Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 20, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6 Portland Observer April 20, 1989
W A SHINGTON, D .C .-In response
to increasing cancer rates am ong blacks
and H ispanics, the N ational Cancer
Institute will promote National Minority
Cancer Awareness W eek, April 16-22,
as organizations across the country
sponsor activities such as free cancer
screenings, presentations, health fairs,
workshops, and seminars.
“ Many facts about cancer in black
and Hispanic populations concern u s,”
said Samuel Broder, M .D., director of
the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
“ For exam ple, black men are tw ice as
likely to have prostate cancer as white
m en, and higher percentages o f both
black and Hispanic men smoke. That
m eans proportionately more o f them
will be dying o f smoking-related cancers
in future years.”
Dr. Broder said N C I’s media
cam paign for National M inority Cancer
Awareness W eek is intended to inform
blacks and Hispanics o f ways they can
prevent cancer. The cam paign theme,
“ Eat Your W ay to Good H ealth,”
encourages them to:
*Eat m ore fruits, vegetables, and
whole-grained breads and cereals.
♦Broil and bake meats and poultry
instead o f frying them.
♦Use less oil in cooking.
In addition to prevention o f cancer
through avoiding tobacco use and eating
healthy foods. Dr. Broder said minorities
need to belter understand the importance
o f detecting cancer early, when the
chances o f successful treatm ent are
“ For exam ple, a low er percentage
o f Hispanic women have regular Pap
tests to detect cervical cancer, and that
is resulting in cervical cancer rates that
are double those of non-H ispanic white
w om en,” Dr. Broder said. “ Likewise,
two of the most common cancers among
black women are breast and colorectal
cancers—and both can be detected early
through screening.”
News Around Town
Days Inn at the Portland Airport
Hosts National Job Fair for Older
W orkers
PO RTLAND — Portland’s citizens
over 50 years old are invited to attend
SENIOR POW ER 1989, a national job
fair sponsored by Days Inns o f America,
Inc. Senior Pow er 1989 will be held on
Saturday May 6, 1989 from 9:00am to
1:00pm at the Days Inn at the Portland
airport, 11550 N.E. Airport Way. Over
20 Portland businesses with a strong
desire to hire older workers will be
accepting applications for part to full­
time positions in various industries.
Honored attendees include Congressman
Ron Wyden. M ayor Bud C lark’s office
will issue a proclam ation in honor of
Senior Power 1989.
Spring training is history. Let the
tournam ents begin! The Portland Park
Bureau offers five sanctioned Amateur
Softball Association tournaments in May,
kicking off a season o f at least 37
tournam ents before post-season play
even begins. Fast pitch, slow pitch;
m en’s w om en’s or coed; A League, C
League, O League - you name it, there’s
a tournam ent designed for that category
and that caliber o f play.
And why not? More than 550 teams
are signed up through the Park Bureau
for city-league play this year, and another
150 teams will probably sign up for
recreational leagues later in the season.
By the time the season ends, softball
team s within the city will have played
more than three times the number of
gam es played by the entire M ajor
So who needs the Mariners. Grab a
m itt or a lawn chair and enjoy Park
Bureau softball this season.
“ Our goal is to match older workers
w ho wish to re-enter the work force
with Portland com panies who are
proactive in hiring the older w orker,”
said Anne Kinkaid, Director o f Sales of
the Days Inn at the Pordand airport,
host of Portland’s job fair. Industries
represented at Senior Power 1989 include
retail, hospitality, tem porary agencies,
food services, and others.
Senior Pow er 1989 in Pordand is one of
more than 120 job fairs being held at
Days Inn hotels in 35 states throughout
every region o f the country, all on May
6, 1989. Days Inns o f America, Inc.,
whose corporate offices are located in
A tlanta, began recruiting older workers
as reservations agents in 1985 and
actively encourages its franchisees to
hire older workers, recognizing skills
v a lu a b le
se rv ic e -o rie n te d
organizations. The Days Inn corporate
office is coordinating the national job
fair, assisting its hotels with recruiting
other em ployers and interested older
w orkers through various community
agencies and organizations.
Portland businesses participating in the
job fair are:
M cDonalds
Providence M edical Center
Green Thum b, Inc.
M ount Hood Community College
Collins Foods
Fred Meyer
Days Inn
Burgerville U.S.A.
Kelly Services
P r iv a te
Industries Council
Grace Collins
Memorial Center
A merican Red Cross
Mount H ood M edical Center
Express Tem porary
O r e g o n
Staffing Services
M ultnomah County Libraries
Senior Job Center (PCC)
Hew lett Packard
Burger King
O regon Em ploym ent Division
On April 24 at 1:00 p.m. in room 338
o f Portland Stale U niversity’s Smith
M emorial Center, a com prehensive
safety education program aim ed at
com batting violence against women in
the campus community will be proposed.
The program which has been designed
by a coalition o f independent PSU
students and the PSU W om ens’ Union,
responds to a lack o f support by the PS U
adm inistration regarding the issue of
women’s safety. This student-sponsored,
student-centered program has been
endorsed by the P ortland State
A dm inistration of Justice departm ent,
and the PSU Womens’ studies Certificate
Program along with a num ber o f
com m unity organizations.
The program will combine education,
advocacy,and directaction. In addition
the development of sensitivity to racism,
homophobia and continuum of violence
against women will be crucial to the
program and its im plem entation.
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Reading First G rade Books
Black writers are not know n for
making large sums of money. O f course,
there is the exception o f such people as
Alice W alker, Alex Haley and those
w ho write music.
For m any years, K aren’s News
Syndicate has dedicated itself to the
training o f young Black journalists in
Southern California and though it has
been rew ard in g em otionally and
spiritually, it has not afforded this writer
the opportunity to move out o f what has
becom e one o f the m ost violent war
zones since V iet Nam.
Today, after much thought and
consideration, Karen ’ s News S y ndicate
is being m oved to W est Palm Beach,
Florida. In som e circles, it m ight be
seen as a “ retreat from the battle” ; but
not really. KNS will continue to work
with young people, but not in the
atm osphere o f random and senseless
M ore than 75 m en, women and
ch ild ren w ere shot, stabbed or
bludgeoned to death by gang members
in Los Angeles during the first three
m onths o f 1989. The toll represented
nearly a 40 percent increase in gang-
related m urders since the sam e period
last year. In 1988, 257 killings were
officially charged to the gang elem ent
that thrives on a drug-related econom y
that shows no sign o f abatem ent. Blacks
killing Blacks each and every day.
The stress o f living in an area where
drive-by shooting is a sport em ployed
by predatory, crack-crazed young Blacks
is not my idea o f progress toward
realization o f Dr. Martin Luther K ing’s
dream. So, with regret, I say “ Goodbye,
Los A ngeles.”
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