Page 9 Portland Observer March 30,1989 -------------------------------------- P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 — To Place Y our A d PORTLAND OBSERVER M Rates: 5 Lines -1 Week - $7.50 ‘ "The Eyes and Ears of the Community” 288-0033 4 Weeks - $25.00(add $2.50 Par Urn) Deadline: 5.-00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) B E A U T Y /B A R B E R SUPPLIES DONNIE JAMES PRITCHETT'S M en & Women;s Fashion j a ’b e l l ’s ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE CO. “ I f you dare to be fashionable" Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Specializing In: In iu lla tio n , Trouble Shooting and Repair of Electrical Appliance«, Equipment & Light Fixture« 0 517 NE K illin g s worth Portland, Oregon 97211 Donnie Lew is (503)288-1721 James W illiam s Licenied Bonded Iniured Corey Pritchett 3525 N .E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, O R 97212 Open: Mon. thru Sot. 9 o.m. - 6 p.m. BEAUTY SUPPLIES FLO R A L - SILKS P & J’s Beauty Salon & Supply Eartha’s Floral Connection 231 N. Lombard • Suite 200 Portland, OR 97217 • 2800205 517-1/2 N.E. Killings worth Portland, Oregon 97211 Styles by E .J. Bates 282-3675 Low Price« OuaRy Service - Mveries IFe D o Weddings • Funerals RENT W ASHERS & DRYERS • This Coupon Good For * : M ad e-T o -O rd e r • Custom -M ade P R IN T IN G Kinko’s CONSTRUCTION Donald M. Drake Construction Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 226-3991 *1 5 off a : • • DELIVERY • INSTALLATION FEE • ‘30D tllttr y A Initallatlon P o r tla n d washer V aocoaver 231-7413 693-4000 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SALES ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Top public agency seeks Administrative Secretary to provide clerical and administrative support to our Director o f Operations. Handle director's calendar and telephone; prepare reports, memos, correspondence; serve a backup to Commission Secretary; perform special projects in v o lv in g research, tra c k in g , com piling tasks as directed by D irector. Desirable qualifications include excellent communication, organization skills; a b ility to think on your feet and make decisions. Starting salary between $21,324 - $23,244, based on experience; fu ll benefit package. I f you enjoy being in the middle o f a busy, involved organization and have the sk ills to keep pace, call Debbie M artin, 796-5295 between 8:30 - 11:00 or 1:30 - 4:00 pm, Monday- Friday. An A ffirm a tiv e Action/Equal O pportunity Employer. COUNSELOR V :O D A Inc seeks qualified applicants fo r counselor in drug treatment services program. Position w ill supervise a structured intensive o utp atie n t program fo r fe lon y offenders. Preferred applicant should have graduate training in human services, 2 years supervised human service experience and experience in supervision o f staff an treatment o f crim ina l mandated clients. Salary range $1644-$2222 per month plus excellent benefits. Position w ill close once vacancy is filled. Application materials may be obtained at C O D A , Inc. 210 N E 20th Ave., Portland, OR 97232. Coda is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e Action Em ployer M E N TA L H EALTH COUNSELOR HI C O D A Inc seeks qualified applicants fo r counseling positions w ithin residential and outpatient drug treatment programs. Responsibilities include providing diagnosis and treatment o f clients, conducting groups, m aintaining client records, assisting w ith administrative tasks, coordinating services w ith external contacts and other related activities. A pplicant must possess a bachelors degree in human services and have 2 years o f supervised experience. Preferred candidates w ill have direct experience in substance abuse treatment and working with mandated clients. Salary range $1232-$ 1715 per month. Positions w ill remain open u ntil filled . Application materials may be obtained atC O D A, Inc. 210 N E 20th Ave., Portland, OR 97232. Coda is an Equal Opportunity/ A ffirm a tive A ction Em ployer Interested in becoming A a th o lic or Returing to the Catholic hurch? please call Fr. Ted or Sr. athleen at St. Andrew ’ s Catholic _ $60.00 PER HUNDRED lemailing letters from home I De- s, send self-addressed, stamped relope. Associates, Box 309-T, Ionia, NJ 07067. OF Equal Opportunity Employer, currently has an opening for the following position: POSITION TITLE: Customer Service Representative Full­ time Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S : Customer service experience, good oral and w ritten comm unication, basic math and business office keyboard proficiency (typew riter, CRT, 10-key),ability to w ork w e ll w ith co-workers and the public in high pressure situations, patience, fle x ib ility and a positive attitude. Prefer: cable experience, excellent interpersonal skills, a b ility to w ork Saturdays and evenings. M IN IM U M YE AR S O F W O R K EXPERIEN CE R EQ U IR ED: n/a S A L A R Y : n/a T R A IN IN G PR O V ID ED APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED U N TIL: March 27, 1989 In te re sted parties m ay s u b m it applications/resumes by m ail to: T C I C A B L E V IS IO N O F OREGON, IN C ., PO B O X 8677, Portland, OR SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON 97207 ATTN: Katherine MacEneaney, Customer Service Manager Personnel Department 1001 SW 5th Avenue PO Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 (503) 796-3878 A P P L IC A N T HOURS 9-1 p ,m „ M on-F ri Equal O pportunity Em ployer M EN TAL H EALTH hurch (503) 281-4429. Security Pacific Bank o f Oregon has an excellent opportunity for an individual to sell life insurance in a financial institution environm ent Q ualifed candidates w ill be client service oriented w ith 2-3 years experience in life insurance sales. Requires self- m otivation, excellent client service skills, and high energy level to help satisfy our clients financial needs. L ife insurance license is also required. Experience in a bank or other financial institution is preferred. A s part o f Security Pacific, the 6th largest Bank H olding Company in the country, we o ffe r a com petitive salary commensurate with experience, participation in a commission plan, excellent fle xib le benefits program, and superior advancement potential. Please send a resume w ith salary requirements, to: TCI CABLEVISION OREGON, INC., an L L E IM L A L SECRETARY Security Pacific Bank o f Oregon has an excellent opportunity for an individual w ith strong secretarial skills and a Asst. Planner com m itm ent to the highest level o f client service. Position is responsible Part-tim e$10.881-$13.217/Hr. Aprox. fo r p ro v id in g s e c re ta ria l and 20 hrs/week. Professional, entry level adm inistrative support to the Retail planning w ork review ing land use Banking Group. Q ualified applicants applications, partitionings, zone w ill have self-m otivation, high work changes variances and building plans standards, a willingness to assume fo r code compliance. 4 -yr. degree additional responsibility and growth, w /c o u rs e w o rk in p la n n in g , and a com m itm ent to excellence. architecture o f landscape or any equiv. Requires a m inim um o f three years co m b in a tio n - o f e x p ./tra in in g secretarial experience, typing speed providing knowledge o f urban o f 75-80 wpm, excellent verbal and planning principles and research w ritte n c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills , methods w hich apply to planning. fa m ilia rity w ith 10-key adding A p p ly by A p ril 14,1989 at C ity o f machine, and dictation and transcribing Salem, Pers. Dept., Rm. 225, 555 skills. Must possess personal computer L ib e rty SE, Salem, OR 97301. skills to include w ord processing and EOE. Lotus 1-2-3. Position located in downtown Portland. As part o f Security Pacific, the 6th largest Bank H olding Company in the country, we o ffe r a competitive salary commensurate with experience, excellent flexible benefits program, Operating transit buses on an “ as and superior advancement potential. needed" basis. M ust be available Please send a resume w ith salary fo r w ork six operating days (M onday requirements, to: through Saturday). Must have a valid C hauffeur’ s or Class 2 license, SECURITY PACIFIC experience in operating buses, good BANK OREGON d rivin g record, a b ility w ork w ith the public, and a b ility to communicate Personnel Department effectively. Class 2 permit acceptable 1001 SW 5th Avenue fo r a pp lyin g b u t em ploym ent PO Box 3066 contingent upon ability to obtain Class Second Floor 2 license. $8.76/hour. F ill out official Portland, OR 97208 application by A p ril 7 ,19 89 , w hich (503) 796-3878 is available at the Salem Area Mass TRANSIT OPERATOR/ PART-TIME Transit District; 3140 Del Webb Ave. NE; Salem, Oregon 97303. A P P LIC A N T HOURS 9-1 p ,m „ M on-Fri PORT OF PORTLAND LEAD POSITION GENERAL MAINTENANCE, PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT The Port o f Portland is seeking an individual w ith strong leadership abilities and background. This in d iv id u a l w i ll u tiliz e th e ir background in supervision and technical experience to ensure a high level o f q uality and p roductivity in the Genera] Maintenance Department as a w orking led. We are interested in individuals w ith supervision and leadership experience in m otivating, directing, training accident prevention, planning, sc h e d u lin g , p r io r itiz in g , and adm inistrative duties. Technical background in the areas o f pavement maintenance and heavy equipment operation preferred, in addition to general maintenance background. It you are a leader firs t and a qualified maintenance individual additionally, you may be the candidate we are seeking. Applications and description o f jo b duties are available between &D0 am and 5:00 pm at 700 NE M ultnom ah Blvd., 14th Floor Completed applications must be received by 5:00 pm, Friday, March 31, 1989. Resumes w ill not be accepted in lieu o f a Port o f Portland application, but may be included. I he Port is an Equal O pportunity Em ployer TCI CABLEVISION OREGON, INC. an SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST Ul-Ulliv. v/xy nuiua |zv/a ««■■■■w»v| oral and written communication skills. Able to deal w ith a diverse public in a professional manner. Cover letter and resume to General Manager, PCA- T V , 2766 NE Union, Portland, 97212. PCA is an E E O /A ffirm a live Action employer. Applications due by 5pm, 4/7/89. Equal Opportunity Employer WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS Senior C om m un ity D evclopm em Specialist $2375-2888/mo Juvenile Counselor II $2051 -2494/nio C all (503) 648-8607 fo r inform ation The Oregon Department o f Forestry is seeking an individual fo r a current vacancy in Salem. Duties: Supervises the d aily operations o f a fu ll service auto shop. Requires 2 years’ experience as a mechanic, forem an in a large automotive or equipment repair shop; OR graduation from a four-year college w ith m ajor coursework (30 quarter or 20 semester hours) in mechanical engineering A N D one year o f supervisory experience in a large automotive or equipment repair shop. Announcement closes: A p ril 18,1989. Contact Personnel Test Center, 775 C ourt Street, Salem, OR 97310, 378-3146, for job announcement, test questions and application. PORTLAND CABLE ACCESS TELEVISION Following is the listing for the Portland Cable Access Board o f Directors committee meetings fo r A p ril, 1989. E X E C U T IV E C O M M IT T E E , Wednesday, A pril 5th, 6:30pm. Agenda: Rogers’ settlement and new business. O PERATIONS, P L A N N IN G & D E V E LO P M E N T and C O M M U N IT Y R E LA TIO N S COM M ITTEES, Wednesday, A p ril 5th, 7:00pm. Agenda: Operating Rules and Procedures review, planning retreat, producerpool, Rogers’ settlement, new business. Equal Opportunity Em ployer, currently has an opening for the fo llo w in g position: POSITION T IT L E : Access Programming Coordinator F u ll­ time Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S :G o o d comm unication and telephone skills. Strong organizational skills. Interested in w orking w ith a variety o f people. F le x ib ility in w ork schedules (some night w ork). Prefer a college degree (jo u rn a lis m , g ra p h ic design, comm unications). Creative w ritin g skills. Good typing skills (50 wpm ). Strong graphic design background in brochure design, flyers, etc. M IN IM U M Y E A R S O F W O R K EXPER IEN C E R EQ U IR ED : n/a S A L A R Y : Negotiable T R A IN IN G PR O V ID ED APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED U N TIL: A p ril 7, 1989 Interested parties m ay s u b m it applications/resumes by m ail to: T C I C A B L E V IS IO N O F OREGON. IN C ., PO B O X 8677, Portland, OR 97207 ATTN : Randy Warren, Studio Manager LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE M A T H E M A T IC S INSTRUCTO R A pplication deadline M ay 5, 1989. DIRECTOR OF PURCHASING Application deadline A p ril 14, 1989. A pplication and jo b description are available at Personnel Services, Lane C om m unity College, 4000 E. 30th Avenue, Eugene, OR, 97405. 1-503-726-221 l.L C C applications must be postmarked no later than deadline date. An A ffir m a tiv e A c tio n /E q u a l O pportunity Institution. PRODUCTION $1736 - $2222/mo. OF A N E Q U A L O P PO R TU N ITY EM PLO Y ER . AUTO SHOP SUPERINTENDENT PROGRAM DIRECTOR, PORTLAND TEACHER’S PROGRAM Master’s degree in Education or a closely related field required. A m inimum o f three years leaching grades K-12 required. M ust have experience w orking w ith students o f diverse age groups, cultural, economic and ethnic backgrounds. Experience in fund raising and grant w ritin g necessary. Demonstrated oral and written c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills v ita l. M a n a g e ria l and b ud ge ting background preferred. Salary - $27,100 to $32,100 per year. Tw elve month position. Excellent fringe benefits package. Please send resume and letter o f application. Other required material w ill be forwarded to you. D irector, Personnel Services Portland C om m unity College P O B o x 19000 Portland, OR 97219 273-2823 James R iver Corporation is seeking applicants fo r its Paper M ill in West L in n, Oregon. Applicants w ill be considered fo r future. PRODUCTION POSITIONS Entry-Level on the Extra Broad and in the Groundwood Department. The m ill operates on a 3-shift, 7 day-a-week basis, and candidate must be w illin g to w ork a rotating shift schedule. H iring rate fo r entry level positions is $10.00 per hour for the first six months o f employment. James R iver Corporation also offers an excellent benefit package. Applicants w ill be accepted o nly at the Oregon State Em ploym ent O ffice, 506 H igh Street, Oregon C ity , OR, from 8 am to noon and from 1 pm to 4:30 pm through M arch 31. We are an equal opportunity employer. JAMES RIVER CORPORATION - IN S U R A N C E PROVIDER SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE Blue Cross & Blue Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications fo r a Provider Services Representative position. The Provider Services Representative w ill be responsible fo r physician contracting as w ell as education and servicing o f a ll physician and health care facilities in a designated geographical territory in the southwest part o f the state. A fte r a training period the position w ill require traveling for approximately two weeks o f every month. Q ualified candidates must meet the fo llo w in g requirements: .College degree or equivalent high level w ork experience in some area o f health care. .M inim um o f 2 years experience in the health care industry .K n o w le d g e of the p ro v id e r organizational structure, medical term inology and CPT coding. .Experience in making large group presentations .Independent research ability, analytical and problem solving skills. .High level o f proficiency in oral and written communication skills. .V alid Oregon D rive r’ s license. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 SW Market .Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer An A ffirm a tiv e Action Equal Opportunity Institution TEACHERS MENTAL HEALTH. House manager to oversee 5 chronically m entally i ll patients in a lovely residential setting. Free room & stipend. Requires high school diploma & 1 yr exper in mental health or related fie ld , or 2 or more yrs o f college courses. Resume to: Rodney R. H arry, Personnel O ffice r, N /N E Com m unity M ental Health Center, 5019 N W illiam s Ave. Portland 97217. Closing 3/29/89. 249-0066. Equal opportunity employer Portland State University, Upward Bound Summer Session. June 5 - August 4, 1989. Math an Career Exploration. Application and position descriptions availabl in S h attuck H a ll, Room 239 o r cal 4 6 4 -4 0 1 0 , PSU is an equa o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e actioi employer. M inorities, women an members o f other protected group are encouraged to apply. Deadline 4 /14/89,5 pm .