►♦** H rs Francos Schoen-Nesrspaper Roos U n iv e r s it y o f Oregon L ib r a r y tu re n e , Oregon 97403 Portland, Oregon ERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community' VOLUME XIX NUMBER 12 W alker Institute R eschedules Lecture Charles Collins Jefferson High, President of Student Body Anthony Greely Jefferson High, Senior La Tanya Fair Jefferson High, Junior D ue to circum stances beyond its control, The W alker Institute has rescheduled the first event in its inaugural lecture series. The M arch 30 lecture which was to feature Barbara G ardner Proctor as the speaker has been rescheduled for Thursday, A pril 27. The April 27 speaker will be Earl G. G raves, publisher o f Black Enterprise M agazine, a business and services publication targeted to black professionals, executives, entrepreneurs and policym akers. The lecture will be held at 7:30 pm at the Lloyd Center Tow er, 825 NE M ultnomah op the 17th floor. Admission is $10. In his lecture titled, “ All o f O ur Business” , Graves will speak on the em erging role o f m inorities and women in the business sector. G raves is president and chief executive officer o f Earl G. G raves, Ltd., the parent com pany for the Earl G. G raves Publishing com pany. From the com pany’s headquarters in New York, G raves also adm inisters the Minority Business Inform ation Institute, a not-for-profit resource library on black business developm ent. A third com pany, EGG Dallas Broadcasting, Inc. was recently sold for $14 million. Established in 1970, Black Enterprise M agazine has a current circulation o f 230,000. Yearly sales are more than $15.2 million. G raves was an adm inistrative assistant to the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy from 1965 to 1968. A fter Senator K ennedy’s assassination, G raves form ed his ow n m anagem ent consulting firm. In 1979, Graves was appointed a m em ber o f the Presidential C om m ittee on Small and Minority Business and served as a Civilian Aide to the Secretary o f the U.S. Army from 1978 to 1980. In 1972 he was nam ed one o f the ten m ost outstanding minority businessm en in the country by President Nixon and presented with the National Award of Excellence in recognition o f his achievem ents in m inority business enterprise. In 1974he was named on eo fT im e M agazine’s 200 future leaders o f the country; was nam ed Outstanding Citizen o f the Y ear by O m ega Psi Phi (national Fraternity); and received the New York State Regents M edal o f Excellence. Last year G raves received the Missouri Honors Medal. G raves is an ROTC graduate, attended A irborne and Rangers School and finished his Army career with the rank o f Captain as a m em ber o f the 19th Special Forces Group, the Green Beret. He is also the recipient o f the U.S. Army Com m endation Award. G raves received his' B.A. degree in econom ics from Morgan State U niversity in Baltimore, M aryland and has received H onorary Doctor of Laws degrees from 23 universities, including his alma mater. The W alker Institute is a non-profit organization founded to enhance professional developm ent for m inorities and women in the business world. For m ore inform ation on the lecture, call (503) 293-8587. KA-NEE-TA placed on Oregon AFL- CIO’s “ PQ NQ I PATRONIZE U S X Angela Polk Jefferson High, Junior f The O regon A FL-CIO Executive Board voted unanim ously on March 17, 1989 to place Ka-Nee-Ta Resort, located on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation of O regon, on the official “ Do Not Patronize L ist.” The Ka-Nee-Ta Resort is a business enterprise o f the Confederated Tribes o f the W arm Springs Reservation of Oregon. In taking this action, the Executive Board acted on a request from W estern Council o f Industrial W orkers, Local Union 2941, AFL-CIO, which claim ed that the W arm Springs Forest Products Industry (W SFPI), also a business enterprise of the Confederated Tribes has been unfair in its treatment o f em ployees Local 2941 at W arm Springs Forest Products Industries’ lum ber mill. INTRODUCING Jewel L. Craw ford, M.D., has announced the opening of The Optimum Family Health Clinic at 4722 NE Glisan, Portland. A graduate o f Stanford University in California and the Howard University College o f M edicine in W ashington, D.C., Dr. Crawford completed her internship at Howard University Hospital in a joint program combining pediatrics and internal medicine. Since moving to Oregon in 1985, Dr. Crawford has worked in several family practice clinics prior to opening her own practice at The O ptimum Family Health Clinic in Northeast Portland. “ I have a strong com m itm ent to family practice, and offer com plete medical care for children and adults,” Lir. Craw ford said. “ It’s important for family m em bers o f all ages to have a physician who not only offers treatment for illnesses and injuries, but who also stresses proper nutrition and good habits to stay healthy.” Dr. Crawford said she is offering free 10 minute, get-acquainted visits by a p p o in tm e n t, and th a t e v e n in g appointments are available. People interested in scheduling an appointment are asked to call 232-5879. The Optimum Family Health Clinic offers convenient parking, and is located close to Providence Medical Center. The clinic is near the intersection of NE 47th and Glisan, and is on the #19 Glisan Tri-M et bus line. The clinic is a m ember o f selected health plans and Spanish-speaking patients are welcome. M arch 30th, 1989 SPO TLIG H TING Brenda Sherman, Fashion Consultant at the Downtown Nordstrom D e p t Store. The former Grant High School track standout is returning to Portland after a several year absence, to pursue a career with the Nordstrom Chain Brenda works in the “ Personal T ouch” Dept at the Fashionable store. Personal touch provides a service o f outfitting the custom er with a complete line o f clothing and accessories offered by Nordstroms from a single item on up. After leaving Oregon, Brenda attended the University o f W ashington, graduating in 1979 with a B.A. in Journalism Arts, and a B.A. in Business Administration. She worked as a Executive Recruiter in California prior to her return to Portland. CONGRATULATIONS ! CONGRESSMAN LEWIS TO SPEAK AT TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL Tem ple Beth Israel will host Annual Daniel J. and Elizabeth O. Cohn Lecture. The 1989 guest lecturer is Congressman John Lewis. He will address Black Jewish Relations, specifically what transpired in the 1960’s, today and what needs to be done to further the relationship in the future. We are delighted to have this opportunity. Please join us on April 14, 1989: 6:00 p.m. - No host dinner in the Temple Beth Israel Blumauer Auditorium C ost - $8.50 Reservations required by April 10th Please call 222-1069 7:30 p.m. - W orship service and address by Congressman John Lewis in the Sanctuary. Howard Byer C hair, Cohn Lecture Committee Ms. Judy Petri, recently promoted to Director of Housing M anagem ent for The Portland Housing Authority. The seventeen year H.A.P. em ployee is the highest ranked minority em ployer for the Housing Authority. AFRICAN AMERICAN SUMMIT T he A FR IC A N A M E R IC A N S U M M IT ’89 will take place on April 21,22 and 23, 1989 in New Orleans, LA. An African American A genda for the next four years and on out to the year 2000, which transcends party and partisan considerations, will be developed at this meeting. T he A FR IC A N A M ER IC A N SU M M IT ’89 will be open to all African Americans of every political persuasion, religious organization, all economic levels, ages, philosophies and walks o f life. There will be delegates from each state and each state will have a C hair and Com m ittee to facilitate participation and communication. It will be a gathering o f Democrats and Republicans, elected officials and governm ent employees; union members and business people; professionals and service workers; em ployed and unemployed; the wealthy and those on welfare; northerners and southerners; easterners and westerners; city dwellers and suburbanites, blue collar workers and white collar workers; younger African Americans as well as older African Americans. A few of the noted participants include the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, the Honorable Maxine W aters, the Honorable C. DeLores Tucker, Dr. Dorothy Height. Mr. Randall Robinson and the Honorable Charles Diggs.