, a 'w . « •'» ♦ «’♦ * ' Page 11 Portland Observer April 13,1989 INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION CALL FOR BIDS JOBS & CLASSIFIED Sealed bids w ill be received until 9 am on A p ril 27,1989, fo r the projects SUB-BIDS REQUESTED BID DATE: April 20,1989 C-76 CL-I11 C-14 CL-11I 3 PM m inority business enterprises. Engineer fo r each set o f plans and specifications requested. Grant Harney D BE Goal. Chemult-Lenz Rd. Sec. o f The D alles-C alifom ia H wy. Klamath a bid opening. Otherwise, their proposal may not be given consideration. Washington & Wasco Sealed bids w ill be received fo r the acquisitions listed below. bid. A performance and payment corporate surety bond in the fu ll amount o f the contract shall be required to guarantee fa ith fu l performance o f the Regions 1 & 4 U ’ xings o f Beaverton-Tigard, Pacific and Columbia River Hwys. near Portland & between M osier & The Dalles. Protective fencing. O ldsville R d.-M cM in nville Sec. o f Salmon R iver H w y. Y a m hill bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. In determining the lowest responsible bidder, the public contracting agency shall, fo r the purpose o f awarding the contract, add a percent increase on the bid o f a nonresident bidder equal to the percent, i f any , o f the preference given to that bidder in the state in which the bidder resides. The C ity o f Gresham reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, waive Goods 73400035 89 Reflective Surveyor’ s Vests and 90200019 90200018 90200017 90200016 29100004 90200020 90200021 60300005 Various 04-19-89 Various 04-19-89 Various 04-20-89 Various 04-20-89 Various 04-20-89 Salem 04-21-89 Various 04-25-89 Various 04-25-89 Salem 04-26-89 89 Meat 89 Salad Dressing, Pickles, etc. 89 Frozen Fruits & Vegetables 89 Seafood, Poultry, Misc. Frozen 89 T hird Party Financing 89 Canned Fruits 89 Canned Vegetables 89 Data Management Software Services 86200001 89 Closed C ircu it C olor Service 86200003 89 Urine and Blood Testing program- 2-3 years experience in government documents; 2 years supervisory e x ig e n c e experience in planning, organization, and management, demonstrated a b ility w orking cooperauvely in a^ e ^ n d i n g andI changing environment communicate effectively; demonstrated userronented and fle x ib ility potential fo r continuing professional growth and scholarly r hmp'ni Stronelv Preferred: Second master’ s degree om sibkcct oaubase background and interest in bibliographic; research and R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S : Reports to Asst. D irector fo r Research a d large selective depository collection; provides reference and infor™ l,° " Z c S to Government Documents and M icroform Units; P ^ c o n ^ ^ S a K : ^ ^ Q ond ip tte r medications prescribed by a physician in w ritin g a « deducuble Q- 1 paid $700 in interest in 1988 on my credit card balances for various M rsonal expenditures. Is that interest fully deductible. A- I f toe interes* *expense resulted from the purchase o f personal items ( s « h L X , S used « home). O N L Y 40% o l d . Salcm F orm 40 in d iv id u a l tax Center & 25th Streets Salcm, OR 97310 73400050 89 T ra ffic Line Painting in Klamath, Lake and Harney Counties Various 04-27-89 58020021 89 R eroof College Center, W OSC Monmouth 05-04-89 M A N D A T O R Y On-Site Inspection C all (503) 838-1220 exL 239 to arrange on-site inspection The State reserves the right to reject any and a ll bids. ■ R U B I , C A T IO N copy - C O M V X 'D . r t o n t P O " . o r I Q n P . r « » u x (up io $3.000 on a jo in , return $1 .500 i f married Social Security tax shown on line 21b o f your Federal Form 1040. any Oregon tax refund shown on your Federal return (does N O T inc u e a property tx refund); up to $5,000 in U.S. public retirement income and up to $3.000 in m ilita ry active duty pay... « c and l Q: M y daughter and I and my suiter share an aPa rt™ ;"t(M^ ,S split expenses and rent. Neither of us makes more than $15,000 year. Bid documents m a , be seen or o b la in e d a tth e o ffice o f the D ivision. 1225Ferry S l..S E .S alem .O R 97310;te le p h o n e d « ) 378-5501. » I » «I •» 11 C O N M Í R C IA L • » « .« 0 .» » « " . « -« » - « — IS I A t i I“ * LEGAL H U I OF B*NM How do we claim an Oregon rent refund? A- Each o f you must file a separate Form 70R. Y o ur refund w ill be based on i n d i v i d u a l income. Y ou need to lis t her name, and she yours, on vour returns. Do not list your daughter i f she didn t pay renL For free referral to a qualified public accountant or tax consultant >"busine^ in your area, call toe Oregon Association o f Public Accountants: (Portlan ) NO 3 A*____ 282-7247. fiTv l/F ¿¿Ulf "T c Y o m T,» BtrtMiSOAh ------ 3-31-»9_ MULTNOMAH PORTLAND buf opens resource center The Black United Fund o f Oregon has opened a Com m unity Resource orghmxadons. The Resounx C e n w cOTrnns dmxmnes w ilhTnfonnalion on thousands o f funding sources dtroughouuhe A dditio na lly Ihe Resource Cemer contains newsleuers, periodicals, and m X m e n ^ a n i x a u o n a l gutdes lhat offer .alnableJisstsuncc to jno m p S rZ i-u o n s T h e R c s o u rc e C c n rc rts o p e n w e e k d u y s fro m iO .O O a m ASU IS » c«»h W * » » • * « * ' * * "O” . »'■» «■»••"«» »"<» • MW« - tea»«« MM««»« ? &#€«••<•*» , F M r * i hr~n »OM »~ - wxuMr«» pv-tnawu *• •Ml « 4» f rtq# »«'•I Ag»*»«"#’* »•**■*■''*' •"*’ ** “I* ' • FM».» »OM » S*cu>**» p v - r I « I»»"» »"» »■«»• • IM«, OT •»•»»» ”• ’ •'«'l «wo*»» fe LESS Afefe.»«c« “ I t a S d U organizalions and individuals work,ng in non-profit sector a r c X S i d “ o come in and use this viral resource ihat is the only one o f * '» • ' ■ * tf Lfe»"« »od ••»»»« ** • ■«•«OT» »"d •««*•'♦ "** 4 4 4 6 F"4 4 41 » A«»«» M M - «.«•••'«« • » ~ i »•••«» • " * ' ***** its type in toe community. T O«#« »•»• »»•»'• OorM-d • |n,»«IM#M» MM»o»Ol«a»'M M O T *» » *« ’ n,1 A '*04 « «■•»•*•»»• Mw«fe»o» O" M 'O T »«*»» «H#»’«-"*'-» ,o tolan««1« •»»•'« 1» • '*» •»*♦'» <»u"» o» t l O>h». •»»•«» U Oepov” ■ fe» •«»■<•» «n omo b# t i l tM#'»M - b#«"«xj b m «M*»»* I M » » ^ . . . . . lif e U S C »M J« !« *•*• H »*«•»'■'»» o f application, current resume, and I« F»»»««« » m i L l v T 1989 Consideration o f credentials w ill begin imm ediately and w ill deducted in 1988 as an itemized deduction on your tax return, percentage drops to 20% in 1989 and disappears in 1991. LO C A T IO N : Oregon State Hospital Entrance to B uilding 50 S u m S . d o O w/second master’ s degree or $29,000 w / j vm IR TAX PERSPECTIVE is a series o f questions and answers T o Make Arrangements 30936001 89 B u ild Restroom F acility 1 ih'Ou.X’ ” 1 fe lRfe.1 1#M »M (HK5W»--» S V - « '» •il c To»« •*«♦!» feM «MOT » « W ^ l ’^ 'u b ra ry and University committees. For details: Richard L . Garlock, Executive Director. Portland 282- 7247 M A N D A T O R Y On-Site Inspection Contact Steve M ille r, (503) 838-1220 Ext. 239 o f records to an online system, assists with ‘¡ ^ rWhy do more families call » «»• •*»'•♦* * ”*' ’ "*• »' »#•• »■• o« «M IHM *-< AgrW"OT ».*•*%►*••#» »M • «M * Cox » F#d»«»i M M » p.,ecr»»»d fe S#cu>.'rfe» ho m •g-##«"#'” « 'o -•rv«c'’»»» ’ S O#«"»"d no«»» •»»«•* 'V ' * • U S t«»»»o’> «« « »»’ I« OlM * • » • » » • « R f»»#, I» Mo«,gag* * • • » > • * * " » M ' t * g * « * * . ' «V b loata» ’F USC ’».’ 'H c »o«* #•#»» «»o- »« a"d » »»P» T » * ?» » M * »«f*«#« M*«#., S X ' * * * *• ' o«» a t '»»»»•*•» ••a tv 'p d » * • »"***"«*••» ia MM», »n«t (,#»»#'’<•••■. »vVO'd ' » ,M K Om#' '«»h" »» ? , I« » , fc»h i o purposes. NO , J so’ . N D ixo n . P ortland O re g o n tor ,? U * C .,#(»•«••*••*•»»' IP?J.,. I» .- ?• M ( MldtAHUA »m. mm» « • , « W« * •* i* “ Before You Must U S ’ * 1 •« -M ’ " ' ' M 1 — Make a Decision — ' ' *'• “ Inquire about the services we offer’ I bid title DATE A.« .41 *» *t » , F ranklin H ig h S chool C o u n se lin g Center kfkkfih f. mf»? Cox Funeral Home, Inc ■« • » * '• * 50.1-; A?» UIN r A p ril 25, 1989 M s • H« |. M, o* t «-M » • im * * 24 Hr. Service • Rem odel i.. 7n- »rs ‘ 1 C u rtlP '« . h »U I r «.« . u r..!* ’n < * r -1 1 - f We are interested in your problems. T. IfMlN T * 1 28 O ■ 249-2000, E xtension 581 » » i f ' » M .'* 1 « the item s listed herein: bid filing *4- From the OREGON ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS de