« 3 -M Page 2 • Portland Observer • January 5, 1989 EDITORIAL / OPINION An Agenda For Black Empowerment Celebrating Holidays: An Afro-Centric Perspective by Dr. Manning Marable cally a white party, which for pur­ A half century ago, the Black poses of political appearance must the struggle for survival and develop­ community’s leaders bought into a white America continued to increase, African-Americans should always nurture and promote a tiny number of ment. Hence our celebration of holi­ political strategy of reliance and celebrate holidays, any holiday from the decline in Black life expectancy middle class Blacks. It's no longer days should reflect our need to sur­ dependency upon the Democratic an Afro-Centric perspective. That is was the first for any group in America acceptable in American political cul­ vive and develop as a people. The Party in national elections. The goal to say that Black people as a devel­ in the last 25 years. Black family ture to appear to be vulgarly racist, way we celebrate therefore will either was to increase our collective power income ($18,000) was stalled at about oping national community should view so a certain number of Blacks pro­ be a part of the solution or a part of within the electoral system, and to holidays in terms of our needs as a 56% of that of white family income vide a proper cover to justify repre- the problem. eradicate Jim Crow segregation. (32,000) in 1987. In this regards again people and "celebrate" accordingly. sive policies against the black com­ For example to the extent that our Unquestionably, for a time, this single- Black people, as a group, are actu­ Frivolous celebration and merry munity as a whole. Racism may celebration of Christmas highlights party approach yielded substantial making without regard to the condi­ ally going backward, not forward. As underscore Bush’s entire social and the birth of Christ as a fulfillment of benefits. Civil Rights legislation, tion of our people may be like fiddling we “celebrate" during the present economic agenda, but the new God's promise of human liberation, economic and social welfare pro­ holiday season, nearly 2/3 of all the while the house is burning down. administration must nevertheless go then African-Americans quest for grams, minority set-asides, and af­ All kinds of information continues prisoners jamming America’s jails are through the motions of appointing a survival and development is en­ firmative action were largely bypro­ to indicate that though some Black Black. African-Americans are being token number of African-Americans hanced. To the extent that Christ­ ducts of this coalition approach which people are living very well these days, disproportionately locked up not mostly in symbolic positions. These mas and other holidays focus on and gave millions of Black votes to white vast numbers of our brothers and because there is something wrong few nonwhites who participate at the emphasize family and our family- Democrats. sisters are subsisting in desparately with Black people, but because the doors of the corridors of power are hood as a people then Christmas But as last year’s presidential miserable conditions. Nearly 35% of American system continues to fail well-rewarded. and other holidays strengthen our elections only reconfirm, the old lib­ Black people in American still live in us. But the solution to the question of capacity to build a brighter future for eral coalition has become perma­ The point is that Black people in poverty in 1988. A dramatic report Black powerlessness is not to be Black people. nently unglued. The leadershipof the America are still afflicted by racism released by the National Center for found by leaping from the political Unfortunately, I am forced to Democratic Party is rapidly moving and economic deprivation and we Health Statistics recently revealed frying pan into the fire. The Republi­ observe that far too much of what we rightward on questions of race and need to recognize this fact. African- that life expectancy for African- can Party is dominated by the most as Black people celebrate is either economic justice. More importantly, Americans actually dropped from 1984 Americans as a national community conservative and reactionary con­ irrelevant or actually negative in terms apparently Democratic presidential need to continue, indeed to escalate to 1986. While life expectancy for stituencies in white corporate Amer­ of our development as a people. For candidates lack the capacity to win ica; the entire leadership of the instance the true meaning of Christ­ national elections against the Re­ Republican Party throughout the mas is virtually buried beneath an publicans, despite the parly’s contin­ South is largely the old Dixiecrat, avalanche of commercialism and ued domination in the Congress. Since segregationist reactionaries who by Beniamin F, Chavis. Jr. frenzied deficit spending; a further 1969, Democrats have controlled the opposed Dr. King and the civil rights illustration of Black peoples tendency Executive Branch of the federal movement. We can only begin to to pay for what we want, and BEG for government for only four years. Since address our own political dilemma by what we need. Civil Rights organiza­ the vast majority of Black administra­ establishing two things; an independ­ tions go begging, Black colleges are tors and would-be public officials are ent, aggressive political organization fighting for survival (thank God for Democrats, this has meant that they which can articulate the legitimate Bill Cosby’s example) and in every are generally shut out of decision­ successive years while the life ex­ The National Center for Health grievances of Black working people Black community in America there is making posts within government. pectancy of whites increased. Statistics in Washington, D.C. has and advance our own public policy some agency, institution, organiza­ Because the civil rights organiza­ According to the Washington Post, just released a shocking report. For agenda; and by setting strategic goals tion or just a Black Family or neigh­ tions are heavily linked, politically “ Some officials attributed part of the the first time in the twentieth century for the achievement of that agenda, bor which could use some human or and financially, to traditionally Demo­ problem to economic policies of the the life expectancy of African-Ameri­ no matter who occupies the White financial assistance. And yet we are cratic constituencies, their political Reagan administration, which they cans in the United States has de­ African-Americans blow billions on House. clout in the Reagan administration said have increased homelessness, creased in two successive years while extravagant, excessive, unnecessary was virtually nonexistent. An agenda for Black Empower­ cut aid and health care to the poor the life expectancy for Anglo-Ameri­ spending on much that is meaning­ Facing the apparent permanency ment must tackle the long-term is­ and otherwise hurt blacks dispropor­ cans has continued to increase. less and superflous for Christ’s birth­ sues which every Black community of the white electorate’s conserva­ tionately.” the infant mortality rate I have received many letters dur­ day. It becomes a party without a across this nation must address: tism, a number of Black political lead­ among African-Americans is more ing the last eight years questioning purpose, a holiday which ignores our hunger, poverty, inadequate hous­ ers and political commentators are than double that among white Ameri­ our criticism of Reagan administra­ holocaust. ing, poor public health care, the lack now suggesting that the solution to cans. During the last eight years tion social policies. Now a report by a 1 don't mean to throw cold water * the dilemma of Black powerlessness of economic self-sufficiency and there has been a disproportionate Federal agency confirms that there on our "good times," but I do mean to development, affirmative action. We increase in the cancer rate of Afri­ within the electoral arena can be is, in fact, a serious decline in the challenge African-Americans to do need to develop a better strategic can-Americans. Tuberculosis, drug- gained by the move to Republican­ overall state of health of the African- better, much better in terms of our relationship with that section of the related deaths, AIDS< pneumonia ism. Roy Innis, head of CORE, sug­ American community. This phenome­ care and concern for ourselves as a Hispanic community, the Puerto and other infectious diseases have gested recently the need to cultivate non is directly related to the Reagan people as we face the necessity to Ricans and Mexican-Americans, who all increased disproportionately among a bipartisan approach to electoral administration’s budget cuts in social survive, build, develop, and contrib­ politics. For different reasons and share a number of common eco­ African-Americans. and health care programs. ute towards the future of the race and employing a different approach, Tony nomic and social problems with us. Dr. Arthur H. Hoyte, former D.C. the world. A sense of PURPOSE is Brown basically takes the same But most importantly, we must de­ Of course, African -Americans have Commissioner of public health, stated, fundamental to who we are as a position. A larger number of entrepre- not been the only racial and ethnic velop a political vehicle and a coher­ "It is really something that might be people. My view is that Black people neurially-inclined, younger African- ent agenda which advocates our inter­ group affected by these policies during reflective of the policies [Reagan] have the power within us, a spiritual Americans have already joined the the last eight years. Latino-Ameri- ests without reservations or qualifi­ instituted." Ed Pitt, director of health power, if you will, not only to save GOP, attempting to reap the poten­ cans, Native Americans and others for the National Urban League, said, cations.; Neither the Democrats nor ourselves, but to help lead the world tial benefits of opportunism and to­ “ There’s a crisis in health care for also have been severely impacted. the Republicans can liberate us. We to unprecendented new levels of kenism. Most of the new Black Re­ Yet, the report from the National black America, there are a number of must do so ourselves. humanity, community, and human publicans do not support Reagan Center for Health Statistics verifies conditions that have gone unchecked A central crisis which character­ achievement. So as we celebrate, and Bush for ideological reasons. in the black community that are izes the white western world today, that the life expectancy of African- who we are, what our needs are as a Unlike the black neoconservatives especially its educational institutions, Americans dropped from 69.7 years causing an increase in the death people, and what our purpose/mis- Thomas Sowell and glen Loury, they in 1984 to 69.5 in 1985 to 69.4 in rate.” is a cultural crisis. sion is should always be a pari of the have no ideological commitment to For centuries, white America and Like racism, the genocide of a 1986. During this same period, the celebration. The future will belong to laissez faire economics or an avowed western European educational insti­ life expectancy of whites increased people can also be institutionalized. those who make it! hatred of affirmative action. tutions have established their curric­ All Americans should be alarmed at from 75.3 to 75.4 years. R O N D A N IE L S The new Black Republicans sim­ ula and educational assumptions upon Now all of this may appear to most this serious health crisis in the Afri­ ply recognize that the GOP is basi- a series of ethnocentric distortions. people to be only a slight difference can-American community. President­ Creative, talented Black intellectu­ in statistics. Yet, life expectancy is elect George Bush must not con­ als, writers, poets and scientists are not just a random number; it tells you tinue his predecessor’s devastating traditionally ignored, while the archi­ how long the average person can policies. All human beings deserve tects of slavery, racism and eco­ expect to live from birth. Never be­ the right to live long and healthy lives. nomic oppression are championed. fore, at least in the last 100 years in We must not allow racism and exploi­ For example, Aristotle, the father of the United States, has the life expec­ tation to deny this fundamental right modern western philosophy, was also tancy of one race declined for two to anyone. crrv of the earliest defender of slavery and PORTLAND, OREGON the "natural’’ inferiority of slaves and women. Do the writings of Protestant DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY reformer Martin Luther provide the sole treatment of religion worthy of December 29, 1908 study--or should we also turn to the thoughts of Martin Luther King, Jr.? OREGON'S OLDEST AFRICAN-AMERICAN PUBLICATION Does Thomas More’s Utopia or the Established in 1970 Honorable Neil Goldschmidt leviathan of Thomas Hobbes tell us Governor of Oregon Alfred L. Henderson/Publisher Leon Harris/General Manager State Capitol more about politics than the writings Salem, Oregon 97301 Nyewusi Askari Gary Ann Garnett of Frantz Fanon or C.L.R. James? News Editor Business Manager Dear Neil: Can a young Black woman or man Mattie Ann Callier-Spears learn better about life by reading a Joyce Washington I am writing to add my voice to those protesting the Emergency Religion Editor Sales/Markeling Director Board's appalling decision to close the ALbina Human Resources white novelist, or by reading Toni [ CIVIL RIGHTS JOURNAL Dangers To African-American Life Expectancy Black Elected Official Responds ERVER PORTL Center administrative unit and lay off all seven employees. Marie Decuir Ruby Reuben Richard Medina Rose Marie Davis Sales Representative Photo-Composition B. Gayle Jackson Lonnie Wells the Color Line" appears in 140 news­ papers. I The cuts proposed by Kevin Concannon, your Department of Human Resources director, and approved by the legislative Emergency Board, will serve only to tleepen the feelings of isolation and abandonment in the community. Circulation Manager Comptroller I !l This is a critical time for Northeast Portland residents and the neighborhoods they are trying desperately to hold together. It is a time when government should be enhancing programs in this area, not cutting them. Photographer Sales Representative Morrison, Alice Walker or R ichard/ Wright? Which is more relevant to an- understanding of humanity, Plato or W.E.B. Dubois? When education reflects the my-:" thology that the white west has cre­ ated for itself, the answers to these questions become obvious. The curriculum in traditionally white, mainstream environments reinforces' ethnocentrism and an ignorance o f; the cultural and intellectual creativity of nonwhites. Black and progressive educators have long recognized that the cul­ tural battleground is absolutely deci­ sive in the broader political and eco­ nomic empowerment of oppressed people. The values which are taught to our children largely determine their' behavior. If a people are not seen as active creators of culture, playing ; significant roles within history, they will be ignored within our children's textbooks and classes. In America, our economic system rewards people who possess certain values and styles of behavior, such' as aggressiveness, competitiveness, initiative, and individualism, but in their most extreme form, reinforced by the constant quest for dollars, such values in people deteriorate into greed and materialism. Culture becomes anything which can be marketed for a profit. The media reflects the lowest level of public awareness and political discussion- "trash tv,” symbolized by Geraldo Rivera, is the logical result. Sexuality • all too often becomes simply a com­ modity, an item which can be bought and sold. Religion becomes mar­ keted by gradulent, hypocritical televangelists,seeking dollars and wealth more than the salvation of souls. The cultural conflict is waged most intensely in the field of education, ‘ and especially on college campuses. White, conservative traditionalists are fighting against any changes in the Western civilization courses, to en- sure that the next generation of white' young people is properly indoctri­ nated in reactionary, racist values At Stanford University, after two years- - of bitter debate, the faculty senate voted to overthrow the university's Western civilization course require­ ment. The new required course in­ cludes readings by people of color. Stanford’s modest acknowledgement of nonwhite cultures within its cur­ riculum has been denounced by for­ mer Education Secretary William J. Bennett, who condemned the uni­ versity for “trashing the classics" and ' I capitulating to students’ demands. As America becomes increasingly t Black, Hispanic and Asian in its population, academic institutions will be pressured to change their curric­ ula to reflect the cultural values and literatures of nonwhites, the phasing out of the western culture program foreshadows a more intense future struggle over faculty and administra­ tive posts, and the entire curriculum as well. As students begin to read DuBois, Baldwin, Hurston, Robeson and others, they inevitably acquire a critical perspective on racial issues, which assumes a linkage between scholarship and social reform. Art, music, and literature for Afro-Ameri­ cans is also a critique of injustice and I racism. Dr. Manning Marable is unairper- Chairper- , son of the Department of Black Stud- j] ies, Ohio State University. "Along ' PORTLAND OBSERVER I know these arc not easy times for governments, but they ore . oven less easy for the people who depend on government for their very survival. is published weekly by Exie Publishing Company. Inc. 525 N E Klllingsworlh SI • Portland Oregon 97211 P O Box 3137 • Portland Oregon 97208 (503) 288-0033 (Office) ¿lease--reconsider this ill-timed and totally inappropriate action. 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New York Dick Bogle, Commissioner Department of Public Safety D B :d h cc: 9 i.f «•.*-< *■»,**. » * r. * * • ' J Portland Observer Kevin Concannon, Department of Human Rcsoun Tom Darby ¿ X ,- ? ' ’’ ' W * *•