Page 9 Portland Observer March 2,1989 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d M Rates: 5 Lines • 1 Week — $7.50 4 Weeks — $25.00(add $2.50 PrUna) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves thexight to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community’' 288-0033 APPLIANCES WASHERS & DRYERS $100.00 and Up CALL 282-4911 CALL THE GIRLS! FOR YOUR YARD After 1 :00 P.M. 289-9122 286-8493 BEAUTY & BARBER SUPPLIES Look of Radiance 3512 N.E. 15th Street Portland, Oregon 284-0345 Nails Only • H a ir Care Salon B e a u t y / B a rb e r S u p p ly • Frae Delivery CONTRACTING-GENERAL Silco Construction Co. 8614 N. Crawford Portland, Oregon 97203 286-8155 BEAUTY/BARBER SUPPLIES ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Mon. thru Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. BEAUTY SUPPLIES FLORAL - SILKS P & J's Beauty Salon & Supply Eartha’s Floral Connection 231 N. Lom bard • S uite 200 Portland. O R 97217 • 2 8 9 0 2 0 5 Styles by E.J. Bates Low Prie» - Dually Sarrica - Dulvertw CONSTRUCTION Donald M. Drake Construction 226-3991 517-1/2 N.E. Kllttngeworth Portland, Oregon 97211 282-3675 »Fe D o Weddings • Funerals Made-To-Order • Custom-Made PRINTING Kinko’s Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, O regon 97212 A *• * ft INSURANCE EXAMINERS $1826-$2264 A D M IN IS T R A T IO N F A C IL IT IE S MGMT A D M IN ISTR A TO R PERSONNEL SPECIALIST/ COMPENSATION RENT WASHERS & DRYERS • ThU Coupoa Good Fat * : ‘is off : • D ELIVERY & a • INSTALLATION FEE • ‘30 Delivery A In vivi la l Ion washer 231-7413 VaacoHver 693-4000 P o rtla n d ft« w r«, A •• • . ’-V f '- ’ ASSOCIATE PLANNER •' •’.s •! « i F ‘Vv • ' • **«,*•* POLICE OFFICER Portland International Airport $2219-$2749/m o $26,628-$32,988/yearly 7Q q n e ■ ’1 *» 2.» The Port o f Portland has a challenging opportunity for an A ssociate Planner to p ort Q f p ortland has an immediate Oregon State Dept o f General Services provide assistance to the Senior Planners opening for a Police Officer to be SAIF Corporation, O regon’s leading and Planning M anager in conducting all responsible for the protection o f life and SAIF Corporation, O regon’s leading Salary: $3192-$4072/M o. worker’s compensation insurance carrier Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon types of planning studies, provide support property at the Port of Portland workers’ compensation insurance carrier Deadline: 5pm M onday, March 20, is seeking three m edical only examiners is currently accepting applications for a to other Port departments in their planning inlernational Airport, to insure the is seeking a Personnel Specialist for it s for its Salem Branch Office. The 1989. Medical Claims Analysts. This position needs and work with other governmental convenience and well-being of the public Personnel Division in Salem. The C o o rd in a te s the a c q u isitio n , is responsible for accurate and timely individuals in these positions will manage planning agencies and citizens’ groups w j,iie traveling through the airport individual in this position will work as construction,leasing and Management and process an assigned num ber of paym ent o f Blue Cross & Blue Shield to ensure that the Port’s interests are facilities, and to respond to the needs of a generalist in a variety of areas: program o f State office buildings, public lands, medical only clains insuring that medical of Oregon’s medical claims. Experience well represented. Anticipated duties to airport tenants in a prompt and professional development in compensation, incentive and other real property. Acts as liaison benefits are paid timely. M edical bills necessary to perform this task will include, but not lim ited to: manner-. pay programs, job analysis and evaluation to the Capital Planning Com m ission will be reviewed and payment authorized include: o M anage short and medium range Q uaiified applicants should: systems; conduct compensation surveys; and advises public policy makers on 1 Year recent clerical work experience when appropriate. planning studies and projects. . gg capable of learning to operate various review and assist in performance space utilization and land use .Applicants must have two years college in a doctor’s office or hospital setting. o C arryout, under minimal supervision: equipm ent associated with police work appraisal, salary administration and implications of proposed development. and one year o f claim s adjusting Demonstrated know ledge o f medical assembling and/or updating needed (¡ e firearm s, patrol car radios, camera, compensation contracts; assists in You m ust have the equivalent o f a BA term inology and anatomy. This may be experience; organization and procedures; information, consolidating and analyzing resuscitator, typew riter, teletype, etc.), recruitm ent, em ployee relations, degree and 6 yrs o f steadily increasing ability to exercise judgm ent in apply ing obtained through a classroom setting or data and policies, evaluating alternatives _ ability to work on any shift, affirm ative action and training and M gmt responsibility. Preference will procedures; to communicate effectively; and d e te rm in in g the im p act, be subject to possible standby in the office experience. development. Ije given to those with M anagement and to evaluate technical, m edical and . ICD-9/CPT-4 coding event o f emergencies. A pplicants m ust have 3-5 years recommending courses of action. experience in building design, A minimum of 6-12 months experience industrial information. W orker’s experience with corporate human o Prepare applications for conditional _ Pe jn good physical condition and construction and m aintenance or in using a CRT in a production oriented compensation insurance claims examiner resources and compensation policies. use permits, zone changes, street witbin acceptable height and w eight land and site developm ent or leasing. experience preferred. environment. R e q u ire s e x c e lle n t a n a ly tic a l, vacations, etc. limitations. The State o f Oregon is an A ffirmative Fast, accurate use o f a 10-key We offer an excellent benefits program. conceptual, research and diagnostic o Prepare brief reports evaluating land _ g e wjn ing to attend training and in- A ction/Equal O pportunity Employer; To be considered for this position you calculator. skills; possess personnel generalist skills use planning problem s or opportunities, ggjyjee schools as assigned and be certified women and minorities arc strongly m ust co m plete our em ploym ent Previous, claims processing or insurance g p g j within one year of hire date as in the area of compensation, recruitment o Inventory and update information encouraged to apply. For a detailed billing experience highly desirable. application. Please call our message em ployee relations and affirmative from various agencies and organizations a gondition of continued em ploym ent announcement and application contact: phone (503) 1-373-8047 by 5 p.m., March Position begins March 27,1989. action. M ust display excellent which is relevant to Port planning Q vaijflftd applicants m ust also be at least Personnel O ffice, 1225 Ferry St., SE Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon " 3,1989 to request your applicant packet. 21 years of age, have U.S. citizenship com m unication skills, verbal, written activities. Salem , OR 97310. 503-378-4688 offers an excellent employee benefits school diplom a or GED (not No resum es please. and p re se n ta tio n and e ffe c tiv e o R epresent the Port at public meetings an(j a package, flex-tim e work hours, and SA IF C o rp o ra tio n in te rp e rso n a l re la tio n s. A CA and before commissions, hearing bodies, wajved). SALES etc. This position requires a com bination of com petitive salary. Please apply or An Equal O pportunity Employer. certification desirable. Preferred qualifications included: highly developed interpersonal and public W e offer an excellent benefits program. send resume to: INSURANCE ACCOUNT EXEC U TIVE o At least tw o years o f successful relatjons skills and the ability to perform BLUE CROSS AND To be considered for this position you BLUE SHIELD OF OREGON dem onstrated experience in land use all of police work. Candidates m ust com plete our em ploym ent LOSS CONTROL Security Pacific Bank Oregon has an Human Resources Dept, 5th fir 100 . planning with exposure to industrial or w ilj selected for interview on a application. Please call our message CONSULT ANT/SENIOR excellent opportunity for an individual I com m ercial land developm ent projects. com petitive basis. SW Market phone (503) 1-373-8047 by 5 pm ., March H IR IN G R A N G E to sell life insurance in a financial Portland, OR 97201 3,1989 to request your applicant packet o A graduate degree (or equivalent fn addition to its com prehensive benefits $21,912-$29,928 institution environment. Q ualified experience) in planning, landscape package> the Port offers tuition aid, Equal Opportunity Employer No resumes please. candidates will be client service oriented architecture, urban design, o r related empiOyer-paid medical, dental and vision SA IF C o rp o ra tio n SAIF Corporation, O regon’s leading with 2-3 years experience in life insurance PA YR O LL insurance, em ployer-paid m embership i field. An Equal Opportunity Employer workers’ compensation insurance carrier sales. Requires self-motivation, excellent o Demonstrated experience in preparing in public Em ployees Retirem ent is seeking a Loss Control Consultant/ client service skills, and high energy P O R TLA N D P U B L IC SCHOOLS graphic presentations or publication gySlem and a starting salary o f $22,806 C IT Y OF WEST LINN Senior for its Pendleton D istrict Office. level to help satisfy our clients financial P A Y R O L L D EPA R TM EN T materials for land development activities. annuan y> Police Chief The individual in this position will needs. Life insurance license is also Such material may include site analysis ^ d qualified, apply in person provide safety and health services to required. Experience in a bank or other Population 14,023. Salary to $3623 plus draw ings, site plans, etc.. SENIOR CLERK I I I port of Portland Employment Office, assigned policyholder accounts. financial institution is preferred. 3% deferred com p., salary negotiable o D em onstrated ability to comm unicate M ultnom ah, 14th Floor, Suite Applicants must have a four year college W e offer an excellent flexible benefits Typing, 10-key, PC exp, strong math effectively, both written and orally. DOQ. M ember of City management 1411, or call (503) 231-5000, extension degree in safety, engineering, science program & highly com petitive salary skills req’d. Background in payroll team. Provides leadership to the Police 0 D em onstrated ability to work w ell in 700 for com plete application materials. and oi m anagem ent. This position plus com m ission. Q ualified candidates preferred. Ability to interpret policies Resum es will not be accepted in lieu of D epartment while working in a team an interdisciplinary team framework, requires tw o years full time experience should submit resum e to: & work independently. W illingness to e n v iro n m e n t. C re a te s a w ork o Ability to w ork under minimal a Port o f Portland application, but may in the area of safety (loss control) service . SE C U R IT Y PA C IFIC adjust to extended work hrs. & work in environm ent reflecting respect for supervision. be included. All application materials work or equivalency. 3-4 years BA N K O R E G O N individuals and encouraging creativity In addition to a com prehensive benefit m ust be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, high pressure environment Salary range experience required for the senior level. Personnel D epartment $15,785-$20,212 based upon training and professionalism . M inim um package, the Port offers: tuition aid M arch 3,1989. W omen and minorities Applicants should also possess excellent 1001 SW 5th Avenue qualifications include: any combination ¡program ,em ployer-paid m edical,dental are encouraged to apply. & exp. Excellent fringe benefits. com m unications skills, be versed in PO Box 3066 o f education and experience equivalent and vision insurance, and employer-paid Applications accepted thru Mar 2. Apply The Port o f Portland is an Equal safety matters and be fam iliar with the Second Floor to a B.A./B.S. in related field plus five 501 N Dixon, Portland, OR. Equal Opportunity Employer mem bership in the Public Employees workers’ compensation system. A valid Portland, OR 97208 y ears p ro g re ssiv e ly re sp o n sib le O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A ction Retirem ent System. The Port offers a Oregon driver’s license is required. (503) 796-3878 experience in police services with three Em ployer starting range o f $24,480 to $33,000, W e offer an excellent benefits program . M EN TA L H EALTH . APPLICANT HOURS years in a senior level administrative com m ensurate with experience, and a To be considered for this position you Multnomah County 9-1 p.m. Mon - Fri position. Requires ability to present full salary range o f $24,480 to $40,180. D elaunay Mental Health Center seeks a m ust com plete our em ploym ent EngineeringTechnicianAide - .Equal O pportunity Employer technical and persuasive oral and written To receive application materials, please qualified person for drop-in socialization application. Please call our message com m unications. M ust possess call (503) 231-5000, extension 700, or phone (503) 1-373-8047 by 5 p.m., March JOB ANN O U N CEM EN i $10.53 per hour; perform s basic & structured day treatm ent program. demonstrated interpersonal skills. Must apply in person at the Port o f Portland Involves leading & charting daily group 3,1989 to request your applicant packet. engineering support work such as possess a B .P.S.T. m anagem ent Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, activities & some care mgmt. Receives No resumes please. Position T itle: Training and surveying, drafting, inspection or other c e rtific a te w ith in o n e y e a r o f 14th Floor, Suite 1411. All applications supervision from program coordinator. SA IF C o rp o ra tio n tasks associated with public works O perations Coordinator. appoinunent. Send resume to. City of m ust be received no later than 5:00 Min. qualifications: Bachelor’s degree This person will work closely with the An Equal Opportunity Employer projects; requires one year of college- W est Linn, 22825 W illam ette Drive, p.m .,Friday, March 3, 1989. Resumes in m ental health related field or 2 yrs project director in developm ent, level engineering related coursework W est Linn, Oregon 97068. Closing A U D IT O R will not be accepted in lieu of a Port of education +1 yr exper. in m ental health. im plementation and coordianlion of and one year of related field or office date: March 31, 1989 Portland application but may be included. Com petitive salary & benefits. experience; apply by March 10, 1989. TP1C N /N E job training center. ASSISTANT AUDITOR The Port o f Portland is an Equal CASE MANAGER. To provide services B eg in n in g S alary R an g e: $ 1 8 ,0 3 7 W H ERE TO APPLY M ultnomah activist for Opportunity Employer County Employee Services, Room 1430, t o $ 2 2 ,5 4 6 p l u s e x c e l l e n t to chronically m entally ill persons. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon is PORTLAND CENTRAL 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR Knowledge o f Social Security, W elfare, b e n e fit package. currently accepting applications for an AM ERICA SOLIDARITY NEED EXTRA M O N E Y Responsibilities: Coordination of daily Housing, Rehab & hospital system s 97204. A ssistant Auditor in the M edicare C O M M ITTE E O U TSTA N D IN G O PPO R TU N ITY operations o f N/NE Em ploym ent and “ An Equal Opportunity Em ployer” required. Transportation necessary. Reimbursement and Audit Department. Training o f participants in life skills Com petitive salary & benefits. This Q ualified applicant will perform desk O rg a n iz in g -G ra n t W ritin g -N ig h t, Dick G regory A mbassador of C.C.I. position dependent upon funding. and job search techniques; testing; A D M IN IS T R A T IO N review and field audits on M edicare Meetings-Public Speaking-Fluency in- nutrition products from Washington D.C. coordination of case managem ent Contact: Jack Pauley, M SW RCSW , C ost reports submitted by provider site Spanish (desired). $733-month. SEND will be holding a meeting at Y.W .C.A. Delaunay Mental Health C enter, 5215 functions; curriculum development. EXECUTIVE requiring 1-2 weeks per month travel LETTER O F IN T ER EST-W O R K Sunday, February 19th at 2pm, 5630 N. Lombard, Portland, OR 97217. Equal P referred Qualifications: Bachelors A D M IN ISTR A TIVE I' HISTORY TO: PCASC 3558 SE with audit team. degree in counseling, sociology or closely N.E. Union Ave. Opportunity Employer. assistant Q ualified candidate will have a college HAW THORNE 97214, 236-7916 BY related field preferred; three years work degree with major in accounting March 10th. experience in employment and training, If you need inform ation call Judy REAL ESTATE/SALES Secretary to President and Managers. includingauditcoursccredits. Previous altem ative adult education or social W ilson (503) 643-3500 or Donnie Requires accomplished secretarial skills. work in accounting or health care is W ASHINGTON COUNTY Jam es (503) 282-3675 services with emphasis or service to M edia background, m anagement skills, JOBS REAL ESTATE W ANTED desired. minority and low income populations. and some shorthand preferred. No phone Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Interested in becoming A Equivalent experience may be substituted calls. Resume to: Personnel Dept., C atholic or Rcturing to the Catholic offers an excellent em ployee benefits Senior Budget Analyst $2375-2888/mo. Realtor/investor desires to purchase for education. KPDX-TV, 910 NE Union, Portland, Church? please call Fr. Ted or Sr. low-priced vacant lots and repairable Residential Services Aide $ 1387-1687/ package, flex-time work hours, and C losing D ate: 5 PM, Tuesday, O R 97232. Kathleen at St. A ndrew ’s Catholic houses in close-in Northeast and North com petitive salary. Please apply or mo. March 7, 1989. An Equal Opportunity Employer Call (503) 648-8607 for information. Church (503) 281-4429. send resume to: Portland. All cash or your terms. Leave A pplicationsavailablc at 1 he Private County application forms req. Apply BLUE CROSS AND message at 286-7239. Industry Council, 520 SW 6th Ave. $60.00 PER HUNDRED BLUE S H IE L D OF OREGON by March 24,1989 io Washington County PORTLAND OBSERVER Suite 400, Portland, Oregon 97204 Remailing letters from home! De "The Eyes and Ears of the Community" Human Resources Dept, 5th fir. 100 Personnel. An A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n /E q u a l tails, send self-addressed, stamped SW M arket Portland. OR 97201 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 An E.O.E. envelope. Associates, Box 309-T, Opportunity Em ployer Equal Opportunity Employer Colonia, NJ 07067. M E D IC A L CLAIMS ANALYSTS I.*’ INSURANCE JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INSURANCE •* * .A? ♦ V • * V *•> • • . ? • A & - - • - F’ b -, • ÏA-V J ’A f ' f e B