Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 15, 1988, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8 • Portland Observer • December 15, 1988
Iw ft AJr»ein _L l ‘1>
-Evergreen Field House
14300 NE It t h Street
Port of Portland
L- Cascade Jr High
TWO AFRICAN TALES Is at the Evergreen
Field House. From Mill Plstn and Hwy 205,
head East on Mill Plain and turn North on
Chkalov (one light east ot Highway 205)
which quickly turns Into 112th Ave.
Continue North on 112th Avenue to N.E.
18th S t Turn E on NE 18th past 138th
Avenue and Cascade Junior High. Parking
and access to the Field House Is on the
north side ot 18th S t at the tar east comer ot
the parking lot.
DON'T FORGET: Rum plestiltskin and
Kalulu: Two African Folk Tales this
Saturday, Dec. 17,2:30 P.M. at Evergreen
High School Fileld House, 14300 N.E.
18th, Vancouver, W ashington.
4 e sc e n tia l 4
This week, the Portland Observer is proud
to salute Mrs. Cathy Brown, Risk
M anager of H um an Resources for the
Port of Portland.
Bom in Burderop, England, (United
States Air Force a Base Hospital) in
1956, she resided in Oxon, England,
with her family, untl 1959. She spent
her formative years in northern
California and moved to Eugene,
Oregon in 1974. In 1976, she married
Mr. Ken Brown.
While Residing in Eugene, Cathy
worked for United Pacific Insurance
from 1975 to 1980. In October, 1980,
she gave birth to a son, Derek. "It was
the hardest work I had ever done, stay­
ing home being a Mom," she recalls. "I
don't know how my mom raised seven
children. And Derek was a good baby.
I had a wonderful pregnancy, but it
was hard work taking care of some­
one's needs full-time. After being home
Mrs. Cathy Brown
for about eight months, I wanted to go
Risk M anager - Hum an Resources
back to work."
In April, 1981, she went to work for the City of Eugene as a insurance claims m anager. From there, she
m oved into the position of assistant Risk manager. And in October, 1986, she assum ed the position of risk
m anager for Lane county.
Feeling the need to culturally connect with a larger ethnic comm unity, Cathy and Ken decided to move
to Portland. At the time, Cathy had applied for a job with the Port of Portland, and, in September, 1987, the
family m oved to Portland; residing in the Irvington N eighborhood. In the same month, she got the job as
risk m anager for the Port.
"I love to work. I like team work, and I love to turn out quality work," she said. "I adm ire the strength,
courage, and powerful presentation of Mrs. Barbara Jordan . I adm ire most profoundly the strength and
positive reinforcem ent of my m other. She alw ays told me to do your best and be the best at it. And then there
is my brother Tony, the o p tim ist... The realist."
C h ristm as Feeding for the
Homeless. Feeding - Clothes -
Blankets - Toy Giveaway to the Needy
Christ Memorial C.O.G.I.C.
1552 N. Killingsworth
Date: December 17th
Time: 12:00 - 4:00 P.M.
For Information Call - 286-9624
Project Linkage, a program of
Metropolitan Family Service, needs
volunteers for transporting elderly
people to medical and therapy
appointm ents. There are also
opportunities to do visiting, shopping,
m inor home repairs and yardwork for
Call 249-8215
"We Beheld
His Glory"
Presented by
The Chancel Choir
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church
5:00 P.M. • D e ce m b e r 18th
116 S c h u y le r ■ P o rtla n d , OR
Free Will Offering
(503) 284-1954
Dr. Ja m e s M a rlin , p a s to r
"The Eyes and Ears of the Community"
Over 120 Fragrances
I Custom-scented Lotions and Oils. Bubbl^'Bath & Body Shampoo
Soaps, Carets. Gift Bags. W rapZ
and More
• 3638 SE Hawthorne
727 N W 2 1st Ave
"A Unique
Black Christmas
Boutique & Nail Salon
517 N.E. Killingsworth
For More Infor Call 282-3675
Black Dolls • Tree Top Angels
Ornaments & More
I n n n xxxxxx xz 111 xxx
S TSvery Qood ‘ll-isfi
fo r the. ‘JdoCiday
Season a n d the
P au Less
Drug Stores
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