Page 11 Portland Observer February 16, M ----------------------- --------------------------- P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d PORTLAND OBSERVER M Rates: S Lines ■ 1 Week - $7.50 4 Weeks - $25.00(8« $2.50 t e Uae) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves thexight to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) "The Eyes and Ears ot the Community" 288-0033 \ APPLIANCES B E A U TY & BARBER SUPPLIES WASHERS & DRYERS $100.00 and Up CALL 282-4911 Look of Radiance 3512 N.E. 15th Street Portland, Oregon 284-6345 na ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 C O N T R A C T IN G -G E N E R A L Silco Construction Co. 8614 N. Crawford Portland, Oregon 97203 2868155 289-9122 • 286-8493 BEAUTY SUPPLIES FLO RA L - SILKS INSURANCE P ft J’a Beauty Salon ft Supply Earths's Floral Connection Ernest Warren - Agent 231 N. Lombard • Suite 200 Portland, OR 97217 • 2890205 517-1/2 N.E. Killlngsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Auto - Home - Life B E A U T Y /B A R B E R SUPPLIES Nails Only • Hair Care Halon Beauty / Barber Supply • Free Delivery CALL THE GIRLS! FOR YOUR YARD After 1 :00 P.M. i Open: Mon. thru Set L m 282-3875 Styles by E.J. Bates We Do Weddings • Funerals Made-To-Order • Custom-Made Meet - Quay Sevtea - Mvariu P R IN T IN G Kinko’s CONSTRUCTION Donald M. Drake Construction Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 226-3991 9 e.m. - 6 p.m. Health - Group P.O. Box 12652 1717 N.E. 19th Portland, OR 97212 (503)288-4513 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING M ENTAL HEALTH W EEK EN D NIGHT SUPERVISOR CO D A , Inc seeks qualified individual for w eekend night supervisor for residential treatm ent facility, 27 hours per week. Experience in residential or drug treatm ent preferred. Closing date 2/23/89. A pplication material may be obtained at CODA, Inc. 210 NE 20th, Ave. Portland, OR., 97232. C oda is an Equal O p p o r t u n i t y / A f f i r m a t i v e A c tio n Em ployer M ENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR SUPERVISOR CO D A , Inc. seeks qualified applicants for counselor supervisor in methadone program. Responsibilities include clinical supervisor/ training o f professional counselors; assisting the program manager in the clinical aspects of a program providing treatm ent services to opiate addicted clients. Preferred candidates will have direct experience and knowledge o f drug dependent w om en’s issues. G raduate degree in health services required. Salary range $1644-$2222/ month plus excellent benefits. Application material may be obtained at CO D A , Inc. 210 NE 20th, Ave. Portland, OR., 97232. Coda is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Em ployer INSURANCE M EDICAL CLAIM S ANALYSTS Blue C ross & Blue Shield ofO regon is currently accepting applications for a M edical Claim s Analyst. This position is responsible for accurate and timely paym ent o f Blue Cross & Blue Shield of O regon’s m edical claims. Experience necessary to perform this task will include: * 1 Y ear recent clerical work experience i in a doctor’s office or hospital setting. * D em onstrated know ledge o f m edical term inology and anatom y. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience. * ICD-9/CPT-4 coding * A minimum o f 6-12 months experience using a CRT in a production oriented environm ent * Fast, accurate use o f a 10-key calculator. Previous claim s processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Position begins M arch 27, 1989 Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Please apply or sent resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W . Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Em ployer REAL ESTATE/SALES M EDICAL INSURANCE Chief Medical Officer Pendleton, OR CLAIM S ASSISTANT S1177/M INIM UM SAIF Corporation, O regon’s leading workers’ compensation insurance carrier is seeking temporary Claims A ssistant for its Portland Branch Office. Applicants must have successful office experience dem onstrating basic clerical skill; ability to com m unicate well by telephone; ability to use a calculator, dictaphone and CRT. Knowledge of w orkers’ com pensation insurance is desirable. This is an opportunity to lead an outstanding team of clinicians and to realize your vision for rural public psychiatry. The C hief M edical O fficer must be a creative and skillful psychiatric adm inistrator who is com m itted to participate managem ent and innovation. To be considered for this position you m u st c o m p le te o u r e m p lo y m e n t application. Please call our message phone (503) 1-373-8047 by 5pm, February 13, to request your applicant packet. No resum es please. SAIF Corporation Equal Opportunity Employer TRAFFIC SIGNAL TECHNICIAN $l,908-$2,433 Monthly O regon Departm ent o f Transportation, H ig h w ay D iv isio n , is a c c e p tin g application. Requires: two years maintaining/rcpairing traffic signals/controllers in the field and an Associate degree in electronics; OR five year experience. C o n ta c t O D O T P e rso n n e l, 419 Transportation Bldg., Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378-6281 for em ploym ent application and recruiting announcement. $ 6 0 .0 0 PER HUNDRED Remailing letters from hom el De­ tails, send self-addressed, stamped envelope. Associates, Box 309-T, Colonia, NJ 07067. EOPC is located in a town of 15,000 at the foot o f the Blue M ountains and in the center of world class fishing, hunting, wind surfing, skiing, and mountain clim bing. Pendleton’s schools are excellent, real estate is exceptionally affordable, and three major metropol i tan areas are within three hours drive. You should be a Board eligible or Board certified psychiatrist with at least five years o f inpatient experience and three years aof adm inistrative training and/ ore experience. Salary to $72,204 with an excellent fringe benefit package. AN AA/EEO EM FLOYER N EED EXTRA MONEY OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY C O O R D IN A T O R P A R T -T IM E T E E N PA R E N T PR O G R A M Dick Gregory A mbassador o f C.C.I. nutrition products from Washington D.C. will be holding a meeting at Y.W .C.A. Sunday, February 19th at 2pm , 5630 N.E. Union Ave. If you need inform ation call Judy W ilson (503) 643-3500 or Donnie Jam es (503) 282-3675 Experience working with teens, good clerical skills, own transportation. Apply— AMA Family Day Care 1425 NE Dekum (503) 285-0493 Closing D aste-February 24, 1989 INSTRUCTORS (Reading, writing, ESL, math, elec­ tives & PE). U of O Upward Bound Program summer session June 18 - August 13,1989. Applications avail­ able at UB, 1859 E. 15th, Eugene, OR 97403. Deadline March 1,1989. COUNSELORS (Live-in) U of O Upward Bound Program sum m er session June 18 - August 13, 1989. Applications available at UB, 1859 E. 15th, Eugene, OR 97403. Deadline March 1,1989. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities and Women Encouraged To Apply NURSING/CNA sage at 286-7239. close cooperation and coordination. This facility is know for its teamwork, com m itm ent to innovation, and high morale. It is associated with the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, and a joint appointment in the Department o f Psychiatry may be available to the CMO. Contact Stephen H. Feinstein, Ph.D., Superintendent, Eastern Oregon Psychiatric Center, 2575 W estgatye, Pendleton, Oregon 97801. Telephone 503-276-0810. REAL ESTATE WANTED ealtor/investor desires to purchase priced vacant lots and repairable ies in close-in Northeast and North land. All cash or your terms. Leave The Eastern Oregon Psychiatric Center is a state operated 60 bed general psychiatric inpatient com ponent o f a 16 country rural mental health network. The Center and its associated country mental health programs have a long history of Tired of Geriatrics? Work with your spinal cord injured adults in a Apartm ent complex. Up to $5.00 to start regular raises, excellent benefits, and flexible hours. HUM A N R E SO U R C E S M G R CODA, INC is seeking qualified applicants for a Human Resources Manager. This position is responsible to the executive director for an agency human resources program. The human resources m a n a g e r is re sp o n sib le for the coordination and administration of personnel services, as well as staff training and professional development. Minimum qualifications include an undergraduate degree in business administration, public administration, social sciences or a closely related field, at least 2 years of experience working as a personnel generalist, and e x c e lle n t v erb al and w ritten com m unication skills. A certificate in personnel adm inistration and additional years o f experience may be substituted for the degree requirem ent. Salary range $1950-$2638. Closing date 2/23/89. A pplication material may be obtained at CO D A , Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave, Portland, O regon, 97232. CODA is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A ction employer. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR For homeless shelter. Private Non- Profit Experience necessary. Send resume reference and sal­ ary requirements to. p.O. Box 242, Salem, Oregon Apply at: 2600 N. W illiams (503) 249-1765 97308 „ M ENTAL HEALTH Occupational Therapist OTR, SW, MS or Equivalent with two years experience in mental health sought for leadership position in Psych-Social Rehabilitation program. Ideal spot for innovative therapists who enjoy working with people. Background in program assessment and development experience with multi-ethnic population preferred. Comprehensive salary and benefits. Send Resume to: Carol Reinesch Rehabilitation Program M anager in N/ NE Community Health. 5019 N. W illiams, Portland, Oregon 97207. Telephone 249-0066 An Equal Opportunity Employer_____________ DISADVANTAGED (DBE) BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROPOSAL Supportive Services for DBE Firms PURPOSE: To assist minority and w om en construction firm s secure participation on Federal-aid highway construction projects. CONTRACT: Duration of services from March 15,1989 to Septem ber 30,1989. A D M IN IS T R A T IO N F A C I L I T I E S MGMT A D M IN IS T R A T O R Oregon State Dept o f General Services Salary: $3192-$4072/M o. Deadline: 5pm M onday, March 20, 1989. C o o rd in a te s the a c q u isitio n , construction,leasing and Management o f State office buildings, public lands, and other real property. A ctsas liaison to the Capital Planning Commission and advises public policy makers on space utilization and land use implications of proposed development You must have the equivalent o f a BA degree and 6 yrs of steadily increasing M gm t responsibility. Preference will be given to those with M anagem ent experience in building design, construction and maintenance or in land and site developm ent or leasing. The State o f Oregon is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer; women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. For a detailed announcement and application contact Personnel Office, 1225 Ferry St., SE Salem , OR 97310. 503-378-4688 in te r e s te d in o c v u in m g a C a th o lic or returning to the Catholic Church? Call Fr. Ted or Sis. Kath­ leen at St Andrew's Catholic Church PLAYBACK OPERATOR - 20 Hr. wk. Hands-on experience in video editing and automated and manual playback systems. G d com m unications skills; attention to detail im portant Includes evenings and weekend work. Cover letter and resum e to General M anager, PCA-TV, 2766 NE Union, Portland 97212. PCA is an EEO/Affirm ative Action Employer. A pplications due by 5pm, 3/4/89. ACCEsS TECHNICIAN - full time. Must possess working knowledge o f audio and video equipment and an understanding of TV production techniques. Strong oral and written communication skills and the ability to deal effectively w ith a diverse public a must. Includes evenings and weekend work. Cover letter and resume to G eneral M anager, PCA -TV , 2766 N E U nion, Portland, 97212. PCA is an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer. Applications due by 5pm, 3/4/89. 281-4429 AMOUNT: $75,000 INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION CALL FOR BIDS SUPPLEMENTAL DBE: The supportive services contract has a DBE participation goal of 25%. W RITTEN PROPOSAL: M ust be submitted by March 1, 1989 to: SEALED BIDS W ILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL 9 A.M. ON FEBRUARY 23, 1989, FOR THE PROJECT LISTED BELOW: COUNTY Vemell W est OJT/DBE Supportive Services Programs Coordinator 1158 Chemeketa Street NE Salem, Oregon 97310 Interested persons may contact Vernell W est by telephone at: (503) 378- 6314. MULTNOMAH COUNTY DEPUTY SHERIFF - $1232 PER HOUR; PATROLS ASSIGNED AREA IN RADIO EQUIPPED CAR PROVIDING N U M E R O U S C O M M U N IT Y SERVICES; DEALS W ITH A W IDE VARIETY O F STRESS AND NON- S T R E S S IT U A T IO N S INDEPENDENTLY, MATURELY AND W ITH DISCRETION; APPLICANTS MUST HAVE OR BE WITHIN 90 DAYS OF RECEIVING A BS, BE 21 OR OVER AND HAVE A VALID D RIV ER’S LICENSE; APPLY BY FEBRUARY 24, YOUNGS BAY BRIDGE SECTION O F TH E OREGON COAST HWY. FENDER REPLACEM ENT. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND BID DOCUMENTS MAY BE OBTAINED IN RM. 1, TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, SALEM, OR 97310. PRIM E CONTRACTORS MUST BE PREQUALIFIED TEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE BID OPENING DAY. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT CLATSOP COM M ISSION SERVICES AT 378-6526. IF YOUR BUSINESS IS NOT CERTIFIED AS A DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) OR A WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (WBE), PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE OF W OMEN AND MINORITY BUSINESS AT 155 COTTAGE, SALEM, OR 97310, PHONE (503) 378-5651. 1989. W HERE TO APPLY MULTNOMAH COUNTY EM PLOYEE SERVICES, ROOM 1430,1120 SW FIFTH AVENUE, PORTLAND, OR 97204. “ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLO Y ER ” CITY OF GRESHAM REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL SERVICES FOR SANITARY SEW ER EASEM ENT ACQUISITION FOR TH E EAST JOHNSON CREEK SANITARY SEWER L.I.D. PROJECT #3041 Project Description: The City o f Gresham requests proposal to provide Real Property A cquisition Services for the East Johnson Creed Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. Project. T here are seven properties with approximately 1400 linear feet of sewer line requiring perm anent and/or temporary easements. Services to be in full accordance w ith ail State and Federal laws relating to land acquisition and appraisal by public agencies. Proposals m ust be submitted by 3:00 PM , February 28, 1989 to the City o f Gresham , Engineering Department, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, G resham , O regon 97030. TELEVISION STATION ASSISTANT R .F.P.’S and project descriptions may be obtained at Gresham Engineering Department. W e need a conscientious hard­ working individual to organize the proc­ essing of commercial tim e orders. You should have hands-on word processing and 10-key pad skills, if you now work in Traffic at a radio station, or have worked with BIAS in the past, you may fit the position. This is not a production or sales entry position. Include salary history with resum e to: W alt Adler, P.O. Box 49, Portland, OR 972QT- Equal^pportunity Employer , Equal Opportunity Employer »» * television SECRET A R Y /R E C E PT IO N IST -20 hr.wk. 60 words per min, gd oral and written communication skills. A ble to deal w ith diverse public in a professional manner. C over letter and resum e to G eneral M anager, PCA-TV, 2766 NE Union, Portland, 97212. PCA is an EEO / A ffirm a tiv e A ction E m p lo y e r. Application due by 3/4/89. • « ♦ * • A * • 4 • A *4* < , « . '7 • f* - ■ . •3 - • , 1 * ■ » l &AAÉft i* SUB-BIDS REQUESTED OREGON HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY EYE CENTER & PARKING GARAGE BID DATE: W ednesday, March 1,1 9 8 9 at 3:00 P.M. DONALD DRAKE CONSTRUCTION 1740 N.W. Flanders • Portland. Oregon 97209 (503) 226-3991 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and minority business enterprises. * ‘ * . * • * fc. .Mr* ■ * - iiv