Page 10 Portland Observer March 2,1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Security Pacific Bank Oregon has an excellent opportunity fo r an individual w ith strong secretarial skills and a commitment to the highest level o f client service. Position is responsible for providing secretarial and administrative support to the Retail Banking Group. Q ualified applicants w ill have self- m otivation, high w ork standards, a w illing ne ss to assume additional responsibility and growth, and a commitment to excellence. Requires a m inim um o f three years secretarial experience, typing speed o f 75-80 wpm, e x c e lle n t v e rb a l and w ritte n communication skills, fa m ilia rity w ith 10-key adding machine, and dictation and transcribing skills. M ust possess personal computer skills to include word processing and Lotus 1-2-3. Position located in downtown Portland. As part o f Security Pacific, the 6th largest Bank Holding Company in the country, we offer a competitive salary com m ensurate w ith experience, rewarding commission plan, excellent flexible benefits program, and superior advancement potential. Please send a V O L U N T E E R C O O R D IN A T O R F ull-lim e. Forty hours per week $8.00 per hour. No Benefits. P O S IT IO N R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S IN C L U D E : R ecruiting, training and supervising volunteers to w ork w ith gang affected youth and their fam ilies and w ith com m unity groups concerned about youth gangs. S K IL L S R E Q U IR E D FOR P O S IT IO N : A b ility to organize tasks and supervise volunteers A b ility to establish and maintain effective relationships w ith diverse p o p u la tio n s in c lu d in g s ta ff, neighborhood groups, police, and public and private agencies. Experience in volunteer recruitment and training. A b ility to w rite clearly and make public resume w ith salary requirements, to: presentations. Experience in staffing community North Portland. F am iliarity w ith youth service agencies and juvenile justice system. P R O JE C T D IR E C T O R Full-Time. Forty hours per week. Salary: $27,000 year, plus b en e fits . P O S IT IO N R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S IN C L U D E : Supervision and coordination o f all grants. Working knowledge o f Inner Northeast/ North Portland. F am iliarity w ith youth service agencies and juvenile justice system. A b ility to w ork w ith diverse groups. Applications can be picked up at the Northeast C oalition O ffice, 4815 NE 7th Avenue, Portland., and are available between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Resumes are required w ith the application. A ll applications must be returned by Friday, M arch 10,1989, at 5:00 p.m. Finalists must have car and valid Oregon d river’ s license.- No applications w ill be mailed. N o Phone _________________ SALES Must have minimum 4 years Media Sales experience. Send resume to: INVITATION TO BID The Port o f Portland has a challenging opportunity available for an Engineering Technician to provide administrative and technical skills , to coordinate reprographics Sealed Bids w ill be received by the Lincoln County Board o f Commissione rs fb r the furnishing o f the follow ing: L IN C O L N C O U N T Y JU VEN L E F A C IL IT Y Bids w ill be accepted u ntil 10:00 A M March 29, 1989 and w ill be opened and and aerial photo procurement in its Engineering DepartmenL Your responsibility w ill involve developing requirements, provide input and monitor the preparation o f engineering drawings requiring reprographics or photogrammetric engineering, coordinate reprographic and photogrammetnc engineering requests, m onitor the performance and administer the contracts fo r ouLside reprographics and photogrammetric services, supervises the in-house reprographic and document management services operations, prepares engineering drawings, and presentation graphics, provides assistance to the Supervisor, Technical Support as necessary to meet the over all reprographic and photogrammetnc engineering requirements o f the Port including acting fo r supervisor dunng absences. Preferred qualifications include: . . . . . o Successful demonstrated a b ility to w ork w ell under lim ited or m inim al supervision . . . . , . o Course w ork or related experience in reprographic and/or photogrammetric methods, techniques and equipm ent Course w ork or experience equivalent to a two-year associate degree in | engineering or drafting. . | o Demonstrated experience in and knowledge o f rcporgraphic and photogrammetric term inology, methods, techniques and equipm ent o Demonstrated experience w orking under pressure o f changing work scopes, I schedules, deadlines and priorities. . I o Demonstrated a bility to perform mathematical computations related to algebra, geometry and trigonometry. . . . . . ,, ,i o Demonstrated ability to perform drafting in pencil and in k on vellum and and techniques. . , o Also, demonstrated experience in organizing and coordinating a m u ltip lic ity ol concurrent activities. o Proficient PC and related software skills. o Demonstrated experience o f at least 4 years drafting in a m ulti-disciplined production environment and 2 years in reprographic coordination and procurement. In addition to a comprehensive benefit package, the Port offers: tuition aid program, employer-paid medical, dental and vision insurance, employer-paid membership in the Public Employees Retirement System and an industry A P P LIC A N T HOURS 9-1 p.m. M on - Fri competitive salary, commensurate w ith experience. /-,«• .¿ . l I f interested snd qualified, apply at the Port o f Portland Em ployment 0 11 ice. 14th ' floor, 700 N.E. M ultnomsh, Suite 1411, or call (503) 231 -5000, extension 700 for application material. Resumes w ill not be accepted in lieu o f an application, but niity be included. A ll applications must be recieved by 5:00p.m., Friday, M arch 3, An Equal Opportunity Em ployer program components, budget preparation and m onitoring, proposal w riting, p ro gram d eve lo p m e n t, p u b lic presentations to agencies, governmental bodies and community groups. S K IL L S R E Q U IR E D FO R P O S IT IO N : S K IL L S R E Q U IR E D F O R P O S IT IO N : Demonstrated supervisory experience. A b ility to communicate effectively, both w ritten and oral. Demonstrated skills w ith budgets and ENGINEERING -TECHNICIAN - REPROGRAPHICS I polyester film including the use o f mechanical lettering devices. [ o Demonstrated knowledge o f standard drafting, surveying and design terminology S E C U R IT Y P A C IF IC B A N K OREGON Personnel Department 1001 SW 5th Avenue PO BO X 3066 Second Floor Portland, OR 97208 (503) 796-3878 organizations desirable. Working knowledge o f Inner Northeast/ Calls Please. COUNTY OF LINCOLN SECRETARY THE NORTHEAST COALITION OF NEIGHBORHOODS HAVE JOB OPENINGS FOR TWO (2) POSITIONS WITH THE NORTH/NORTHEAST YOUTH GANGS PROJECT. 1989. The Port o f Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer. PARTS WORKER C -T R A N is seeking a fu ll time Parts W orker. This is a challenging position requiring a strong hands-on background in automotive, heavy duty trucks or bus parts. M ust have excellent w ork references, a valid drivers license, ability to com ply w ith non-smoking policy, & pass a pre-employment physical. Salary range $6.75 - $10.07/hour (DEPENDING ON EXPERIENCE) + benefits. A pply at: Em ployment Security Department, 603 W Evergreen Blvd, Vancouver. Closes 3/10/89. Equal O pportunity Em ployer M /F/H JAMES RIVER CORPORATION Sealed bids w ill be received fo r the acquisitions listed below. Bid No., Location, Closing Date 13700001 89 73100003 89 10200020 89 73400021 89 CRT/Keyboard Term inal Equipment T1 M ultiplexors and Related C S U ’ S 10200010 89 Absorbents/Disposable Products 58030006 89 Vending Service Salem 03/08/89 Salem 03/08/89 Various 03/08/89 Highway 03/09/89 Various 03/16/89 Propane Gas H ot Asphalt Concrete C orvallis 03/10/89 JOURNEY LEVEL ELECTRICIAN KXL Radio Equal Opportunity Employer Bid documents may be seen or obtained at the o ffice o f the Purchasing D ivision, 1225 Ferry St., S E „ Salem, OR 97310; telephone (503) 378-5501. The State nm Attendance w ill be lim ited to two representatives from each Prune Bidder. Bidder(s) must certify that provisions o f ORS 279.350 relating to prevailing rate o f pay w ill be complied w ith. Bidder(s) must also indicate whether submitung firm is an Oregon Resident Firm . This project does not require contractor and/or subcontractors to be licensed to perform asbestos abatement Bidding Documents may be obtained from the Lin coln County Purchasing Department, 210 SW 2nd. Street, N e w p o rt Oregon 97365 upon receipt o f $40.00 for each set o f plans received. Deposits w ill be refunded fo r the first set onlyro f Bidding Documents returned in good condition w ithin tw o (2) weeks al ter the bid opening date. Bidder(s) receiving the Contract Aw ard may retain their set o f Documents w itho ut loss o f deposit . Bids must be sealed and directed to Jennie L . K am pf at the O ffice o f the Lincoln County C om m issioners,R oom llO ,225W .01iveS treet,N ew port,O regon973,65. Bids must be clearly marked “ SE ALED BIDS FOR J U V E N IL E F A C IL IT Y The Board o f County Commissioners reserves the rig ht to reject any and a ll bids, to w aiver irregularities and to award to the lowest responsible bidder________ OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCAT ION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Campus Reroofing Project, Phase IV (Law Building and PLC) Sealed bids for the Campus R oofing Project,Phase IV (Law Budding and PLC), U niversity o f Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, w d l be received by the Oregon State Board o f Higher Education at U niversity o f Oregon, Physical Plant Department, Conference Room 2,1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon u ntil ~:00p.m ., PST, March 21,1989, and then pub licly opened and read aloud by the Under signed o r his designated representative. B rie fly , the project includes reroofing portions o f tw o (2) buildings, approximate y 26,750 S F or ro o f area, including the removal o f existing built-up roofing systems for the cost o f reproduction. . Deposits w ill be refunded for documents returned in “ good condition by a&ual bidders w ithin two weeks after opening o f bids or by non-bidders by the bid The Project Manual may be examined at the U niversity o f Oregon Physical Plant, Eugene; D aily Journal o f Commerce Plan Center, Portland; Construction Data, Portland; Eugene B u ild e r’ s Exchange, Eugene; Northeast Business Center, Portland; Salem Contractor’ s Exchange, Salem; Construction Data Plan Center, Portland- Central Oregon B u ild e r’ sExchange, Bend; O regonB uilder’ sExchange, Roseburg; Douglas County B u ild e r’ s Exchange. Roseburg; M edford Builder s Exchange, M edford; and Dodge-Scan, Seattle, Washington. No bid w ill be considered unless fu lly completed in the manner provided m the “ Instructions to Bidders” upon the B id Form provided and accompanied by Bid Security A mandatory examination fo r the site and conditions w ill be made at 9:30 a.m., PST, March 14,1989. Bidders shall meet w ith the Owner s Representative at the Physical Plant O ffice prior to the required examination. OREGON STATE B O A R D O F H IG H E R E D U C A T IO N B y George Pernsteiner Associate Vice Chancellor Facilities D ivisio n Eugene, Oregon ADVERTISEMENT - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 1989. Proposals should notexceed$14,500. Deadline for submission Qf proposal s is: 5 p.m, March 10. 1989. For additional inform ation, and to obtain a more detailed request for proposal (RFP) outline, w rite or phone: Gregory L. Gudger, Executive Director, M etropolitan Human Relations Commission, 1120 SW Fifth Ave., Room 520, Portland, Oregon 97204-1989. Phone: (503)796-5136. TD D : PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 1:00 p.m. on the dates indicated, in the Purchasing Department. Multnomah County School District No. 1 J, 501 N. Dixon. Portland. Oregon for the items listed herein: BID FILING DATE INFORMATION ADVERTISEMENT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION CALL FOR BIDS SUPPLEMENTAL Sealed bids w ill be received u n til 9 a.m. on M arch 23.1989. fo r the projects listed below: C ounty Coos UNIVERSITY OF OREGON STEAM TRAP REPLACEMENT & MONITORING SYSTEM March 21,1989 Cafeteria Furniture for Various Schools, 1988-89 March 21,1989 Floor Finish for Warehouse Stock March 28. 1989 Gregory Heights Classroom Leasing (Double Classroom) Units March 28. 1989 Stage Drapery Work at Various Schools March 28. 1989 Stage Electrical Work at Various Schools, 1989 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for Steam Trap Replacement and M onitoring System, U niversity o f Oregon, Eugene, Oregon w ill be received by the Oregon State Board o l Higher Education at the U niversity o f Oregon, Physical P ' ^ l D e P ^ c n L Conference Room 2,1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403, until 2.00 p.m., A p ril 4,19 89 , and then p ublicly opened and read aloud by the Undersigned o r a Formal announcement, detailed specifications and bidding document may be obtained at the above address F o r a d d itio n a l in fo r m a tio n , p le a s e c o n ta c t M ich a e l J. H u tch e n s. D ire c to r o f P u rch a sing , 249-2000, Extension 581 B rie flj^ th e work is described as replacing existing 20 psi and 60 psi steam NOTICE OF INTENT The Department of Transportation, Highway Division, Construction Section is seeking proposals from a qualified consultant to analyze and evaluate construction C oquille R iver (Bullards) Bridge Sec. o f M arion & Lin n Oregon Coast H w y. M aint. painL Santiam R iver (Southbound) Bridge Sec. o f Pacific H w y. at M.P. 240.66. M ainL Multnomah painL A rth ur St. Bridge Sec. at M.P. 1.41 o f Pacific H w y. West. M aint. painL Poverty Flats Road-Meacham Sec. o f Old (503) 796-5393. BID TITLE U m atilla Oregon T rail H w y. Grade, pave, struc­ tures & signing. D B E Goal. Plans specifications, and bid documents may be obtained in Rm. 1, Transportation B uilding, Salem, OR 97310. Prime contractors must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day. For additional information, please contact Commission Services at 378-6526. I f your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) or a Women Business Enterprise (W B E ), please contact the O ffice o f Women and M in o rity Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone (503) 378-5651. distribution piping drip traps w ith new traps and providing a m onitoring system for REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS detecting trap failures. . _, For further inform ation, please contact Systems West EnSineers, Inc.. Valley River D rive. Suite 310, Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 342-7210. The M etropolitan Service D istrict (M etro) is soliciting proposals for its 1% for claims. The consultant selected must be experienced in management o f bridge construction projects, productivity analysis, scheduling and claim preparation and/or evaluation. I f you are interested in being considered, request for Proposal can be obtained by w riting or ca lling Bob Thompson, Consultant Liaison Engineer, 309 Transportation Bldg., Salem, OR 97310; telephone: (503) 378-6563. PORTLAND OBSERVER “ The Eyes and Ears of the Community 288-0033 .................. , . . „ ► .* • - * * Recycling Program. Proposals must be delivered to the Solid Waste Department, M etropolitan Service D istrict, 2000 S W First Avenue, Portland, OR 97201-5398, to the attention o f Judith M andi, Assistant to the Solid Waste D irector, no later than Friday, A p ril 28,1989. Potential proposers may obtain copies o f the Request for Proposals (RFP) by contacting the Solid Waste Department, 221-1646, extension 235. M etro may reject any proposal not in compliance w ith all prescribed Request fo r Proposals requirements and may reject for good cause any or all proposals upon a finding o f the agency that it is in the public interest to do so. Proposals are due on March 22, 1989. » must accompany each bid. A pre-bid conference w ill be at the O ld L ib ra ry Bldg, next to the Courthouse follow ed by a site visit. This is scheduled for T U E S D A Y , M ARCH.14 th at 2 00 reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The Metropolitan Human Relations Commission (M H R C ), Multnomah County and the C ity o f Portland invites individuals or organizations to submit proposals to assist the commission in conducting an assessment o f the A ffirm ative Actions Programs and Equal Em ployment O pportunity (EEO) programs in C ity and County government. Proposals should include: reviewing, evaluating, and reporting on the performances o f the EEO programs, and making specific recommendations fo r im proving the results and performance o f the programs. The Evaluation is scheduled to begin on A p ril 1,1989, and end not later than July 31, Send Resumes to: Electrical Supervisor PO Box 17128 Portland, OR 97217 Equal Opportunity Em ployer INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT , , ; '7 ... -y.» ■ ">*. sí., • . . . •; ten percent (10% ) o f the amount o f the proposal and payable to Lincoln County 1989. P.O. Box 14957 Portland, Oregon 97214 / • ^ s e c u r i t y in the form o f a bidder’ s bone, certified check or cashiers check fo r Goods Services James R iver C orp. N. Portland Converting Plant has an immediate need for an Oregon License journey level Electrician experience in D.C. Drive and program ible controller a must resumes accepted through March 15, Scope o f the W o rk called fo r in this bid shall include, but CONSTRUCTION OF OFFICES A N D DETENTION FAC ILITIES TO A T T A C H TO T H E E X IS T IN G SHELTER H O M E A N D CONSIST OF APPROX. 6000 and installation o f new elastic sheet roofing systems. Bids w ill be received on a lump-sum basis fo r each o f the tw o (2) building packages, as shown on the Drawings and as described in the Specifications. One (1) set o f the Project M anual may be obtained from the U niversity o f Oregon, Physical Plant. Eugene, Oregon 97403. 503/686-5243 o r fr o m S o to M T O . Architects, P.C., 320 S.W. Stark Street, Suite 690, Portland, Oregon 97204,503/ 228-5617 by bidders only upon deposit o f $50.00. A d ditional sets may be obtained STATE OF OREGON DEPT. OF GENERAL SERVICES Purchasing Division ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Description, p ublicly read at 10:00 A M March 29, 1989 in the Board o f Commissioners Conference Room, Lincoln County Courthouse, Room 102. .i ___* * - a / / / z • •<*> *• —