' n, 4 » ' r t « r *■»»* *x\»« , t » x x .K f« -» -* *•»-. Page 6 • Portland Observer • February 9, 1989 "THIS SPACE IS DEDICATED TO A MAN WHO DID NOT SEE THINGS IN BLACK AND WHITE. “A Celebration ofBlackArtioto^ a p a rt o f oar heritage I K atby Pennington I Howard Pernell I Audrey Sanders I Arvie Smith I Charles Tatum I Judy Bryant I Samuel Bryant I A l Goldoby I Sberrian Haggar I Charlotte Le wit F e b ru a ry 13-M arch 3 U.S. Bancorp Plaza Lobby 111 S.lfY Fifth Avenue, Portland. Questions: 275- 5243 0 U .5 . B A N K MEMBER FDIC t. 'J ■* At i '5 Bonneville Power Administration We put a lot of “energy” into developing human resources, too. saLj'Fi' If you are interested in information concerning CATirr’wc sw itch an d socket an d w ro te th e first tex tb o o k on th e E di­ son electric system. D uring Black His­ tory M onth, AT&T is especially p ro u d of th e co n trib u tio n s of Lewis L itim er and o th e r Black A m eri­ cans. We re also p ro u d to have a his­ Lewis Latimer, a tal­ tory o f providing an e n te d Black d rafts­ ust look into the en vironm ent in m an and inventor. history o f AT&T, and you'll find that His draw ings a cco m ­ w hich every persi>n can reach his o r her p an ied d ie patent die story o f o u r fullest potential. application that b eg in n in g s could As we l< x )k ft >r- started this w h o le b e w ritten in Black ward to new genera­ bu sin ess of tele- history bo o k s, too. tions o f pk Hieers. it s That's b e ca u se the ex im m unications. good to remember As an associate m an w h o d re w the the gains that pei »pie of T h o m as Edison, plans for A lexander L itim er also p ate n te d like Lew is Litim er G raham B ell’s first alreadv have brought an electric lam p telep h o n e set w as current openings with Black history is part of our history. Bonneville Power Administration You may contact either the Equal Employment Opportunity Office, (503) 2 3 0 -4 7 2 5 or the Personnel Office at (503) 2 3 0 -3 0 5 5 or (503) 2 3 0 -4 7 0 5 J Bonneville Power Administration P.0. Box 3621 Portland, Oregon 97208 AT&T i ?»«n WS