Page 16 • Portland Observer ♦ January 12, 1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED P U B L IC A T IO N COPY - CITY OF HILLSBORO INVITATIO N TO BID LEGAL T iT L t S T A T I BAN« NO Á X L k lC /d J K K T L *N D S 7 «T t OREGON sñtfí----- COUNtv“ CirT after the tim e fixed for opening will not be considered. “This project is financed through the Com m unity Development Block Grant Program with funds obtained from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The contract will be subject to regulations of the Departments of Labor and Housing and Urban Developm ent." “ Attention is called to Federal provisions for Equal Employm ent O p­ portunity, HUD Section 3 requirements, and the minim um wages as set forth 34Á______ »(«UL «M«v« MINCI wo bANK M ULTNCKÀH 12 ■ c im i flnKiiHU w ì t Special Feeling —oowi 1 Caer* »ne &•••«<•• eu* • Nomme » m - bea>*ng b e « * « * a«e cu*'»«cy a M oi aa Eege a mj A y B o m n i a j e u M a a N o u v e a u $ 8 0 incl. conditioning & trim Relaxers $30 incl. conditioning a F«oo>ai i» *e a aoat Loe«» e-xJ le aae h«e« «oce*»ao*ea a Lea-n amJ K aaea. " •* o» u n » » '« « * .neo«** 0 LESS Alto»ance io« « a n ano teaae «aaea c LESS A i t a t e * nantie» <•»* rete»«« 0 Io a n a ano Haaea. « • ' o» vnea«neo «ncome. aAowance. ano » •« •< *• (*oiw « a mmvs « e ano a c) [ k l'u Specials start Jan. 10 through the End of Feb. 5 Aaaeia M W *n fa O nç e c c o l a ?P 7 4 Aiem.»«a ano '» eO aaaeia |*nciue*ng cap-iaMeO »eaaea) 7 Orno» »eoi ea ia ie o«neO a M e a im e m a *« vncont©i-«a>ed ano aaeooaieO comea»-«« • $37.00 a«e •» iBF» B. U o x w w s pv-cnaaoo unde- »g-ee-ne-v» ie »»»»• 4 Reg. 45.00 2 for 1 Special on Wave c» n e M o n i - Ma«***« M • * • • ( * (Kair Dtegance (Designers a In dome a x d ’icea ( i ) Nomme»tatù*« - be*-*ng (2» ime» eel - Me»***« 0 m lo-e-pn o iix e a . Eog« ano Agraemem twfce.d*a»*ea amj »8* » Experienced Operators and Hairstylists Wanted. Must have at least 1 year of shop experience with cllentelle following. For apointment please call Sabrina at: 284-2374 between 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday (1) N o m m e 'ta i - be a»-ng It ) in te'eel - Ma»>ng t e Fede-ai ’unde pw»cheaed eno »ecu-’t'«» ao»d unde« eg -» •-« •« * to ' » p u t M u m oo»neei*c bank eno o' ea Edge end Agmamom n o i d - t m a . and m iBF e eling. Contract Documents may be exam ined at the office of the A rc h ite c t- John L. Henslee Architect and Planner, 1509 S.W Sunset Blvd., Suite 2E, Portland, Oregon 97201. A set of Drawings and Specifications will be available at the office ot the Architect to each prospective prim e contractor. (A Deposit of $50 is a Feda»a< 'u n d i purchased b Socum eemema to repu»chaae IS Oemand notes aauod t o A a U S Treasury Super Bowl Special 1-22-89 IB . Ohe» b o rton o d money 17 Mcvigege mdefciedness ano oW -ga"®** cap-iaiued teeaes 1# BanA a u a M 'iy on acceptances e»eea 21 Teiei befc.iii.ea (sum o» .ten’ s 13 through 20) Rib Express 22 Luh.ied - M e p re'erred stock Required). . ... No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by bid security in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond payable to the City of Hillsboro in an amount equal to 10% of the base bid. No interest will be paid on bid security. Return or retention of bid security shall be subject to the provisions of ORS 279.031. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof and before award of the Contract, unless the award is beyond forty five (45) calendar days from the bid opening date. The City of Hillsboro may reject any bid not in com pliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the City of Hillsboro it is in the public interest to do so. City of Hillsboro Gail W aibel, City Recorder eOLATV CAPITAL 23 Petpe'ue' p e 'e -ie d stock (No ol ahorna t in .fw 2« Common stock (No o» shares a A utho-i/ed b 74 Surplus 29 um>.KJed proMa and cap>ia' »eaerves O u r S p e c ia lity 27 Cumuiai've cu**ency Denaiat.on adjustments 79 a Tola' equ*y capes' (sum o ' tem a 23 ih>o«gh 2T) b Loases de»e<»ed pwmuam to i? U S C ’ 423 (j) c Toiai equwy captisi and »ossea oele«»ed pumuem lo 12 U S C ’ 9?3u) (Bum 12 U S C M EM O R A N D A J.S. P e rro tt C o n s tru c tio n Co. 4824 N.E. 42nd St. (503) 287-9852 Portland, Oregon 97218 FAX (503) 284-6814 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and minority business enterprises. ______________ S u p p o rt O u r A d v e rtis e rs ! S ay yo u s a w it in th e Portland Observer! Real H ic k o ry S m o ke d B a r-B -Q u e a ™ ovni » Outstanding a» o» R e p o t D ate NOH T m 1« an than - - tn.»« e-tcie-i etr»- then the eiKe.tat ■ I K t»Y >n euiho../ed QH.te.isi am» attested a* net ee hereby eei'em 1* n m.a »»po'! o' C©M*fo" •n*e «ne M«oe'S.«ned e»» S *o »n io and »u£>»C"0»d fce'd'e m e m»e C .F . lit'. and ' nes oana >9 8 ? -___ My co m m ise«« e«£»'es l i . ü . M ’ w Û V G x l.X . REQUEST FOR PR O PO SALS JUDGE'S CHAM BER PIONEER COURTHOUSE BID DATE: Tuesday, January 2 4 ,1 9 8 9 at 2:00 P.M. aems 29 e end 2 i a Siandfcy lettera e» c re d i. Tota' I b Amount o' Standby Mite»« o' c»eo.i ■« memo 1 > conveyed 'o o tM 'S impugn pe.i^ .p * 11®**» NOTARY S SfAU SU B -B ID S REQUESTED 91 1 473Q) (aum pi «em» 2» . 22. and 29 C) (MAKE M AR K FOR Deschutes County will receive proposals from qualified applicants interested in serving as the County's provider of em ployee assistance program services. The appointment will be for a period of one year beginning March 1, 1989, and extending through February 28, 1990. The provider must meet the minim um qualifications as determ ined by the County in areas as experience, staff and services provided. For more com plete information and application material, telephone (503) 388-6623 or contact Patti Tucci. Applicants to be interviewed will be screened from the written applications. The deadline for subm itting program s is January 27,1989. Board of C ounty Com m issioners of D eschutes County, Oregon 2« fc i CN E l 7 /.^ 179C 29 Tela' kebmt^a. bmned - Me prelened stock equny capwal amj ipaaea SeN ned purawani 10 S««'e EMPLOYEE ASSITANCE PROGRAM SERVICES C h u c k H in to n 's Super Bowl Special 1-22-89 BANKING TR U ST OFFICER Security Pacific Bank Oregon fias an excellent opportunity for an expe­ rienced. Employee Benefits Trust O f­ ficer. Responsible for the com plete administration and management of assigned common trust fund accounts. The qualified applicant must have 5 years em ployee benefits adm inistra­ tion experience, a strong com m it­ ment to the enhancement and expan­ sion of client relationships, dem on­ strated ability to interpret documents, determine investment objectives, and manage portfolio of com m on trust fund accounts, excellent interpersonal and com m unication skills. Business development experience is preferred. As part of Security Pacific, the 6th largest Bank Holding Company in the country, we offer highly com petitive salary commensurate with experience, excellent flexible benefits program, and superior advancement potential. Please apply in person at: SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Personnel Department 1001 S.W. 5th Avenue Second Floor P.O. Box 3066 Portland, OR 97204 (503) 796-3878 APPLICANT HOURS 9-1 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Equal Opportunity Employer Ea SThB R O C K S pf X U l. T i s G » b . h C o vn /y ¿ À t.U À i.ï S-gna/ixa Notary Pvtn>c W ASHERS & DRYERS $ 5 0 .0 0 & U p CALL 28 2-4 91 1 Pound H a lf P o u n d $7.75 B e e f B ris k e t $4.00 $6.25 H am $3.50 $12.00 R a ck o f P o rk R ib s B e e f R ib s E ach $1.35 B e e f R ib s S id e o f 7 $8.00 3328 N.E. Killingsworth • 288-3836 Measure your rent against this chart: No matter how you stack it. renting simply can’t measure up to the advantages of buying a HUD home. Because HUD offers homes with a low 3% down payment. FHA Mortgage Insur­ ance. And the investment opportunity of buying property that's priced to be an out­ standing value. Plus, consider this: Over 12 year’s time, $350 in monthly rent adds up to more than $50,000. Many HUD homes cost less. To find out more, check our ad in the real estate classified section of your Friday or Sunday Oregonian. Or call your real estate agent. You’ll discover that owning your own home isn’t such a tall order after all. ÿ^m em bering Dde (Dream Caring for the Land and Serving People USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region ê HUD î nePMtTMEWT or ® 198«, HUD. Portlind ( «Btt