Page 12 • Portland Observer • January 19, 1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SECRETARY APPLIANCES Gifted and Talented 1/2 Time 20 Hour Week 1988-89 School Year To perform secretarial, clerical, record keeping, accounting and class scheduling duties for the Gifted and Talented Specialist. Qualifications: High school graduate or equivalent education, experience or training, typing skills, 65 wpm, experience op­ erating word processing, microcom­ puter, experience designing and main­ taining extensive fiscal and program records. Availability private transpor­ tation and a valid driver's license. Ability to attend 4 nightly staff meet­ ings per year. Knowledge of fiscal procedures. Shorthand and/or briefhand skills. Salary $8.65 hr Ap­ plication deadline 1/20/89 by 2 p.m. WASHERS & DRYERS $100.00 and Up CALL 282-4911 MISCELLANEOUS JOBS WANTED CALL THE GIRLS! FOR YOUR YARD A fter 1 :00 P.M. 289-9122 • 286-8493 MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED GET PAID! F or Reading B ooks! $100.00 per title. Write: PASE-J6143, 161 S. Lincolnway, N. Aurora, IL 60542 Call Jeaneen at 255-1841, Ext. 207 for Multnomah Education Service District application form & additional information. HUM AN IU StMIHCI Equal Opportunity Employer S PLANT HUMAN RESOURCES MGR HOUSES/APARTMENTS RENTALS CAMBRIDGE COURT APARTMENTS New Manager needs great tenants. 2 BR Townhouse apartment with D/ W, Carpets, Bus Access. Rent is $280.00 + Moving Fee. Come by or call manager: 5224 N. Vancouver Ave., 282-4723. Manager - Apt. #10, Section 8 Welcome. Arm our Food C om pany is seeking an ex ,»oriented hum an resouico professional lo a s ­ sum e