Page 3 Portland Observer March 30,1989 News Around Town NORDSTROM TO HOST CAREER OPPORTUNITY SEMINAR AT WASHINGTON SQUARE LAWMAKERS ASK GOVERNOR TO INVESTIGATE AFS WASTE COMING SOON! FASHION FAIR (FASHION SEDUCTION) PCC SEEKS APPLICANTS FOR MINORITY SCHOLARSHIPS > The 31st Annual ebony fashion fair Portland Community College is will appear in Portland at the Earle A. seeking applicants for 15 scholarships SALEM - The governor should order Chiles Center, University of Portland, available through the college's Ethnic an investigation into the spending of on friday, April 21, at 8:00 pm. This Minority Education Assistance Award Portland, Or. - Join us April 15 at the state’s Division of Adult andFamily famed traveling fashion show is produced 8:00 am for a complimentary career program . Services according to several members by Ebony Magazine and is sponsored seminar at Nordstrom, Washington The program, now in its second year, of the House of Representative. * ‘ Reports by the Portland Chapter of Links, Square and learn about career offers required academic courses for this week that $450,000 has been spent incorporated for the benefit of Links’ opportunities in retail. Plus, meet the first two years of a bachelor,s degree on staff trips to Oregon’s finest and educational and scholarship fund. Nordstrom Buyers, Store and Regional program and a two-year tuition waiver most expensive resorts, including state Mrs. Eunice W. Johnson, producer Managers. for each student selected, said Nick paid boat trips, and ‘morale boosting’ and director of the show, personally Our guest speakers will discuss their Barnett, PCC Director of Minority gifts to Adult and Family Services staff, selects fashions from the exclusive successful career paths at Nordstrom, Recruitment such as $195 leather bound, gold- collections of famed designers such as as well as answer any employment PPC began the program last year in embossed personalized notebooks to frank composto, Bill Blass, Bob Mackie, questions. cooperation with the Portland Public the top managers are deeply disturbing,” Giorgio Sant’Angelo, Fabrice, Patrick For further information and to make Schools and Portland State University the three stated in a letter to the governor. reservations please contact 620-0555 to encourage minority students to enter ,( Kelly and Bruce Oldfield. “ Information we have from sources Mrs. Johnson is meticulous and ext. 205. Seating is limited. the field of education, where their number within the agency lead us to believe that thorough in purchasing the most are shrinking. the initial reports of waste are just the spectacular fashions available for Ebony “ The current shortage of ethnic tip of the iceberg.” minority teachers will become a I Fashion Fair audiences. Representatives Bill Markham (R- More than 200 exquisite garments significant crisis unless many more Riddle), Ray Baum (R-La Grande), and African-Americans, hispanics and Native complete with the latest accessories, 10 Beverly Clamo (R-Redmond) requested female and 2 male models, commentator, THE FIFTH GRADE A m ericans becom e professional that the governor should order an music director, stage and business teachers,” Barnett said. STUDENTS AT immediate investigation into the agency. Persons who want to apply for the managers, and wardrobe staff travel “ The average welfare mother of two IRVINGTON grants should pick up application forms from coast to coast on a special chartered receives $420 per month, plus $200 in Because of the from PCC Admissions offices at Cascade Greyhound bus. ELEMENTARY food stamps,” Markham stated. “ The unprecedented demand for sponsorship 705 N. Killingsworth St.; Rock leather notebooks that the state purchased SCHOOL PLAN CLASS Campus, of the show by charitable organizations Creek campus, 17705 N.W. Springville to ‘increase employee performance’ around the country, Ebony Fashion Fair TRIP TO Rd.; Sylvania Campus, 12000 S.W. 49th would have provided food stamps for now tours two seasons - the east and Ave.; or Southeast Center, 2850 S.E. SHAKESPEAREAN nearly 20 families for a month.” ¡midwest from September through 82nd ave. Baum said that he was very concerned FESTIVAL IN Application deadline is 3 p.m. December and the southwest from about the waste in the Eastern Oregon monday.april 10, in Barnett’s office on January through May appearing in ASHLAND Division which is headquartered in Bend. Level B of the Student Center at Cascade more than 191 cities. “ We’ve been hearing reports for months Mrs. Clementyne Guy, General The Fifth grade students at Irvington Campus. about money wasted hotel rooms at Chairperson of the benefit performance Contact person; Nick Barnett, Elementary School are sponsoring a fancy resorts and the nearly $30,000 indicates ticket sales are going Director of Minority Recruitment, 100 family garage sale on April 1-April that was spent last year chartering jets,' ’ exceptionally well and expects an even 244-6111, ext. 5291. 2 at 2616 Northeast 14th Street (8:00 Baum said. “ We are talking here about larger attendance than last year. Tickets am to 4:30 p.m.) in a effort to raise money that should be going to hungry may be purchased at Mrs. C ’s Wigs funds for a class trip to Ashland, Oregon children and homeless families. If there (707 NE Fremont), House of Sound for the Shakespearean Festival. As a is any agency in the state that should be (3606 N. Williams Avenue), and Earle result of the efforts of this industrious run with a lean administrative budget, A. Chiles Center, University of Portland group of young people, $3,000 dollars it’s this agency.” (5000 N. Willamette Boulevard). have been raised by the children through Clamo said that she has discussed Proceeds from previous shows made a readathon and a community spaghetti this matter with AFS staff in her district. (t possible to make contributions to. dinner. By doing odd jobs for neighbors “ Staff morale on the front line is paany local charities such as: POIC and community residents, the students extremely low,” Clamo said. “ Its really (Portland Opportunities Industrialization plan to raise additional funds. However, tough to have to tell people you don't Center); NAACP locally and nationally; the students are less than $2,000 dollars have money to help them feed their St. Vincent DePaul Child Development short of their goal with a scheduled hungry children when you are looking Center; Volunteers of America Day departure date set for April 25, 1989. at a new marble top desk and expensive Nursery; Black Educational Center, The students have been studying silk decorations in the office.” The St. Vincent de Paul Child Portland Art Museum; Martin Luther Shakespeare in their classrooms this “ We request that you order an Development Center will welcome the King Scholarship Fund, Portland State year. They are reading Pericles and investigation into AFS spending,” the comm unity to the center Tuesday, April University; Multnomah Association for Cyrano de Bergerac, the plays they letter to the governor concluded. “ We 11 at 10:00 am in honor of its 50th Retarded Children; United Negro College hope to see come to life in Ashland. owe it to the families in need and to the anniversary. According to Tom Tison, Fund - locally and nationally, American Donations towards the students efforts taxpayers who are providing money for director, * ‘This anniversary celebration Cancer Society, Oregon Division; Kidney would be greatly appreciated. Interested assistance, to make sure that every dollar is not only to recognize the center and Association of Oregon; U.N.I.C.F: parties may contact Irvington School in the AFS budget is wisely spent for its contribution to the community, but Eihiopian Aid (Africare, Inc.); American for further information. services that benefit the poor, not also to acknowledge the many volunteers Heart Association, Oregon Affiliate, Inc; bureaucrats.” over the past fifty years whose Kerr Young Parents Program ar.d many commitment to children has been so other groups and organizations. strong.” TheSt. Vincent de Paul Child Development Center provides quality day care to low income Portland families. The anniversary celebration, kicking- off with a student band with rhythm instruments in hand, also will feature tours of the center, a display of historic and current photos and a student art NO COST SCREENING CLINIC exhibit The center, initially called Blessed To determine if children Martin DePorres Day Nursery, was are eligible for treatm ent Noted artist Peggy Houston located at N. Victoria and Broadway. at Shivers will appear in concert at Later it was moved to the comer of N.E. SHRINERS HOSPITAL Allen Temple C.M.E. Church Williams and Graham and renamed St. 4222 NE 8th Ave. The event is AND OUTPATIENT CLINIC Martin’s Day Nursery. The center in 1973 moved to its present location, the old Immaculata Academy at 44 NE Shriners care for a wide variety of orthopaedic and burn scar deformities, Morris. On its inception, the center was including: •the first interracial day nursery in the • Sports Injuries to Bones • Absent Arm or Leg • Scoliosis state. Muscles or Tendons • Myelodysplasia • Dislocated Hips CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER CELEBRATES FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO HELP ASHRINER HELP A CHILD • • • • • Club Feet Cerebral Palsy Cleft Lip or Palate Fractures Head Injuries • • • • Short Legs Rickets Legg Perthes Disease Hand Leg or Back Problems Following along with our descriptions of the great African administrators and engineers (“ Chief of Works” ), the follow ing quote on an ancient achievement is offered from page 1 of Smith, A History of Dams, Citadel Press, 1972. “ ...Architectural historians have written a great deal about the building skills of ancient Egypt (and Ethiopia)... but failed to mention one of the oldest civil engineering structures in the world, and the oldest known dam . Almost 5000 years old and twenty miles south of Cairo, this remained the world’s largest earthernbuilt dam for thousands of years” . That title, “ the largesL” passed to the Teton Dam in northern Idaho, built by theU.S. Bureau of Reclamation in the 1970’s. This American dam collapsed in 1975 with a disastrous loss in life and property (see current television ads of U.S. West Telephone Company). But, after 40 centuries, the African dam was still standing in 1885 when rediscovered by G. Schweinfurth, the German archaeologist. Sort of reminds you of Napoleon’s comment to his soldiers lined up before the Great Pyramid (1803), “ Forty centuries of greatness look down upon you!” In an earlier article I described the urban and social planning associated with the comfort and amenities of the 14,000 man workforce of an African Shipyard. The following quotation even further puts to lie the racist tales of whip-driven and maligned slaves being used to create Africa’s architectural wonders. This passage is cited from Segal, City Planning in Ancient Times, Lerna Pubis, 1977. “ To everyone’s surprise, the town of Kahun turned out to have enough houses for only a few thousand workers, a far lower number than anyone supposed. The old theories according to which hundreds of thousands of slaves labored under terrible conditions to build the pyramids - were, to some extent, disproved. The workers’ houses, while not luxurious, were still spacious and comfortable, each consisting of a small central courtyard surrounded by two or three bedrooms and a small storeroom. At one end of the town there was a group of luxurious buildings, quite different in size and appearance from the workers’ modest houses. Each of these houses was built around a large courtyard bordered on one side by a row of columns. Living rooms were arranged around the courtyard, and the bedrooms contained raised platforms for the beds. These houses, which even had guest rooms and bathrooms, doubtless belonged to the engineers and foremen who supervised the work of constructing the pyramid. Once the pyramid was completed, Kahun was abandoned and the town was soon buried in the drifting desert sands.’’ Pretty nice Housing P rojects for any era of civilization, I’d say. You will never find these facts in American high school or college texts - nor the following from Sewell, Egypt Under the Pharaohs, “ it appears that villages and workmen’s dwellings were very similar to those of present-day Egypt (and the Sudan): small-roomed, one storey houses with a terrace facing north to catch the breeze... A typical richman’s house...would be surrounded by a brick wall and a large garden, although his townhouse would have two and sometimes three storeys.” If you have always wondered where the Romans and the Medieval builders got their designs and building codes-now you know! Next week we will take a look at the African architecture and icons found around P o rtland, O regon - most of which is passed off as being in the Greecian or Roman mode. And we will do an assessment of Solom on’sTem pie and The Tabernacle. It is no wonder that when I did a workshop on African contributions in 1978 - including those of the African-American inventors - a white engineer in the audience rose and said plaintively, “ We didn’t do anything did we?” . T ¡ N.W.AFRIKAN IN CONCERT •y * SALVATION ARMY, MOORE STREET CORPS. COMMUNITY CENTER 5335 N WILLIAMS AVE. SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1989, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm 3041 N. Williams 284-7150 284-3193 • 288-4755 • 281-2082 Ethnic Cuisine Southern Style The expert services at the Shriners Hospital and Outpatient Clinics are offered free of charge HOUSE SPECIALTIES NOTARY BONDED J & M TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES BOOKKEEPING & INCOME TAX SERVICE LICENSED TAX CONSULTANT • TAX PLANNING • • PROFESSIONAL TYPING JOF. TAYLOR Tax Consultant 415 by McKinley Burt • Burn Scars • Osteogenesis Imperfecta or Brittle Bone Disease • A Variety of Neuromuscular Diseases Cleo’s Cafe i Urban Innovations From Africa; I PEGGY HOUSTON SHIVERS TO APPEAR IN CONCERT IF YOU KNOW CHILDREN, UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE, WITH ANY OF THESE MEDICAL PROBLEMS, BRING THEM TO: M Perspectives 3833 N.E. Killinsw ÿ rth Portland. OR 97211 OPEN 9 -4 30 & 6 9:00 SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1989 ^* 8:00 P.M. scheduled for April 9th 4:00 pm. A Donation of $8.00 is requested Chitterlings • Meatloaf Mix Greens • Beef Stew Catfish • And Many Other Southern Dishes PORTLAND CABLE ACCESS TELEVISION Including. Cleo’s Zesty Ribs In Sauce - HOME-COOKED DESERTS - Come See 'Luberia' For Down Home Cookin'! MEMBERS A GUESTS 1 PCA INVITES YOU! WHAT: Video Showcase WHEN: Friday, April 7,1989 7:30- 9:30 pm WHERE: Portland Cable Access 2766 NE Union Ave. Portland, OR 97212 ' V ' TICKETS: $10, $12, $15 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: PCP A BOX OFFICE, AND ALL TICKETMASTER OUTLETS FUNDED IN PART BY FRED MEYER CHARITABLE TRUST, THE RED SEA RESTAURANT AND PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT N O T IC E M E E T IN G DESEGREGATION MONITORING ADVISORY C0MMITTF«' DATE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, TIM E: 7 :0 0 PLACE: FRANKIIN HIGH SCHOOI 5405 SE W oodward P o r t l a n d , OR 972 0 6 C a fe te ria 2 8 0 -5 1 4 0 Phone : p .m . 1989