Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 12, 1989, Special Edition, Page 5, Image 5

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    January 12, 1989 • Portland Observer • Page 5
Integration Specialist
Beaumont Middle
quality family care
Board certified family physicians
fully equipped medical center
laboratory services OB/GZN physician
x-ray services
family planning
minor surgery
physical therapy
bx.Qra Lee Green
The students at Beaumont Middle
School have been reading about Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. for the past
week or two before the Christmas
break. They are now discussing indi­
vidual dreams and approaches to
making dreams come true!
In their advisory classes students
are reading and analyzing Dr. King s
"I Have a Dream” speech. Many will
express their personal feelings and
thoughts in writing in regard to their
dream for our world today.
A special assembly will be pre­
sented by members of the student
body on January 13, 1989 at 10:00
a.m. in the auditorium. They will de­
liver a message of peace, happi­
ness, freedom and justice for all.
Mr. Ray Leary will respond to the
have the audacity
to believe that people
everywhere can have
three meals a day for
their bodies, education
and culture for their
minds, and dignity,
equality and freedom
for their spirits."
no appointment is necessary
ample parking
accessible location
prompt care & attention
on-the-job injury care
physicians experienced in handling occupational
injuries will work with companies that have
modified work programs
equipped to handle home
accidents such as eye
injuries, burns, falls, cuts
also sports injuries,
sprains, fractures,
105 North Killingsworth
Portland, Oregon 97217
catt today
“ ¡believe
Martin Luther King, Jr.
upon receipt of the
Nobel Peace Prize
Oslo, Norway, 1964
immediate care
9:00 AM -6:00 PM
9:00 A M -3:00 PM
2 8 5 -3 3 2 3
that unarmed truth
W e B elieve I n I t ....
T he D ream
and unconditional
Portland Cable Access TV
love w ill have
2766 N.E. Union Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97212
the final word
9v[ay we att wortt to
in reality. ”
J.E. Bud Clark, Mayor
City of Portland
mal^e His dream
a readty.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Portland Development
4000 SW 117th
Janitorial -Service
5909 SW Corbett
Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing
Lift «v ’ry voice and » n g
Till earth and heaven ring
Ring w ith the harmoniee of Liberty:
Let our rejoicing nae
H igh as the listn m g skies.
Let « resound loud as the rolling sea
Sing a song fuk of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song fuk of the hope that the present has brought us.
Facing the rising sun o f our n ew day begun,
Let us m arch on tik victory is won
Stony the road w e trod.
Bitter the chast'nm g rod.
Felt in the days w hen hope unborn had died;
Yet w ith a steedy beat
Have not our w eary leet
C om e to the place for w hich our fathers sighed?
W e have com e over a w ay that w ith tears has been
W e have come, treading our path through the blood of
the slaughtered,
O ut from the gloom y past.
Tik n o w w e stand at last
W h ere the w h ite gleam of our bright star is cast
3449 NE 24th
714 N .E .
7 th A v e .
• 2 8 8 -5 1 3 8
We are proud to join
the community
in remembering and honoring
Martin Luther King, Jr.
God of our w eary years,
God o f our silent teers.
Thou w ho has brought us thus far on the way;
Thou w ho has by T h y might
Led us into th e light.
Keep us forever m the path, w e pray
Lest our feet stray from the places, our G od. w here we
m et Thee.
Lest our hearts, drunk w ith the w in e of the w orld, we
forget Thee.
Shadowed beneath Thy hand.
M ay w e forever stand.
True to our God
True to our native land
A Lutheran Affiliated Center o f Caring & Excellence
“ The Eyes and Ears ot the Community"
T u h e Benj. Franklin
. . . One day in Alabama, that little
black boys and black girls will be able
to join hands with little white boys and
white girls as sisters and brothers—I
have a dream today!
Dr. Martin Luther King
Jeanette Fegan School
606 N.E. Fremont • 287-5666
2 % to 6 y rs . Open 6:30 a.m . - 6:00 p.m.
Early learning in the three basics. Language Arta, Social Studies.
Creativa Arte, Phys. Ed., Music. Staff of well-trained teachers.
Licensed by the State of Oregon
is proud to join the
members of the
community we
serve to remember
Martin Luther
King, Jr.