Page 3 Portland Observer March 2,1989 SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: I THESSALONIANS Chapters 4 & 5 RELIGION U.T.S. BIBLE COLLEGE PORTLAND EXTENSION LET US LIFT OUR EYES TO HEAVEN DEATH NOTICE THANK YOU The United Theological Seminary has resumed its classes for the spring semester at M t Gillard Missionary Baptist Church - 2902 N.E. Rodney (503) 287-1281. Rev. Hampton Calloway, pastor. The classes are in session on Thursdays and Fridays of each week from 6:00 p.m. to 10:30 p .m ., in the evening. The classes being offered this semester, are: Christian Counselling-Dealing with marriage (How to keep a marriage together); Theology-Dealing with the doctrines of God; Personal Evangelism- How to Win the Lost for Christ. If there are enough students enrolled, a class in Greek and Hebrew will be offered. There are seven (7) instructors: Rev. Hampton Calloway, Mrs. Cherrie Royce, Mrs. Lucy Thomas, Rev. Eugene Boyd, Rev. Arthur May, Dr. Joe S. Hardie (director) and Dr. Abraham. We are considering beginning a ‘daytime’ class to fit the needs of senior citizens, pastors and lay persons who are unable to attend the evening classes. U.T.S. Bible College Portland Extension has been in operation for three years. The college is happy to announce that in May of last year, there were three (3) students who earned their degrees from the seminary: Rev. Johnny Pack, IV and Rev. Arthur May received a degree in Bible and Theology; while Mrs. Dora Mccrac received a degree in Religious Education. U.T.S. is an accredited school founded in 1949 in Monroe, Louisiana. Dr. Benjamin Martin serves as the president of this Seminary and Bible College. The school is designed to help those who are not able to attend a seminary or Bible College because of financial reasons or a cumbersome work schedule. This is the only school of its kind in our community where it is geared to meet the needs of those who are trying to farther their knowledge in the scripture and to training themselves to be better equipped to work in their various churches. You can earn the following degrees: Diploma of Theology (60 credit hours), Bachelor of Theology (90 credit hours). Bachelor of Religious Education (90 When we lift our eyes toward heaven and we keep them lifted there, When we kneel with humbled heart and turn our thoughts to prayer, Then we see that God, who loves us and keeps us in His care, Will touch our lives and give us precious peace beyond compare. Paul Ferdinand King In our time o f loss, we wish to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to all our friends for your generous contribution o f flowers, cards, letters and food. From the Green Family. May God truly Bless you. A D ay of SPIRITUAL WARFARE BAN and August 2 9 ,1 9 2 7 - {• February 1 8 ,1 9 8 9 ! PRAYER in t h e Martin Luther King Neighborhood Mr. King was bom in San Francisco, California, to Samuel and Lydia King; {'■ his parents. He married Doris Gene Poe Lof thiscity in October 1961. Thecouple !■ lived her for 10 years until illness forced S A T U R D A Y MARCH 18th • 9 A M - 3 PM phis return to California for continued p B medical treatment. {¡He had been a Merchant Marine and {• {‘sailed for N.M.W. for more than 20 p a t th e P rince of P eace F ellowship L years until that illness forced his C [¡retirement. 5000 NE 6th a t Alberta • Portland. Oregon 97211 (5 0 3 ) 2 8 4 - 5 4 5 5 p Mr. King is survived by his widow I Doris King, Portland, his sisters Mary I Louise Himphill and Margie Johnson - of Menlo Park, California and his sister Leona Regan, of San Francisco, Please w rite o r c a ll to reserve a se a t a n d m aterials for this c o m b in a tio n Spiritual W arfare a n d Prayer S aturday Seminar. There w ill b e n o c h a rg e to a tte n d b u t p re - registration is required. An o ffe rin g will b e re c e iv e d to c o v e r expenses. There will b e n o c h ild c a re p ro vid e d . There will b e a lunch b re a k a n d w e suggest b ro w n b a g lunches (bring your o w n food). C o ffe e a n d o th e r drinks w ill b e p ro vid e d . I8 I —? ïio p e o f Ç(ory Broadcast KBMS 1 4 8 0 -AM SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Motto: 'There Is Hope" Rev o 'C h r is t b i j o u , 'The Jiope. O f t j i o r y ' Col. Dial-A-Prayer ... (503) 286-H O PE p o - Box 1 1 6 2 8 • Portland. OR 9 7 2 1 1 its ashame about that preacher man & P h illip S. Nelson, Pastor Psa,m 34:3 church at N.E. 10th & Beech YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 7 30pm Bible Band “A warm spirit of fellowship always" "T o the Glory o f G o d " The Ark o f Safety Church o f God in Christ The Holiness Preacher B [S h o p U .V . FNrterscjn D .D , B u ild e r-P a s to r 'k? A*' ‘the Bible s a y s ... Follow peace with all men & holiness without which no man shall see the 1 Ttrnday 7 00pm Chon Rehearsal Suntoy THEY SAY 915am Sunday School its an after hour church - two services Sun. 12:Noon - Second Serve Sun. 8 PM -10:30 PM 11 1 5 a m Morning Worship 630pm YPW W Evangelistic 8 00pm Worship Tueatoy Frttoy Noon Day Prayer FiK •The Pastor Speaks Morning Prayer 7 30pm 9 00am THEY SAY its a church where people are really blessed Bishop W.G. Hardy Little King lively music L o rd its a shame the way that preacher man breaks down on Sunday Catch the Spirit NOT A CHURCH where the pastor changes from Sunday to Sunday m u lti-e th n ic c o n g r e g a tio n and J THEY SAY (503) 287-0261 THEY SAY s e e k in g (4673) 24 Hour Prayer Request Line 288-0033 a 1:27 Portland, Oregon 97211 L 'The Eyes and Ears of the Community" Lenotra Cooke ■ (comer of 8th & Skidmore) PORTLAND OBSERVER APARTHEID! GOPSIP GOPSIP GOPSIP 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue FOUNDER J j p {' We find ourselves with space available in our People Are Beautiful Alter-School program. We meet Tuesday through Thursday from 3 - 5:30 pm at the Mallory Avenue Christian Church located on 126 NE Alberta. The cost is $ 15 for the year. We have crafts and occasional guests, and field trips that center around specific themes for each week. We also have gym time, a snack and of course there’s time for the infamous homework The last day of the program is tentatively May 25. In order for a child io participate the parent/guardian must fill out a registration/release form. If a person is interested, they may contact Missie Kallunki, the Program Coordinator, at the Mallory Avenue Christian Church or call 288-5173. Jesus L o ve s Y o u ! Allen Temple CME Church credit hours), Master of Religious Education (150 credit hours), Master of Religious Administration (150 credit hours), and, also, offered is a Doctorate of Divinity. Applications are still being accepted for the spring semester. If you are interested and would like to enroll, please contact - Dr. Joe S. Hardie, director of United Theological Seminary Bible College Portland Extension at (503) 287-7457. Reach up as far as you can and God will reach down for you. p p. California. I; He leaves a host of nieces and nephews, C friends and neighbors in California. He T pwas remembered at First AME Zion E p Church of this city at his wife’s request, ml <=>: B L {■. f t { PEOPLE ARE BEAUTIFUL t o g r o w in f a it h t o b e a c a r i n g c o m m u n ity t o w o rk fo r ju s tic e and p e a c e t o c e l e b r a t e G o d ’s lo v e t o g e t h e r Not A Church where instead of taking your Bible - you take your money report ¿chcduCt '~_ 9 :4 5 Chiutch Schooh H :0 0 'iVotthcfi Holiness Holiness Holiness Mt. Sinai Temple 936 NE Beech Portland, OR 284-0854 The Peoples Church T he Rev. L uther S tu rtev an t a rs m a d - lo cated on th e co rn er of N.E. Dekum and 15th ~ zane. J T ir tXSL "a g