T < 'I q Page 10 • Portland Observer • January 12. 1989 piu At The Oregon Department of Transportation We Share The Dream hfl I zi! .Ii hm When M artin Luther King gave his infamous "I Have A D re a m " speech, he invoked a vision of what America could become and his vision inspired m illions of Americans to w ork together to produce positive, constructive change in our society. >3 ■18 lo I löi ne I VA 10 M artin Luther King's voice awoke the con­ science of our nation. The speech he so e lo­ quently delivered on that August day in 1963, will be an enduring legacy fo r generations to come because it expressed the heart and soul of the American dream as a land offering opportunity for prosperity to all its citizens. We at O D O T are pleased to join w ith others in honoring the birthday of this great A m eri­ can leader w ith a Special Edition of this pub­ lication. We feel an even greater honor to his legacy are the program s and activities at ODOT that are helping to give young m in o r­ ities an o pp ortu nity to pursue their dreams, and in doing so bring the American dream closer to reality. Below we describe a few of those programs. |)fl su on ufi 00 ud o> Khvong Vihh Ho, Mario Rodriquez, Jorae Hernandez, Alteha Moroene & Joe Ball. Minority Student Summer Engineering Institute Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement Program For the last tw o years, O D O T has supported a program, together w ith the Am erican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and Portland State University in support of a program that ta r­ gets m in o rity stu d e n ts in te re s te d in an engineering career. Rochelle, Chau, and Toi were all participants of the MESA Program. O D O T has w orked w ith the MESA program fo r several years. MESA is a program designed to attract m inor- ity m iddle and school youth into careers id high I in sciences, e ng ine ering , m ath and te c h ­ nology. The M in o rity Student Summer Engineering Institute is entering its third year of operation. Seventeen m inority high school students par­ ticipated in a five-day w orkshop at Portland State University during the summer of 1988. An expanded tw o week program fo r 35 ju n io r and senior students is being planned in 1989. lo ,r1f im Jq ¡el e. 3 A MESA students p a rticip a te in a variety o f activities in clu d in g : study groups, science labs, technical site visits w ith hands-on activi­ ties, speakers, design contests, math and sci­ ence c o m p e titio n s , and m e n to rs h ip and internship opportunities. . J A >W It Portland MESA is a jo in t venture between the Portland State University School of Engineer­ ing and Applied Science and Portland Public Schools. The MESA program is open to all students at participating schools, but its mis­ sions is to encourage m in o rity students to enter careers in math, science and engineer­ ing. The program exposes students to a variety of engineering fields and includes form al pre­ sentation, laboratory tours w ith "hands o n " work, site visits, and group project activities. T he s tu d e n ts h a ve b e e n p a r t ic u la r ly impressed w ith being able to meet w ith prac­ ticing engineers in a w ork environm ent. used a com puter drafting system to lay-out various locations and designs of road co n ­ struction projects, perform ed math calcula­ tio ns to help d e te rm in e th e costs o f her designs, and spent tim e in the field perform ­ ing survey w ork and seeing first-hand how her designs w ou ld be built. In 1988, six high school students thro u gh ou t the State were em ployed on engineering, surveying, and m aintenance crews. Three students w orked in Portland. The response from both students, and supervisors was overw helm ingly "th u m b s u p ", "le t's do it again next year". Larry Olson, U tility Specialist, to ld Chau, " If you tackle your studies w ith the same e n th u ­ siastic challenge you showed in w orking for th e H ig h w a y D iv is io n y o u w i l l d o w e ll".... "Y ou are talented, hardw orking, and courteous, you have a bright fu tu re ." Rochelle Watson, a Benson High School stu­ dent, w orked on Paul Hailey's Design crew. Rochelle worked in an office setting that p ro ­ vided her a good learning experience. She assisted w ith the coloring of maps, perform ­ ing survey work, checking m athematical cal­ culations on projects, and provided basic engineering and o ffice su pp ort. R ochelle stated she enjoyed w orking w ith the survey crew and designing her " o w n " parking lot. R o ch e lle plans to fo llo w h e r d re a m o f becoming an engineer. "The self-esteem she has gained from a job well done w ill help her achieve that dream ," said Hailey. Bob Schalk hired Chau Pham, another stu­ dent at Benson High School, to w ork in his Design office. She was responsible fo r exam­ ining location of road improvements. Chau D is tr ic t M a in te n a n c e S u p e rv is o r D ave W illhite, em ployed Toi Lim of Franklin High School, on M aintenance crew in the Portland area. Toi w orked w ith construction plans and permits. She assisted w ith inspection, review ­ ing of construction plans, and rem oving of traffic signal heads. Toi was also given the resp on sibility o f answ ering the te le p h o n e and fie ld in g questions w henever possible. Toi has a better understanding of road w ork the Highway Division operations regarding permits and plans. Dave stated Toi was an added plus to the office. ft A M M w High School Summer Intern Program The Oregon Departm ent of Transportation continues to assist m inority and female high school students th ro u gh summer e m p loy­ m ent program s. These program s p ro vide opportunities to gain skills and experiences that can lead to a successful career in the field of transportation. iß io •p »V ;il wl V V, c ■,l J* IO ► II íí < L -»***.r >6 <■< -It Toi was able to "c o n tin u e her d re a m " by learning to expand her horizons. Toi stated, "I can do anything I want to d o ." Toi in d i­ cated the most challenging experience faced was learning to read maps. She indicated the hands-on experiences required her mental abilities as well as physical abilities. The Oregon Department of Transportation CIVIL RIGHTS SECTION 4 1 2 Transportation Building Salem, Oregon 9 7 3 1 0 3 7 8 -8 0 7 7 it ¡0 -3 : » ariu*/*-* *- rit/s Off I