P a g e «2 • P o r t la n d O b s e r v e r • J a n u a ry 12, 1 9 8 9 Dr. Martin Luther King's Chronology Church Women United Holds Conference Continued From Page 11 A p r il 7 9 Dr King lies in state at Spelman College in Atlanta, Geor­ gia. M ourners file by at the rate of tw elve hundred per hour. A p r il 8: Coretta King, Yolanda King, M artin King III, Dexter King, and Ralph A bernathy lead a m em orial march for Dr. King in M em phis. A p r il 9: The funeral o f Dr. King is held at the Ebenezer Baptist C hurch. He is laid to rest at the South View Ceme tery. m edia, le ft 70 blacks hospitalized and another 70 injured. S u m m e r: C ouncil o f Federated Organizations (COFO) initiates a voter-registration drive, run by black and w hite stu ­ dents, called the M ississippi Sum ­ mer Project. J u n e : Dr. King's book "W h y W e C an 't W a it" is pub­ lished. J u n e 21: Three civil rights w orkers — Jam es Chaney, A ndrew G oodm an, and M ichael Schwerner are reported missing after a short trip to Philadelphia, M ississippi. Their bodies are fo un d six weeks later by FBI agents. J u ly : Dr. King attends the signing o f the Public A c ­ com m od atio ns Bill, part o f the Civil Rights A c t o f 1964, by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the W h ite House. A u g u s t: Riots o ccur in N ew Jersey, Illinois, and Pennsyl­ vania. S e p te m b e r 18: Dr. King has an audience w ith Pope Paul VI at the V atican. D e c e m b e r 10: Dr. King receives the Nobel Prize in Oslo, N orw ay. W1 be different than today? ¡D o you think the things you hoped for Wl i j ; * , .•• ••• “ * V r . * •" .t? .is V 'M i s ; 4>. t-vjj * ★ Best Cash Prices + You can shape or form the future 1 9 6 7 J a n u a ry : Dr. King w rites his book "W h e re Do W e Go from Here?” w hile in Jam aica, W est In­ dies. M a rc h 12: Alabam a is o rd e r­ ed to desegregate all public schools. M a rc h 25: Dr. King attacks the gove rn m e nt's Vietnam policy in a speech at the C hicago Coliseum. A p r il 4: Dr. King makes a statem ent about the w ar in Vietnam at the Riverside C hurch in New York City. J u ly 12-17: T w en ty-three people die and 725 are injured in the riots in N ew ard, New Jersey. J u ly 23-30: F orty-three die and 324 are injured in th e D etroit riots. J u ly 26: Dr. King, A . Philip Randolph, Roy W il­ kins, and W h itn e y Y oung, Jr. (exe­ cutive director o f th e National U r­ ban League) appeal fo r an end to the riots. N o v e m b e r 27: Dr. King announces the fo rm a tio n by SCLC o f a Poor People's Cam paign, w ith the aim o f representing the p ro ­ blems o f poor blacks and w hites. By some hard-sought fact they teach.' , Choose the good you want to happen - It surrounds you in the “now”. [ You can make or change the present... I Let God's wisdom show you how! Take the path that seems to open: [ For you’re walking it today! 4 You can even change tomorrow lllDAtrs O|U S E R V IC E ^ ¡ ’g, Speedy Service Heating Oils 2 5 G a ls . 1,1 $ 2 5 .0 0 1 0 0 G a ls . 1 . t . . H u s s s s e e ll i i b 1 0 0 4 4 N N .E Ru S t t $ 6 8 .0 0 P o r tla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 2 1 5 0 G a ls . (5 0 3 ) 282-51111 $ 102.00] [ If you let God show the way! I Roxie Lusk Smith M y c o u n try , tis o f thee |ln time of need? I ' C a ll11 S w eet land o f liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, "Before You Must" Land of the pilgrim s' pride, - Make A Decision - "Inquire about the services we otter" From every m ountainside Let freedom ring. Coyfuncral9iome, Inc. 1968 F e b ru a ry 12: Sanitation w orkers strike in M em phis, Tennes­ see. M a rc h 28: Dr. King leads six thousand protestors on a march th rough d o w n to w n M em phis in support o f striking sanitation w o rk ­ ers. Disorders break o ut during w hich black yo uth s loo t stores. One person is killed, fifty people are injured. A p r il 3: Dr. King delivers "I'v e Been to the M o u n ta in to p " at the M em phis M asonic Tem ple. A p ­ ril 4: Dr. King is sh ot at the Lorraine M otel in M em phis. He dies in St. Jo sep h's H ospital. A p r il 4-11: Riots erupt in 125 cities around th e co u n ­ try, including th e natio n's capital. 1 9 6 6 : Dr. King rents an apartm ent in a Chicago g h e tto . F e b ru a ry 23: In C hicago, Dr. King m eets w ith Elijah M uham m ad, leader o f the Nation o f Islam. M a rc h : Dr. King takes over a Chicago slum building and is sued by its ow ner. M a rc h 25: The Suprem e C ourt o f the U nited States rules th a t any poll tax is u nco n stitu tio n a l. M a y 16: Dr. King agrees to serve as cochair­ man o f Clergy and Laymen Con­ cerned about V ietnam . An antiw ar statem ent by Dr. King is read at a large W a shington, D .C ., rally to protest the w ar in Vietnam . J u n e : S tokely Carmichael and W illie Ricks, both o f SNCC, use the slo­ gan "B la c k P o w e r." J u n e 6: James M eredith is shot soon after begin­ ning his 220-mile "M a rc h A gainst Fear" from M em phis, Tennessee, to Jackson, M ississippi. J u ly 10: Dr. King launches a drive to make Chicago an "o p e n c ity " in regard to housing. second day, 1/27/89, will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will continue until 4:00 p.m., in the evening. There is a reg­ istration fee of $25.00. This fee will include lunch on Friday, January 27th. Anyone wishing to pre-register can send their checks, payable to-- CHURCH W OMEN UNITED. A d­ dress envelope to Jo Bonk, 8500 Cason Lane, Gladstone, OR 97027. There will be workshops. Economic Literacy Lectures, sharing, discus­ sions, worship and a wonderful tim e for fellowship among women from all over the state of Oregon. come tme in any way? I By the thoughts you put in action, i By the dreams you strive to reach — 1 9 6 5 F e b ru a ry 21: M alcolm X is assassinated in New York City. M a rc h 9: Unitarian m inister James Reeb is beaten by fo ur w hite segre­ g ationists in Selma and dies tw o days later. M a rc h 15: President Johnson addresses the nation and Congress, describing the voting rights bill he w ill subm it, and uses the slogan o f the civil rights m ove­ m ent, "W e Shall O ve rco m e." M a rc h 21-25: Over three thousand protest m archers leave Selma fo r a m arch to M ontgom ery, protected by federal troops. They are joined along the w ay by a total o f tw e n ty- five thousand m archers. Upon reaching the capitol they hear on address by Dr. King. M a rc h 25: Viola Liuzzo is shot and killed w hile driving a m archer fro m M ontgom ery to Selma. A u g u s t 6: The 1965 V o tin g Rights A c t is signed by Pre­ sident Jo hn son . A u g u s t 11-16: T h irty-five people die in riots in the W a tts area o f Los Angeles, C alifor­ nia. • ? . The Challenge } Do you think that your tomorrow On January 26th and January 27th, Church Women United will hold a statewide conference on Economic Justice with emphasis on the im­ perative concern as to why children and women are low on the economic totem pole. The two day conference will be held at the Hughes Memorial M eth­ odist Church located at 111 N.E. Failing Street. The first day, 1/26/89, registration will begin at 2:00 p.m. and conference activities will con­ vene at 2:30 p.m. and will continue until 5:30 p.m., that evening. The 24 Hr. S e rv ic e 2 8 1 -4 8 9 1 "We are interested in your problems'' •* MRS C’S WIGS *• W H O L E S A L E & R E T A IL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGWG LIFESTYLES • N AO M I SIMS • BORNFREE • M IC H A EL WEEKS BETTY CABINE PROPRIETOR C l e o ’s C a f e TUIS-SAT 1 1 (3 0 4 (0 0 3041 N . 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Lombard St. Tues. 7:00 p.m. Tillamook Park Bldg. i'./ ■/> Before. 2108 N.E. 41st Ave. Mon. 7:00 p.m. Tues. 7:00 p.m. Wed. 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Thurs. 7:00 p.m. Fri. 9:30 a.m. • Pre-School ‘Latch Key Program ’ Children 6 wks. to 11 yrs. University of Portland • Breakfast 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Columbia Hall (Enter from Portsmouth) Wed. 5:00 p.m. • Hot Lunches • Snacb Moo-Fn 6:30 am 6.00 pm Call 2 8 1 -6 9 3 0 123 N.E. Russell St. 4 Y e a r O ld s - M a k in g C o o k ie s JOIN ANY CLASS ANYTIME New and renewing members please arrive 20 min. earlier For more information and additional class locations Call collect (503) 297-1021 W eekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Grace Collins Memorial Center $434.00 5 Days, Double Occupancy, Air, Hotel THE NEW QUICK SUCCESSTR(X;RAM WEIC.M1 WAf< H f «S ,nd (MW K SUCCESS *»e r r V s te r e d t - * * m * 1 n o t Wr.gW W «