December 15, 1988 • Portland Observer • Page 5 _ <1 ENTERTAINMENT * S * « BEHIND THE SCENES By Lisa C ollins SINGER/ENTERTAINER LOU RAWLS (far right), host of the ninth annual "L o u Rawls Parade o f S tars" telethon, kicked o ff th is year's national fund-raising e ffo rt last week. Over 300 H ollyw ood celebrities and special guests attended the gala event, held at Chasen's Restau­ rant in Beverly Hills. For the n in th straight year, Anheuser-Busch is u nd e rw riting the telethon, w h ich is scheduled to air on Saturday, December 17, fo r the benefit o f the United Negro College Fund. Jo in ing Rawls at the event are (left to right) legendary entertainer Sammy Davis, Jr.; producer/com poser Q uincy Jones; and Wayman F. Smith III, vice president, corporate affairs, Anheuser-Busch Compa­ nies, Inc. - ________________ the LOU RAW’ 1 NATALIE COLE OFFERS tw o of the top h its o f the past year, "P in k C adillac" and "Ju m p S tart," on "D ick C lark’s New Year’s R ocking’ Eve ’89", a irin g Saturday, December 31,11:30 P.M. (ET&PT) on ABC-Tv. Clark reports "liv e " on the festivities from Tim es Square, NewYork, w hile "C hina Beach" stars, Marg Helgenberger and Brian W immer, in H ollyw ood, in tro du ce perform ances by Taylor Dayne, D.J. Jazzy JeH & The Fresh Prince. Richard Marx, Reba McEntire and Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons. THE NINTH ANNUAL "LOU RAWLS PARADE OF STARS" TELETHON was kicked o ff last week at a pre-Thanksgiving gala celebrity event with over 300 H ollyw ood celebrities and special guests. This year s "Lou Rawls Parade of Stars," w hich benefits the United Negro College Fund, w ill be aired on Saturday, December 17, and is the only program of its kind in support of higher education. The national and founding sponsor of the telethon is Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Shown d uring the celebration are (left to right) producer/com poser and party co-host Quincy Jones; C hristopher F. Edley, president and chief executive o ffice r of the United Negro College Fund; actress and co ­ host Carol Channing; and Wayman F. Smith III, vice president, corporate affairs, Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. A ll’s W ell That Ends W ell: Those of you who were just betting that Brenda Richie’s notorious summer assault on 22-year old Diane Alexan­ der (over an affair with her superstar husband, Lionel Richie) would have ended their 13-year old marriage were wrong. While rumors flew that Richie wanted out of the marriage, close friends report that things couldn't be better for the couple, who have ap­ parently grown closer since the inci­ dent. superstar Greg Louganis, still has . some tongues a w a g g in '... In other couple news, word is that former Love Boat co-star Ted Lange has split from his wife, Sheryl, of ten years. It’s A Baby Girl for actress Lisa : Bonet and musician husband Lenny Kravitz. Lisa gave birth to Zowie Kravitz, who weighed in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces at home last Thursday at 2 a.m.intheirVenice.Californiacondo- minium. Marvin Gaye Estate Come To Terms W ith S ongw riter: The Estate A S m okin' A ffair: The Beverly of Marvin Gaye, lyricist David Ritz Hilton Hotel glittered with stars last and SBK Music have reached an out- week as Retinitis Pigmentosa Inter­ of-court settlement over songwriting national, presented him with a star- credits involving the 1982 hit song studded musical tribute. The affair “Sexual Healing." With this agree­ was hosted by Berry Gordy, Dick ment, Ritz is now recognized as co­ Clark and Motown president Jheryl composer of the song, which reached Busby. Among those in attendance were Byron Allen, Family Ties' co- number one six years ago. Like Father, Like Son Or Vice star Tina Yothers, Angie Dickinson, Versa? It could be vice versa with Monte Hall, Shaunice Wilson, Dawnn regards to Jimmy Nunya, the 38-year Lewis and Olympic medallist Valerie old father of rap star “ L.L. Cool J .” "I Briscoe. Monies collected from the made the way for him,” said Nunya, affair will go to RPI, a foundation that who is more than proud of his son’s fights against blindness ... It was success, even if the sentiment is the another star-studded occasion recently properorder would have been for him . at Chasen"s Restaurant in Beverly Hills when Carol Channing, Dwann to make it to the top first. Nunya, who Lewis, Quincy Jones, Sammy Davis is presently at work, putting the final Jr., Sheryl Lee Ralph, and of course touches on his second LP, soon to be Lou Rawls were among those on he released by MCA, has been looking and to kick off this year’s Parade of for his big break in the music industry Stars telethon. The event, held an­ for years, while his son L.L. was somewhat an overnight success. nually. Nonetheless, a protective father, Ill-m annered Eddie: It seems superstar Eddie Murphy was without Nunya has provided solid guidance etiquette when he stopped in on LA’s for his son, who recently nabbed some headlines while performing in West Paradise 54, and ran into Solar rec­ ord chief Dick Griffey, who was host­ Africa. It appears all hell broke loose ing a group of notable Africans from at a recent concert “ L.L.” was head­ Angola. While Eddie did well as an lining in the Ivory Coast, when during African prince in the movie “Coming the midst of his performance, fights To America." he showed plain bad broke out, people fainted and the manners when he refused to greet audience stormed the stage. Accord­ properly Griffey's prestigous guests. ing to the concert coordinator L.L. About Town: Blair Underwood of was asked to leave the stage not only LA Law with Falcon Crest’s Mariska for his safety, but that of young girls Hargitay, daughter of the late Jayne who were hyperventilating. Next Mansfield... And for some reason the Week: We ll hear from Heartbreak s appearance of “It's A Different World" Lynn W hitfield - one o f the h o tte st actress Dawnn Lewis with swimming young Black actresses around. Smithsonian Resident Associate Program Presents Two Lectures On Afro-American Achievements In January Three Afro-American artists and the recent discoveries at an 18th- century Black settlement near St. Augustine, Fla., will be the focus on two talks sponsored by the Smith­ sonian Resident Associate Program in January 1989. D.J. JAZZY JEFF & THE FRESH PRINCE sing their rap-anthem, "Parents Just Don't Understand," on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve ’89," airing Saturday, December 3 1 ,1 1 :30 P.M. (ET&PT) on ABC- TV. Clark counts down the seconds to midnight from Times Square in New York, while "China Beach" stars, Marg Helgenberger and Brian Wimmer, welcome musical guests, Natalie Cole, Taylor Dayne, Richard Marx, Reba McEntire and Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons from Hollywood. "K eepers of the Flame” Jeff R. Donaldson, associate dean of the College of Fine Arts at Howard University, himself a noted artist, will describe the achievements of three well-known artists - Richmond Barthe, Charles White and Romare Bearden - in an illustrated lecture, titled “Keep­ ers of the Flame: Three Afro-Ameri­ can Master Artist,” on Monday, Jan. 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the Hirshhorn Mu­ seum’s auditorium (Independence Avenue at Eighth Street S.W.) Ticket 100 Lbs. Meat Pack for $100.00 3041 N. Williams 284-7150 4707 N. Lombard Portland, Oregon 97203 283-5174 Ethnic Cuisine Southern Style "Your Locker Beef Headquarters" HOUSE SPECIALTIES C hitterlings • Meatloaf Mix Greens • Beef Stew Catfish • And Many Other Southern Dishes ★ Best Cash Prices ★ Service 25 Gals. $25.00 II DAD>S 0(L SERVICE«™™ || Heating Oils $ 3 9 .0 0 ______ 100 Gals. 1 0 4 N .E . H v s s e ll S t. $68.00 P o r t la n d , O R 9 7 2 1 2 150 Gals. (5 0 3 ) 2 8 2 -5 1 1 1 1 $102.00 ,, « JR A P H E D R E C E N TLY A TA CELEBRATION OF PAUL ROBE­ SON, w hich benefited the Schom burg Center for Research in Black Culture, were (from left to right): A rthur M itchell, artistic d ire c to r of the Dance Theatre of Harlem; Ed Bradley, CBS News C orrespondent and co-anchor of "60 M inutes"; Mrs. Edgar Bronfman, Jr., general co -chair of the celebration; G ranville L. Stevens, Senior Counsel, Revlon, Inc.; Cicely Tyson, actress; and David Dinkins, Manhattan Borough Presi­ dent. A Celebration of Paul Robeson, on the occasion of the late actor, singer and a c tiv is t’s 90th birthday, included a special award to Frederick O’Neal, co-founder o f the American Negro Theatre. Revlon, Inc. was one o f the corporate patrons of A Celebration o f Paul Robeson. The Schom burg Center for Research in Black C ulture of the New York Public Library is one of the m ost widely-used research fa cilitie s in the w orld devoted to the preservation of m aterials on Black life. The Schom burg Center is located in Harlem, at 515 Malcolm X Boulevard. MRS C ’S WIGS Cleo’s Cafe W estern M eat M arket II Speecfy are $7.50 for Associates and $10 for non-members. “ Black Oasis: Fort M ose” “ Black Oasis: Fort Mose” is be­ lieved to be the first settlement of free Black men and women in America. The fort was a buffer between English and Spanish settlements in northern Florida, and is now the center of intensive exploration. Project histo­ rian Jan L. Landers, who is a visiting associate professor at the University of Florida, will present a slide-illus­ trated lecture of recent discoveries at this 18th-century site on Wednesday, Jan. 11, at 6 p.m. in Carmichael Auditorium at the National Museum of American History (14th Street and Constitution Avenue N.W.) Tickets are $7 for Associates and $9 for non­ members. Your Holiday Correspondence: Letters and Cards, Including: Cleo's Zesty Ribs In Sauce — HOME-COOKED DESERTS • Come See 'Luberta’ For Down Home Cookin’! MEMBERS & GUESTS f - . '« T l 1« WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES fK * • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS J BETTY CABINE PROPRIETOR TUIS-SAT 11 <30-6(00 3Z Ä ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS EVERYTHDG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WB5> UNDUE HAD ORNAMENTS HAD BEAOS & BEAUTY SUPPLIES MRS C’S EBONY ESSENCE C0SMETES BEAUTICIAN ZUR1C0SMETES & STUDENT 281-6525 1 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) DISCOUNTS 1 00 % HUMAN HAD FOR BRAIDING & WEAVMG r