< » V »'• fr ♦ • • ”» ♦ ♦ fr e fr fr"*** < fr *e fr fr fr fr Wfr’fr fr Dubach For more information about weekend events phone the Alumni O f­ fice. 293-2768 Black to the Future is sponsored by Lewis & Clark Students United for American Cultural Awareness (SUACA). For more information phone 244-6161 Dubach Jazz Performance and Dance, 8 p m . Stamm WANT TO BUY YO UR OW N HOM E? Untiljustice is blind to color, until education is unaware o f race, until opportunity is unconcerned with die color of men's skins, emancipation will be a proclamation but not a fact. — Lyndon B. Johnson first friterstete Bank proud to join the members of the community to Salute Black History Month, "Member of FDIC" "Equal Opportunity Employer" M O V E SIX SPACES FORWARD. (It'll take just a few minutes to see if you can afford a HUD home!) It you've worked for two years for the same employer (or in the same occupation) and you have a good credit record, move ahead 1 space. START Stop here and compute your Adjusted Income. That's your total gross monthly income, less federal withhold­ ing taxes. Write your answer here and move on. ) ■ Write the smaller amount of either space 3 or space 5 here. As a general rule, that's the maximum amount you can afford for a monthly house payment (including property taxes). YOU DID IT! h the number in space 6 is more than $550, then chances are good that HUD has an affordable home for you. Your next move is to call your real estate agent. Low monthly payments and 3% down! Multiply your Adjusted Income (from space 2) by 0.38, then subtract $150 and write the answer here. Then move on to the next space. Add up all your monthly debts (car, loan, credit purchase, credit card, child support and alimony payments you owe every month) and then add $150. Fill in the total here and go to space 5. Most of our HUD homes are approved for FHA Mortgage Insurance, which makes them more afford­ able than ever. Plus, HUD's bid process is easy. For listings of HUD homes available now, look for our big real estate classified ad in every Friday and Sunday Oregonian. IILI) ir DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 198^ by HUD, Portland Office You're almost home Multiply your Adjusted Income (from space 2) by 0.53, subtract the amount on space 4, and write the result here. Now move along. PLEASE NOTE. n d iv - W or< urn stances vary as do lenders requirements for qualifying a prospective buyer for a home mortgoge The formula here is intended only to provide you with a general tdeo of how a lender may view you' financial condition os it applies to o home purchase For further information on loon equipments, toA to your reo! estate ogent or local lender