» » **•> • > 1 t ♦ Ÿ • V * • '* » * • Page 8 Portland Observer • December 29, 1988 PROFESSIONAL Ad Rates: 5 Lines -1 Week - $7.50 "The Eyes and Ears of the Community B E A U TY & BARBER S U P P L IE S Look of R ad ian ce 3 5 1 2 N.E. 15th S tre e t P o rtlan d , O reg o n 284-6 3 4 5 B E A U T Y /B A R B E R S U P P L IE S ja ’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Nails Onlv • H a ir Care baton B e a u ty / B a rb e r S u p p ly • F re e Delivery Low Rates • While You Wait! C O N T R A C T IN G - G E N E R A L Silco C o n stru ctio n Co. 8614 N. Crawford Portland, Oregon 97203 2863155 625 N.E Killlngsworth Portland, Oregon 281-7591 4 Weeks - $25.00(«M $2.50 Per Line) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) 288-0033 E d d ie ’s A uto R epair DIRECTORY Phone 288-0033 - To Place Y our A d PORTLAND OBSERVER A U T O R E P A IR SERVICES Open: Mon. thru Sat. __________ J INSURANCE B E A U T Y S U P P L IE S F L O R A L - S IL K S P & J ’s Beauty Salon & Supply 231 N. Lombard • Suite 200 Portland, OR 97217 • 2893205 Eart h a ’s Floral C onnection 517-1/2 N.E. Kllllngaworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Styles by E.J. Bales We D o Weddings • Funerals Made-To-Order • Custom-Made C O N S T R U C T IO N P R IN T IN G M. 226-3991 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Auto - Home - Life 282-3675 Low Price» OuaMy Sendee Oelveries D o n ald D rake C o n stru ctio n Ernest Warren - Agent Health - Group P.0. Box 12652 1717 N.E. 19th Portland, OR 97212 (503) 288-4513 K in k o ’s Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MACHINISTS COORDINATOR $1,000 Hiring Bonus We have several openings for Specialist Radial Drill operators and Journeyman level Manual/CNC Mill and Lathe operators. If you have your own tools, read blueprints and can work all shifts, we may have the opportunity you are looking for. Come in and ask about our Hiring Bonus. Our com prehensive Benefit package includes Medical, Dental, Vision and Pension Plans. W e have a Production Incentive Plan and oppor­ tunities for overtime and advance­ ment. Applications accepted Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. International Special Programs Office of International Education Oregon State University EDUCATION ACCOUNTING CORPORATE TAX SPECIALIST TRAINING & TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ASSOCIATE Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently taking applica­ tions for a Corporate Tax Specialist in the Financial Accounting Department. This position is responsible for ad­ ministering and preparing federal, state, local, real and personal prop­ erty tax returns for Blue C ross and Blue Shield of Oregon and its subsidi­ arys. Qualified candidates will also main­ tain a current knowledge and under­ standing of the internal revenue code in keeping with all tax planning, espe­ cially as it pertains to Blue Cross and Blue shield of Oregon & subsidiarys. Requirem ents for this position are: • Bachelor of Science degree with an em phasis in accounting. • 2-4 Years diversified tax prepara­ tion. • The aptitude to recognize, analyse and resolve complex problems. ■ Demonstrated excellent written and oral com m unication skills. Yearly salary range from $28-$34K. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. W estern Center for Drug-Free Schools & Communities NW Regional Educational Lab NURSING PSYCHIATRIC REVIEW COORDINATOR This position conducts psychiatric reviews including pre-certification, pre­ authorization and inpatient claim review; maintains utilization guide­ lines; establishes close working rela­ tions with provider & internal person­ nel and assists with psychiatric & chem ical abuse program review & policy modifications. This position will require: • Currently OR licensed RN. • 3-5 years recent hospital or am bu­ latory psychiatric-substance abuse experience. • Experience with hospital claims review and/or audit, demonstrated ability to work in a fast-paced environ­ ment under high pressure conditions. • A strong com m itm ent to cost con­ tainment. • Excellent interpersonal skills. The W estern Center for Drug-Free Schools & Communities provides as­ sistance to elementary & secondary schools, institutions of higher educa­ tion and the community in the area of prevention of drug & alcohol abuse. The successful candidate will sched­ ule plan & coordinate consultation sessions, training & technical assis­ tance for workshops, conferences, and other services to SEAs, LEAs S. IHEs in the Northwest area. Addi­ tional duties include on-site training with school team s & communities, maintain documentation & conduct evaluations of the service provided. Assist in the development of resource materials, training materials, reports & other documents. Qualifications: Doctorate degree in education or Master's degree & broad experience in lieu of Doctorate. Ex­ perience working in an elementary or secondary school. Knowledge & com petence in the area of drug & alcohol abuse; expereince in curricu­ lum & material development. Must be able to travel frequently by air & spend considerable time in the field. Experi­ ence working as a team member. Salary: $31,200-$33,230 per an­ num plus excellent benefits. Letter of application and resume must be received in the Personnel Office by 3 p.m., Fri., Jan. 6,1989. In letter, indicate you are applying for the above position. Apply to Personnel Dept. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory 101 S.W. Main St., Suite 500 Portland, Oregon 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Please apply or send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Em ployer ADM IN ISTR ATIO N EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Secretary to President and m an­ agers. Requires accom plished sec­ retarial skills. Media background and m anagem ent skills preferred. No phone calls, please. Please send resume to: Personnel Dept., KPDX- TV, 910 N.E. Union, Portland, OR 97232. Equal Opportunity Em ployer DRIVERS WANTED: Starting Salary at $4.00/Per Hour Apply at Dom inos Pizza, 7536 N.E. Union Ave., Portland, OR 97211.11 00 a m. to 10 p.m , full/part-tim e posi­ tions available with flexible hours, tips and com m ission paid nightly Driver's average $6-8 per hour. Equal Opportunity Em ployer MECHANICS Heavy Equipment Manufacturer of large underground mining vehicles needs heavy equip­ ment mechanics for Final Assembly. Qualified candidates to have hy- draulic/air/electrical systems experi­ ence and m ajor com ponent (trans­ mission, convertor, axle, etc.) build up. Must be available to work all shifts, have own tools and read blue­ prints. $1,000 hiring bonus, com prehen­ sive benefits, production incentive plan and opportunities for overtime. Appli­ cations accepted Monday through Friday - 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. WELDERS/FITTERS $1,000 Hiring Bonus Does a Production Incentive Plan, comprehensive Benefits, overtime and a safe place to work appeal to you? We may have the opportu nity you are looking for. If you can read blueprints, work all 3 shifts and have experience with flux core, all position .035 and .045 MIG and 7018 stick, come in and fill out an application. Monday through Friday - 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280- 4727 for a listing of current open­ ings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. A HealthLink M em ber Equal Opportunity Em ployer MULTNOMAH COUNTY (Sheriff's Office) $8.38 Per Hour Receives, stores, delivers goods, supplies and property; duties vary depending on assignment to Inmate Commissary, Inmate Property C on­ trol, Laundry, Equipment and/or Evi­ dence Property Control units; requires six months of experience and a valid driver's license; apply by January 13, 1989. W HERE TO APPLY: Multnomah County Employee Services, Room 1430,1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Port­ land, OR 97204. Equal O pportunity Em ployer VOLUNTEERS NEEDED "Y o u ca n d o s o m e th in g a b o u t A ID S !" Cascade AIDS Project is seeking volunteers for the next PAL Program Project. Training, January 27th through 29th and February 3rd through 5th, 1989. PAL's provide One-on-One em o­ tional support, companionship and practical support to people affected by HIV disease. Deadline for applying for this 44-Hour training is Jan. 13, 1989. Call 223-5907 for applications Equal Opportunity Em ployer WE CAN HELP YOU!!! Am erican P rotective Services provides a better opportunity. If y o u » are 18 or older, have a home phone, transportation, and good work history, call us. Monday through Friday 9:00 - Noon, Portland 283-2482. Equal Opportunity Employer In te r e s te d in b e c o m in g a C a th o lic or returning to the Catholic Church? Call Fr. Ted or Sis. Kath­ leen at St Andrew ’s Catholic Church 281-4429 SECRETARY For non-profit agency, full-time position, $5-$5.90 per hour depending on experience plus benefits. 2 years secretarial experience or equivalent training required;typing min. 55 wpm. Accuracy, detail orientation, good p e o p le s k ills , la n g u a g e & c o m m u n ic a tio n p ro fic ie n c y , personable phone manner essential. Apple com puter experience a plus. Obtain applications at 2301 N.W. Glisan, Portland, OR or call (503) 222-9661, ext. 233. NO RESUMES. Position open until filled. Equal Opportunity Employer W e are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and wom en and minority business enterprises. SUB-BID REQUESTED PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY MILLAR LIBRARY ADDITION B ID D A TE: January 10, 1989 3:00 P.M. Howard S. Wright Const. P.O. Box 3764 • Seattle, W ashington 98124 (206) 447-7543 FAX (206) 447-7727 W e are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and wom en and minority business enterprises. Oregon Economic Development D e p a rtm e n t, S alem . R e q u ire s equivalent of 4 years responsible experience in supervision, coordination and/or technical evaluation. Salary starts $1,465/Monthly. Call 1-373- 1200. SUB-BID REQUESTED STATE LANDS BUILDING SALEM, OREGON BID DATE: January 5 ,1 9 8 9 • 3:00 P.M. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT Elliott & Jochimsen Const. Salary Range: (1-7) $ 2 4 ,1 9 2 -$ 3 1 ,332/Yearly s k i l l s . _________________________ SECURITY OFFICERS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! LOOKING FOR A STEADY INCOME WITH GOOD WAGES? 1740 N.W. Flanders • Portland, Oregon 97209 (503) 226-3991 MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 4424 N.E. 158th Ave. Portland, OR 97230 Equal Opportunity Em ployer WAREHOUSE WORKER Donald Drake Construction Oregon State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity em ployer and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Oregon State University has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual- career couples. Wagner Mining Equipment Company SECURITY PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY MILLAR LIBRARY ADDITION BID DATE: January 1 0 ,1 9 8 9 ■ 3:00 P.M. Full-time, faculty-without-rank, 12- month, fixed term position. Bachelor's degree required, Master's preferred. B ackground and experience in administering international programs re q u ire d . A b ility to e ffe c tiv e ly coordinate existing program s and develop/market new ones. Position available on or about March 1,1989. Deadline to submit a completed application file is January 15, 1989. For com plete details contact: Eve Sanchez, Chair, International Special Programs Search Committee, English Language Institute, OSU, Corvallis, OR 97331, (503) 754-2464. Provide adm inistrative support and technical assistance to the Director of Development concerning Department and Com m ission matters. Review, sum m arize and work with Director on in-coming adm inistrative and policy materials. Facilitate work flow and timely interaction between Director and staff. W ork with staff, public and private interest groups to collect inform ation, insights, and data necessary for department support and pre-development analysis by top management. Entry level professional position with emphasis on interpersonal JOB OPPORTUNITY SUB-BID REQUESTED W allace Security, the metro area’s largest security company, has im­ mediate openings for qualified indi­ viduals interested in security. Above average wages. Experience not necessary, though certainly a plus. You must be 18 or older, (retired encouraged to apply), have clean criminal record, your own phone & car. Training & uniforms are provided. Applications ac­ cepted 9 am - 3:30 pm Monday- Friday at 4004 SW Kelly, Portland. P.O. Box 12906 (503) 362-1164 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and wom en and minority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Metropolitan Service District's Solid W aste Transport Services Portland to Gillam County Bid Date: January 6,1989 Bids sought for: trucking, container leasing, cleaning, painting, and m aintenance; diesel fuel and lubricants, 40-ton capacity top lift container handling equipment. Also potential future construction activities. KNAPPTON CORPORATION Marine Transportation P.O. Box 03018 • Portland, Oregon 97203 (503)286-0631 FAX: (503) 286-1775 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, minority and women business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED State Lands Building Salem, Oregon Bid Date: January 5 ,1 9 8 9 at 3:00 P.M. PENCE-KELLY CONSTRUCTION 223-6162 REAL ESTATE - HOUSES The Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) is seeking to buy sixty single family, three bedroom houses within Portland's city limits. UNIT MUST BE VACANT OR ABANDONED AS OF OCTOBER 1, 655 17th S L .S .E . (503) 399-7223 .......... . A .» A A ft “ < Salem, Oregon 97301 FAX: (503) 585-7477 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and minority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Bonneville Navigation Locks Diaphram Wall Bid Date: January 10,198 9 at 2:00 P.M. 1988 Call 225-1065 to see if your property meets our requirements of location, S. J. Groves & Sons Company size, etc. HAP is a EQUAL HOUSING O P P O R T U N IT Y a g e n cy doing business according to Federal Fair 5200 Golden Foothill Parkway • Suite 'A' El Dorado Hills, California 95630 (916) 933-3203 FAX: (916) 933-4827 Housing Laws. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and minority business enterprises. PORT' AND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community 288-0033 J X < * ' Salem, Oregon 97309 FAX (503) 399-9673