Page 6 Portland Observer March 16,1989 FORGET IT NOTARY HOLY WEEK AT THE GROTTO BOOKKEEPING & INCOME tax SERVICE LICENSED TAX consultant Holy W eek activities at The Grotto will begin on Thursday, March 23, with the M ass o f The Lord’s Supper at 7:30 pm, the C elebration of The L ord’s Passion will be on Friday at 7:30 pm, Easter Vigil will begin on Saturday at 8:00 pm and m asses on Easter Sunday will be held at 10:00 am and 12:00 noon. All services will be held in The Grotto church at NE 85th and Sandy Boulevard. STERN WEHEELER TO HOST EASTER GOSPEL CRUISE CURTIS SALGADO PRESENTS “ A TOUCH OF CLASS EASTER GOSPEL CRUISE” FEATURING RAY TELLIS AND TRU E W ORSHIP WILDER WARDS GOSPEL SINGERS G O LD IE IRBY JANICE SCROGGINS CARLTON JACKSON JOHN M OZZACCO LLOYD JONES AND CURTIS SALGADO W HEN: Easter Sunday, March 26 Cruise From 8:00 - 10:00 Board at 7:30 pm W HERE: -Stem w heeler Columbia -Gorge -Cruise on W illam ette River -Board at SW Front & Stark Portland, Oregon - The Stem w heeler Colum bia Gorge will be the setting for one of the most talent-laden gospel concerts ever staged in Portland. To be held on Easter Sunday, “ The Touch of Class G ospel C ruise” will feature fourteen of Portland’s top gospel, R&B and blues artists. Internationally known R& B/Blue singer C urtis Salgado takes on the role o f producer and entertainer in what he describes as “ A Labor of L ove” . N oted Salgado, “ T he opportunity to show case Portland’s wealth o f gospel talent is exciting. Hopefully this concert will help bring gospel music into the mainstream of the local m usic scene” Tickets arc $13.00 at G.I. Joe’s, Galleria Jean M achine, The C hiles Center and the S tern w heeler O f fice - 606 NW Front #A-1. O rder by Phone: 223-3928. For More Information: Doug Fish 221-0244 BONDED J & M TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES » TAX PLANNING • • PROFESSIONAL TYPING JOF TAYLOR Tax Consultan) WHO: The Portland Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation, Inc., 3833 N E Killingsworth W HAT: W anted V ista Volunteers, approx. S466/mth, volunteers will assist in social service agency, participating in screening and fundraising projects. Send resume to: PO Box 11124, Portland, OR 97211 WHEN: D eadline for accepting application, March 2 5 ,1 9 8 9 For Inform ation: Call 249-1366 Y O U T H SO U N D SH O W C A SE On Tuesday, A pril 4th, the Youth Sound group will be showcased at the G O V E R N O R ’S ARTS A W ARDS CEREM O N Y , to be held at the New P e rfo rm in g A rts C e n te r in the Interm ediate T 7:30 p.m., in the evening. There is a $12.00 admission charge. For further information, call Elaine Young, O regon Advocate for the Arts (Salem) 588-ARTS. A N N U A L PA LM SUNDAY TEA The Searchlight Circle, of the Mt. O livet Baptist Church, will hold its annual Palm Sunday Tea from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the lower auditorium o f the church located at 116 NE Schuyler. The colors arc light green and white. Mrs. M attie Dyer, chairperson. P R E -E A S T E R D IN N ER Bethel A ME, at this busy time o f the year, has a very busy schedule o f its own. On March 18th at 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Bethel will present its Pre-Easter dinner. The public is cordially invited. Donations: $5.00. Ail Caster Musical by Rodger Strader Arranged & Orchestrated by Bob Krogstad «s 3833 N E . K illin s w p rth P ortland. OR 97211 OPEN: 9 4:30 b 6 9:00 t w m If you know o f a skeleton hidden away In a closet, and guarded and kept from the day In the dark; and whose showing, whose sudden display, W ould cause grief and sorrow and lifelong dismay, It’s a pretty good plan to forget it. . u i. L a . Greater St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church to install new pastor. The G reater St. Stephen M issionary Baptist Church will be celebrating the Installation o f their new Pastor, the Rev. Robert E. H ouston, Sr., in a series of services, April 12th through 16th. Pastor Houston, who servedas Administrative A ssistant at the Fellowship M issionary Baptist Church, prior to his January 11 th election as Pastor, has led the Church in receiving over 25 new m em bers to the congregation, expansion of the ministries of the Church, reorganization of several auxiliaries, and plans for future m inistries are being developed. Services on W ednesday, April 12th through Friday, April 14th will be held at the Church, located at 3922 North W illiam s Avenue. W ednesday’s speaker will be announced at a later date. On Thursday, Dr. T.L. Lewis, Pastor o f the Morning Star M issionary Baptist Church will be the speaker. On Friday, Dr. O.B. W illiams, President o f the G eneral Baptist Convention o f the Northwest and Pastor of the historic V ancouver Avenue First Baptist If you know o f a thing that will darken the joy O f a man or a woman, a girl or a boy, T hat will wipe out a sm ile, or the least way annoy A fellow, or cause any gladness to cloy, It’s a pretty good plan to forget it. A uthor Unknown. NEVER ALONE Church will be the speaker. A banquet will be held at the Exec-U-Lodge, 6221 NE 82nd Avenue. Tickets are available by calling the Pastor’s Study at 281 -6337. Tickets are S15.00 per person. On Sunday 9:30 am Model Sunday School will be taught by the Rev. James L. Slade, Sr., Associate M inister of the New Hope M issionary Baptist Church o f Seattle, W ashington. At the 11:00 am M orning W orship, the Rev. A. Bernard Devers, I, Pastor o f the Progressive M issionary Baptist Church o f Seattle, W ashington and congregation will be the special guests. Rev. Devers, who will bring the m essage, is the founder of the G reater St. Stephen M issionary Baptist Church, pastoring from 1984 to 1986. This service will be held at the G reater St. Stephen Church. The 3:00 pm grand finale will be held at the Morning Star M issionary Baptist Church, 103 NE Ivy Street, where Rev. Houston was convened and baptized. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Johnny Pack, IV, Pastor of the Fellow ship M issionary Baptist Church. For more inform ation you may contact the G reater St. Stephen M issionary Baptist Church at 281-6337 or 287-6691. <=>< J e su s L oves You! <=>< 5 : 0 0 p .m . MARCH 2 6 , 1989 116 NE SCHUYLER PORTLAND, OR Rev. Dr. Jam es M artin, pastor Carl T. Harris, director FREE WILL OFFERING (5 0 3 ) 2 8 4 -1 9 5 4 “ T H E N C A M E SU N D A Y ” The Chancel C hoir of the Mt. O livet Baptist Church presents “ then came Sunday” an Easter musical by Rodger Strader which was arranged and orchestrated by Bob Krogstad. The program will begin at 5 p.m. on M arch 26lh (Easter Sunday) at M l Olivet Baptist Church on 116 NE Schuyler Street on the com er o f NE 1st A venue. Everyone is cordially invited to enjoy this most beautiful Easter cantata. The adm ission is “ FR E E ” ...a price that everyone can afford. LAST MEAL IN T H E UPPER ROOM On T h u rsd a y , M a rc h 23, 1989 at 6 p.m . “ The L ast Meal served in the U pper Room ” will be served at the Mt. O livet B.C. T his depiction is a very solemn and inspirational service. Which is held each year. To hear Jesus’ last w ords read from scripture, to partake of the cup, to break the bread as Jesus Christ and the 12 disciples did long ago. Never A lo n e -in the darkness, A lw ays-H is com forting hand, T ouching-so gently, with kindness. Helping us understand, Sharing our sorrow and sadness, Giving us faith to believe, With us in triumph and gladness, Always His blessings receive. Graciously granting forgiveness W hen, for our sins we atone, Walking beside us forever, Leaving us never, alone. by Bill C a n FELLOW SHIP HOLDS REVIVAL F ellow ship M issionary B aptist Church, Rev. Johnny Pack, IV, pastor, is holding its revival this week. Services begin at 7:00 p.m. each night. G uest evangelist is Rev. Jeffers from Tacoma, W ashington. Com e out and receive a blessing. 220 NE Beech (in the O.B. W illiam s Center). Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Psalm 34:3 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-C499 Tuesday Bible Band 7 30pm "A warm spirit of fellowship always” “To the Glory o f G o d ” T H E P O R T L A N D S IC K L E C E L L A N EM IA FO U N D A T IO N ' then came Sunday If you see a tall fellow ahead o f the crowd, A leader o f men marching fearless and proud, And you know o f a tale whose mere telling aloud Would mean that his head must in anguish be bowed, It’s a pretty good plan to forget it. The Ark of Safèty Church of God in Christ FOUNDER The Holiness Preacher Bjshop U.V. Peterson D.D, Builder-Pastor Thursday Char Rehearsal follow peace with all men & holiness without which no man shall see the 7 00 p.m. 9 1 5a m Sunday School 11 1 5a m Morning Worship 6 30pm YPW W Evangelistic 8 00 p.m Worship Noon Day Prayer Fnday The Pastor Speaks' 7 :3 0 p m Sataday Morning Prayer Special Easter Service Musical 4: PM March 26,1989 9 00am Lord f ig h How much longer before you show up Get your mind together SaHay Tuesday Fnday the Bible s a y s ... Please Brother Man and Sister Lady HEBREWS ,2 1 4 They have found the Place and the Place is Bishop W.G. Hardy Little King L » ftU L L U C L ! ST. STEPHEN EASTER PROGRAM The G reater St. Stephen M issionary Baptist Church, 3922 North W illiams Avenue, will be sponsoring their Annual Pre-Easter Program on Sunday, March 19th at the Church. Pastor Robert E. Houston, Sr. and congregation extends an invitation to the public at large to this event which will begin at 3:30 pm. For more details you can contact the Church at 281-6337 or 287-6691. G reater St. Stephen M issionary Baptist Church will be sponsoring “ The Seven Last W ords o f C hrist” on Friday, March 24th at 7:30 pm. Seven local area m inisters will be preaching on various last “ w ords” spoken by Jesus while on the Cross during His crucifixion. The Church, w hich is pastored by Rev. Robert E. Houston, Sr. is located at 3922 North W illiam s Avenue. For more information you can call the Church at 281-6337 or 287-6691. The First Annual “ Say No To D rugs” Rally, sponsored by the G reater St. Stephen M issionary Baptist Church, will be held on Saturday, April 8th sponsored by the Young Adult Mission o f the Church. This Rally is in response to the critical need that exists within the North and Northeast Portland area for greater involvem ent by the Com m unity, and offering Jesus C hrist as the alternative. Rev. W .G ale Hardy, Jr., o f the Mount Sinai Church o f G od in Christ will be the guest speaker. The service begins at 12:00 Noon. For more details you can contact Pastor Robert E. Houston, Sr. at 281- 6337. Mt. Sinai Temple Services Each Sunday 12 Noon and 8 PM Come see what every one's talking about Mt. Sinai Temple 936 N.E. Beech Portland, OR 284-0854 The Peoples Church BISHOP W.G. HARDY LITTLE KING Thank you for your Sweet Letter Send Some More f ; ' : t-y»*-.? « ¿f t » » « • -