February 2, 1989 • Portland Observer • Page 3 - RELIGION Greater St. Stephens Gets New Pastor bv M attie Ann Callier-Spears January was the first month of the new year and it was the month that marked a new chapter and a new beginning in the life of Robert E. Houston, Sr. Robert Earl Houston, Sr. was born and raised in Portland, Oregon twenty - eight years ago. He is the son of Rev. Phene Houston, associate pastor of the G reater Faith Baptist Church and Naomi Jackson Houston. In 1978, Robert graduated from Jefferson High School. He is now em­ ployed as a P.C.O. (Physician Care Organization) Patient Representative at the very hospital in which he was born. Emanuel. On January 11,1989, Rev. Robert E. Houston, Sr. was voted in by the congregation of the Greater St. Stephens Missionary Baptist Church, with Rev. Dr. O.B W illiams, presid­ ing. Then, on January 15th, he stood (officially) in the pulpit of Greater St. Stephen as the pastor of that church. On that Sunday, the church was in­ creased by six new members and thirteen more new m embers cam e up the following Sunday. “ I truly am full with p ra is e -fo r God has truly blessed me” exclaimed Rev. Houston. "My personal belief” he continued "is that the Holy Spirit assigned me to the Greater St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church with specific duties. Mainly to bring to the city a church where love abounds and the bible is our daily living textbook. By textbook, I mean, regardless of personal circumstance,s the bible has the answer.” The church’s motto is : A CHURCH OF LOVE ON THE GROW. The pastor’s personal m otto is: IF YOU HAVE THE F A IT H ... GOD HAS THE POW ER! Rev. Houston grew up in the Morn­ ing Star Baptist Church under the late Dr. Sylvester McCullumn and received Christ through baptism on Easter Sunday in 1972. He united with New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in 1976. He began preaching on April 3 0 ,1978u ndertheleadership of Rev. Bernard Devers. In 1987, he united with the Fellowship Missionary Bap­ tist Church under the leadership of Rev. Johnny Pack, IV. "The experience and the training that I received at Fellowship Mission­ ary Baptist Church will always remain close to my heart," Rev. Houston recalls. As he continued to reminisce, “ I shall always have and hold a deep respect for Pastor Pack and his staff. Of course, my early foundation I re­ ceived at New Hope under Rev. Devers and at Morning Star under Rev. McCul­ lumn, will forever serve as stepping stones to my future victories.” W hile preparing for the ministry, Rev. Houston has studied at the Multnom ah School of the Bible, the Am erican Baptist Sem inary of the West, The Golden Gate Theological Sem inary and the United Theological Sem inary Portland Extension. His involvement in the church and church related organizations, include: secretary of the Evangelical board of the General Baptist Convention of NW and the assistant Recording Secretary of the same organization, instructor of the music departm ent for the Portland District Congress, Mis­ sionary for the Union District Baptist Association, and a 32nd degree mason with the Logan Lodge #5. Rev. Houston’s advice to the youth of Portland, is: "W ithout God in your life, in these times, youth will find the intensity of peer pressure, drug in­ volvement, and gang activity much more difficult to deal w ith.” Future plans for Greater St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church include several new programs: a family min- rz 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 “A warm spirit of fellowship always" “To the Glory o f G o d ” The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ 9 Follow peace with all men & holiness without which no man shall see the 7 30pr Thnday Choir Rehearsal 7 00pn A V ery S pecial T hank Y ov Sunday Sunday School 9 15an Morning Worship 11 15a n YPW W 6 30pr F rom H ie F a m ily O e S tanley W illiam C age S r . ii Evangelistic 8 00pm Worship Tuesday the Bible s a y s ... Fnday Noon Day Prayer Fnday The Pastor Speaks 7 30pm A New Ministry Comes To Portland Sataday Morning Prayer J-(opc o f (jCory 9 00am Lord HEBREWS 1214 Broadcast KBMS 1480-AM Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer of 8th & Skidmore) P o rtla n d , O regon 97211 (503) Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Motto: 'There Is Hope" o 287-0261 Rev. Sis. Lenotra Cooke 'Christ In fo il, ‘The Mope O f (jtory' Col. 1:27 — ¿¿■i» Dial-A-Prayer ... (503) 286-HOPE Psalm 34:3 P.O. B ox 11628 • Portland, OR 97211 (4673) 2 4 Hour Prayer Request Line TO ', jib ¡ ü i: if R H * Tuesday Bible Band The Holiness Preacher B is h o p U .V P e te rs o n D .D . B u ild e r- P a s to r (For additional information, call 288-7241) • We T hank You For The Beauty O f The M emorial Service For O u r Beloved Stanley William Cage Sr. So M any W ere So Thoughtful And So Com ­ mitted To Visiting And Assisting Him D uring His Long Illness In Spite O f His Pain He Felt Joy And Pleas­ ure And Was Never Lonely. YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT !!! DON’T MISS A SERVICE !!! i In Appreciation A Special Singing by the Maranatha Choir! • Special Guest Soloist! . Visiting Church Choir Groups, and ■ A United Church fo r a Divided World! í:::¡ Proverbs: C hapter 22 CONGRATULATIONS! Rev. Hous­ ton may God always be your focal point. istry, a strong Evangelical ministry program, a youth and children's m in­ istry, outreach program, and radio ministry. Rev. H ouston’s two sisters Norma Jean Houston and Phyllis Green, both of Portland, along with many well- wishers will be in attendance at the installation ceremony, to be held on the 16th day of April, 1989. The cele­ bration will begin on April 12th at 7:00 p.m. and will continue each night throughout the week with guest choirs and their pastors. FOUNDER I! J S cripture of the W eek • « « «A * » •« a ♦ * * * Li » hhhííí * * -T < ♦ A * * * * I V : ’ • '* ' • ..