Page 7 Portland Observer March 30,1989 Äm« ■ /k SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: 9 MATTHEW chapter 6 ¡¡ ¡1 1 •A ;• K V..... ...h. ,.™i. 1 . HiLVtini'rrtiYimiiniiiinimiiii'iiiiiiiikii.LiimiMi a m i.................................... .. .....................n.nm devoured Only Jesus laid down his life that we might live. He died on the cruel cross just to save us. You and me. What we do in life is not so important and so good. For the scripture says that our Love can overcome all barriers. righteousness is as filthy rags. We must Love fails not. humble ourselves and seek out Jesus — Love is not puffed up and our God for, only He can SAVE us. gives us love and a kind of peace that John 15:12-14 tells us that Jesus surpasseth all understandings. COMMANDS, not just if you would In Genesis the 37th chapter, we read like to; but, Jesus commands us to love a in the 23rd through the 27th verses one another as He has loved us. about Joseph and his brothers. We read Greater love hath no man than this, how they took Joseph’s coat (because that a man lay down his life for his of jealousy) and how they threw their friends! brother into a pit. First, the thought of Now, we see the supreme love (John killing him arose; but, they decided to 3; 16). God so loved this world that He sell him instead. Because...he WAS gave his ONLY begotten Son just so we their brother - of course. wouldn’t perish. He sent him NOT to Then, we read in Genesis the 44th condemn - but, that through Him (Jesus) chapter and the 18th through the 34th we might be saved. verses that Joseph is now a man of What a mighty God we serve! God importance. These same brothers who fixed it so...that we might at least have took their brother’s coat, threw their a chance. Yes, this was indeed the brother into a pit and later sold him are ultimate act of love. now faced with the task of bringing Real love, when you receive it, will their youngest brother, Benjamin, to cause you to do some strange things...... this stranger -n o t knowing that this - feed the poor stranger is in fact their brother Joseph - visit the sick who they had so wrongly misused. - clothe the naked Though injustice had been wrought, - hold the hand of a dying saint justice is being done. - visit the prison cells After many years, Joseph and his - pray for a stranger brothers were being reunited. Joseph - have compassion for an enemy held no hatred for his brothers. God, in - smile when things are far from gay. His infinite interconnecting order of Love caused Peter to walk the water things, has taken something that, to and doubt made him sink; but, his love some, may seem uncomely and has was well grounded because when he made it not just alright - but, complete. saw himself in trouble he cried out For the Almighty God Jehovah, in the “ Help me Lord!” 45th chapter and the 7th verse of Genesis, Love caused Mary and Martha to had set Joseph before his family to seek out Christ when their brother was preserve life in the land. God’slovehas dying. conquering power. Love caused Christ to weep and then In John 10:7-18, the scripture speaks to raise Lazereth from the dead. about Christ being a good shepherd. He Christ died, He was buried, and He won’t let the robbers and the thieves rose. He did all these things just because come in and do us harm. But, if we (the He loves us, so. sheep) listen to others claiming they WHAT LOVE CAN DO 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 N orth Portland Bible College 7 30 p.m. B it* Sand “A warm spirit of fellowship always" 1 4223 N.E. 12th Arre. • Portend. Oregon «7211 • (M 3) 2BB-2919 “To the Glory o f G o d " Choir Beheif sal The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ Sunday School FOUNDER • The Hokness Preachef B is h o p U V. P e te rso n D.D, B u ild e r P a stor 7 00pm 9 15am 11 , 5 a m Morning Worship 6:30 p m VPW W SPRING SCHEDULE, 1989 April 3 — June 15 Evangekstic 8 00 p m Worship Tueatoy Fntoy the Bible s a y s ... Noon Day Prayer Follow peace with all men & holiness without which no man shall see the HWy The Pas,or Speaks 7 30pm . 900am Mormng Prayer MONDAYS 0 :3 0 ■ 9 :3 0 p .m . Old Testament Survey III Bra. Terence Miller Overview and interpretation of the books of prophecy, I salat i -Malachi Defending the Faith Rev. Michael Lindsey Practical responses to questions and attacks of non-Christians Lord H E B R E W S 12:14 sxxssszsxxSxxssszx: TUESDAYS 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Bible Doctrine III Dr. James Martin Study of the doctrines of the church and the future of C hrist’s kingdom. Romans Sis. Elizabeth Nance A Bible elective concentrating on the key book of Paul's theology vs THURSDAYS 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. CELEBRITY BASKETBALL RONNIE "DELIGHT" WHITE Inductive Bible Study Rev. Michael Lindsey Developing the practice of methodical Bible study, for personal and teaching uses New Testament Survey III Sis. Elizabeth Nance Overview and interpretation of the general epistles, Hebrews - Revelation MICHEÁL VANCE BRIAN PHILLIPS KBMS ALSTARS -V S - CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH HEAVEN BOUND HOOPERS $ COST: Rev. Michael Lindsey Inductive Bible Study MONDAYS 9:00- 12:00 noon «V JOHN PHILLIPS Sis. Elizabeth Nance New Testament Survey III R egistration $ 10 .00 (R on - refundable ); T uition , $ 20 .00, per course H O W T O REGISTER: COME 30 MINUTES EARLY ON THE FIRST NIGHT OF CLASS, OR REGISTER BY MAIL. T entative registration may be maoe by telephone : 288 -29 19. P hone for further information if necessary . & N orth P ortland B ible C ollege is located in the C hristian E ducation unit of M aranatha C hurch , the N P B C entrance is on the 13 th S treet side , center door N earest T ri -M et bus is N o . 8, S kidmore stop . N.P.B.C. does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, religion, sex, handicap, or national origin. APRIL 5TH, 7PM PCC CASCADE GVMN 9» 7 0 5 N. KILL I NG WORTH DONATION $2.00 b e n e fit f o r C h ris t M em orial m in is tr ie s $ % Jesus Loves You! Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 /J Phillip S. Nelson. Pastor Psalm 34:3 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS-SSSSfeSfeSsfeSSSSx?- Please Brother Man and Sister Lady How much longer before you show up and Get your mind togather No Fuss about who the Pastor is. No Argument over the salary. Healing, Peace and Prosperity They have found the Place and the Place is Bishop W.G. Hardy Little King Mt. Sinai Temple Services Each Sunday 12 Noon and 8 PM The Philadelphia Community Missionary Baptist Church 238 N.E. Mason Street Come see what every one’s talking about Portland, Oregon 97211 PRESENTS: Mrs Genevia Jones in full gospel concert on Sunday, May 21st at 3:30 p.m. Mrs. Jones is a J & B Gospel Recording Artist from Vicksburg, Mississippi. This is her (first) 1st West Coast gospel concert to promote her newest album (her 2nd). She has rendered concerts in Chicago, Illinois, Detroit. Michigan. New York City and several other states. Mrs. Jones has also appeared with such great gospel recording artists as the Mighty Cloud ol Joy. The Sensational Williams Brothers, The Jackson Southernaires and many more. She is well known throughout .the southern states, Mississippi and Louisiana. Mrs. Jones brings to Portland a rich sound in traditional gospel music. NO Admission Charge.................................... FREE WILL OFFERING COME ONE COME ALL For information call Mary O. McSwain — 281-4777 G. Williams - 288-1814 Come and enjoy an evening of great gospel sounds. S Mt. Sinai Temple 936 N.E. Beech Portland, OR 284-0854 The Peoples Church BISHOP W. G. HARDY LITTLE KING Thank you for your Sweet Letter Send Some More 7'7 TF;; 7 £7