Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 09, 1989, Page 5, Image 5

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February 9, 1989 • Portland Observer • Page 5
In Any Language
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
It's that time again!
Everyone (male and female) is cor­
dially invited to attend the 5th Annual
Women’s Pre-Retreat Luncheon
sponsored by the New Hope Mission­
ary Baptist Church and several other
Community churches.
The luncheon will be held at the
Shenanigan’s Restaurant on the Wil­
lamette, 4675 N. Channel (Swan Is­
land), from 11:Q0a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in
the afternoon, on this Saturday.
February 11.1989. The cost: $12.75
regular and $11.75 senior citizens.
All moneys raised this year will go
toward the scholarship fund. This fund
was developed to aid women, want­
ing to attend the yearly retreats and
are unable to pay their registration
fees, the opportunity to attend the
retreats without the worry of “ How am
I going to pay that?”
The theme for this year is “ Love in
any Language" (John 3:16).
The guest speaker will be Barbara
Stroughter, a member of the
Maranatha Church and Oregon’s
Women's Aglow. The program will,
also, feature special music by-V ivian
Parker, Wanda Warren and Little Miss
Tamara LaCarol Barnett, daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. Nathan Barnett. The
mistress of ceremony will be Laura
Howard of Emanuel Temple. Ruby
Orick, of the Country Church in Mol-
lala, Oregon, will conduct the Praise
Service. There will be a special fash­
ion presentation that will feature models
from various churches. They will be
modeling coats, hats and scarves.
time of feast and fellowship is antici­
pated to be enjoyed by all in atten­
For further information, call: 281-
0163 or 287-3978 (Pat Howard) Renita
Crowell and Dorothy Davis, co-chair­
Christian Education
Centers To Open
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
Celebration Tabernacle, one of the
newest Christian institutions to open
its doors in 1988, will begin tow schools
of Christian Education.
The first learning center will be
“Celebration Christian Academy " This
center, of learning, will serve kinder­
garten through third grade. The sec­
ond learning center will be an alterna­
tive school of learning for students
who are labeled unteachable ... "Judah
House of Excellence."
Rev. Elbert Mondaine’, the pastor
of Celebration Tabernacle, is very
optimistic and joyous about the
schools. When I spoke to him, he
said, “We have already been blessed
with 50 desks for the K - 3rd grade
school. The school will be located 1-
1/2 blocks from the church. We have
six teachers, a dean with a Ph D in
education and teacher’s aides. We
have a Math teacher, a PE teacher, 2
English teachers, a Language Spe­
cialist, a Professional Administrative
Personnel supervisor, and a General
Education and History teacher.”
The schools’ programs will be fo­
cused on community involvem ent-
parent/teacher and student/teacher
relationships. “ We are requiring that
each teacher be certified by the state
and that they know their jobs. Even
the aides must be accredited to some
degree.” says Rev. Mondaine’.
The alternative school will be for
high schoolers and will have several
programs devised for them. The pro­
grams will be structured to addressed
the interest level and the achieve­
ment levels of each student.
students will be outside the class­
room. Rev. Mondaine' said that the
main reason the older students
dropped out of "regular” schools was
because of their “free spirits." “ Well,”
he continued, “ if they want to be
outside, then we’ll take them out­
The schools will be operate on a
regular nine-month period and will
have regular quarters but with differ­
ent results and different program­
ming. Each student will be required to
help each other as they help them­
The enrollments will be limited in
both schools. The K - 3rd will be
limited to 50 and the Alternative School
will be limited to 30. There will be 2
teachers per every 15 students. The
K - 3rd classroom load will be limited
to 20 students per classroom, as the
school’s enrollment grows.
For more information, please call:
(503) 285-9635.
On Thursday, February 9, 1989,
the Evangelical Board of the General
Baptist Convention of the Northwest
will be holding a worship service at
the Greater St. Stephen Missionary
Baptist Church at 7:30 p.m. The
speaker for the evening will be the
Rev. Matthew Thornton, pastor of the
Greater Friendship Baptist Church in
Seattle, Washington.
The public is cordially invited to at­
Rev. Bernard Devers,
Rev. Robert E. Houston, Sr.,
On Friday, February 10,1989, the
General Baptist Convention of the
Northwest’s Winter Board meeting
will be held at the O.B. Williams
Convention Center located at 220
N.E. Beech Street.
Rev. Dr. O.B. Williams,
American Baptist
Churches Of America
Progress Report
YOU DID IT! Though we barely
kept ahead of 1987 giving throughout
the year, December was strong. We
ended the year with more than a 5%
increase in giving through our United
The churches in Oregon reached
the goal! $415,985.62 was given
through our United Mission. This was
1.4% above the goal, ""his, also, rep­
resents 5% increase ($20,016) above
1987 giving.
Remember To Support The Ameri-
can Baptist Mission
Send your applications in, today.
Applications are beginning to arrive
at the office of the General Secretary
for World Mission Support. If you are
interested in attending either of these
tours, please contact Marshall E.
Schirer, Suite G, 0245 S.W. Bancroft
Street, Portland, Oregon 97201-4270.
“ Isaiah, Prophets Called
By God” Appear In
The gospel singing group, "Isaiah,
Prophets Called By God" of Portland,
will appear in concert, February 18,
1989 at 7:30 p.m. at the Albina Church
of God located at 5522 N. Albina
Avenue in Portland.
Admission will be by donation of
Isaiah is one of Portland’s must
popular and outstandingly sought after
groups. Their singing and perform­
ance is one that you will not want to
For more information you may call
(comer o f 8th & Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
.Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor
84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499
“A warm spirit of fellowship always"
“To the Glory o f G o d ’’
The Ark of Safety
Church of God in Christ
» the Bible s a y s ...
The Holiness Preacher B is h o p U V . P e te r s o n D .D . B u ild e r - P a s to r
Follow peace with
all men & holiness
without which no
man shall see the
< ! w
I L L í g ».
The Month of Love
“F ebruary”
Unity Gives Tax Break
P r ic e s
$ 6 5 . NOW $ 5 0 .
Relaxers $ 4 5 . NOW $ 3 5 .
All Curls
'T h u r s d a y ' S e n i o r C i t i z e n Day
20 OFF S e r v i c e s
P re se n t s e n io r c i t i z e n ca rd fo r d is c o u n t
S e n i o t s - P ut y o u r name i n t h e g r a b b a g !
W in a FbF.F m onth o f H a ir S e r v i c e in March
Unity o f Love
6 7 2 0 N .E . U n io n • 2 8 3 - 5 4 4 0
H onor B lack H istory M onth
Celebrate Unity and Diversity.
Delaunay Mental
Health Center
5215 N. Lombard
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 285-9871
Work Tours Coming Up!
Costa Rica
June 2 7 - July 11,1989
Green Lake
June 25 - July 1,1989
4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue
A Christian Century article indi­
cated that people with incomes of
less than $10,000 per year, give away
an average of 2.8% more than those
in any other income group
Allen Temple CME Church
To My Readers:
Psalms: Chapter 27
Giving To The Poor
General Baptist
Jesus Loves You!
In last week’s article about the ac­
complishments and achievements of
the Rev. Robert Earl Houston, Sr., his
wife, Hester Hart Houston, and his
son, Robert Earl Houston, Jr., were
accidently omitted.
The error was purely an accident.
It was not done in malice or fore­
thought (intentionally).
Robert and Hester Houston have
been married seven glorious years.
They were united in Holy matrimony
by the Rev. Bernard Devers at New
Hope Missionary Baptist Church on
January 30,1982.
To this union, Robert Earl Hous­
ton, Jr. was born five years ago. He
attends the Jeanette Fegan Pre­
Hester had only been in Portland
for 2 short years, when Robert swept
her off her feet. She was born and
raised in Poplarville, Mississippi.
Hester Hart Houston assists her
husband in his ministry by serving as
the assistant announcement clerk on
Sunday mornings and as the Advisor
to the Mission Department at the
Greater St. Stephen Missionary Baptist
Again, please forgive my error.
Yours in the Holy Name of
Christ Jesus,
Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
Religion Editor
C hurch
S cripture of the W eek :
* • * '* • * * • I *
Serving the iforthffprtheast
Communities o f (Portland
A New Ministry
Comes To Portland
9dope o f
B ro a d c a s t
KBMS 1480-AM
8:30 a.m. to
9:00 a.m.
Rev. Sis. Lenotra Cooke
'There Is Hope”
'Christ In you, 'The. Mope O f Çtory' Col. 1:27
Dial-A-Prayer ... (503) 286-HOPE
P.O. Box 11628 • Portland, OR 97211
24 Hour Prayer Request Line