• • • • • • • •* , • • ■ ”. * ’ * ■ f » 9 K*»» » • '»»» '■ *■ *^>l,< • < v~r-o January 12, 1989 • Portland Observer • Page 3 ••• • r”. ■ Oregon historical '.•» 4» WHAT’S IN A NAME? S O C IE T Y welcomes your membership ■e- A- ' * V t Portland’s Highland Elementary School was renam ed fo r the late M artin Luther K in g in 1968 — w ith o u t su rveys o r o th e r red tape. s»? <3? T h e n th e P o rtla n d S c h o o l D is tric t, a g a in re s p o n s iv e to c o m m u n ity desires, nam ed the s c h o o l’s a dja cen t N e ig h b o rh o o d F a cility to co m m em o ra te Dr. K ing and later nam ed its newest m id d le sch oo l to h o n o r H arriet Tubm an. Museum Galleries Regional Research Library Bookshop • Press N orth Pacific Studies Center A D M IS S IO N FREE . 1** •V XT»? •» .... V •>.. ' ' -?'V ; Nam es, statues and p o rtra its are o n ly s ym b o lic, how ever. Is th ere su bsta n ce to m atch the dream s of the slain c iv il-rig h ts leader? • r •• C o n sid e r th e P ortland S ch o ol D is tric t’s p io n e e r co m m itm e n ts to a ffirm a tive a ction and to d evelopm ent of d is tric tw id e m u lti- c u ltu ra l/m u ltie th n ic education. 7 .• < P o rtlan d P u b lic S ch o o ls believes all o f its stu d e n ts are ca pable of e du catio n al excellence. A nd proves it every school day. Open io am to 4:45 pm Monday through Saturday Are there any b etter b irth d a y presents? 1230 S.W. Park Avenue Portland, Oregon PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Telephone: 222-1741 C elebrate with Food Front The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. C O O I’ I: R A T I V I: G R O C E R Y Open to All 9am to 9pm Daily NW Thurman at 23rd Place 222-5658 Tri-Met Bus Routes 15 and 17 must come to see that human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability. It comes through the tire­ less efforts and persistent work of men willing to be co-workers with God, and without this hard work time itself be - comes an ally of the forces of social stag­ nation. We must use time creatively, and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.” The Dream "It is not enough to be concerned about the soul of man; you've got to be concerned about the body and the environmental conditions, which may scar the soul." --April 1968 From "Letter from a Birmingham Jail", N/NE COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER, INC. 1963 "Working to Make a Difference" 5019 N. Williams Ave. Portland, OR 97217 (503) 249-0066 ’ t US ON JANUARY 16! A PERCENTAGE OF OUR DAY’S SALES WILL BE DONATED TO PORTLAND’S SATURDAY SCHOOL i'-***