Page 4 Portland Observer April 6, 1989 CBC FOUNDATION EXPANDS M INORITY BANK DEPOSIT PROGRAM O VERSTREET POW ERHOUSE TEM PLE CELEBRATES DEDICATION T H E P O R TLA N D M E M O R IA L , IN C . PERMANENT AS THE PYHAMIO S.E. 14th Ave. at Bybee Blvd. INDOOR CEMETERY — FUNERAL HOME — CREMATORIUM (Washington, D.C. - March 21,1989) - As part of its continuing effort to provide resources to the Black Community, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation recently expanded its minority bank deposit program by 50 percent. The CBC Foundation’s national minority bank deposit program was established in 1987 with a $400,000 investment. That increased this year to $600,000. The program is done in conjunction with the National Bankers Association (NBA), the trade association for minority and women-owned banks. “ The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s minority bank deposit program is aimed at enhancing the continued economic growth of the black community,” says Congressman Julian Dixon (D-CA), president of the CBC Foundation. The funds have been placed in six minority-owned commercial banks in nearly every region of the country in the districts of six members of the Congressional Black Caucus. The banks include: Douglass Bank, Kansas City, Kansas; Independence Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; Citizens Trust Bank, Atlanta, Georgia; Community Bank of Lawndale, Chicago, Illinois; Tri-State Bank of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, and Harbor Bank of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland. The M inority-owned institutions were selected by the CBC Foundation’s Investment Committee. The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, fundraising, educational and research organization established in 1976 by the Congressional Black Caucus to assist in the educational and political development of Black America. StnlnQ The E n tm PoHItnd A i t t S in e. 1901 CALL: 236-4141 Mayereta Penton New Representative for North/Northeast Areas Before need Funeral Arrangement Plans! with Service lo all Aiea Cemeteries clip and mail to: Portland Memorial, Inc. P.O. Box 82069 Portland, OR 97282-0069 I I _ What arc the advantages o f making arrangements in advance? The Overstreet Powerhouse Temple celebrated its dedication services all last week. There were churches & pastors from the community who stopped by to participate in the celebration. The edifice is beautiful. Everyone should stop by just to say “ Praise God from whom all blessings flow” . God has truly blessed Rev. Mary Smith and her husband assistant pastor Rev. T. Smith. Services were concluded on Sunday 4/2/89 at 3pm. The guest speaker was Supervisor L. M. Crear, supervisor of the Women’s department jurisdiction of Idaho. Included in the celebration was the “ speech choir” from Open Door House of Prayer who rendered 3 very moving presentations which included “ Cocaine” . in Napa • Cafifartiia. S I smafl fati! as unil]tie aiuf efyant as itS ai/eStS. Sou. taste the renowned wine in California s lovely .Sapa Valley. And stay in a new small hotel that adds to the experience ta c h m orning enjoy com plim entary continental breakfast Mingle with other guests in our magnificent living room and courtyard with spa/fountain Or retreat to the privacy o f your room, decorated with pine and exquisite fabrics Individual temperature controls, remote-control tv. and refrigerators stocked with beverages Several rooms have a \ t fireplace c' _ I would like a "Family Planing Guide" at no charge. _ How much docs Cemetery Property cost? s c NAM E, D STATE. ZIP. I PORTLAND OBSERVER “ The Eyes and Ears of the Community” 288-0033 S a ve50% Sundays through Thursdays Frankly, we re booked solid most weekends But i f you can come during the week, w e’ll discount our rooms (regular price S"9-S99 in summer. S69-S89 in winter) by }0%. Why u o u ld you stay anywhere else? COM E AND HELP REBUILD THE KINGDOM YOUTH CONCERNS COMMITTEE has been focusing on planning an approach to corporations for hiring our neighbors. We especially want to show our 18 year olds that we care about them and want to be sure they are able to earn a family living. Tear off and mail in the slip if you can help. KING YOUTH CONCERNS 525 NE Killingsworlh St. Portland, OR 97211 The Elm House 800 California Blvd., Sapa. California 94559 Telephone (707) 255-T8}! Come See What’s New At Your ARC Seeks Citizen Advocate Volunteers fdh r /Vnkuionw :i;. The Citizen Advocacy Program of the Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) of Multnomah County is recruiting volunteers to develop friendships with individuals in the tri­ county area with developm ental disabilities. Adults with a variety of interests and capabilities are in need of friends. Volunteers in north and northeast Portland are especially needed. Individuals and families are encouraged to apply. Training is provided. For more information and a program brochure, call Dianne Gruelle or Mary Tyburski at ARC-Multnomah at 223- «1^*^ G row ing ino To S erv e Y ou Better! 7279. Ad Prices Effective 4/5 Thru 4/11/89 Full-Service The first airplane purchased by the U.S government was called the Miss Columbia and bought from the Wright brothers in 1909 Seafood M arket PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Commission Meeting Date: Place: Time: April 1Z 1989 The Portland Bldg , 11th Floor 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 9:30 a.m. Oregon Convention Center Area Urban Renewal Plan; Public f learing EAT SMART Commission meetings are open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC Call 796-5300. At your Safeway Seafood Market you’ ll find the widest ‘ sea-lection’ of fresh seafood around, over 40 varieties daily. An astounding variety awaits you...succulent lobster, fresh salmon and along with fresh shrimp, clams, and crab just to name a few! Need suggestions or advice on how to prepare your favotite seafood? Your Safeway Seafood Market is the right place to ask. Our trained professionals are ready to assist you. Look for free recipes and helpful information, too, available at your nearby Safeway Seafood Market. PDC is the City of Portland's urban renewal and economic development agency. Cleo’s Cafe 3041 N. Williams 284-7150 Ethnic Cuisine Southern Style HOUSE SPECIALTIES Chitterlings • Meatloaf Mix Greens • Beef Stew Catfish • And Many Other Southern Dishes Including; Cleo’s Zesty Ribs In Sauce - A va ila bility Subject To Coastal Weather Conditions. HOME-COOKED DESERTS - Come See ‘Luberla’ For Down Home Cookin'! MEMBERS « QUESTS I Fnzsh Oregon Trawljish Fresh D over S o le F illets Quick lo fix Bake, broil or pan fry! These tasty fillets are perfect lo stull and bake1 Pul more hsh into your life it s good for your health1 $ L b. 3 29 Fresh Black C od Fillets Another tasty fish fillet trom the sea Bake broil or try1 Great to add to your tasty stir-try recipes Quick to fix1 Try our tasty recipe below1 $098 Lb.