•+*>+** ► 4P W • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » Page 9 Portland Observer March 16,1989 « r A P rofessional S ervices D irectory .r Phone 288-0033 ■ - ' T o Place Your A d PORTLAND OBSERVER Ad Rates: 5 Lines - 1 Week - $7.50 " The Eyes and Ears of the Community'' 4 Weeks - $25.00(add $2.50 Par Line) à Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves thexiflht to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) 288-0033 APPLIANCES BEAUTY & BARBER SUPPLIES WASHERS & DRYERS $100.00 and Up CALL 282-4911 Look of Radiance 3512 N.E. 15th Street Portland, Oregon 284-6345 Nails Only 9 H a ir Care Salon B e a u t y / B a rb e r S u p p ly • F re e Delivery CALL THE GIRLS! FOR YOUR YARD After 1:00 P.M. 289-9122 286-8493 • ’r .v • CONTRACTING-GENERAL Silco Construction Co. 8614 N. Crawford Portland, Oregon 97203 2886155 B E A U T Y /B A R B E R BEAUTY SUPPLIES FLORAL - SILKS SUPPLIES P & J’s Beauty Salon & Supply Eartha’s Floral Connection ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Mon. thru Set. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m 231 N . L o m b a rd • RENT 517-1/2 N .E Klllingeworth Portland, Oregon 97211 282-3675 S u ite 2 0 0 P o rtlan d , O R 9 7 2 1 7 • 2 8 9 0 2 0 5 Styles by E.J. Bates > f t/* * 5 6 * •A -? -'’ Low Prices - OwMy Service - Delvertes D o Weddings • Funerals Made-To-Order • Custom-Made CONSTRUCTION PRINTING Donald M. Drake Construction Open 7 Days A Week 226-3991 ¿irte * This Coupa« Good F m * : »is off : • DELIVERY & • • INSTALLATION FEE • Clinic S taf f-Reception and c linic d uties including assisting with volunteer program and fundraising. Experience with patient billings/collection a must. HS G rad and 2 yrs. experience in clinic or health care. Exp. in reception, general office, and good typing skills. Ability to work in a high pressure, busy telephone areaam u st.S alary to$12,000. Resum e and cover letter to NPCHC, 5311 N. V ancouver, Pordand, 97217 by March 2 0 ,1 9 8 9 . EXAMINER/SR EXAMINER VOCATIONAL COORDINATOR $1826-$2494/M O $21,912-$29,928/ANNUAL $2015 M INIM UM SAIF Corporation, O regon’s leading w orkers’ com pensation insurance carrier is seeking a Vocational C oordinator for its Salem Branch Office. The individual in this position will manage w orkers’ compensation claims, approve vocational plans, and coordinate vocational efforts with internal and external vocational p lacem ent INSURANCE SENIOR M EDICAL UNDERW RITER The Senior M edical Underw riter will perform the following duties: -D eterm ine Underwriting risk -Review H ealth Statements to determ ine enrollm ent eligibility -Evaluate Health Statements for prospective Com m unity groups -A ct as resource to Underwriting in evaluating large claim s -Perform on-going written and oral com m unication in a professional m anner Q ualified applicants will have a minimum o f three years experience in underwriting individual health and/ or life insurance with a strong medical background or a degree in Nursing, and w ill p o sse ss e x c e lle n t demonstrated communication skills. Leadership and problem solving background and the ability to handle daily stressful situ atio n s in a professional m anner is a must. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours and com petitive salary. Please apply or send resum e to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Hum an R esources Dept. 5th Floor 100 SW M arket Portland, OR 97201 SECRETARY Full-tim e position in our Campaign Division. Duties include answering phones, typing and maintenance o! files and records. Requires accurate typing of 50-60wpm and 1-3 years secretarial experience. Individual must have some know ledge o f word processing and correct gram m ar & spelling. Salary $12,180 plus excellent benefits. Send resum e by March 17 to: Carolyn Lewis United W ay of the Colum bia-W illam ette 718 W. Burnside Portland, Oregon 97209 228-9131 Equal Opportunity Employer WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS ection Technician I $1581-$1914/ ection Technician II $ 1824-$2211/ uit $1780/m o. (503) 648-8607 for information. Tty application forms req. Apply larch 24,1989 to Washington Counly A p p lic a n ts m ust have w o rk e rs ’ com pensation certification, and have a Bachelor’s degree with one year of w orkers’ com pensation experience; additional vocational experience can be su b stitu te d fo r e d u c a tio n . Candidates must have know ledge of w o rk ers’ com pensation billing procedures and Oregon Administrative Rules. Applicants must also have good c o m m u n ic a tio n sk ills; ■ experience dealing with professional people as well as vocationally handicapped people; and the ability to make decisions by evaluating handicapped people; and the ability to make decisions by evaluating written material, both medical and vocational. A valid Oregon driver’s license is required. Insurance experience is preferred. SAIF Corporation O regon’s leading w orkers’ com pensation insurance carrier is seeking Exam iner/Senior E x a m in e r fo r its C o rp o ra te H eadquarters . in Salem . T he individuals in these positions will manage and process and assigned num ber of m edical only claims insuring that medical benefits are paid timely. Medical bills will be reviewed and paym ent authorized w hen appropriate. Applicants must have two years college and one year o f claim s adjusting e x p e rie n c e ; o rg a n iz a tio n and procedures; ability to ex ercise judgm ent in applying procedures; to com m unicate effectively; and to evaluate technical, m edical and industrial information. W orkers’ com pensation insurance claim s exam iner experience preferred. W e offer an excellent benefits program . T o be considered for this position you must com plete our em ploym ent application. Please call our message phone (503) 1-373-8047 by 5pm March 17, 1989 to request your applicant packet. No resum es please. SAIF Corporation We offer an excellent benefits program. To be considered for this position you must com plete our em ploym ent application. Please call our message phone (503) 1-373-8047 by 5pm, March 17, 1989 to request your applicant packet. No resum es please. SAIF Corporation An Equal O pportunity Em ployer INSURANCE DISABLING CLAIMS UNIT MANAGER VICE-PRESIDENT United Way of the Columbia-Willamette seeks qualified individual as Vice- President o f its Com m unity Services and A llocations Division. Individual will develop, organize and coordinate an efficient system of fund allocation, m anagem ent assistance and agency relations to ensure effective response to human service needs in the four county area. W ill w ork with com m unity m em bers, volunteers and agency leadership. Requires graduate degree or equivalent in Social Work or related field. M inimum o f five (5) years related work experience in the human services field plus extensive know ledgeof the United W ay agency system. D em onstrated abilities with fin a n c ia l sy ste m s, pro g ram d e v e lo p m e n t and e v a lu a tio n , c o m m u n ity o rg a n iz a tio n and adm inistration. M ust com m unicate well in a variety of settings and possess good interpersonal and m anagement skills. N on-profit agency executive level or supervisory experience preferred. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume by March 17 to: C aro ly n Lewis U nited W ay of the C o lum bia-W illam ette 718 W . B urnside P o rtla n d , O R 97209 228-9131 An Equal Opportunity Em ployer Equal Opportunity Em ployer RADIO Portland Radio Station seeking experienced talk show host. M ust have m inim um 5 years experience as radio or TV Talk Host. Send R esum e to: PO Box 14957 P o rtla n d , O R 97214 Equal Opportunity Employer MECHANIC C-TR AN is seeking a journeym an level Mechanic. Requires three years heavy duty diesel and/or 5 years gas engine experience supported by excellent SAIF Corporation, O regon’s leading work references, a valid drivers license, w orkers’ com pensation insurance ability to comply with non-smoking carrier is seeking a Disabling Claims Unit M anager for its Corporate policy and pass a pre-em ploym ent headquarters in Salem. This individual physical. T ransit coach experience will direct supervisory and technical desired. Shifts vary. Salary Range staff for the U n it Duties will include $9.04-$13.49 DEPENDING UPON budget proposal; claim s objectives E X P E R IE N C E . A pply at and com pliance w ith w o rk ers’ Employment Security D epartm ent, compensation law and regulations and 603 W. Evergreen Blvd., Vancouver, WA Closes upon selection of the overall developm ent o f staff. Applicants m ust display a minimum of candidate. 6 to 8 years experience in an insurance Equal Opportunity Em ployer, M /F/ claim s environm ent; em phasis, on W orkers’ Com pensation strongly H preferred. Successful applicants will have the equivalent of three or more MENTAL HEALTH: years experience in m anaging Psychiatrist technical, clerical and supervisory em ployees and will demonstrate strength in planning and organizing. For innovative CM HC: diverse client S u p e rio r c o m m u n ic a tio n and population, interdisciplinary staff, respected training site, focus on quality adm inistrative skills arc required. W eofferanexcellcntbcnefitsprogram . services. Part-tim e position available To be considered for this position M ay, 1989 for Board eligible/ccrtificd you must com plete our em ploym ent psychiatrist. O utstanding com m unity application. Please call our message opportunity allow ing developm ent of phone (503) 1-373-8047 by 5pm, othcroptions. Salary $50,000-$70,000 March 17, 1989 to request your (full-time); excellent benefits. Send applicant packet. No resum es please. resume to Delaunay M HC, 5215 N. • Lombard, Portland, OR 97203,(503) 285-9871. Equal Opportunity Employer SAIF CORPORATION $2832-$3509/M O $33,984-$42,108/ANNUAL An Equal Opportunity Em ployer EARN EXCELLENT MONEY at home onncl. An E.O.E. $60.00 PER HUNDRED Remailing letters from home! De­ tails, send self-addressed, stamped envelope. Associates, Box 309-T, Colonia, NJ 07067. SOCIAL SERVICES IN SU RA N CE INSURANCE M ENTAL HEALTH P o r tlo a d washer for Program M anager position. Responsibilities include planning, coordination and evaluation of m ethadone treatm ent program com ponents. A dm inistrative and clinical services m anagem ent, staff supervision and training. Applicants m ust possess extensive experience in adm in istrativ e and clinical s u p e rv isio n in the c h e m ic a l dependency field. M asters degree in human services required. Salary range S1950-S2638 per month plus excellent benefits package. Application and screening questions available at 210 NE 20th or call 239-8400 Equal O pportunity Em ployer ASST. DIRECTOR Northeast non-profit agency seeking assistant director. S u p erv iso ry , m anagem ent, verbal & written communication skills a must. Experienced and able to work with clients of diverse ethnic backgrounds. Resume’s to: Pers. Comm. PO Box 12153 Portland, OR 97212 S T A T E O F W A SH IN G T O N S O C IA L W O R K E R S Division of children and family services, region 2 is recruiting for child protective and child welfare - family reconciliation services for South Central in Eastern W ashington. M ust have a BA or MA degree in social work. C o n tact K aren C ollins, R egional P ersonnel R ep 509-575-2826 for specifics o f em ploym ent E.O.E. Interested in becoming A C ath o lic or Rcturing to the Catholic Church? please call Fr. Ted or Sr. Kathleen at St. A ndrew ’s Catholic Church (503) 281-4429. «- ' y ' Assembly work. Jew elry, toys, others Call 1-619-565-1522 ext. T3759OR 24 hrs March 9,16,23 PO RTLAN D OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community' 288-0033 SAIF CORPORATION, OREGON'S LEADING WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE CARRIER INSURANCE VOCATIONAL COORDINATOR $2015 MINIMUM V aacoover .1 231-7413 693-4000 ' V Applicants must have two years college and one year of claim s adjusting experience; organization and procedures; ability to exercise ju d g m e n t in a p p ly in g procedures; to com m unicate effectively; and to evaluate technical, medical and industrial in fo rm a tio n . W o rk e rs’ compensation insurance claim s exam iner experience preferred. O re g o n ’s le a d in g w o rk e rs’ compensation insurance carrier is seekinga Vocational Coordinator for its Salem Branch Office. The individual in this position will manage w orkers’ compensation claim s, approve vocational plans, and coordinate vocational efforts with internal and external vocational placement. A p p lic a n ts m u st have w o rk e rs ’ com pensation certification, and have a B achelor’s degree with one year o f w orkers’ compensation experience; additional vocational experience can be substituted for education. Candidates m ust have k n o w led g e of w o rk e rs ’ com pensation billing procedures and Oregon Adm inistrative Rules. A pplicants m ust also have good com m unication skills; experience dealing with professional people as well as vocationally handicapped people; and the ability to make d e c isio n s by e v a lu a tin g handicapped people; and the ability to make decisions by evaluating w ritten material, both m edical and vocational. A valid Oregon driver’s license is required. Insurance experience is preferred. INSURANCE DISABLING CLAIMS UNIT M ANAGER $2832-$3509/M O $33,984-$42,108/ANNUAL O re g o n ’s le a d in g w o rk e rs’ com pensation insurance carrier is seeking a Disabling Claim s Unit M an ag er fo r its C o rp o ra te headquarters in Salem . This individual will direct supervisory and technical staff for the Unit. Duties will include budget proposal; claims objectives and com pliance with w orkers’ com pensation law and re g u la tio n s and the o v e ra ll developm ent o f staff. Applicants m ust display a minimum of 6 to 8 years experience in an insurance claim s environm ent, e m p h a sis, on W o rk ers Com pensation strongly preferred. Successful applicants will have the equivalent o f three or more years experience in managing technical, clerical and supervisory employees and will dem onstrate strength in planning and organizing. Superior com m unication and administrative skills are required. INSURANCE EXAMINER/SR EXAMINER $1826-$2494/MO $21,912-$29,928/ANNUAL SAIF Corporation O regon’s leading w o rk e rs ’ c o m p e n sa tio n insurance carrier is seeking Exam iner/Senior Examiner for its Corporate H eadquarters in Salem. The individuals in these positions w ill m anage and process and assigned number of m edical only claim s insuring that m edical benefits are paid timely. M edical bills will be reviewed and paym ent authorized when appropriate. o • k* •*.« Methadone Program Mgr. CODA, Inc, seeks qualified applicants ''..r''/'•■■i *30 D tllctry it Intlallallon JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RECEPTIONIST POSITION OPEN * - « * i WASHERS & DRYERS Kinko’s 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 S IN SU RA N CE Examiner Trainees $I503/Monthly SAIF Corporation, O regon’s leading w orkers’ com pensation insurance carrier is seeking Examiner Trainees for its Salem Branch Office. Starting date approximately May 8,1989. The individuals selected for these positions will be in a trainee status for a minimum o f six months. During this time, the trainees will be provided with on-the-job training and e x a m in e r d u tie s an d responsibilities which include the m anagement and processing o f assigned num ber o f disability and non-disability claim s insuring that com pensation and m edical benefits are paid timely. A pplicants m ust have a minimum o f two years college; a Bachelor’s degree is preferred. Applicants must have dem onstrated oral and written com m unication skills and ability to analyze, use logic and evaluate adverse facts. Candidates m ust also be w illing to continue their education through insurance training programs. Legal Paralegal $I740/Minimum O re g o n ’s lead in g w o rk e rs’ compensation insurance carrier is seeking a Paralegal for its Corporate Headquarters in Salem, Applicants should have a thorough know ledge of W o rk e rs’ C o m p e n sa tio n L aw , medical and legal terminology, and the ability to analyze and interpret legal issues and complex;ex material. Tw o years o f negotiation and settlement experience is preferred. W e offer an excellent benefits program. To be considered for this position you m ust com plete our em ploym ent application. Please call our message phone (503) 1-373-8047 by 5pm, M a rc h . 17, 1989 to request your applicant packet. No resum es please. SAIF Corporation An equal opportunity em ployer INSTRUCTOR & LIVE-IN DORM COUNSELOR Positions still available for U o f O Upward Bound Summer Program. D EA D LIN E E X T E N D E D T O A P R IL 7,1989. Call for applications, 686-3501. Affirmative Action E O E m ployer Development Director For Community Developm ent Corp, in Portland. Min. 3 years experience in Fund Raising, grant writing and coordination o f volunteer efforts,working knowledge o f government grants highly desirable. Salary 25K - 30K DOE Send rcsume/cover letter to: P.O. Box 11871 Portland, Oregon 97211 Equal Opportunity Employer