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Steve has spent seven years dealing w ith issues related to youth gangs and drugs th ro ug h P o rtla n d ’ s S e lf- Enhancement Program. He may explore career p o s s ib ilitie s in fashion merchandising or art design-he has LIFELONG FRIENDS LEAD WARRIORS When U lf Spears and Sieve Adams first became friends in elementary school, in Portland , they probably never envisioned the roads they w ould travel together. They probably did not realize that as high school sophomores they would team up w ith future Los Angeles Laker A.C. Green to w in Oregon’ s state A A A basketball title. U lf and Steve played 4 years o f varsity basketball at powerhouse Benson Polytechnic High in Portland before graduating in 1983. They probably did not foresee being recruited by dozens o f college coaches and playing together for tw o years at the U niversity o f Idaho in Moscow, Idaho, an N C A A D ivision I School in the Big Sky Conference. And they certainly never anticipated finishing their college careers together at Western Baptist College, just an hour away from where it a ll began. But that is exactly what has happened and today they provide Western’ s W arriors w ith the fearsome one-two punch that comes w ith having two o f the d istrict’ s most talented players. When U lf, a 6 ’ 5" off-guard who averages 15 points a game while sinking 65% o f his hots, transferred to W B C in 1987, he was the first m ajor college athlete to play fo r the W arriors since Roger M osier came to Salem from the U niversity o f Southern C alifornia and proceeded to lead the nation in scoring, averaging 33.9pointspergam e in 1971. This past fall Steve joined U lf at Western Baptist College and he currently is the district leader in scoring at 26 ppg. and in rebounding, averaging 9 per game. Steve scores on over 50% o f his shot attempts. Coach Tim H ills characterizes him as a very “ hungry, aggressive player.” While at Idaho, they both were starters . and U lf led the Vandals in scoring, averaging 18.5 points per game his sophomore year. H ills , now in his 18t'. year o f coaching say», t hey are very coachable men who are good to be around. A lot o f times, m ajor college transfers come into a small college program w ith bad attitudes. Thathasn’t been a problem at all w ith U lf and Steve.” Sieve Allows worked as art director fo r the Portland Observer. He also plans to actively pursue opportunities to play professional basketball either in the N B A or Europe. The Western Baptist W arriors traveled to Chattanooga, Tennessee and placed third in the N C C A A tourney. The team was lead by Steve Adams who scored 33 points and U lf Spears w ith 25 points. H alftim e score was W B C 58 - Bethel 49. The final score was W B C 1 1 5 -B e th e l 94. A fte r all the dust had settled, Steve Ulf Spears held the conference record for scoring As a high school player, U lf was w ith 1,033 fo r the season, first-team recruited by more than 30 D ivision I A ll-A m erica n N C C A A and first-team schools. Steve attracted even more A ll-A m erican N A IA , W B C ’ s M VP. attention, receiving over 70 scholarship Steve’s high scoring achievement offers. Steve, a 6 ’6 ” a small forward, became the first tim e in the history o f seriously considered e n ro llin g at the N C C A A that a single player has Syracuse. Both chose the U niversity o f ever scored over 1,000 total points. The Idaho. previous record was held by Karl Hess W ith backgrounds such as these, what in 1979-80 w ith 961 points. brought U lf and Steve to Western Baptist U lf came away w ith second-team from Idaho, when they could have A ll-A m erica n , A ll Conference player selected a number o f other colleges? N C C A A and N A IA . • U lf says that when he visited W B C , is It w ill cause much wonderment to the people were warm and friendly, see just what other parallel events w ill “ I ’ d been treated so w rongly in the past occur in the lives o f these tw o young and I appreciated the honesty I found at men from the Northeast Portland Western. I prayed about m y decision com m unity. and fe lt comfortable w ith W B C ,” he This only goes to show you that it is adds. “ I fe lt like I had been bruised and possible to rise above your environment. beaten in the secular w orld and Western These tw o had a very special “ stick” has been kind o f a healing salve to my to fig ht w ith. They had God on their side! « CHURCH DEDICATION CELEBRATION ■ The Philadelphia Community Missionary Baptist Church 238 NE Mason Street Portland, OR 97211 PRESENTS: M rs Gcncvia Jones in fu ll gospel concert on Sunday, May 21st at 3:30 ! pm M rs Jones in a J & B Gospel Recording A rtist from Vicksburg,! M ississippi. This is her (first) 1st West Coast gospel concert to promote h e r; newest album (her 2nd). She has rendered concerts in Chicago, Illin o is ,! D etroit, M ichigan, New Y ork C ity and several other states. Mrs. Jones has < also appeared with such great gospel recording artists as the M ighty Cloud j o f Joy, The Sensational W illiam s Brothers, The Jackson Southcmaires and ; many more. She is w ell known throughout the southern slates, M ississippi and Louisiana. Mrs. Jones brings to Portland a rich sound in traditional gospel music. „ NO Admission Charge......' K1 F W IL L OFFERING C O M LO N E COME A LL For inform ation call M ary O. McSwain - 281-4777 G. W illiam s - 288-1814 Come and enjoy an evening o f great gospel sounds. .. There is a special dedication celebration going on the entire week o f March 27th through A p ril 1,1989 at the Overstreet Powerhouse Temple Church o f God in Christ. There w ill be over 30 churches participating in the week-long festivities. Each night there w ill be a different speaker and not one but three choirs lending their voices to celebrate the completion o f the building. The pastor, Rev. Mary Smith; her husband, the assistant pastor; the members, friends and construction workers all jo in in to say “ Praise the Lord from whom all blessings How.” For G od has tru ly blessed the congregation o f this church. He sent so many blessings th c ir-u n til they cannot be numbered properly. Services w ill begin at 7:30 each night. The celebration w ill be concluded on Sunday, A p ril 2, 1989 at 3:00 p.m. service. The dedication message w ill be delivered by the Bishop Nathaniel Jones, Jr. o f Bastrow, C alifornia. He is the Bishop o f the State o f Idaho Jurisdiction, in which the Overstreet Church is a member. In the absence o f the Bishop, Mrs. L .M .C rcar, supervisor o f the w om en’ s department o f the Slate o f Idaho, w ill be the alternate speaker. Joining in, the celebration on Sunday, w ill be the members, choirs and pastors o f the Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church and the Christian Fellowship Church. “ T O L L TH E B E L L DONE GO T OVER A T L A S T !” FAREWELL­ HOMECOMING RECEPTION 21 DAY COMMUNITY- WIDE REVIVAL This is probably the firs t o f its kind. Rev. Robert Weaver, evangelist/ minister, w ill be conducting a 21 day com m unity-wide revival which w ill be held in 7 (seven) different locations throughout the com m unity. The first location w ill be the Greater Faith Baptist Church located at 931 N. Skidmore St., Rev. Chester W. Staples, pastor on A P R IL 2, 3, & 4, 1989. The second location w ill be the St. Andrews Catholic Church on the comer o f NE 9lh and Alberta Street, Father Ben Prison, rector on A P R IL 5 ,6 , & 7,1989. The services w ill begin at 7:00 p.m. nightly. sinners to come into a saving knowledge o f Jesus Christ. These meetings are designed to awaken church fo lk and Christians to their sense o f duty to God, their fellowm en and themselves. This need o f awakening is most obvious at Sunday church services when we see more pews than people. These 21 days w ill give the people a chance to join together and see something unusual happen and leave them w ith an experience—whereby those who know the way w ill find themselves revived and their lives enriched w ith the abiding presence o f God. W ith their spirits on fire-re ach ing outward from a pure inward consciousness to contribute largely to this ministry o f reconciliation. C O M E !!! SEE!!! H E A R !!! Witness the manifestation o f the Power o f God. Feel the th rill o f the touch o f the unseen. Receive healings fo r your spirit, soul and body. ! Yes! Three big nights o f Spring Revival Meetings filled with the gospel. Rev. Weaver is on a mission fo r the King o f Kings and he has accepted the challenge to preach the word to the masses in 21 consecutive days. Twenty- one days to stir the minds o f saints and God has “ a m iracle” w ith your name on it!! The theme o f this revival is: THERE IS A BETTER W A Y TO LIVE. The remaining locations w ill be published in the fo llo w in g weeks. JOHN 8:32 - ’ ’ ...And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Jesus Loves You! Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer o f 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Psalm 34:3 A farewell and homecoming reception w ill be held at the home o f Rev. and Mrs. Rozell Gilmore, on Saturday, A pril 8th, from 3:00 to 8:00 P.M . at 3909 N. Overlook Terrace. Families and friends are invited to stop by and v is it w ith M ichael and LaVeta Jones and the G ilm ores. The Jones w ill be m oving to Kansas C ity, Missouri. On February 1, 1989 M ichael was promoted to D istrict Sales Manager by Burroughs Welcome Company and assigned to serve in the western region. Since their marriage in 1977, Michael and LaVeta, the daughter o f the Gilmores, have shared an extensive amount o f tim e and talents w ith the A frica n Am erican com m unity o f Portland, including that o f Michael serving as Church Adm inistrator and LaVeta as a Christian Day School teacher at Maranatha Church. The Rev. and Mrs. G ilm ore recently returned to Portland to begin an out­ reach mission known as “ Lutheran Inner- C ity M inistries.” CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENT On Sunday, A p ril 9th, the Women o f Z ion o f the First A frican M ethodist Episcopal Z ion Church are celebrating W om en’ s Day. The theme o f the event is “ I Am A Woman - Speak to me, Lord, I am listening” . A ll are invited to jo in us in worship at our 11 a.m. service when Reverend N ellie B. Thompson o f the Pauline A M E Zion Church in Salem, Oregon, w ill be giving our sermon. F ollow ing the worship w ill be our afternoon program at 2 p.m.. The afternoon program w ill feature a Salad B u ffe t Lun che on w here State Representative Ms Margaret Carter w ill address our assembly. A donation is asked o f $5.00 fo r adults and $2.50 for children. Please Brother Man and Sister Lady How much longer before you show up and Get your mind togather No Fuss about who the Pastor is. No Argument over the salary. Healing, Peace and Prosperity Bishop W.G. Hardy Little King They have found the Place and the Place is Mt. Sinai Temple Services Each Sunday 12 Noon and 8 PM Come see what every one’s talking about Mt. Sinai Temple 936 N.E. Beech Portland, OR 284-0854 The Peoples Church BISHOP W. G. HARDY LITTLE KING Thank you for your Sweet Letter Send Some More ................................ ...................................................................................................................................................... ■ ■ ■ ■ .■ ■ ■ ■ • . . . . . . . ■ ..