Page 8 Portland Observer March 2,1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED SUB-BIDS REQUESTED SUB-BIDS REQUESTED OREGON HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY THE EYE CENTER Bid Date March 14, 1989 - 3 p.m. OREGON HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY the eye center Bid Dale: March 14,198» - 3 p.m. Donald Drake Construction Howard S. Wright Construction 1740 NW Flanders Portland, OR 97209 (503) 226-3991 PO Box 3764 Seattle, Washington 98124 Bid Phone (206) 447-7543 FAX: (206)447-7727 Questions to: Jon Brandin (206) 447-3481 Collect calls placed to Bid Phone will be accepted on Bid Date | We are an equal opportunity employer and request Sub-Bids from small business land small disadvantaged business Sub-Contractors and Women and Minority Ibusiness enterprises. -------------- -—--------------- — — We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and minonp business enterprise: SUB-BIDS REQUESTED SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Oregon Health Sciences University Eye Center & Parking Garage Portland, Oregon OREGON HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY EYE CENTER & PARKING GARAGE Bid Date: March 14th at 3:00 PM Andersen Construction Co, Inc. BID DATE: March 14,1989 - 3 PM PO Box 6712 Portland, OR 97228 (503) 283-6712 FAX (503) 283-3607 ROLL CONSTRUCTION 8205 SW Creekside Pl., Suite D Portland, Oregon 97005 (503) 626-3045 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and minority enterprises. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business enterprises. . PORTLAND OBSERVER "T h e Eyes and Ears o f th e C o m m u n ity ” 288-0033 ST. MARY’S AFRICAN- AMERICAN SISTERS CELEBRATE BLACK HISTORY MONTH d ig • * • • <• '<» ' Ì. • ■ ■1-. - / - . • • ,T t *• V & X v: > V ,. •V * ' Digital it now. i »«v .; \ - ’S »« ‘U Yo- ■ >!/': vCr*-. ' r'-.'-'y » V• -..••,•• t.- a e . V / '/ ' f " ;-u < V'Ä’:- ' r ' v ? .-: 'V Mobutu Sese Seko, the pro-apartheid Anti-apartheid activists got in touch President for Life of the central African with Bradley and the others to dissuade country of the Congo/Zaire, may be them from rolling out the red carpet for com ing to Los Angeles during February Black Africa’s staunchest ally of to be wined and dined by some of southern apartheid, asking how they had come to California’s biggest Black bigwigs. He be on the Committee. It turned out that is also supposed to be traveling to all had been approached by FOZ. Washington, DC for a meeting with Did Palmer deliberately misrepresent George BushOOthe first African head of the names and offices of some of state to be received by the new President California’s leading Black political M obutu cam e to pow er after figures? Were she and her co-chair, collaborating with the CIA in the 1961 Los Angeles real estate developer Bondi assassination of Patrice Lumumba, the Gambrell, trying to lend respectability first and only popularly elected prime to a visit which promised not only a hug minister of the Congo-as Zaire used to public relations success for the Zairian be called. Since that time Mobutu has dictator, but a windfall in investment amassed a personal fortune of more possibilities for those doing business than five billion dollars as the leader of with Mobutu? Neither Palmer nor a country which—although it has colossal Gambrell will discuss who was, and is, mineral w ealth-is the eighth poorest in behind it. Someone is lying. the world, a country where one out of Congressman Dymally, the outgoing every three children dies before the age chairperson of the Congressional Black of two, a country where half the Caucus, is Mobutu’s most outspoken defender on Capitol Hill. He is one of population is dying of starvation. A partner in crime of the apartheid the few members of the CBC who has South African regime, Mobutu is also a steadfastly opposed H.R. 3355, valued ally of the U.S. government. legislation introduced by his colleague, Successive administrations have used Congressman Ron Dellums, that would Zaire's strategic central African location cut off all economic aid to Zaire unless as abase of military operations to defeat and until there is substantial improvement liberation movements throughout sub- in the dismal human rights situation Saharan Africa and to assist the there. Mr. Dymally says the Mobutu "contras’* of southern Africa, Jonas trip has been canceled. But Zaire’s Savimbi’s UNITA forces, in their efforts official press agency insists that it’s on, to overthrow the popularly elected and that the invitation came from the Congressman himself. Someone is lying. socialist government of Angola. Who invited one of the world’s most Any Black leader who tries to make corrupt and repressive dictators to this Mobutu acceptable to our people is country? Who is behind the effort to selling out our struggle and the struggle make this friend of apartheid and violent of our African sisters and brothers for abuser of human rights a * ‘respectable’ ’ liberation and self-determination. It is African leader? Who is trying to clean no wonder that those who have been so Mobutu up? For now,no one willadmit eager to betray us now have nothing to it. But there are some likely suspects. say. But sooner or later we will learn t Some weeks ago a group calling itself who is lying. the Friends of Zaire Committee sent out Dr. Lenora Fulani is the national a letter detailing the itinerary and budget chairperson of the New Alliance Party of Mobutu’s California trip. The and a practicing Social Therapist in Committee’s letterhead identified los Harlem. She can be contacted at the Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley as its New Alliance Party, 2032 Fifth Avenue, “ honorary chairman” ; its executive New York, NY 10027 and at (212) 427- committee members included California 9013. Congressmen Mervyn Dymally, Julian Contact: Annie Roboff Public Relations Dixon, Augustus Hawkins and four L.A. 212-362-1818 -based state and local politicians. ^system of the future. :Ì." ' > ■ U » ’ *-« African-American History is celebrating a glorious month here in the City of Roses. Recently 21 young women from T H E R E W A R P S O F W O R K IN G T O G E T H E R S l Mary’s Academy located at S. W. Market and Fifth were inspired by the very rich heritage their forbears have system software. Those given freely to the benefit of the world who join us now will community for more than three millenia. As a result of that recollection they participate in the estab­ organized themselves in an effort to lishment of a new soft­ share with their 400 student body at St. ware dynasty. Mary’s Academy the richness of our You’ll need 8-10 years’ culture. Recently, they presented the design through implemen­ results of their efforts to a capacity tation experience in one or audience which included the entire student body of St. Mary’s Academy more of the following: and invited guests in a program they • Major operating systems, called "B lack Sisters Together.” especially UNIXt As a founder of OSF, The entire history of the Black experience • OLTP here in the United States was compressed Digital indicated to the • Distributed systems, into less tha 60 minutes through the industry its corporate sup­ client server model media of dance, song, poetry and port for open systems. • Architectural design allegory. Now, we are investing • Modem development St. Mary ’ s Academ y also shares a proud heavily to ensure that environment history with this country. It is older Digital’s customers get the • Hierarchical Storage than the state of Oregon, itself, having Management been established in 1859 by the Montreal highest quality, best cost- Sistersofthe Holy Name of Jesus. They • Software Test performance open systems boast the proud claim of the oldest high • Systems Administration available. school continuously operating in the Digital’s VAX/VMS* For consideration, or state. More than 18% of their students operating system is an ac­ more information about are African-American young women knowledged leader among this exciting opportunity, who receive on the average a $1,294 proprietary operating sys­ financial assistance each year from the please send your resume tems. We’re aggressively school. to: L. Taylor, Manager, A very impressive moment in their developing OSF-compliant Dept. 0309-9475, Digital presentation was when the group did software which will be of Seattle Engineering their rendition of “ Lift Every Vooice equivalent stature. Group, Digital Equipment and Sing” , the rousing African-American The recent industry Corporation, 14475 NE National Anthem. In tribute to that developments in open 24th, Bellevue, WA 98007. effort the entire audience rose en masse in respectful silence to honor the meaning systems software have Proof of legal right to of those poignant words as they thundered created a ground-floor work in the U.S. is off the walls and ceiling of the venerable opportunity. Digital’s required. SL Mary’s Academy auditorium. Seatde Software Engineer­ At one point in the program there was Wc arc an affirmative 1 ing Group is now seeking action employer Ilu S the observation that, “ I believe that outstanding architects and nothing lasts forever. We gave ourselves developers to help us de­ and our lives to America, I too, am an American.” velop leadership operating Then in an assertive finale 21 proud African-American young women stood *Trad emark o f Digital Eqtupment Cxwporaoon fTrademark of AT&T tall and declared that "W e are Black sisters together. W e ,too, are Americans!” The presentation could Admin. Asst. Ill $2195- not have been possible without the MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT $2799/Mo. assistance of Bobby Fouther and also ealth Oregon Economic Development Professional, admin, work in support of the directrion of Chisao Hata of the D e p a rtm e n t, S alem . R equires LONG-TERM community development block grant equivalent ol 4 years responsible American Dance Theater. CARE OMBUDSMAN program and historic landm ark experience in supervision, coordination $2«,560-$36,432 commission. Will provide prof, support and/or technical evaluation. Salary The S l .t . ol Oregon is seeking a Long-Term to agency heads in carrying out major starts $ 1 ,465/Monthly. Call 1-373- Care Ombudsman lor o position based in staff functions. Will conduct research, Selem, Oregon which includes stetewide 1 2 0 0 . trowel. Requires esperionce in the held of procedural and admin, studies; prepare aging ond health care and a background cXEUU l i v t DIHECTOR working with long term care issues, health reports and budgets. Consid. exp. in care providers, community groups, volun­ For homeless shelter. Private Non- organizational mgmt, preferably in teer programs and management. Profit. Experience necessary. community development; degree in bus, To receive your announcement packet, Send resume reference and s?' contact Susan Bibolhoimor, Recruitment or public admin.; or equiv. exp. and and Coro.1 Services. Personnel » Libor ary requirements to: training. Knowledge of fed. funding Relations Division 155 Cottage Street Nt. P O . Box 242, Salem, Oregon Solent. OR 97310. (503I370-3040. Applica­ requirements; block grant and state and tions must bo received no later than S.Wgin 97308 fed. historic preservation grants desired. M atch I I . 13M Equal Opportunity/Allurne- Equal Opportunity Employer live Action Employer Exp. using personal com puters; spreadsheet & database software desired. STATE OF PORTLAND OBSERVER OREGON Closes: 3/03/89. Apply: City of Salem, “ The Eyes and Ears of the Community" Pers. Dept., Rm. 225, 555 Liberty SE, 288-0033 Salem. OR 97301. EOE SOMEONE IS LYING , A t A»?’ " • V . >. Your local newspaper, schools and reading councils throughout the U.S. are joining together to celebrate NIE Week. Teachers in more than 45,000 classrooms across the country already use the newspaper as an innovative teaching tool. Newspapers make the world come alive—every day. GARFIELD is delighted to help spread the newspaper reading habit—it’s contagious. NIE Week is sponsored by the American Newspaper Publishers Association Foundation and the International Reading Association. JACKSON NAMED GENERAL COUNSEL AT MEHARRY NASHVILLE, TN - Dr. David Satcher, president of Meharry Medical College has announced that Richard E. Jackson, J.D, has been appointed general counsel for the college and its teaching hospital, Meharry/Hubbard Hospital. Jackson had served as a legal consultant to Meharry prior to his appointmenL A graduate of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Jackson earned his juris doctorate from the University of Cincinnati (Ohio) in 1975. He was apartner in the law firm of Manson, Jackson and Associates and an adjunct faculty member at the School of Social Work of the University of Tennessee, Tennessee State University and Fisk University prior to joining the Meharry administration. Jackson, a Nashville native, is a member of numerous committees and boards, active in the Nashville Urban League and the Tennessee Black Leadership Roundtable, legal advisor for the A.M.E. Church in Tennessee and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., in Tennessee and Kentucky. He is a member of the Tennessee and Napier-Looby Bar Associations. Sentry ■ T H H MARKETS V 909 N. Killingsworth (formerly Albertson’s) 7 am - 11 pm ' A » * <■ t ' * * ♦ p » • * A *