Page 8 Portland Observer March 23,1989 RENEE’S SEASONING “a family affair” ; •; t • .4 ‘ * Z '4 ' ’*4« C'V- '•'A ',; •î.*r* •. .7 •f-y* • •• >.SZ 7 * î\/l *1 * ♦x¿ < 1- 7 fJ •• •« •Z>' - ' =*<£? ï« . •'« ; ;>'*•* J r?*v*ÿ* i* *« fe £ ■'S y Bom in Portland, Oregon 24 years ago, Ms. Shirleen Renee Richardson has become one of the Northwest’s fast g row ing, young, black, fem ale entrepreneurs. Ms. Richardson is the daughter of Mrs. Evelyn Pruitt Richardson. She is one of four children; one girl among 3 brothers. Her brothers Victor, John and Hansen Richardson are very proud of their sister’s intuitiveness that is reaping her much success in the field of food. Shirleen began in the restaurant business along with her mother and father in 1986. The restaurant was opened for approximately 7 -8 months, before closing its doors due to high overhead costs and the lack of reliable help. Shirleen and her mother did all the cooking. Evelyn (her mother) would come straight from work to the restaurant and relieve Shirleen. “ That got to be a bit much!” says Shirleen. Gumbo and Shufly-high chicken were the specialties of the house. Every customer that came into the restaurant had their taste buds delighted whenever they dined at the WILL, EVELYN & RENEE CAFE. The cafe was located on Northeast Dekum and 10th Avenue. While cooking every day in the restaurant, Shirleen would mix her own special seasonings to season the food. It was and has such a good flavor. The special herbs and spices that Shirleen would mix together just, excited the palate. “ Mom is the brains o f the operation” says Shirleen. “ She came in one day and told me to write down every ingredient I had placed into that mixture.” “ Let me tell you” she continued, “ that was very hard to do.” She had already worked all day over a hot stove, waited on customers and had to work the ‘till; now she had to stay at the restaurant for God-knows-how-long and write down all this stuff. It took her, approximately, two, plus, hours to completely think out and through all the ingredients that she had placed into the mixture. She can still remember the feeling of tiredness felt when she tinatty went home. She literally ten into her bed. Well, she got it together and it is now on the m arket..... “ R EN EE’S SEASONINGS” . You can find it on the shelves at the following stores: AG Market on NE 15th and Brazee, the Alameda Store on 24th and NE Fremont, Com o’s on SE Union Avenue and Craigo’s on N. Williams and Beech. She is presently negotiating with other locations and presenting her product in food shows/fairs all over the United States. She plans to have her product in, at least, 30 states by this time next year. “ My name is Shirleen Renee Richardson. The restaurant, also, carried my name--RENEE—but how we got it on the seasoning is probably because I mixed it an d -E X O T IC - because of its different and unusual flavor.” Shirleen and her mother plan to attend the Food Fair in Seattle, W ashington- this month. The product brought many raves at the Oregon First Product Show, which was held at the Montgomery Park Building. ‘RENEE’S EXOTIC SEASONING’ was one of 100 - 125 different displays presented that day. Packing is done at the Oregon Spice. The spices that go into those bottles are very potent. “ I can’t give away the secret; but the main ingredient is ‘God Seattle will have booths introducing seasonings from all over the Northwest. Shirleen will be introducing to Seattle and the entire Washington area, her exotic seasoning; which will be prepare in dips, pate’s and terriyaki meatballs Distribution has already begun in California with the help of her brother John; in Texas with the help of her mother’s sisters-Sharon and Reva; and in Denver with the help of her brother- Victor. Shirleen is, also, available for catering. Contact her at (503) 281 -3351,236 S W Salmon Suite A, Portland, Oregon 97204 “ I’ve always liked to cook. Mom said I was always in the kitchen inventing something. She said that she knew that one day I would mix something wonderful.” As Shirleen sat pondering her thoughts, I asked her to spew a bit of wisdom onto the young people’s heads who may read this article, she shared, “ You can be whatever you want to be if you put your mind to it. ” Portland Memorial A Beauty HOLY REVIVAL FEATURING BISHOP STOKES World Renowned Evangelist March 19- April 1,1989 St. Paul Church of God in Christ 2859 N. E. Rodney, Portland, Oregon Starting Promptly At 8:00 p.m. IN THE BELOVED MEMORY OF WILLIE AMOS JACOB Until his death in 1957, each week Humphrey Bogart always sent a bouquet of seasonal roses to the grave of his first wife Mayo Methot interred in the Portland Memorial. The facility is located on a knoll overlooking the Willalmette River at S. E. 14th and Bybee Boulevard. During its 88 year existence the memorial has been the repository for the mortal remains of more than 70,000 persons. Included among them are John Yeon, Rudy Wilhelm and Mayor George L. Baker. Numerous memorials have been celebrated in their two chapels.The memorial is located on about seven acres in an eight story building with more than seven miles of corridors. They provide the services of a funeral home, a crematorium and quiet peaceful chapels. STERNWHEELER TO HOST EASTER GOSPEL CRUISE Jesus Loves You! THOSE HE LEFT BEHIND ARE THE SURVIVING MEMBERS OF HIS FAMILY Allen Temple FATHER: AMOS JACOB BROTHER: THOMAS JACOB SISTERS: SHIRLEY, KAREN, PHILLIS AND LINDA CHILDREN:FEL1CIA, ANDRE, ALEXANDER, CELESTE, CONNIE, ARTESE & WILLIE, JR. CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 ALSO, A HOST OF NIECES, NEPHEWS AND FRIENDS Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Psalm 34:3 W E ALL LOVE HIM AND HE W ILL BE MISSED. Ecumenical Easter Sunrise Service at The Grotto An Ecumenical Easter Sunrise Service sponsored by The Parkrose Ministerial Association will be held at The Grotto on Sunday, March 26th at 7:00 am, weather permitting. The service will be held in the outdoor grotto. Should It rain, the chapel will be used for worship. The Easter offering will go to the Snow-Cap Emergency fund. All are welcome. The Grotto is located at 85th and Sandy Blvd. For more information call 4 < CURTIS SALGADO PRESENTS “ A TOUCH OF CLASS EASTER GOSPEL CRUISE” FEATURING RAY TELLIS AND TRUE WORSHIP WILDER WARDS GOSPEL SINGERS GOLDIE IRBY JANICE SCROGGINS CARLTON JACKSON JOHN MOZZACCO LLOYD JONES AND CURTIS SALGADO WHEN: EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 26 TICKETS ARE $13.00 AT G.I. JOE’S, GALLERIA CRUISE FROM 8:00 - 10:00 PM JEAN MACHINE, THE CHILES CENTER BOARD AT 7:30 PM AND THE STERNWHEELER OFFICE 606 NW WHERE:-STERNWHEELER COLUMBIA FRONT#A. L ORDER BY PHONE: 223-3928. GORGE -CRUISE ON WILLAMETTE FOR MORE INFORMATION: DOUG FISH 221-0244 RIVER -BOARD AT S.W. FRONT & STARK (503) 254-7371. EASTER SUNDAY AT HUGHES MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH! Fellowship with us this Easter Sunday Morning. SUNRISE SERVICE will begin at 6:30 AM Easter Sunday. EASTER BREAKFAST Prepared by the United Methodist Men will be served at 7:30 AM following the Sunrise Service. SUNDAY SCHOOL will be held at 9:45 AM following Easter breakfast. CHILDREN/YOUTH EASTER PROGRAM will be presented by the talented young people giving their praise on this Easter Morning immediately following Sunday School. REGULAR MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE will begin at 11:00 AM conducted by Reverend Curtis Kirkpatrick. EASTER EGG HUNT will begin at the close of the 11:00 o ’clock service. The Reverend Curtis Kirkpatrick, Pastor HUGHES MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 111NE FAILING PORTLAND, OR 97212 Please Brother Man and Sister Lady How much longer before you show up Get your mind together Special Easter Service Musical 4: PM March 26,1989 They have found the Place and the Place is BONDED NOTARY J & M TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES BOOKKEEPING 4 INCOME TAX SERVICE LICENSED TAX CONSULTANT • TAX PLANNING • • PROFESSIONAL TYPING ri» «0^' JOI. TAYI.O R Tax Consultant Mt. Sinai Temple Services Each Sunday 12 Noon and 8 PM 3833 N.E. Killinswçrth Portland. OR 97211 OPEN: 9 4:30 Et 6 9:00 Come see what every one’s talking about YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 7 30pm Bible Band "A warm spirit of fellowship always" “To the Glory o f G o d ” The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ FOUNDER The Holiness Preacher Bishop U V. Peterson D D. Builder-Pastor Tlxndxy 7 00pm Chat Rehearsal Suntoy Follow peace with all men & holiness without which no man shall see the Lord HEBREWS 1214 1 1 .1 5 a m Morning Worship 6 30pm YPW W Evangelistic 8 00pm Worship Tuwtoy the aib/e s a y s ... 9 15 a m Sunday School Mt. Sinai Temple 936 N.E. Beech Portland, OR 284-0854 The Peoples Church Fntoy Noon Day Prayer The Pastor Speaks M anm g Ptayei 7 30pm 900am BISHOP W.G. IIARDY LITTLE KING Thank you for your Sweet Letter Send Some More Bishop W.G. Hardy Little King