Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 26, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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January 26, 1989 • Portland Observer • Page 3
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Does God Care?
b y Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
So many of us, continually, ask the
question “ W hat good am I?" And
then, we feel compelled to say "Nobody
cares any w ay!” That statem ent and
question is so prothetic, so profound
and yet--s-o-o very wrong. Because,
som eone does care. God always
cares. He is our creator.
It must trouble God very much to
see His children falling each day by
the wayside. God did not intend for us
to go through life with our heads hung
down to our knees. As a m other hen
would brood over her little biddies
(chicks) or a mamma sow over her
piglets, God watches over us each
and every day.
Are you weak and heavy laden?
Do you feel dejected and low? Do you
feel that no ones cares? Cast your
every care, your every burden upon
the Lord. G od’s grace is sufficient
and His mercy is everlasting.
There was once a man w ho w an­
dered onto the playground of an ele­
mentary school, one day. He was
shabbily dressed, his complexion
ruddy, yet worn with time. He was
passing by when he heard a child
crying. As he approached the child,
he found the little sister of the crying
child attempting to render comfort.
He crouched down between the
tw o children and spoke softly to them .
Not knowing the cause for the tears,
he said “ D on’t worry. Everything will
be all right.” He embraced them, stood,
turned and, with a pleasant expres­
sion on his face, went on his way.
The scripture says, “ Be still and
know I am G O D .” As we read the
words of the old man, God is saying
the sam e thing to you right now--
"Don’t worry. Everything will be all
A child’s cry does something to
you. You don’t even have to be a
parent for you to feel empathy when
you hear someone in sorrow. You just
sorta star, moving in the direction of
the sound that’s tugging on your hear,.
God hears our every cry and He
pitvs every groan. God delivered the
people out of Egypt land because He
heard their groans and He sen, Moses
to lead His people. But, Moses died.
He was a mere mortal man to the pull
of the world. God blessed Moses and
through Moses God delivered the
people from bondage.
Guess what? God sen, a deliverer
for us too. His name is -J e s u s Christ.
Somehow people have a way of
loosing themselves within themselves.
This is no, good. W e must learn and
know that God came, He lived and He
died that we might live. Not just to live,
but to have life m ore abundantly. And
mind you, He didn’t remain in the
grave, where so many people are
trying to keep Him, but He rose up
one day with ALL power in His hands.
In His hands, He had the keys to the
gates of hell and of death. (Rev. 1:18)
“ Oh, d e a th -w h e re is thy sting? Oh,
g ra ve -w h e re is thy victory?"
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was
sen, for a specific re a so n -to rescue
A Second Look
At Life
the perishing souls, to save that which
is lost. Souls crying out in the world. “ I
can’, take i, any more!” Oh, yes you
can. “ But, why me, Lord?” Because,
until you realize that God is more than
jus, your creator-th e re will be more
“ Why m e ...” incidences.
Today, in your hearts, accept God
as your Father. Then, you can sing
the song of our fore fathers and
m o th e rs-
“ He that believeth
He that believes
Have an everlasting life
He that believes on the Father and
the Son
Have an everlasting life.
Oh, Satan’s mad
And I’m so glad
Have an everlasting life
He lost the soul
He thought he had
Have an everlasting life
Yes! He that believeth
He that believes
Have an everlasting life
He that believes on the Father and
the Son,
Have an everlasting life.
Church Women
United’s Conference
This Weekend
The Oregon Chapter of Church
W omen United is holding their An­
nual Conference this year on Eco­
nomic Justice at the Hughes M emo­
rial United Methodist Church located
at 111 N.E. Failing Street. The dates
are: January 26th and 27th. Registra­
tion will begin a, 2:00 p.m. on the
26th. There is a registration fee of
$25.00. This fee will include lunch on
Friday, January 27th.
DMAC Meeting Slated
The next meeting of the Desegre­
gation Monitoring Advisory Com m it­
tee (DMAC) will be held on W ednes­
day, Feb. 8, 1989 at Ockley Green
Middle School, 6031 N. Montana,
Portland, Oregon 97217, from 7 :00 to
9:00 p.m., in the Cafeteria.
I felt my life was barren,
Void of wealth and fame;
Then found my true fulfillment
Through the glory of His name.
As I saw the needs of others
I knew that I was blessed,
And with fervent dedication
Put my selfish goals to rest.
by Catherine Janssen Irwin
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CALL 652-5840
Mope of
Bethel African
Methodist Episcopal
Church Presents A
Musical Program
The theme: "Praising The Lord” ,
January 29 ,1 9 8 9 at 3:00 p.m. in the
Bethel A.M.E. Church, 5828 N.E. 8th
Ave., Portland.
Guest choirs will be- Community
A.M.E. Zion Young Adult Choir,
Vancouver, WA; Allen Temple C.M.E.
Youth Choir; Antioch Missionary
Baptist Youth Choir; First A.M.E. Zion
Youth Choir; Fellowship Missionary
Baptist Youth Choir; Isaish & The
Please Come and Bring A Friend!
•at'4 -.'
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KBMS 1480-AM
8:30 a.m. to
9:00 a.m.
'There Is Hope"
A llen Temple CM E Church
4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue
(comer o f 8 th & Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
Psalm 34:3
r.^isi.@ iii£2M SfS3n
Rev. Sis. Lenotra Cooke
'Christ In ybu, ‘The fio p e O f Çlory' Col. 1:27
Dial-A-Prayer ... (503) 286-HOPE
P.O. Box 11628 • Portland, OR 97211
24 Hour Prayer Request Line
84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499
“A warm spirit of fellowship always”
Bible Band
Char Rehearsal
The Ark of Safety
Church of God in Christ
Sunday School
the Bible sa y s...
Follow peace with
all men & holiness
without which no
man shall see the
7 30pm
7 00 p m
“ To the Glory o f G o d ”
FOUNDER The Holiness Preacher Bishop U.V. Beterson D.D. Builder-Pastor
Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor
î ï «.
A New Ministry
Comes To Portland
I changed my gloomy image
With each task I undertook,
And saw a whole new picture
As I took a second look.
•••< *• 2
Morning Worship
11 15a m
6 30pm
8 00 p.m
• / •
Noon Day Prayer
;V .
The Pastor Speaks
7 30pm
9 00 a m
Morning Prayer
f e
B '.
Special Singing by the Maranatha Choii
• Special Guest Sbloist!
Visiting Church Choir Groups, and
A United Church fo r a Divided World!
(For additional information, call 288-7241)
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