♦1 * + »»* Page 12 • Portland Observer • February 9, 1989 Fifth Annual National Black Wholistic Retreat In the midst of this era of conserva­ May 26-28 and July 28-30, 1989 at tism, material acquisition and indi­ the Kings Lodge in Otisville, New vidualism, an unique event has been York. The Theme for the retreat is "A unfolding for the last four years. Vari­ C e le b ra tio n of B lack W om en: ous African-American scholars, poets Struggles, Victories and Connections." and activists from around the country The speakers for the retreats will have been meeting in order to de­ include Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, velop a vision for the rejuvenation Drs. Nathan and Julia Hare, Sonia and development of Black people in Sanchez, Dr. Morris Jeff, and others. America. They have met under the Special guests include Betty Shabazz banner of the National Black W holis­ (wife of Malcolm X), Gwendolyn Brooks, and Susan Taylor, Editor in tic Retreat. The retreat is sponsored by the Chief of Essence Magazine. The National Black W holistic Society: A workshop topics will include: Dr. Frances Welsing, “ Black society of educators, administrators, W omen and W hite Suprem acy": Drs. and students who are concerned about Nathan and Julia Hare, "Raising A the issues which affect the lives of Nation Alone; The Dilemma of Single African American people. Parents"; Sister Sonia Sanchez, “The The goal of the retreat is to create Quiet Journey into Being a W om an"; an environment where African-Ameri­ Dr. Morris Jeff, “ The Africanity of cans can find solutions to the physi­ Love and Sex” ; Dr. LaFrancis Rodg­ cal, spiritual and intellectual prob­ ers Rose, “ These Sexist Black Men lems which they oonfront, and to enjoy That W e Love So Deeply." them selves in the process. The retreat will be held in one of Previous speakers who delivered the most beautiful areas of New York’s lectures or presented workshops at Shawangunk Mountains. The breath­ the retreats were Dr. Frances Cress taking mountains and forest lands will Welsing, Dr Maulana Ron Karenga, enhance the spiritual aspect of this Dr. Asa Hilliard, Dr. Barbara Sizem­ event. ore, Dr. Na im Akbar, Drs. Nathan In addition to the workshops and and Julia Hare, Brother Haki Mad- lectures, there will be ample opportu­ hubuti, Brother Bob Law, and many nities for other stimulating and relax­ others. These brilliant and distin­ ing activities such as swimming, medi­ guished scholars shared their analy­ tation, yoga sessions, Black Films, sis and solutions to such critical is­ Video series, nature trails, volleyball, sues as Economic Development, Black basketball, and tennis. Entertainment Male/Female Relationships, Health, at both retreats will be provided by the Religion and Spirituality, The Black Leon Thomas Quintet. Family, Mental Health, the Destruc­ For information about the Fifth tion of Black Men and W omen in the Annual retreats, contact the National '80s, and the Systematic Reconstruc­ Black W holistic Society, P.O. Box tion of the African Mind. 69241, St. Louis, MO 63169 or call Participants have been “ inspired (617) 427-1150 (Boston). The cost of and rejuvenated” and felt that the the retreat is $255, which includes retreat provided them with numerous housing for three days and two nights, practical solutions to some very press­ delicious and healthful vegetarian and ing problems. It also gave them an non-vegetarian meals, admission to opportunity to exchange ideas with all seminars, workshops, films, enter­ African-Americans from various parts tainment, yoga and meditation ses­ of the country. One participant from sions, plus unlimited access to a New York stated, “ I liked the open­ wonderful and rejuvenating natural ness, positive feelings of moving retreat area. toward a solution to help us as African If previous retreats are any indica­ people gain our position again in the tion of success, then the Fifth Annual world.” retreat should be a very rewarding For those who have missed previ­ and enriching experience. It's an ous retreats the Fifth Annual National experience that every serious Afri­ Black Wholistic retreat will be held can-American should have. To Possum Or Not To Possum Is Not The Question? bv Nyewusi Askan Last week, the Portland Observer reacted (in print/fron, page) to the NE Reformer (labeled by community writers as the Deformer) attack on Ms. Edna Robertson, Mr. Charles Ford and Mr. Ronnie Herndon. As expected, it didn't take long for Ms. Joyce Boles, the Reformer’s Editor and Publisher, long to respond. This week, Boles submitted a long list of questions to the Observer - namely: (1) Does your staff ever attend Coalition meetings to watch Herndon loyalists step all over Inner Northeast residents, both Black and white? (2) Do you think any take-off on any com ic strip featuring animals, local Black leaders and southern dialect is automatically racist? (3) How should a white writer proceed who wants to poke fun at a pompous, bombastic Black leader who is selling out his own people? (4) How should a white writer proceed who wants to lampoon an incompetent city em ployee who is Black? At the end of her cover letter, Boles declares, “You guys really blew it, but you demonstrated the depth of your hatred and insensitivity toward whites, and therefore your own racism.” Obviously Boles illustrated under­ standing of African-Americans is worst than that of a blind possum sittin’ on the nose of a Pit Bull dog. Her efforts to holler “ reverse racism” comes off like a cotton ball shot from a de­ mented cannon - all noise, no fire. Not even a puff of understandable smoke! Boles throws out a red flag when she burps out the statement “ You guys really blew it, but you demonstrated the depth of your hatred and insensi­ tivity toward whites, and therefore your own racism ." At a time when race relations in America are receding toward an unhealthy condition, Boles attempts to drive a unhealthy wedge between white and black neighbors who live in Inner Northeast. Her statement is immature, desperate, and without foundation. “ Hatred” and “ insensitiv­ ity" and “ racism ” are words she uses very loosely and dangerously. The Observer's response to Boles attack on members of the African- American com m unity was not Racist, was not insensitive and was not laced with hatred. It was put simply: "The African-Am erican com m unity don't need her brand of yellow journalism ." There was also another message: “ As far as the African-Am erican com ­ munity is concerned, her newsletter, in which she attacked Robertson, Ford and Herndon, was racist, insensitive and outta pocket/outta line/outta time.” The African-Am erican community stands firm on th a t... now, then and when ... ever it occurs. African-Am ericans do not think it’s funny to poke fun at those who have a proven record of dedication, com ­ mitment and loyalty to the im prove­ ment of our community. Even less funny are words which describe those same persons as pompous and bombastic. Apparently Boles is shoot­ ing from the foot and maybe this explains why, as she puts it, “ the intentions of the column simply went over most readers heads - both white and black.” Boles failed to realize that what she described as “ over most readers heads” was simply an exer­ cise of good, solid judgment on behalf of the readers in question. The citizens of Inner Northeast Portland, Black and white, have worked very hard to shape solid, stable race relations. That more than 2,000 per­ sons participated in the City's rally against racism -black and w h ite - dem onstrates that citizens of all col­ ors have joined hands to make sure that racism does not become the order of the day. Thus the q u e s tio n ... W ho is Boles speaking for? Boles is tripping down a blind alley. And, although she seems to be seek­ ing answers to specific questions, personally, I don't think she is ready to face the African-Am erican com ­ munity on that le v e l... not as long as she has the pages of the NE Re­ form er to hide behind. To Boles I say, “ To Possum or not to possum is not the question, is not the answer. It is simply n o t ...” JOBS & CLASSIFIED PORTLAND/OREGON VISITO RS ASSOCIATION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID DESIGN, PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPM ENT OF VIDEO, FILM AND SLIDE SHOW S BIDS DUE: Friday, February 24,1 9 8 9 The Portland/Oregon Visitors Association is requesting proposals for the design, production and development of a 5-7 minute video, film and slide show for promotional use in the marketing of Portland as a convention destination. The association seeks individuals who have experience in developing quality productions and possess the creative skills to showcase Portland as a popular destination to convention planners and delegates. Familiarity with Portland is a must. A budget of $30,000 has been established for this program. Should you have further interest, please contact Sylvia Robles (275- 9752) for a detailed RFP, or write P/OVA, c/o Sylvia Robles, Three World Trade Center, 26 S.W. Salmon, Portland, Oregon, 97204. OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID FOREST RESEARCH LABORATORY STRUCTURAL REHABILITATION PROJECT BIDS DUE: Tuesday, February 2 8 ,1 9 8 9 until 2:00 P.M. (PST) Sealed bids for the Forest Research Laboratory Structural Rehabilita­ tion project will be received by the Oregon State Board of H igher Education until 2:00 P.M., PST, February 28, 1989. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physi­ cal Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone (503) 754-4921. OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID ADM INISTRATION BUILDING CENTRAL SW ITCH HALON FIRE SUPRESSION SYSTEM PROJECT BIDS DUE: Thursday, March 2 ,1 9 8 9 until 2:00 P.M. (PST) Sealed bids for the Administration Building Central Switch Halon Fire Supression System project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 P.M., PST, March 2, 1989. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physi­ cal Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone (503) 754-4921. PORTLAND OBSERVER “ The Eyes and Ears of the C o m m u n ity" 288-0033 he whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concession yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle . . . If there is not struggle, there is no progress.” - Frederick Douglas Pacific Power salutes the many great men and women honored during Black History Month. PACIFIC POWER THE ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY I - * •' .*.* ‘ '. ». # » - -> * > »