to anticipate and plan for changing economic conditions and a changing work force; must keep current with developm ents/needs in assigned technical area. . A pplicant m ust have superior ability to carry out research and analysis of complex issues; com prehensive knowledge o f Oregon workers com pensation law and adm inistrative rules; technical com petence in a specialty area o f workers; com pensation such as Underw riting, Claim s, Accounting, etc; knowledge of information resource management systems; college degree or equivalent, characterized by dem onstrated ability to carry out analysis, interpretation and communication of research findings. W e offer an excellent benefits program . T o be considered for these positions you m ust com plete our em ploym ent application. Please call our message phone(503) 1-373-8047 by 5pm, April 27,1989 to requestyour applicant packet. N o resum es please. CITY OF SALEM, OREGON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES INVITATION TO BID ALLEY IMPROVEMENT BLOCK 19, SALEM EAST OF LIBERTY STREET FERRY STREET TO TRADE STREET The City o f Salem will receive sealed bids at the office o f the City Recorder, City Hall, Room 205, Salem, O regon, until but not after 11:00 a.m., May 10, 1989, at which time said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Council Cham bers, Room 240, 555 Liberty Street S.E., Salem, Oregon for the project specified herein. The proposed work consists o f : 300 feet o f alley paving and storm drain replacement, 84 feet of water line, decorative paver placement, and appurtenant work. Plans, specifications and other bid docum ents may be inspected and obtained at the office o f the City o f Salem , D epartm ent of Public W orks, 555 Liberty Street S.E., Room 325 Salem, Oregon. The bidder shall not file the book o f “ Standard Construction Specifications’’ with his bid. Bids must be subm itted on the proposal forms furnished to the bidders. “B I D Q H BLOCK 19, SAI.FM - Did M522£. and Proposals shall be subm itted in a sealed envelope plainly marked A1 i FY IMPROVEMENT. show the name and business address of the bidder. Any objections to or com m ents upon the bid specifications must be subm itted in writing to the Departm ent of Public W orks, Room 325, 555 Liberty Street, SE, Salem OR 97301. They must be received no later than five (5) working days before the bid opening date. A surety bond, cashier’s check or certified check o f the bidder, in the am ount o f ten percent (10% ) o f the bid must be attached to each proposal as security. Unsuccessful bidders will have their security refunded to them when the contract has been awarded. No bids, exceeding $10,000, will be received or considered by the City o f Salem or any o f its officers unless the bid contains a statem ent by the bidder (by signing his proposal) that the provisions o f ORS 279.350 shall be included in his contract. Every contractor or subcontractor is re q u ire d to post the applicable Prevailing W age Rates (PW R) in a conspicuous and accessible place in or about the work-site for the duration of the job. Contractors and subcontractors who intentionally fail to post the PW R can be made ineligible to receive any public works contract for uP ‘° lJ r®® R E C IPR O C A L PR E FE R E N C E LAW : In compliance with ORS 279.029, bidders must state on their proposal whether they are a resident or nonresident bidder. Proposals that fail to provide this information will be CQnsufclSd nonresnonsive, The City o f Salem reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to w aive form alities and o f postponing the award o f the contract for thirty (30) days. , . . . Prices quoted shall be firm for a period o f 30 days after closing date. The attention of bidders is directed to the provisions of Chapter 97, Salem Revised code, concerning unlawful em ploym ent practices. Violation o such provisions shall be grounds forim m ediate termination o f this contract w ithout recourse by the contractor. Inquiries concerning the contents o f the bid specifictions should be directed to Tom Larsen, Project Engineer, at 588-6063. CATEGORIES OF W ORK INVOLVED: Underground utility and concrete paving SAIF CORPORATION An equal opportunity em ployer INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on May 11,1989, for the projects listed below: County Benton & Polk Clatsop Coos Coos Douglas Douglas Clatsop Suver-Thousand Oaks Drive Sec. o f Pacific H w y. W est. Paving. Coast Range Sum nm it-Jew ell Jct.Sec. o f Sunset Hwy. Overlay. District 7 Paving Project on O regon Coast & Cape Arago Hwys. in North Bend and Bandon. Paving. Marlow Creek Sec. o f Coos River Hwy. G rade, pave & culvert. DBE Goal Dixonville-G lide Sec. o f N. U m pqua Hwy. Paving. Fish Creek-Chinquapin Creek Sec. of North Umpqua Harney Hood River & Clackam as Jackson Klamath Klamath Klamath Lane Lincoln Hwy. Paving Bum s-Law en Sec o f Steens Hwy. Paving. W hite River Rock Production Project of Mt. Hood Hwy. Poorm an’s Creek Sec. of Jacksonville Hwy. Paving. Chiloquin Rock Production Project of The Dalles-Califomia CITY OF PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REQUEST FOR LETTERS OF INTEREST HEADQUARTERS HOTEL MARKET & ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY The Portland Development Com m ission (PDC) is soliciting letters of interest from qualified market research consultants to undertake an examination of the market for a headquarters hotel near the Oregon Convention Center and the local economic impact o f such a facility. The Portland Development Commission is committed to taking affirmative action to encourage and facilitate the participation o f M inority and W omen Business Enterprises in Com m ission projects and operations. To help meet Com m ission goals, prime contractors are encouraged to consider and utilize qualified M BE/W BE subcontractors in this project. The C om m ission’s goal for this project has been established at 9% Minority Business Enterprise and 9% W omen Business Enterprise utilization as a percentage o f the total dollar am ount o f this contract. Copies of the proposal package and submission requirements are available at the PDC offices, attention Maureen Kallman, 1120 S.E. Fifth Avenue, Suite 1102, Portland, Oregon 97204-1968, (503) 796-6950. Proposals are due at the PDC office no latter than 3:00 p.m., Monday 8, 1989. Hwy. Hayden Mountain Pass Sec. o f Green Springs Hwy. Multnomah EDUCATION SEREVICE DISTRICT Paving. District 5 Overlay Project on various highways. Yachats-Lane County Line Sec. o f O regon C oast Hwy. INVITATION FOR BID AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT Marion Multnomah Hwy. N.E. Hancock S l -S.E. Haigh St. Sec. o f Pacific Hwy. East in Portland. Cold planing & overlay. Yamhill Creek-N .C.L. Carlton Sec. o f Tualatin Valley Yamhill ROBIN KIRKPATRICK PURCHASING SUPERVISOR BID NO. 3539 Hwy. Dairy Rock Production Project of Klamath Falls-Lakeview Paving. District 3 Paving Project (Unit A: Pacific Hwy. E. Woodburn/ M ointer Rd. Sec.) of Hillsboro/Silverton Hwy. and (Unit B: Silver Ridge Rd.-Jack Lane Sec.) o f Silver Creek Falls Hwy.Paving. Plans specifications, and bid docum ents may be obtained in Rm. l Transportation Building. Salem, OR 97310. Prim e contractors m ust be prequalificd ten days prior to the bM opening day.. For additional informauon. Please contact Com m ission Services at 378-6526. If your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (D BE) or a W omen Business Enterprise (W BE), please contact the O ice fo W omen and Minority Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone Ivitation For Bids Hillsdale Terrace Apartments Site and Dwelling Work, Phase 2B Project No. MS-0502 Invitation for Bid No. 015-89-140 Bids due 2:00pm, PDST.May 12,1989 Bids are solicited to furnish audio visual equipm ent for this A gency’s C o­ operative Purchasing program. Bids will be received by Michael Mlynarvzyk, Purchasing Agent, at 220 SE 102nd Avenue (PO Box 16657), Portland, Oregon 97216-0657 (Phone:503-225-1841) until no later than 2:00 pm PD ST, May 12 ,1989, at which time and address the bids will be publicly opened. The successful bidder will not be required to be licensed for asbestos abatem ent under section 7 of ORS 468.883. Specifications may be obtained at the above office. Each bid m ust contain a statem ent as to w hether or not the bidder is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 279.029. The D istrict may reject any bid not in com pliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents,and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding o f the agency it is in the pulbic interest to do so. No bid will be considered that is received after the appointed date and time. Sealed bids are requested for labor and materials to construct site renovations and will be received at the Housing Authority o f Portland (H A P) M aintenance Office, 8910 N. W oolsey A venue, Portland,Or, 97203 until 2:00 p.m., P.D.T. Tuesday May 9,1989. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. The attendance o f bidders is welcomed. The project is identified as H illsdale Terrace Apartm ents, located at 6775 S.W . 26th, Portland, Or. p7219. W ork to be perform ed includes demolition o f concrete walks and asphalt paving, rem oval o f specified utilities, site grading and drainages. New construction o f walks, stairs, and retaining walls; exterior lighting, ;amdsca[e planting with irrigation and site furnishings; replacem ent o f porch roofs, and new metal roofing throughout project. The time allow ed to com plete the work is 220 calendar days after execution of the c o n tract Interested bidders may obtain one set o f bid docum ents at the HAP M aintenance O ffice, 8910 N. W oolsey Avenue, Portland, Or. 97203 upon receipt of deposit of $75 which is refundable when docum ents are returned to HAP in good condition within 10 days after bid opening. Additional sets may be acquired for $40 each, which is not refundable. A HAP Representative will conduct a pre-bid tour of the pro, commencing at 10:00a.m., Thursday, April 27,1989, at the project site and the attendance o f bidders is requested. Q uestions posed a t that time, when not addressed in the specifictions, will be answ ered by addendum and mailed to all bidders. N o bid will be considered unless accom panied by bid security in the form o f certified check, cashier’s check, or surety bond payable to * ‘The Housing A uthority o f Portland” in an am ount equal to 10% o f the bid which is forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam ages should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into contract or provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance o f the work when bidder is notified o f contract award. A minimum o f 20% MBE participation in the execution of this project is a HUD Region 10 and H AP goal and the m ethods the bidder proposes to meet this goal shall be submitted on a notarized ‘ ‘Certification of MBE Participation’ ’ form which will becom e part o f the bid. No bidder may withdraw bid after the hour set for opening thereof until after the lapse o f sixty (60) days from the bid opening. H AP may reject any bid not in com pliance w ith the prescribed bidding procedures and requirem ents and may reject any or all bids and waive all inform alities if, in the judgm ent o f HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Richard Jones at 283- 1693. Housing Authority O f Portland Loren Tarbell D irector o f M aintenance ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for W estm oreland Family Housing Reroofing Project Phase V will be received by the O regon State B oard o f Higher Education at the University o f O regon Physical Plant Department, Conference Room 2,1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403-1276, until 2:00 p.m. PDT., W ednesday , May 24,1989. Briefly, the work consists of tearing off existing roofing underlayment,non- acceptable flashing and roofing accessories, and install new roofing and flashing as shown on drawing. For further information contact Physical Plant, U of O, phone 686-5243. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids w ill be received by Portland Com m unity College, H.E. Lile, D irector o f Business Services, Room A-6, Ross Island Center, 049 S.W. Porter, Portland, Oregon 97201 until 2:00 p. m. local time, Thursday, May 18,1989, for Portland Com m unity College, Sylvania Cam pus, Boiler Stack Flue Replacem ent, as described in the bidding docum ents on file at said place. The C ollege has appointed the tim e for opening o f all such bids, the hour of 2:15 p.m. local time on and at the aforem entioned date and place. The College has determ ined specifications for such bids, copies o f which may be obtained from Bloodw orth, Ellis, Seder, M cNam ara, Architects, 5200 S.W. M acadam, Suite 370, Portland, Oregon 97201, upon a deposit o f $50.00. Deposit will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidder(s) within two (2) weeks after bid opening providing the docum ents are returned in original bound condition and free o f markings. Formal prequalification is not required nor desired; however, bidders w ho are in doubt as to their qualifications may contact the undersigned and subm it prequalification requests no later than May 12,1989. Bidders may not withdraw their bids after the hour set for the opining thereof until after the elapse o f thirty (30) days from the bid opening, and all bid proposals shall contain a statem ent that the provisions o f ORS 279.350 relating to the prevailing wage rates shall be com plied with Disadvantaged and W omen Business Enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to subm it bids in response to this solicitation and will not be discrim inated against on the ground o f race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award of any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisem ent Subcontracting goals on any contract to be awarded as a result of this solicitation are 10% for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, 3% for Women Business Enterprises. Bidder responding must meet these goals or demonstrate good faith efforts to do so. Only those firms certified by the Oregon Executive Departm ent will be counted toward m eeting these goals. It is the position o f Portland Com m unity College not to contract with a company that is chartered or licensed in South Africa, a company chartercc or licensed in another country w hose primary facility is in South Africa, or a company that wholly ow ns a subsidiary whose primary facility is in South Africa. Portland Com m unity College reserves the right to reject any or all bids Inquires regarding this project may be directed to: Paraclete Engineering Larry G rim es, P.E. 7608 Hazel Dell Avenue V ancouver, W ashington 98665 or Bloodworth, Ellis, Seder, M cN am ara/A rchitccts, P.C. 5200 S.W . M acadam, Suite 370 Portland, Oregon 97201 (503) 223-6963 PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community” 288-0033 (503) 378-5651. ••*■* *■*** - « J ’■ '■ ♦ *.*'»■**•" ■ • • * * * » * ♦ • *■» ♦■'-âj