* • «Ê « X * w I • ’»rv -• rv V • Page 6 • Portland Observer • January 12, 1989 Dr. Martin Luther King's Chronology Continued From Page 4 // I have a dream... Montgomery bus boycott. The Montgomery Improvement Associ­ ation is formed and Dr. King is unanimously elected president of the organization. December 10: The Montgomery bus company sus­ pends service in black neighbor­ hoods. ff 1956 January 30: A bomb is thrown onto the porch of the Kings' Montgomery home. Coretta King, Yolanda King, and church member Lucy Williams are in the house: no one is injured. February 2: A suit is filed in federal district court asking that Montgomery's travel segrega­ tion laws be declared unconstitu­ tional. February 21: Dr. King is in­ dicted with other figures in the Montgomery bus boycott on the charge of being party to a conspir­ acy to hinder and prevent the oper­ ation of business without "just or legal cause." June 4: A United States district court rules that racial segregation on city bus lines is un­ constitutional. O ctober 30: Mayor W.A. "Tackey" Gayle of Montgom­ ery instructs the city's legal depart­ ment to find a legal means to stop the operation of car pools, the transportation system used during the boycott. November 13: The United State Supreme Court affirms the decision of the district court in declaring unconstitutional Alaba­ ma's state and local laws requiring segregation on buses. December 20: Federal injunctions prohibiting segregation on buses are served on bus company officials. Injunctions are also served on city and Alabama state officials. December 21: Montgomery buses are integrated. Metro honors the memory and the dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The Metropolitan Service District, your regional government, handles region-wide concerns in the urban areas of Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties. Metro is responsible for solid waste management, operation of the Metro Washington Park Zoo, transportation planning, technical services to local govern­ ments, and the Oregon Convention Center. Metro is located at 2000 SW First Ave., Portland, Ore. 97201- 5398. For more information, call the Public Affairs department at 221-1646. 1957 January 27: An unexploded bomb is discovered on the Kings' front porch. February: The South­ ern Christian Leadership Confer­ ence (SCLC) is formed. Dr. King is elected its president. May 17: Dr. King delivers a speech at the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom in Wash­ ington, D.C. The pilgrimage was held on the third anniversary of the Supreme Court's desegregation decision. Septem ber: President METRO THROUGHOUT THE SOUTH, African-American men, women and : children were determined to win their freedom-Even in the face of *; death! Dwight D. Eisenhower federalizes the Arkansas National Guard to es­ cort nine black students to an all- white high school in Little Rock, Arkansas. September 9: The first civil rights act since Reconstruction is passed by Congress, creating the Civil Rights Commission and the Civil Rights Division of the Depart­ ment of Justice. O ctober 23: Mar­ tin Luther King III, the Kings' se­ cond child, is born. 1958 June 23: Dr. King; Roy W il­ kins, executive director of NAACP; A. Philip Randolph, civil rights ac­ tivist and founder of the Pullman Porter's University; and Lester Granger, executive director of the National Urban League, meet with President Eisenhower. Septem ber: Dr. King's book "Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story" is published. Septem ber 20: Dr. King is stabbed in the chest by Izola Curry while he is in a New York City department store autographing his recently published book. 1959 February 2-M arch 10: Mar­ tin and Coretta King spend several weeks in India as guests of Prime Minister Nehru, studying Gandhi's techniques of nonviolence. 1960 January 24: The King family ; ' moves to Atlanta. Dr. King be- .; comes copastor, with his father, o f* , the Ebenezer Baptist Church. Feb-'? ruary 1: Students in Greensboro, ‘.J North Carolina launch widely pub-*; licized sit-ins which spark a wave of T similar protests throughout th e .; south. February 17: A warrent is;'; issued for Dr. King's arrest on ’ charges that he did not pay his 1956 and 1958 Alabama state income, taxes. A p ril 15: The Student N on-5, violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) is founded to coordinate student protest at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina, on a temporary basis. It becomes per- manent in October 1960. May 28: Dr. King is acquitted of the tax eva- sion charge by an all-white jury in Montgomery. June 24: Dr. King has a conference with John K. Ken- nedy, candidate for president of the United States, about racial matters. October 19-27: Dr. King is arrested at an Atlanta sit-in and is jailed on a charge of violating the state's trespass law. That charge is drop­ ped but King is still held on a charge of violating his probation in a traffic arrest case. He is ultimate­ ly transferred to Reidsville State Pri­ son, where he is released on a two- thousand-dollar bond. - ' y A »*; Q 0 ?; V ■i ¡5 0 n y (Continued To Page 11) I k k , H e H ad T he C ourage To B reak W ith T radition . •v, ft » "THIS SPACE IS DEDICATED TO A MAN WHO DID NOT SEE THINGS IN BLACK AND WHITE." ft S', ft » ft I I f t ft ft ft ft ii ft Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. January 15,1929 - April 5,1968 ft ft Allstate * ft AIL»1*® J i TV