Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 16, 1989, Page 5, Image 5

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# ★★★★
Page 5 Portland Observer February 16, 1989
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★★★ i t
Gill said he never dreamt he would be
here this soon. And everybody was still
talking about the arrest o f form er New
Edition m em ber Bobby Brown for
lewdness during the Heartbreak tour’s
Colum bus, G eorgia s tin t Brown was
L/sa Collins
arrested as he cam e off stage but was
back onstage a little over an hour later
A nd the w inners are: For those o f you after having paid a fine o f about $700 for
who didn’t catch the 16th annual American his bump-and-gnnd number. Brown who
¡ M usic Awards televised the first week in contends its the same show h e’s done
February some o f the big winners include across the country said, “ the people in
¡Gladys Knight and the Pips (favorite duo Georgia are a little behind the tim es.”
o f the group); A1 B. Sure (favorite new O.J Simpson will face W ife-beating
artist); G eorge M ichaels (favorite male Charges: A m isdem eanor charge filed
vocalist); “ F aith ” was voted favorite by the L.A. City Attorney’s office alleges
a lb u m ,
w h ile
F re d d ie that 41 -year old O.J. S impson struck 29-
Jackson’s” Nice N ’ Slow ” D.J. Jazzy year old wife Nicole with open and closed
Jeff & The Fresh Prince nabbed honors fists and pulled her hair while threatening
as favorite rap artists, while their L.P., to kill her in a quarrel that got out o f hand
“ H e ’s the D.J., I ’m The Rapper” was early last month. A statem ent released
voted favorite rap album. O f course, the by the couple referred to the com plaint
big story at the aw ards was the fluff as som ething neither o f them believed
betw een superstars M ichael Jackson and should have been done. Nonetheless,
Eddie M urphy which started when Simpson is scheduled for a court
M ichael, who was burdened down with appearance on February 17.
two trophies stepped forward to reach Grace Jones gets Scare: It was quite a
the m ike and asked Murphy to adjust the scare for actress-singer Grace Jones
stand for him. Murphy began to and then early tw o weeks ago when hubby
stopped him self saying that M ichael said m usician Christopher “ Stanley, 38
if " lik e I w as w orking for him ..and I vanished from the couple’s New York
Started to do it,too” Despite the incident, apartm ent. He was found the next day
the tw o did posed together for pictures walking incoherently in the middle of
backstage.. Elsewhere backstage..Michael M anhattan’s morning rush-hour traffic.
did congratulate G eorge M ichaels on his Short Takes: Lavon M uham m ad, the
winnings. M ichaels who said he was woman claim ing to be married to
honored to win in the soul category still superstar M ichael Jackson and
finds itdifficult to believe his acceptance sporting the name “ Billie Jean
is that large. W hen asked about his Jackson was sentenced to two and one
crossover appeal, M ichaels replied “ I half years in jail for violating a court
can’t explain i t I have no idea” ... Whitney order to steer clear o f t h e
Houston says that while rum or has it that s u p e r s t a r . . Meanwhile
she’s agreed to do numerous film projects superstar Michael Jackson spent the
she is still ju st looking over scripts but weekend in “ Stockton, California with
does intend to make her silver screen the kids that survived
debut soon...N atalie Cole was still last m onth’s schoolyard massacre that
stepping lightly w hile still recovering left five children dead..Jermaine
from her recent foot surgery.. Veteran Jackson lashed out at LaToya for
N ew
A d d itio n
m e m b e rs
w ere her Playboy display last week in
disappointed they didn’t win (for favorite USA Today stating, “ it w asn’t even
dpo or group) but new m em ber Johnny done in a tasteful manner.
by Garland Lee Thompson
IFCC Theatre Has Smash Hit In ‘The
Colored M useum ”
A fter playing in Los Angeles, Seattle
and San Francisco, George C. W olfe’s
Off-Broadway hit comedy, “ The Colored
Museum,” opened in Portland three weeks
ago at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural
Center and has been playing to sellout
standing room only houses. Even during
the coldest February weather in town in
30 years, this “ hot ticket” show has
been packing them in with all colors,
ages and sizes. “ The Colored Museum,”
directed by A1 Jamison; musical director,
Janice Scroggins; features Brenda Phillips,
jazz singer; debuts Shirley Nanette in
her first book show and also features
Denise W illiams, Neal Thom as, Louise
M oaning and the “ new com edy find of
the year,” G regory Donovan.
“ The Colored M useum ,” presents 8
p.m. performances on Friday and Saturday
and 2 p.m. matinees on Sunday only.
The show is scheduled to run through
February 19 at the IFCC. “ The 11
exhibits” will move to the W inningstad
Theatre in the Perform ing Arts Center
where it will play 2 p.m. matinees for the
Portland Public Schools on Tuesday,
Thursday and W ednesday February 21-
23. Thursday, Friday and Saturday
perform ances revert back to the 8 p.m.
schedule from February 23-25. So get
your tickets now, theatre fans, because
this one is not to be missed. There has
been some talk about an extension, but
who know s?....’’That shadow do .” Stay
tuned, theatre fans.
Just as the Marfin Black W ax Museum
o f Baltim ore, M aryland is designed to
teach A frican-A m erican history, “ The
Colored M useum ,” will give you “
im ages” o f African-A m erican history
in an exciting was that all o f the African-
system software. T h o se
w h o join us now will
participate in th e e sta b ­
lishm ent o f a new so ft­
Oper ating system
of the future.
ware dynasty.
You’ll need 8-10 years’
design th ro u g h im plem en­
tation experience in o n e or
m ore o f th e following:
• M ajor operating systems,
especially UNIX+
As a fo u n d er o f OSF,
Digital indicated to the
industry its corporate su p ­
p o rt fo r o pen systems.
Now, w e are investing
heavily to ensure th at
D igital’s custom ers get the
highest quality, best cost-
perform ance open systems
D igital’s V A X /V M S*
operating system is an ac­
know ledged leader am ong
• D istributed systems,
client server m odel
• A rchitectural design
• Com pilers
• M odem developm ent
environm ent
• H ierarchical Storage
M anagem ent
• Softw are T est
to: L. Taylor, M anager
DATE: February 18, 1989
TIME: 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
PLACE: Lloyd Center Tower
825 Northeast M ultnom ah Street
R.S.V.P. 282-3801
S p e a k e r fo r the even t will be:
Ms. Willie R ichardson
Music will be p ro vid ed by D. Wiggins
★ Best Cash Prices ★
Heating Oils
104 N.E. Russell St.
Portland, OR 97212
(503) 282-5111
Timely, Contoversial, Insightful,
Nineteen-years of National Coverage of
issues and people significant to the
black community
Saturdays, 2:30 PM
please send your resum e
Dept. 0216-9475, Digital
Seattle Engineering
Group, Digital Equipm ent
developm ents in open
system s softw are have
created a ground-floor
Corporation, 14475 N E
opportunity. D igital’s
w ork in the U S. is
velop leadership operating
Inviting the community to attend a
reception that honors the accomplishments
of all the African Americans of our past,
our present, and our future.
F or consideration, or
developing O SF-com pliant
softw are w hich will be o f
Seatde Softw are E ngineer­
ing G ro u p is now seeking
o u tstan d in g architects and
developers to help us d e ­
Black Professional Network
Black History Month
m ore inform ation about
this exciting opportunity,
T h e recent industry
A.B. Hidgon, P.O. Box 26006, Dayton, OH 45426
• Security, secure system s
proprietary operating sys­
tems. W e’re aggressively
equivalent stature.
American theatre fans will love and not
forget after we pass through this current
Black History Month this will be an
’891iving cultural treat. An African-
American “ Saturday Night Live” at “ The
M useum.” “ Right on, Sue Busby and
the IFCC.
Some years ago back in 1973 I had the
pleasure of managing “ Swept Away ,a
Broadway show at the 48th Street
Playhouse. It was directed by Rip Tom
and starred Maya Angelou and the late
great actress, Geraldine Page. It was a
two-character play by Jerome Kilty about
the life story o f Mary Todd Lincoln,
wife of President Abraham Lincoln. Miss
Angelou brilliantly played the role of
Elizabeth, Mrs. L incoln’s personal
A fric a n -A m e ric a n se a m tre ss and
confidante who wrote a book about her
experience with the L incoln’s.
It was a great experience for me, then a
new African-American stage manager
on Broadway. This was my second
production in New York so the chance to
work with both these wonderful actress
made me their fans forever. G eraldine
Page succum bed to death last year.
And now Maya Angelou, author, poet,
actress, singer is coming to my old alma
mater, Jefferson High School, Friday,
February 24,1989 at 9:30 A.M. to speak
to over 1,200 area high school students.
M iss Angelou who is a dynamic talent
and a growing legend in her own right, is
visiting the Northwest to perform in the
Portland Arts and Lecture series,
W ednesday,February22,1989. Tickets
for that event arc sold out. She originally
was scheduled to appear here in Portland
last year, but had to postpone that
engagem ent due to a conflict in her
This series is the first in which the
Portland Arts and Lectures have involved
the Portland Public Schools. A limited
number of students from each of Portland’s
high schools will attend the performance.
The school presentation is made possible
through the support of Kaiser Permanente
and the Oregon Com m ittee for the
Humanities. This is a great idea for
Black History Month, ’89. Right on the
mark, Portland Arts and Lecture Series!
Some great men have literally failed their way to success. This
leader, or substantial historical significance,
... lost his job in 1832.
... he ran for the legislature and was defeated,
he engaged in business, failed, and spent 17 years paying off
the debts.
... he fell in love and became engaged, but she later died.
... he suffered a nervous breakdown.
... he was defeated for speaker of the Illinois State legislature.
... he was defeated for nomination to Congress in 1843.
he married a woman who was a burden to him.
...he loss renomination to Congress in 1848.
... he was rejected for land office in 1849.
. .. he failed dismally in his bid for the U.S. Senate in 1854.
... he was defeated for nomination for Vice President in 1856.
...he was defeated for the Senate in 1858.
But, in 1861, Abraham Lincoln became the sixteenth President
of these United States.
24th, Bellevue, WA 98007.
Proof of legal right to
W e Are an affirmative
action em p kw et
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