• • «« * » * • * ••• K. W w January 19, 1989 Page 4 • Portland Observer • "A Singing Stream Choose Whom Ye May Serve that you have gone absolutely N-O- W-H-E-R-E? Are you 20 or 30 years old looking like you're 50 or 60 years old? Are you hooked on drugs or alcohol and you can’t get unhooked? Are you miserable because of what you think is for no apparent reason? This is, now, 1989. Its not getting sooner; but, its later than you thought it was. by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears This past year, 1988, we mourned the loss of so many of our young who died needlessly at the hands of one another. We are still remembering and we are still feeling the impact of what happened. There is trouble at each door but if those who are open­ ing the door are without the Holy Spirit (or the Comforter)... trouble will consume you. You can handle nothing!—all by yourself. Unless you have the love, the mercy of Jesus Christ, the abiding faith in Jesus Christ and you’ve put on the full armour of the Lord-you can­ not stand. O h-things may seem to be going just fine. Then, one day you will see evil in the nude. You won’t make it unless you have God on your side. W e’re now engaged in a spiritual warfare. Some feel trapped and are testing whether that power or the power given us by God Almighty can long endure. WHOM DO YE SERVE? If you’re tired of being taken upon pinnacles of supposedly success, only to find that its a heap of filth and rot and shame; then-turn now! TODAY! Make a commitment to serve the Almighty and the Everlasting God our Father. CHOOSE WHOM YE SHALL SERVE Turn away from your wicked ways. Get yourself in a position where you can see. Get yourself in a position where you can hear God’s instruc­ tions. Psalms the 46th chapter and the 10th verse states, “ Be still and KNOW that I am God.” Put your eyes, your mind and your heart on Jesus Christ and He will heal your sin sick soul. God has (through the years) spared many of our lives. He has given us second and even third chances; but, I ask you now-what are you doing with the additional time that God has given to you? Are you having a good time out in the world? Are you not committed to anything because of fear? Are you living in the fast lane- going 200 miles per hour only to find .' ' . v V **! , .• **. <=>< • TRY GOD! SEE WHAT HECAN DO! C’mon! You’ve tried everything else. So, why not try something that you can sink your spiritual teeth into. In­ stead of having a diet of water and rice that makes you think that you are full; then, why not try a hearty diet of meat and potatoes and become re­ ally full? If you really and truly understand what I’m trying to say to you, don’t 'et this year end with you being caught in the same stupor and the same di­ lemma that this year found you in. B ecause.... it does not have to be that way-forever. There are many church buildings which stand with empty pews. There are too many wandering souls for this to be a truth. Children of the Most High God, pray: Hear our prayer, Oh Lord! Hear our prayer dear Abba! Our hands are sore and scarred from our labor in the fields o f life. Please give us clean hearts that we may serve Thee Our backs are laid open from the whips o f persecution. But, give us clean hearts... Lord! Help us to hold on - even when our strength seems to fail us. May our grips become tighter, Lord! Oh, Lord! The world allures me and it tells me that - / AM: But, I ’m asking you to let me not forget the cross. We are the Light, the Salt and the Leaven o f the world. May we (the Christian Believers) let the Christ in us shine. May we extend our hands and hearts to touch others in the Holy Name o f Jesus Christ. AMEN! Jesus L ove s Y o u ! <=>: A llen Tem ple C M E Church • • ¿ 4236 N .E . E ighth Avenue 1 I < V- (comer o f 8th & Skidmore) P ortland, Oregon 97211 I (503) 287-0261 ?. >■ S. Nelson, Pastor Psalm 34:3 * 't -.- •- • V* J YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 “ A warm spirit of fellowship always" “To the Glory o f G o d ” T he Ark o f Safety Church o f G od in Christ FOUNDER_ The Holiness Preacher B is h o p U .V . P e te r s o n D .D . B u ild e r P a s t o r Tuesday Ttusday 7 OOp m Chou Rehearsal Sunday 9 1 5a m Sunday School 11 15a m Morning Worship 6 30pm YPW W Evangelistic 8 OOp m Worship Tuesday the Bible s a y s ... Follow peace with all men & holiness without which no man shall see the 7 3 0 p m Bit«“ Band Frriay Noon Day Prayer Friday 7 30p m The Pastor Speaks Satuday 9 00am Morning Prayer L o rd X HEBREWS 1Z14 A N ew M in is try C om es To P o rtlan d Jío p e o f ■r; i --- •< ( fa r y f t ; 1 4 V -z. > Broadcast. KBMS 1 48 0 -AM ■ V » z >* SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. ■. r. Motto: There Is Hope” w» • > i'O <■ ■•. s Rev. Sts. Lenotra Cooke 'Christ In fo u , 'The 'Jiope Of fio r ii' Col. 1:27 ■ü Dial-A-Prayer ... (503) 286-HOPE dc * Ü I " ’.» ■1673) 24 Hour Prayer Request Line J IV Is Gospel According to The Landis Family For 88-year-old Mrs. Bertha Lan­ dis, one of the best things about A SINGING STREAM A BLACK FAMILY CHRONICLE is the film’s title. It came from her comments. “ I taught them how to sing-m y boys," she said, "my father was a music teacher, and he had a brother that taught music, and my mother had two brothers who taught music. So that’s why it's called the singing stream -it comes from a long way." Broadcast at 10 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 12, over national PBS stations (check local airtime), the hour-long docu­ mentary is the first film to trace 20th- century black history through the musical and cultural traditions of one Southern Black family. Through inter­ views and scenes from daily routines, family reunions, gospel concerts and church services, the film chronicles the history of the Creedmoor, N.C., Landis family, as it happened during the lifetime of the family’s matriarch and oldest surviving member. A SINGING STREAM documents how Mrs. Landis used her family’s musical gifts, along with a deep reli­ gious faith and strong cultural tradi­ tions, to unite, discipline and motivate her children,equipping them to rise above barriers faced by Blacks in the South during the last half-century of Black religious song styles, from unaccompanied shape-note singing to contemporary gospel. A SINGING STREAM features rehearsals and concerts by The Golden Echoes, a male gospel quartet that includes three Landis men, and The Echoes of Heaven, a female quartet also made up of family members. *• 1 i li’ The Landis Family The historic strength of the ex­ tended Black family seems to be a vital component to Black progress in America. A SINGING STREAM sol­ idly underscores such strength both in voices that are heavenly music to the ears and in spirits of indomitable faith. In Mrs. Landis’ words, “the sing­ ing stream- it comes from a long way.” A SINGING STREAM: A BLACK FAMILY CHRONICLE is a produc­ tion of Davenport Films and curricu­ lum in Folklore at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Inde­ pendent filmmaker Tom Davenport is the director. Associate directors are Daniel Patterson, chairman of cur­ riculum in folklore at UNC-CH, and Allen Tullos, Emory University pro­ fessor. North Carolina Public Televi­ sion, the program service of The University of North Carolina Center for Public Television, is presenting the film for PBS national broadcast. A SINGING STREAM: A BLACK FAMILY CHRONICLE has won numerous awards, including: Honor­ able Mention, San Francisco Interna­ tional Film Festival; Bronze Apple, National Education Film Festival; First Prize, UCLA Film/Folklore Festival; Golden Eagle, C.I.N.E.; Best Docu­ mentary, Kenyon Film Festival; Di­ rectors’ Choice, Black Maria Film Festival; Second Place, National Black Programming Consortium; and Bronze Hugo, Chicago International Film Festival. The film’s most recent rec­ ognition was a 1988 First Place Inde­ pendent Production Award from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community" 288-0033 USDA To Establish Liaison Offices At 17 Historically Black Universities WASHINGTON, D.C.-The U.S. Department of Agriculture will estab­ lish offices at the 16 "1890" land- grant universities and Tuskegee Uni­ versity as part of efforts to strengthen relationships with these schools and encourage more minorities to pursue careers in agriculture and forestry. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Peter C. Myers said the offices will be a focal point for all USDA activities at these universities, known collectively as the 1890 institutions after the land- grant college legislation of that year. Although a few USDA agencies cur­ rently have a liaison on some 1890 campuses, this is the first time there will be a liaison at each university to represent all of USDA, he said. The USDA liaisons will help with curriculum development, recruit and counsel students on employment opportunities in USDA, and develop new ideas and approaches to reach small scale, limited resource and minority farmers. “ From international trade to the revitalization of rural America, there are numerous career opportunities in agriculture and forestry," Myers said. “ USDA is strengthening its ties to the 1890 institutions to ensure that mi­ nority youth know of those opportuni­ ties and are encouraged to seek out careers in agriculture.” Myers said USDA is recruiting among current employees for the liaisons and expects to have all 17 positions filled by April. Establishment of USDA offices at these institutions was one of several recommendations for improving communications and developing ac­ tive partnerships between USDA and the 1890 institutions made at a sym­ posium held in Nashville, Tenn , last April A joint USDA-1890 task force chaired by USDA's Forest Service Chief F Dale Robertson is oversee­ ing implementation of the recommen­ dations Additional USDA initiatives with the 1890 institutions will be an­ nounced later Myers said NO Scandals NO Finance Quotas, NO Reports M t . S inai T emple Bishop W.G. Hardy (Little King) C h u r c h o f G o d in C h r is t The People's Church Two Service Worships Each Sunday Sun. Mid-Day 12:00 Noon to 2:30 Sun. Evening - 8:00 P.M. to 10:30 Monthly Revival Colorful Ministers W.G. Hardy Sr. & W.G. Jr. Annointed and Beyond Reproach If Y ou K n o w , O r T h in k Y ou K n o w A n y T h in g O n T h is M a n ... C o m e S ee! Teopie ... Teopie fo r your feitows flip. M t . S inai T emple 936 N.E. Beech (10th & Beech) 284-0854 -ft* 4 4 - < t Í * ‘ 4 ’' * 7 7 i .- ’