Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 12, 1989, Special Edition, Page 14, Image 14

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Page 14 • Portland Observer • January 12, 1989
P rofessional S ervices D irectory
Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d
M Rates: 5 Lines • 1 Week - $7.50
4 Weeks - $25.00(add $2.50 PteLkw)
Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves
the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.)
"The Eyes and Ears ot the Community*'
__________ SUPPLIES
Look of Radiance
3512 N.E. 15tti Street
Portland, Oregon
Auto Repair
284-634 5
Low Rates -
H-TiiZe You Wait!
Nails Only • H a ir Care Salon
B e a u t y / B a rb e r S u p p ly • F re e
Si Ico Construction Co.
625 N.E Killlngsworth
8614 N. Crawford
Portland, Oregon 97203
Portland, Oregon
__________ SUPPLIES__________
ja ’b e ll’s
Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies
5832 N.E. union Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 281-6393
5287 N. Lombard Street
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 283-6085
Open: Hon. thru Set.
P & J’s Beauty
Floral Connection
Ernest Warren - Agent
Salon & Supply
231 N. Lombard • Suite 200
Portland, OR 97217 • 2890205
Styles by E.J. Bates
517-1/2 N .E Killlngsworth
Portland, Oregon 97211
Auto - Home - Life
IFe D o Weddings • Funerals
Made-To-Order • Custom-Made
Health - Group
Donald M. Drake
Open 7 Days A Week
P.O. Box 12652
1717 N.E. 19th
Portland, OR 97212
(503) 288-4513
Low Wees Quefty Senrice
9 e.m. - 6 p.m.
1605 N.E. 7th
Portland, Oregon 97212
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Oregon is currently taking applications
for a Corporate Tax Specialist in the
Financial Accounting Department.
This position is responsible for
administering and preparing federal,
state, local, real and personal property
tax returns for Blue Cross and Blue
Sheld of Oregon and its subsidiarys.
Qualified candidates will also main­
tain a current knowledtge and under­
standing of the internal revenue code
in keeping with all tax planning, espe­
cially as it pertains to Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Oregon & subsidiarys.
Requirements for this position are:
Bachelor of Science degree with
an emphasis in accounting.
• 2-4 Years diversified tax prepara­
The aptitude to recognize, analyse
and resolve complex problems.
• Demonstrated excellent written and
oral com munication skills.
Yearly salary range from $28-$34K.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Oregon offers an excellent employee
benefits package, flex-tim e work
hours, and com petitive salary.
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of O re­
gon is currently accepting applica­
tions for a Section 89 Consultant to
work in the Marketing Department.
The Section 89 Consultant will ana­
lyze & interpret subm itted data from
client Employee Benefit Programs &
report status, according to the re­
quirements of the applicable Internal
Revenue Code section.
Requirements for the Section 89
Consultant are:
• Bachelor's degree in Math, Statis­
tics, or relevant field or equivalent
work experience.
• Knowledge of accounting, general
business or com patible experience
in insurance.
• Familiarity with pension & profit
sharing terms & logic.
• Familiarity with section 125, flex­
ible spending accounts & Cafeteria
• Some knowledge of com puter lan­
guage i.e. BASIC, Natural.
■ Strong oral & written com m unica­
tion skills.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­
gon offers an excellent employee
benefits package flex-time work hours,
and com petitive salary. Please apply
or send resum e to:
B lue C ro s s and
B lue S h ie ld o f O regon
Hum an Resources Dept., 5th Floor
100 S.W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
E qual Opportunity Employer
I n te r e s te d
in b e c o m in g a
C a th o lic or returning to the Catholic
Church? Call Fr. Ted or Sis. Kath­
leen at St Andrew ’s Catholic Church
2 8 1 :4 4 2 9 ______ _____,
Fam iliar with Governm ent grants
and Non-profit Organizations. Expe­
rience with IBM PC-XT preferred. Do
payroll, accounts payable/receivable,
tax requirem ents and financial re­
Apply in Person:
1425 N.E. Dekum
Portland, OR 97211
C lo s in g D ate: January 13,1989 at
5:00 P.M.
E qual Opportunity Em ployer
SAIF Corporation
O re g o n 's le a d in g
w o rk e rs '
com pensation insurance carrier
is seeking individuals for the
follow ing positions:
Salem Corporate Headquarters
The individual in this position de­
velops and facilitates professional
training courses to Loss Control
Consultants; assists branches with
individual development plans and
resources; develops and/or purchases
AV program s and safety materials.
This individual will also assist in other
headquarter loss control responsi­
bilities. Applicants should have over
3 years experience in loss control
and a working knowledge of workers'
compensation. Candidates should
have a 4 year college degree or
equivalent in safety or related field
with background in training and con­
sulting. Must display excellent inter­
personal, oral and written com m uni­
cation skills. A valid Oregon driver's
license is required and a certified
Safety Professional Certificate is
Salem Corporate Headquarters
The individual in this position will
review complex medical/surgical bills
as identified by the audit system.
Research new and questionable
medical service and equipment; use
of diagnostic tests; verify providers
scope of practice and level of serv­
ice; and serve as a resource and
assist in training of medical review­
ers and medical audit assistants.
Applicants for these position must
have a current RN License. An ex­
tensive and broad based clinical back­
ground, knowledge of medical billing
codes, knowledge of services and
surgical procedures and knowledge
of workers' compensation law and
medical rules. The preferredcandi-
date will have a Bachelor's degree
and previous medical bill auditing
W e offer an excellent benefits
program. To be considered for this
position you must com plete our
em ploym ent application. Please call
our message phone (503) 1-373-
8047 by 5 p.m., January 12,1989 to
request your applicant packet. No
resumes please.
SAIF Corporation
Equal Opportunity Em ployer
Regular & Substitutes
To provide direct instruction to
A p p lic a tio n D eadline: 01/20/89 by
2:00 p.m .
Call Jeaneen 255-1841, Ext. 207
or Multnomah Education Service
District application form and for
additional information.
Equal Opportunity Em ployer
2 Possible 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath­
room. Good neighborhood. Rem od­
eled kitchen and bath. All appliances
included O nly $29,000. Call Ther­
esa at 283-4542 or 288-3676.
The Oregon State Fair & Exposition
Center is seeking applications from
qualified people for the position of
director of Marketing. In addition to a
com plete resum e that details
marketing experience, please attach
a letter explaining experience in
management, personnel supervision,
p re p a ra tio n
administration, and knowledge or
experience with fairs, festivals, and
carnivals. Additional knowledge of
communication systems, community
relations, media exposure, public
speaking, writing, and agriculuture
will be helpful.
This is a full-tim e State of Oregon
Executive Service position. Please
send resumes and letters to: D irec­
tor, Oregon State Fair & Exposition
Center, 2 3 3 0 1 7th Street NE, Salem,
OR, 97310, by January 20,1989. No
phone calls, please.
Equal Opportunity Em ployer
The Pori of Portland has the op­
portunity for you to utilize your ex­
ecutive secretarial skills in a dynam ic
and challenging work environment
as an adm inistrative coordinator. We
currently have opportunities avail­
able in our finance and adm inistra­
tion and maritime departments.
The Port offers a com prehensive
benefits package, including employer
paid membership in the public em ­
ploye retirement system.
If your career is in the executive
secretarial field and you have excel­
lent analytical, organizational, and
written and verbal gram m ar skills,
consider the Port of Portland for your
career. For com plete application
materials and a detailed description
of responsibilities and preferred
qualifications please call 231-5000,
Ext. 700, or apply in person at the
Port of Portland Employment Office,
700 N.E. Multnomah Blvd., 14th Floor.
Resumes will not be accepted in lieu
of a Port of Portland application, but
may be included. Applications must
be received by 5:00 P.M., Friday,
January 20, 1989.
Equal Opportunity Em ployer/
----------------------------------------------- n —
Salary: $2,022-$2,458/Monthly
Design, write, test and document
com plex com puter programs. Assist
program m er analysts with systems
analysis and design. Position will
support adm inistrative and financial
information systems. Qualifications:
Two years program m ing in an IBM
MVS environm ent or performing
equivalent programming and design
tasks related to the utility industry or
com pletion of skill improvement as a
Programmer Trainee; two or four year
degree in Data Processing or related
subject with significant course work
in programming, analysis or design
may be substituted for half the expe­
rience, provided specific skills are
demonstrated. Valid driver's license
Submit resume to:
E ugene W ater &
Electric Board
P.O. Box 10148
Eugene, Oregon 97440
Atten.: Personnel
Position closes on Jan. 23,1989 at
5:00 p.m.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Starting Salary Range:
$22,410 - $25,077/Yearly
Does your accounting background
in c lu d e p ro fic ie n t p ro fe s s io n a l
accounting skills, fam iliarity with
development, implementation and
m a in te n a n c e o f c o m p u te riz e d
accounting systems, and project
m anagem ent accounting? If so,
consider the Port of Portland as the
place for your career.
We are seeking an individual to
m aintain control of the Port's
accounting system s and provide
professional accounting support to
the division by participating in general
ledger entries, and reconciliation,
financial reports and studies, and
annual audits.
Preferred qualifications include:
progressively responsible and well-
rounded experience in accounting
th ro u g h
fin a n c ia l s ta te m e n ts ,
background in fixed asset system or
c o n tro l
p ro c e s s e s ,
understanding differences between
governm ental "fund” accounting and
Applicants may apply in person at
the Port of Portland Employment
Office, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah Blvd.,
14th Floor, Suite 1411, or call 231-
5000, ext. 700 for application
materials. Resumes will not be
accepted in lieu of an application, but
may be included. Applications must
be received by Monday, January 16,
Equal Opportunity Em ployer
$26,880 - $40,675
C o m m e n s w ith E x p e rie n c e
We have an im m ediate opening
for an individual to provide technical,
administrative, and inspection skills
for the construction of new facilities,
refurbishing, or rebuilding of our
existing facilities.
Preferred qualifications
coursework or experience equivalent
to a degree in engineering, knowledge
of construction requirements and
procedures, ability to read and interpret
plans and specifications. You must
have or be able to obtain a valid
drivers' license within 60 days of hire
a city of Portland Special Inspectors
For complete applications materials
and a detailed description of
re s p o n s ib ilitie s and p re fe rre d
qualifications please call 231-5000,
ext. 700, or apply in person at the
Port of Portland Employm ent Office,
700 N E. Multnomah Blvd., 14th Floor.
Resumes will not be accepted in lieu
of a Port of Portland application, but
may be included. Applications must
be received by 5:00 P.M., Friday,
January 20, 1989.
Equal Opportunity Employer
A m erican P rotective Services
provides a better opportunity. If you
are 18 or older, have a home phone,
transportation, and good work history,
call us. M ¿.".day through Friday 9:00 -
Noon, Portland 283-2482.
Equal Opportunity Employer
State of Oregon
$1,439-$1,804/M onthly
Minim um 6 mos. direct collection
experience. For more information call
Salem, 378-3165.
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
CODA INC. seeks Entry Level
C ounselo r (C l) fo r M ethadone
Maintenance Program. Under close
supervision, the counselor will provide
direct services to opiate depended
clients. Responsibilities include:
conducting survalence activities;
assisting clinical staff in functional
activities; conducting information
interviews with clients documentation;
and transporting clients to necessary
appointments. Minimum requirements
for the position includes specific
training in human service delivery,
relavent life experience and/or
practical experience in a similar
organization. Salary range: $951-
$1,454. Position will remain open
until vacancy is filled. Applications
materials available at 210 N.E^20th
C O D A INC. seeks qualified
applicants for Counselor in Drug
Treatm ent Services Program (DTS)
who will provide structured intensive
outpatient treatm ent for felony
offenders. Responsibilities include
diagnosis, evaluation and treatment
to a caseload of mandated clients;
conducting structured educational
groups: individual, group and family
counseling; coordination of services
with probation and parole officers;
program prom otion and other related
activities. Applicants should have a
Bachelor's degree in health services
and 2 years supervised human service
experience. Experience in treatment
of criminal mandated clients is highly
desirable. Salary range: $1,232-
$1,715. Position will remain open
until vacancy is filled. Application
materials may be obtained at:
210 N.E. 20th Avenue
A n Affirm ative A ction/
E qual O pportunity Em ployer
M eier & Frank
M eier & Frank the ’Friendly Store'
needs professional service-oriented
people to provide genuine customer
Are you looking for flexibility in
scheduled hours? W e have a variety
o f d a y -e v e n in g o r w eekend s
schedules that will fit your busy
Will provide you with an exciting
work environment, a merchandise
discount, a competitive wage package.
Apply Monday - Friday - 1 0 a m. -
5:30 p.m ., Human Resources Office,
Lloyd Center store.
Equal Opportunity Em ployer
Full-time, needed for dom estic
relations law office. Heavy telephones
and client contact involved. Minimum
1 year experience required Salary
dependent on experience. Good
medical and other fringe benefits.
Send resume to: Carla Roberts, Legal
Aid Service, 310 SW 4th, Rm. 900,
Portland, Oregon, 97204 by January
Equal Opportunity Employer
2 ni
51 tO
The Port of Portland has an imme- ‘
diate opening for an individual to ‘
provide adm inistrative and te c h n ic # '
skills to coordinate reprographics and,
aerial photo procurement.
Preferred Qualifications include;-1 2 ‘
• Course work or related e xp e rie n ce '
in reprographic and/or photogranri-
matric methods, techniques, a n tfv>
• Cou rse work or experience equiva-'
lent to a tw o-year associate degree*"
in engineering or drafting.
■ Dem onstrated experience in a n tf
knowledge of reprographic and p h o - '
togram m etric terminology, methods,
techniques and equipment.
• Demonstrated experience w orking^’
under pressure of changing w o ir^ '
scopes, schedules, deadlines a n d '•
• Demonstrated ability to perform
mathem atrical computations related’ ’
to algebra, geom etry and trigonom e- i
• Demonstrated ability to perform e
drafting in pencil and ink on vellum -.1
and polyester film including the use;u
of a m echancial lettering device, tgni
Demonstrated knowledge of stanvni
dard drafting, surveying and design q
term inology and techniques.
• Also dem onstrated experience iw
organizing and coordinating a multi- A
plicity of concurrent activities.
Also preferred:
• A bility to w ork w ith m inim a) .:
• Ability to com m unicate effectively,,/,
both orally and in writing.
• Proficient PC and related s o ftw a re : 3
In addition to a com prehensive^
benefit package, the Port offers ^ ,.ij
salary range of $18,530 to $27,01O,;',o
com m ensurate with experience.
If interested and qualified, apply at
the Port of Portland Employment
Office, 14th floor, 700 N.E. Multnomah,
Suite 1411, or call (503) 231-5000,
Ext. 700 for application materials.
Resumes will not be accepted in lieu
of an application, but may be in­
cluded. All applications must be re­
ceived by 5:00 p.m., Friday, January
20, 1989.
The Port o f Portland is an
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
SECRETARY (1/2 Time) ; :
Education & W ork Program
NW Regional Educational Lab
& proofread accurately, experience! ’
using word processor (preferably
Wang), maintaining filing system s,';1
good interpersonal skills & profes­
sional presence. Must have g o o d '
organizational skills & meet dead­
lines under pressure. Knowledge o f
manuscript format, excellent sped'-"*
ing, gram m ar & sentence construe-*'-^
tion skills. Must be able to work under1
minimal supervision.
SALARY: $13,605-$13,700 (pro*' '
rated for .5 F T E )-p lu s excellent
Letter of application and resume ’
must be received in the P erson#
Office by 3:00 p.m., Wed., Jan. 18;-"''
1989. In letter, indicate you are ap--''*3
plying for the above position.
Apply to Personnel Dept.
Northwest Regional
Educational Laboratory
101 SW Main St., Suite 500
Portland, OR 97204
Equal Opportunity Employer