Page 2 • Portland Observer • January 12, 1989 B Why We Honor Martin Luther King Jr. Between 1955 and 1968, Martin Luther King Jr.'s dedication to the Civil Rights Movement helped to change America. He brought to the country's attention the unfair and unjust treament of oppressed peoples. He had the help of millions of Americans; but it was his strong leader­ ship abilities that gave people the faith and courage to work non-violently and to strive for understanding and peace. His leadership led to new laws that would help to reaffirm the American ideals of freedom, justice and oppor­ tunity for all. Americans will remember, always, the work of Martin Luther King Jr., born January 15, 1929. Each year on the third Monday in January we will celebrate his life and continue to honor "T h e D ream i r Preserving Tomorrows Greatest Resource: Continuing the (Dream o f ... (Dr. (Martin Luther J^ing, Jr. Our Children From Tio Nick’s A P roject of C enter Living the Dream of Martin for C ommunity M ental H ealth ,O V OF "Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere: cv. O 33 Z > < z Q I- < JENKINS AUTO SERVICE Specializing in Auto Transmission Complete Engine Overhaul & Accessories 3945 N. Williams Ave. • Portland, OR 97227 1425 N.E. Dekum - 285-0493 P h o n e : 2 8 4 -9 0 6 1 AUTOMOBILE "DOCTORS” A lbina M inisterial A lliance Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. JUSTICE Head Start Family Day Care Self Enhancement Emergency Food One Church, One Child A dream . . . In Celebration of the Life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. PORTL 1929-1968 OREGON’S OLDEST AFRICAN-AMERICAN PUBLICATION Established in 1970 Alfred L. Henderson /Publisher Leon Harris/General Manager Gary Ann Garnett Nyewusi Askari Business Manager News Editor Joyce Washington Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Sales/Marketing Director Religion Editor Ruby Reuben Marie Decuir Photographer Sales Representative The People of the Oregon Department of Energy Multnomah Education Service District Photo-Composition Lonnie Wells B. Gayle Jackson Circulation Manager Comptroller PORTLAND OBSERVER is published weekly by Exie Publishing Company. Inc. 525 N E Killingsworth St • Portland. Oregon 97211 P O Box 3137 • Portland. Oregon 97208 (503) 288-0033 (Office) W ith One Bus, He Moved An Entire Nation. 'S u & h ' Q a ' Deadline» for ell submitted material« Article« Monday. S p m Ad«: Tuesday. 5 p m . I I » PORTIAMO OBSERVER welcomes Irawlaned submissions Manuscripts and photograph« ■ hau Id ba clearly labeled and will be returned ll accompanied by a sell-addressed envelope All created designed display ada become ma tola property ol thia nawapapar and can noi bo uaod In other pubtlcatlona or personal usage without the written consent ot the generai manager unless the elioni has purchased Iha composition at such ad in the Trr . - :■ a