FELLOWSHIP AVAILABLE / The W illia m S. W asserm an, Jr. Fellowship at Harvard’ s John F. Kennedy School o f G o ve rn m e n t has been established to encourage m in o rity T H E PO R T L A N D M E M O R IA L, IN C . PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMID S.E. 14th Ave. at Bybee Blvd. INDOOR CEMETERY — FUNERAL HOME — CREMATORIUM journalists and editors to pursue graduate study in the fie ld o f the f - . - o , p o litic s and p u b lic p o lic y . One fu ll-tu itio n fe llo w s h ip w ill be awarded fo r one academ ic year (1 9 8 9 -90 ) fo r study in the M id -C a re e r M aster in MRS. EDGAR BRONFMAN, JR. LEADS NA­ TIONAL URBAN LEAGUE MARCH PARTY TO FUND-RAISING RECORD P ublic A d m in is tra tio n (M P A ) Program . The recipient w ill be expected to concentrate in the fie ld o f the media and government and w ill be associated w ith the K ennedy School’s Joun Shorenstein Barone Center on the Press, P o litic s and P u b lic P o lic y , Serving The Entire Portland Area Since 1901 CALL: 236-4141 M a y e re ta P e n to n N o w R e p re s e n ta tiv e fo r N o r th / N o r th e a s t A re a s clip and mail to: w h ic h is d irected by M a rv in K a lb . The W asserm an F e llo w s h ip has been made Portland Memorial, Inc. P.O. Box 82069 Portland, OR 97282-0069 possible b y the generosity o f W illia m S. W asserm an, Jr., fo rm e r p u b lish e r o f the N o rth Shore W eeklies. A p p lica n ts should have at least fiv e years o f substantial professional w orking experience. The m in o rity candidate should be from either the news o r business B e fo re need Funeral A rra ngem ent Plans w ith S ervice to all Area C em eteries . What arc the advantages o f making arrangements in advance? . I would like a "Family Planing Guide" at no charge. . How much docs Cemetery Property cost? side o f a small daily or weekly newspaper, and m ust also be c o m m itte d to a career in jo u rn a lis m . Candidates m ust meet the re g u la r N AM E academic requirements o f the Mid-Career M P A Program. Experience in journalism fits the required c rite ria o f p rio r p u b lic service. F o rm a l a p p lica tio n fo r the ADDRESS. fe llo w s h ip m ust be com pleted and su b m itte d by a deadline o f June 15, 8 w ith n o tific a tio n by J u ly 15. A ll applicants m ust also su b m it results o f the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) o r Graduate M anagem ent A d m issio n Test (G M A T ), w h ic h can be taken in June. Please c a ll ETS at 609-771-7670 C IT Y _____ STATE ZIP PHONE. PORTLAND OBSERVER From left are Hohn Jacob, President and CEO of the National Urban League, with Edgar Bronfman, Jr., his wife Sherry, Kathleen Turner and her husband Jay Weiss. Chairing the NUL March Party for the fourth consecutive y ear Mrs. Brongman brought togather a star-studded list of more than 500 notable New Yorkers, raising a record amount - estimated at $230,000- for the League. “ The Eyes and Ears of the Community” 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 (GRE) or 609-771-7330 (G M A T ). When you c a ll ask fo r in fo rm a tio n on regional and n a tio n a l test locations and dates. A p p lica n ts w h o have taken the tests w ith in the past fiv e years m ay su b m it those scores. W R IT E FO R C A T A L O G U E , P R O G R A M A P P L IC A T IO N A N D F E L L O W H S IP A P P L IC A T IO N T O : The W illia m S. W asserm an, Jr. Come See What’s New At Your... NEWLY REMODELED F e llo w sh ip c/o M C /M P A Program John F. K ennedy S chool o f G overnm ent 79 John F. Kennedy Street, R m . 109 C a m bridge, Massachusetts 02138 CAC 617-495-1353 Growing To Serve You Better! National Guard Drug Interdiction Program T he N a tio n a l G uard in drug law enforcement? I t ’ s the latest government program w ith a budget o f $40 m illio n , fo r 15 states in c lu d in g O regon. B ille d as a fro n t lin e defender in the g o v e rn m e n t’ s m u lti- m illio n - d o lla r cam paign against ille g a l drugs i t is the m ost a m b itio u s program in w h ic h the Ad Effective 3/29 Thru 4/7/89 Guard has been in v o lv e d in the e ffo rt to stem the tid e o f narcotics sm uggling. The O regon N a tio n al G u a rd ’ s tw in engine Mohawks can provide many assets that the drug enforcement o ffic ia ls don t n o rm a lly have at th e ir disposal. F o r exam ple, w ith side lo o k in g airborne radar, O regon N a tio n al G uard a irc ra ft training in southern California are capable o f detecting lo w fly in g a irc ra ft, trucks, and people heading n orth across the U .S. - M e xica n border. T h is gives p ilo ts and ground teams fro m U.S. C ustom s tim e to scram ble and intercept a suspected sm uggler. “ T here is no better w a y to tra in fo r the w a rtim e m ission than w h a t we are d o in g n o w ,” said the u n it com m ander, “ T his is actual mission oriented training and m issio n safety comes firs t. T h is u n it is leading the w a y and has a good re putation fo r getting the jo b done and g e ttin g it done rig h t. The O regon u n it has flo w n m issions along the M e xica n border the last tw o years. The N a tio n a l G uard has aided c iv ilia n la w enforcem ent agencies to he lp in te rce p t about $10 m illio n in contraband. A s a d ire ct re su lt o f the Oregon G uard’ s help, drug enforcement o fficia ls have noticed a sharp decrease in a ir tra ffic and an increase in drug tra ffic o ve r land. Custom s service o ffic ia ls fe e l that any deterrence helps in the fru stra tin g fig h t against i llic it narcotics. W ith $474,000 in Federal funds the G u a rd ’ s in vo lve m e n t in Oregon in fig h tin g drugs w ill be expanded, but w ill s till be m a in ly assisting local and Full-Service Seafood Market At your Safeway Seafood Market you’ll find the widest ‘sea-lection’ of fresh seafood around, over 40 varieties daily. An astounding variety awaits you...succulent lobster, fresh salmon and along with fresh shrimp, clams, and crab just to name a few! Need suggestions or advice on how to prepare your favotite seafood? Your Safeway Seafood Market is the right place to ask. Our trained professionals are ready to assist you. Look for free recipes and helpful information, too, available at your nearby Safeway Seafood Market. Availability Subject To Coastal Weather Conditions. state o ffic ia ls in support o f th e ir e ffo rts. The Guanl w ill not be involved in making raids, arrests, o r any o ther d ire c t action. 1 4 • * . * • • • ‘ SAFEWAY ' 'W * a __________ : ■ , ;‘ . »• »’ - • I • > ' **-MWW*"* Silver Salm on STEAKS OR ROASTS Always a delightful Northwest favorite. Bake or broil for a delicious treat. $ 5 Lb. Jum bo Raw Prawns Approx. 21 to 25 per pound. These Black Tiger prawns are great to saute & serve with garlic/ lemon butter, add to stir-fry recipes $ 8 Lb. (4-Lb. B om , S29.95)