r* * fri Page 7 Portland Observer March 2,1989 landscape architecture JSU PRESIDENT NAMED FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD CHAIRMAN Dr. James A. Hefner, president of Jackson State University, was named chairman of the Board of Directors of the New Orleans Branch of the Federal Reserve Board of Atlanta, Ga. on Jan 1. Hefner was named to a three-year term on the seven-member board in 1987. The Federal Reserve Board makes recommendations on monetary policies, reviews the annual audit program of the Reserve Bank and provides advice to the bank’s president for meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee - the top monetary policy-making unit of the Federal Reserve System. The New Orleans Branch serves the southern halves of Mississippi and Louisiana. It also serves Baldwin and Mobile counties in Alabama. A noted economist, Hefner is the seventh president of Jackson Stale. The Brevard, N.C. native is a renowned authority on minority economic issues and has authored numerous articles and books on economic research and policy. Before assuming the presidency at Jackson State, Hefner was provost at Tuskegee University. Prior to that, he was professor of economics and chairman o f the dep artm en t o f business administration at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Ga. Earlier in his career, Hefner taught economics at Atlanta University, Clark College in Atlanta, Ga. and at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee. Additionally, he has been a visiting research associate at Harvard, Princeton, and the University of Wisconsin- Madison. In addition to the Federal Reserve Board, Hefner sits on a number of national, regional and local boards including Southern Regional Education Board, American Council on Education, American Association of State Colleges and Universities, ACT, Earl R. and Martha Lyles Wilson Foundation and SL Dominic-Jackson Memorial Hospital, Inc. His scholarship and public service have brought numerous honors and awards including his election to Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, membership in MENSA, the NAFEO Achievement Award in Research, and listings in W ho’s Who in America and W ho’s Who in Black America, BLACK WOMEN AND WHITE MEN; WHAT’S COIN’ ON? a c h ie v e r s OFFERS MINORITIES ROOM TO GROW Expertise in landscape architecture is opportunities for students with an Merest increasingly valued, especially in light in technology, the sciences and the arts of growing concern throughout the world to enter a career in landscape architecture. Dreck S. Wilson, a landscape architect about environmental issues and the practicing in W ashington, D.C., impactof development. Although there encourages all students, particularly are relatively few African-Americans African-Americans to consider this practicing this profession, there are many exciting career. Ethnic Minority Youth Caucus 100 delegates of minority communities from throughout Oregon will be meeting on February 27, 1989 in an Ethnic Minority Youth Caucus sponsored by Oregon’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee and the State Juvenile Services Commission. Representatives of the Black, Hispanic, A sian, and N ative A m erican communities in our state are gathering to discuss the needs of youth in their communities and strategies to increase resources for these youth. Recommendations for improvements in cultural sensitivity of agencies towards these communities will also be discussed. The Caucus is being sponsored to address concerns regarding the o v er­ representation of minority youth in Oregon’s Juvenile Justice System and the lack of culturally appropriate services. David Fuks, Executive Director of the Juvenile Services Commission said, “ The recommendations of participants will be used in prioritizing expend itures of the sponsoring bodies and to establish an agenda for advocacy for minority youth served by state agencies.” Fuks added, “ We are committed to assuring that minority youth are served.” The Meeting will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 27, 1989 at the Chumaree Hotel and Convention Center 3301 Market St. N.E. Salem WATCH YOU#? MAILBOX Jur the NEW PCC SCHEIX IE o f classes. PCC is yo u r best college buy fo r instructional excellence convenient class times anti locations anti low-cost tuition. Over 8 0 Career Programs A fu ll selection o f classes to apply to a fo u r year degree Basic Skills classes and m any fo r fu n . fitn e ss and self improvement Despite growing hostility and traditionally accepted notions about interracial romance, increasing numbers of Black women today are dating and marrying White men, reports the March EBONY. Although high-profile personalities such as actor Ron Perlman of Beauty And The Beast” fame and his wife, Opal Stone, “ Hollywood Squares star shadoe Stevens and his wife, Beverly, singer Deniece Williams and her new husband Brad Westering and actress Anne-Marie Johnson and her boyfriend Marty Grey have all crossed the color line, the trend seems to be one clearly not confined to Call 244-6111 e x t 4330 or 1 800-634-7999f o r information PORTLAND CO M M UNITY COLLEGE celebrity courtship. While current statistics suggest that Black women may be making the switch due to the shrinking numbers of eligible Black males, indications are that White men too are redefining their long-standing definitions of beauty. Come See What’s New At Your... NEWLY REMODELED /I , - .. •/! Z* / Serve You Better! FULL SERVICE FREEDOM FROM SMOKING OFFERED PHARMACY Portland, O re.-M ore than 40 million Americans have stopped smoking. If you’re ready to become smoke free, attend a no obligation orientation for the Freedom From Smoking Clinic on Monday, March 6, 7 p.m., at the American Lung Association of Oregon, 1776 SW Madison, Portland. Cost of the seven-session program is $50, and includes a certified clinic leader and all materials. The Freedom From Smoking Clinic is designed for smokers who want to stop with group support. 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